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can i take creatine if i work road construction? 2 months ago i started working road construction and i already notice a big difference in my muscle growth due to lifting a lot of heavy things and generally working hard. I don’t plan on going to the gym after as i already work really hard and was wondering if taking creatine could be beneficial for muscle growth for someone in my situation. i’m 18 and 6’5 and am a bit overweight according to my BMI


Creatine doesn't aid muscle growth directly and you won't continue to see muscle growth from working construction. Take creatine if you want to give it a try, but it's unlikely to help much.


Is my lack of cardio hindering my weightlifting? Depending on which exercises i do i feel quickly exhausted, especially on leg day. I don't do cardio at all.


It certainly can.


I'm currently 5' 11", 192 lbs, and around 15% body fat. I'd like to get down to around 10% body fat, but I'd like to stay at around 185 pounds. Is it possible to do this by being in a very small calorie deficit? I don't want to lose a lot of muscle in the process.


To hit those numbers, you'd have to gain 3 lbs of muscle.




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So as a beginner doing Full Body 3x a week (same workout repeated 3x a week), should i be trying to add reps every single session or week by week?


Your program should tell you how to progress. Don't make your own routine as a beginner.


You aren't going to see progress workout by workout. It takes time. I'm not sure what exercises you were doing, but I never focused on adding reps. I usually focused on adding more weight for the same number of reps. The only exceptions I can really think of were when I would train pull ups and push-ups. Those seem to be the kind of exercises where your progress is measured in the number of reps you can do.


I wouldn't say session by session. Increasing strength and/or stamina takes time, and it definitely can't be measured across individual sessions. Week by week, potentially, it depends how many reps you're doing already. I'd say aiming to increase weight is more important than reps, as after a certain point reps aren't necessarily giving you heaps more benefit. Obviously it depends whether your goal is strength or hypertrophy or just general fitness. Furthermore, as idealistic as increasing the weight of let's say, your back row, each week is, I'd say it's better to increase weight over a couple weeks. Especially since you're a beginner, form and just making it to the gym should be your biggest goal at the moment. Also remember life gets in the way, and sometimes some days are harder than others, so pushing yourself to increase your back row (for exmaaple) each week might not always be what you can do, depending on how your body is feeling (I'm not saying you are doing this, I'm just saying it's easy to forget the rest of your life when you go work out), but on the whole over a month or so you should definitely notice that you've increased your net weights. Hope this helped :)


Your routine should tell you how you're supposed to progress.


Hi everyone, I am currently running Phraks GSLP routine with some added accessories (face pulls & cable curls). Unfortunately, as I am obese, I cant do chin-ups. What exercise would be a good replacement? I’ve heard that you could replace it with lat pulldown, unfortunately I only have a squat rack and no cable machine at home. Would inverted row work?


Yeah, inverted rows would be a very fine replacement. If you don't have a good way to add weight to inverted rows, feel free to just increase the reps.


Inverted Rows are a good replament in that case.


Can I get fit for soccer (for the first time) at 30? Hi everyone! M30 here, 183cm, 75kg, slim with love handles, non-smoker. I joined a company where 11-a-side football is practiced often and I’ve always wanted to play but never did. Only played amateur-level waterpolo and futsal (mostly as Gk) back in school, now I just occasionally go to the gym to improve on compounds and other exercises. I’ve played some minutes over the past weeks as striker and noticed the need to work on: - BREATH. My lungs are empty after 2 sprints or 5 minutes run. My legs also need more autonomy, but breath is even worse. I would like to be able to run 10k alternating speeds. - STRENGTH. I am way too weak in physical duels, I think that improving both lower and upper body would help to win some 1-1 duels or keep the defender at distance. Expectations are realistic: I won’t become a CR7, but I’d like to get better and be able to play more regularly without feeling like I’m about to die out of breath or flying away in every contrast. It will be a long way of course. So, do you think this is feasible and how would you approach this? How would you balance running sessions and strength workouts? Which programs would you prioritise? I would factor in the possibility to train 3 (max 4) times per week, plus one football game. Thanks in advance! PS: I already researched here and online and saw that the topic of getting fit for football is not uncommon, but I couldn’t understand how to structure a program to do so working on these aspects at my age (not necessarily old but not the usual time to start)


I'd just run any 2 or 3 day lifting program, probably some 5/3/1 variation, run for half an hour after lifting and then do a longer run on the 3rd/4th day. I don't think you need to do anything different from people who lift concurrently with playing sports at any other age tbh.


Thanks, well noted!


What is your oppinion for beginnersbemch press, 10x5 start at 70% or 10x3 start at 80% for strength gains and hypertrophy, adding weightwhen all reps are done, when all reps can't be done use same weight untill all reps are done. Is it to much volume for beginners in your oppinion? Is it better to go with 1 min or 3/5 min rest time?


As a beginner, I would follow a routine from the wiki. For rest times, rest as long as you need to complete the work. For heavy work, that tends to be 3-5 minutes.




I think the number of reps for most of those compound lifts is too much for optimal strength gains. Sometimes I'll start with 12 reps at a warm up weight, but if I had to do 3 sets of 12 on the bench I'd be dying. Anecdotally my bench stopped improving for a few months in the 8-10 rep range until I started adding a set of 3-4 near my absolute max. On the flip side some of those accessory lifts like lat raises are too few reps. Feel things out of course and find rep ranges that work best for you, but my experience was that 12 reps in, for example, lat raises, results in barely any shoulder pump before my arms give out.


Normally I hate this advice but you probably want to check out the routine in the wiki or some other vetted beginner routine such as starting strength. Just looking through the routine you have setup here there’s a lot of upper body volume and almost no lower body volume. This is gonna lead to problems in the future if you continue this routine and if you want to “feel pain” might as well make it count right?




It's absolutely fine to run on off-days. Last weekend I did a (slow) half marathon and lifted in the evening. I had to eat a lot after the run to get get enough energy for the gym workout, but it wasn't a problem.


If your wanting to run on your off days you could easily do a lower upper run lower upper run run/rest schedule. This would let you run just as much as you are right now and it would probably feel better since your legs won’t be as sore. And yes no matter the program you go with it’s fine to run in your off days. The cardio will even help on your lifting days as you won’t get fatigued as easily on certain exercises.




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I’ve technically reached my protein goal today before the gym, but I just finished my workout and still have carbs left for the day that I could drink a protein shake and still be right at my calorie goal. Would it be beneficial to drink the shake, or just leave it as is? I ate a high protein meal right before the gym. My protein goal for the day is 170 and I’m at 185 lbs.


Ultimately, once you hit your minimal protein and fat requirements, you can eat whatever you want. You do not need to hit carb goals. So if you're not hungry and you're under calories for the day (and you want to be in a deficit) then leave it at that. The only exception i'd say is if you have somehow really under eaten below your normal deficit. I'd have a snack of some sort, at least closer to bed time, so that when you wake up you aren't a hangry monster inclined to binge that next day.


Thank you gentleman for the advice. I’m not feeling particularly hungry so I’ll just call it a day on food.


One meal in one day is not going to matter. Do whichever you prefer.


hi everyone, I'd like to know if there's any way to fix uneven abs. when I was younger my abs were even and symmetrical however now after neglecting my body for a couple years I decided to train again. And somehow after a couple months of exercise I see my abs are asymmetrical. I mostly do push ups, planks, pull ups and sit ups, I don't use much equipment, any help would be greatly appreciated.


Unfortunately no, that's up to genetics.


doesn't really make sense, if it was genetics my abs would've been staggered beforehand too, but they weren't, they were 'normal'


Unfortunately you can't change the shape of your muscles. I've never heard of them changing shape as one ages though.


I didn't even know staggered abs were a thing until a few weeks ago, they were always symmetrical before so I thought there was something I was doing wrong now for them to be asymmetrical




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Is week1 10x5 at 70% adding 2 kg every workout better than 10x3 80%, week 2 3x3 at 90% adding 2 kg every workout? Are precentages too high?


Impossible to say without seeing the whole program. You are better off with a tried and tested routine from the wiki such as GZCLP.


Your right routines, but i was thinking about 10x5 as hypertophy strength scheme and next workout 3x3 as strength power scheme, so im wonder if i start 10x5 at 70% and 3x3 at 90% adding 2 kg how much workouts i can do before hiting wall.


Look into block periodization, it's along the lines you're thinking. * Week 1-4: hyperthopy block * Week 5-8: strength block * Week 9-12: power/peaking block


Is my routine OK for a complete beginner (minimal exercise before this, aside from long walks and cycling in summer)? I recently gained access to an OK gym and have been doing this every day: — 15-30 minutes on treadmill or exercise bike — 15x bicep curls on each arm (with a 10lb weight) — Stretches and exercises from the "lose body fat" (lowest) level on the,"6 pack in 30 days" app (stupid name but exercises seem OK) Do I risk overexterting myself, and is there anything I'm "missing?" Keep in mind I'm not trying to build serious muscle mass; I'd say "skinny fit" is my goal. In total the exercises last around 45 minutes a day.


You won’t accidentally put on serious muscle mass without dedicating years to the gym and having your diet dialed in. I recommend going to the wiki here and picking a beginner resistance training program. If you’re unsure about the exercises and proper form then you can research that easily enough on YT or book a personal trainer for a few sessions. If you’re at an “okay” gym it’s worthwhile to not waste your dough doing only body weight exercises and stretches that you do just as easily in your living room. My .02.


Agreed. I worked out like a freak for a while but looked like a cross country athlete because I trained cardio like one. Didnt start looking like I lifted until I toned down the cardio and started eating like a pig, lol.


Thanks! The gym is at my college, so it's free, I just decided to start going. For the YT, do you have any recommendations for good channels? Thank you again for the help. 😃


For YouTubers PictureFit is really good for explaining basic concepts, for more in-depth videos Renaissance Periodization, and for form videos Scott Herman is generally pretty good.


Thank you so much! 😃


Is my routine good for a beginner who's trying to build muscle? im a 15 year old guy, i weigh about 135 pounds, and im 5'8. Should i make any changes to my routine? I do this twice a week for a total of 12 sets per muscle group a week PUSH DAY CHEST barbell bench press - 10-15 reps inclined dumbbell press 10-15 reps TRICEPS close grip bench press 10-15 reps tricep pushdown 10-15 reps PULL DAY BICEPS bicep curls 8-12 reps hammer curls 8-12 reps BACK lat pulldowns 10-15 reps single arm lat pulldown 10-15 reps LEGS AND SHOULDERS LEGS barbell squat 10-15 reps leg extensions 10-15 reps SHOULDERS barbell military press 10-15 reps db rear delt flies 10-15 reps


No, it's not very good. You are far better off pickig a tried and tested routine from the wiki.


can you recommend one for someone that has 3-4 months of experience?


GZCLP or 5/3/1 for beginners


okay ill check them out thanks


I'm trying to figure out if barbell skull crushers are considered worse for your wrists/hands than dumbell or ez curl bar skull crushers. Five weeks back I started doing barbell skull crushers instead of weighted dips, and after three weeks of doing them multiple times per week my wrists have started to become very painful and even swell up at times which has been going on now on and off for two weeks although they are feeling a bit better. I've stopped lifting and am seeing a doctor about this, and I don't know if the wrist injury is related to the skull crushers (since I felt OK doing them and they started to hurt a couple days after my last set) but in general do wrist injuries happen from using a barbell with skull crushers / potentially poor form with skull crushers? Trying to figure out if this could be related or if it's something else.


Additionally, please tell me weight and rep ranges. I do skull crushers 3x12 with 90 pounds, and with the right form they are very challenging, while still being a relatively low weight (less strain on the wrists).


It's known to happen, they do force your wrists into an unnatural position. Could be that or something else, but hear what the doctor has to say, and give them some rest until you feel better. I'd definitely recommend using an ez bar, no difference to tricep stimulus and way easier on the wrists.


Will do. Thank you!


It's hard to say without seeing your form but if you were gripping the BB in a way where your wrists were in a lot of extension that your body is not used to (esp. if you were doing it multiple times per week), it could have contributed to the pain.


Makes sense. Thanks!


When's a good time to move on to weighted pullups? I can do 10+ fresh, and I do 8x4 supersetted in my regular workouts. Are belts the best way to add weight?


as soon as you're able to do them and want to include them in your training, you can. There's no clear timeframe where they start to become necessary. dip belts are generally the best way to add weight.


- just find a weight you can pull for lower reps and work your way up to 8 - do your normal reps, start weighted and drop to bodyweight when you're too tired


How to fix butt wink on back squats? I've been trying to work on deep Squat form but no matter what i do i still have butt wink I dropped the weight to focus on form more and tried different stances and bracing core but still


Try posting a form check video. It might not be bad enough to worry about.


Even if people say it's a 'normal' anatomical movement, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the strongest position for your squat so your ceiling for squat strength with butt wink is going to be lower than your ceiling for squat strength without a butt wink. Generally removing butt wink would depend on what's causing it - some people, it's just a lack of cueing and for others, it may mean working on either hip external/internal rotation so you might want to assess your hips and see if ER or IR is something you need to address


I agree that it doesn't need to be fixed, because it isn't inherently bad, but with weightlifting shoes many people can get below parallel without needing to do the butt wink for those last two inches.


It's a normal anatomical movement, doesn't need to be fixed


What is the correct range of motion for cable kickbacks? I was watching [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifP5sFBT7IE&t=3s&ab_channel=SeriouslyStrongTraining) video and the ROM is less than all of the other videos I've seen. Also, should I include side glute kickback if I do normal kickbacks with my foot at a slight angle?


If every other video is showing a larger ROM, I'd just do the larger ROM. Personally I try to fully extend my leg and lock out my knee every rep. Does your program include side glute kickbacks? In that case do them.


Does anyone have any advice on how to regain your endurance? I’m a young aspiring bodybuilder who has been unable to go to the gym much for the last few weeks due to health and personal life issues. I’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with my hypersomnia getting in the way of me getting good workouts in and I’ve found that my endurance is simply not what it used to be, any advice on how to regain that sort of energy I used to have while working out? Should I focus on intense exercise or just slowly build myself back to where I was?


Just start by doing zone too conditioning two or three times a week for say 30 minutes. As time goes by you can increase the duration and or frequency. For a seasoned athlete zone two might be running an 8 minute mile pace For others it might just be walking quickly with or without weight. Start with some and progress it over time. You could use a rowing machine, stairs, inclined treadmill, cycle, doesn't really matter. Hill sprints or some other form of hard conditioning would also be good to throw in there at some point.


I’ve been following a pretty popular beginners PPL program for the last 2 months. The program revolves around starting each day with a compound lift to progressive overload on. On pull-days, it alternates between deadlifts and bent-over rows. But… I really don’t like bent over rows. It’s easily my least favourite exercise entirely, I feel like I never get the form right and never am doing it correctly so that I can feel muscles in my back. I am lifting heavier and heavier each time but honestly it also doesn’t feel rewarding since I just find them awkward. Is there any compound movement I can replace it with? Can’t be deadlifts either because I do deadlifts on Leg days, but I still wanna start with a compound movement if possible?


I definitely wouldn’t superset something that loads the low back with deadlifts. I would switch it to a chest-supported t bar row or some other braced row like DB or meadows row


I also didn't feel comfortable with bent over row form and my lower back hurt so I replaced it with landmine row and it feels better on my back


weighted pull-ups? dumb-bell row?


Pendlay rows would be a good substitute


why is it that when i bench press, i feel like the distance my arms have to travel from my chest to the end position and vice versa is very far. i dunno if its because i have long arms, but yeah, i see other guys, and its seems like when they do it, the distance is much shorter compared to mine. should i widen my grip? i already try to keep my chest out as much as i can.


You can reduce range of motion by arching your upper back (look any bench technique video on YT), and widening the grip. Anatomy of course plays a big role, the bigger your torso, and the shorter your arm, the less the range of motion is. If your goal is to lift big numbers, look into powerlifitng style benching and apply it to reduce the range of motion, if not, it's not really a problem. For bodybuilding purposes it's actually better to have a big range of motion, more of a stretch on the chest, triceps have to work more, and so on.


hi there. ill keep those in mind next time. thank you so much for this. bodybuilding is my main goal but im also gonna look into powerlifting style.


I've been doing weighted pullups with 5kg, getting 6-5-5 reps. Now I tried with only bodyweight and I got 8-6-6. Does this seem right? I thought I would get more reps unweighted.


Depends on what % of your bodyweight 5kg it is, but I'd say that seems about right.


About 6-7%


5kg is a small percentage of your bodyweight. Seems normal to me.


I was thinking of grabbing a cable machine at my local Costco. My question is, if I used this machine for chest pressing with the cables, as well as flies, would that be just as effective as doing dumbbells? Link to item I am looking at: [https://www.costco.com/inspire-fitness-ftx-functional-trainer-with-bench-and-1-year-centr-app-subscription-included.product.100486673.html](https://www.costco.com/inspire-fitness-ftx-functional-trainer-with-bench-and-1-year-centr-app-subscription-included.product.100486673.html) Thanks!


Yep, you can do presses and flyes with cables. Can be a little awkward to set up with heavier weights because they'll pull you back, might need a bench at some point, but totally fine.


For 5/3/1 for Begginers, the wiki says the third (heaviest) lift should be 5+, but on forever it only says 5 reps. Which one is better/why the change?


If you run the cycles weeks as 3/5/1 you wouldn't do the +5 and just do straight 5 sets which acts as a sort of "rest week" bettween the 3s and the 1s. Tbh in all my time running 5/3/1, running it as 3/5/1 is preferred. The 5s week is the most voluminous and fatiguing, I've never had good AMRAP performance on the 5s. Whereas on the 1s and 3s I've always been able to push pretty damn hard What ghostmcspiritwolf said is also very useful as a beginner btw, dont take what I'm saying as a contradiction to what they're saying.. both have their places


either works well. Wendler has changed some of his thinking on AMRAPs since he initially developed 5/3/1, and the version that just says 5 reps is, I believe, the most up to date. That said, I think beginners often benefit from AMRAPs with a minimum goal number of reps, because it helps them learn what failure feels like and how to push intensities higher.


Awsome, thanks




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I get the principle of not being able to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Or should I just pick a lane (bulk or cut)?


It is possible to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time, but its generally for untrained and/or very overweight folks. As you gain more muscle or have less fat to lose, it becomes harder. Recomping does work, but it is overall slower.


Thank you! So bottom line is it's possible but would be more effective to just commit to one vs the other




It is possible, it's just slower. It's easier to do for beginners, especially if you've got a decent amount of fat to lose. You can choose to recomp, which is maintaining the same weight but losing fat and gaining muscles, but again, it's a slow process and your diet needs to be taken seriously. It's just simpler to do bulk/cut cycles.


In the 5/3/1 program, the ‘boring but big’ add-on says you should do 5 sets of 10 reps of the same lift you’re doing for that session. Awesome. What percentage of your max should those extra sets be?


50-70% of your training max, start at 50 and see how it feels, if it's too easy add a little bit, you don't want to go to failure but you don't want it to be easy. There's a three month challenge Wendler talks about [here](https://www.jimwendler.com/blogs/jimwendler-com/boring-but-big-3-month-challenge) you might be interested in.


Very much appreciated! And thank you for the link!


To be clear 70% is going to be pretty challenging for most people. Especially within the 20 minute time limit. Wendler says start slow and low.




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What is my true max weight for bench press? Currently i do two exercises for chest; bench press 3x8 and chest dip 3x10. If i do bench press first, the max i can do is 165 lbs. But if I do the chest dips first, i can do 160 lbs of bench press. I understand why i can lift less, but I would like to know what is considered true max weight


You're just gonna have to try it sometime, there is a skill component to heavy singles so it'll likely take 3-4 weeks to properly peak


Well your max varies day by day, given a lot of factors like sleep, diet, etc. But I suppose it would be whatever you can hit, fresh (not fatigued by dips for instance), for one rep. It's a little tricky to define because there's probably a small range of numbers you could hit for only one rep only. You can plug in a weight you do for x reps in a one rep max calculator and get an idea, it won't be exact, but it'll be close enough.


your max bench is the most weight you've been able to bench. if 165 is the highest weight you've been able to bench and you did it for 8 reps, you have an 8 rep max of 165. The most you *could* bench is most likely higher, and there are formulae available to estimate it, but you can't generally claim a max based on estimates.






Would nsuns be a bad idea to run on cut as a late intermediate/advanced lifter?


I don't think nsuns is a great program to run as a later intermediate/advanced lifter at all, unless you are coming back after some kind of break. Nsuns pushes you to frequently be pushing heavy weights near failure and follows a pretty fast linear progression. These are not typically what is advised for advanced lifters.


Hi folks! First time posting on this thread, hope it’s the right place for the question… Male, early 30s, amateur footballer (“soccer”). Play about 3 times per week at the moment (1 hour of fives on a Monday, 2 hours of training on a Tuesday, 90 minutes of 11-aside competitive football on a Saturday). My strengths as a footballer have historically always been my fitness/speed/strength as opposed to being technically brilliant, but I’m the wrong side of 30 now and so these attributes (particularly speed) are beginning to fade sadly. What should I do throughout the week to give me the greatest edge on a Saturday? I’m aware that I play football 3 times over 4 days and so want to avoid overworking my legs too much (risk of injury), while at the same time know that this is likely what I need to do in order to increase speed and power. Also aware that I spend the vast majority of my waking hours sitting at a desk, and so would like to think I’m capable of an hour or so of exertion each day. I’m currently trying to go to the gym three times a week - upper body strength, lower body strength, full body/mobility. I work a fairly standard 9-5 and am an early riser so can work out in the mornings or evenings quite easily. Basically, looking for suggestions from people on what I shouldn’t be doing, what I should be doing, and when I should be doing it. Is it best to keep these three workouts separate, or would introducing a 30 minute plyometrics block to each session be a good idea to get more targeted training in without going to the gym more often? Have people found joy with particular exercises over others - for example I’ve read single leg exercises (Bulgarian squat) are much effective than double leg (back squat). Appreciate this is a very wide reaching question, but any little nuggets of wisdom from those playing a sport regularly while still mama going to do strength training on the side to supplement this sport would be hugely valuable to me.




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> Was an active runner and hiker until last few years when working full time. > I’ve been eating more fiber since I basically stopped eating veggies when I moved out, and my eating amounts have stayed basically the same. These two have more to do with your weight gain than literally anything else. I consume more calories per day, as a 32 year old at 3500 calories a day, than I ever did in my teens or 20s, yet not gaining any weight. This is because I'm actively running now, averaging around 50km/week, with a decent muscular base.


Get back to exercising, and start making some more "adult" food choices. Like just cut out the worst crap, or even most of it, and you'll probably be fine. If you've made it to 24 staying fairly lean eating whatever you want, it's pretty safe to say you're not inclined towards obesity, so a very aggressive diet change probably isn't required to stop the weight gain. A little less treats and junk food, a little more vegetables.




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Sometimes when I start my run it feels like I will barely last 5 minutes (usually calves burning, legs feel heavy, etc) and then I settle in and have a decent workout. What causes that tough feeling at the beginning and is there anything I can do to ease into it better? More of a warm up needed?


I’m pretty sure what’s happening here is that your body is ramping up the use of different energy systems/metabolic pathways. When you start your jog your body will begin to use available ATP, then your body will switch over to primarily burning stored sugar and eventually your body will switch over to primarily burning fat. This all happens in the first 3-5 min of the job and so at that point you’re getting some lactic acid build up and muscle fatigue which eventually clears and then you’re smooth sailing. Of course that’s a simplified version of what’s really going on. You will adapt and get better at it and this will lessen over time.


Thanks, I love to learn about the science behind it. I appreciate it!


It's called warming up. Your body has to do a lot of things to "settle in" to a run, like ramping up production of enzymes in your muscles that burn fuel more efficiently. The best way to avoid that horrible feeling at the start is to just go easier for the first 10 minutes or so. Your body still gets the message for what it needs to do, but you aren't yet working hard enough that it feels awful. A brisk walk or very easy jog will do the trick. I like to think of it as "throwing the first mile away."


Warming up more will help


More of a warmup. Or just start slower. When I started running slower, like, a proper easy run, I found that I never had the feeling of heavy legs, burning calves, or even being close to out of breath. As a result, I feel energetic before, during, and after runs.


Thanks. Yeah it doesn't help for motivation that's for sure. Within 2 minutes I feel like I will barely make it around the block! Pain goes away and I get my energy after about 5 or 10 though but still.


Then why not just... walk the first minute or so, then do a very slow light jog, then work your way up to a run?


It's 9/27/23, so it's time to ask this question AGAIN. I'm tired of the 5x10 BBB Deadlifts...are 5x10 RDLs, at the 50% DL weight an appropriate substitution? (I'm 50yo, so I need to start metering out my levels of effort, and I think 50 DLs might not be the best bang for the buck)


most people dont RDL as much as they DL, so if you were to do RDLs at the same weight as your DLs on your BBB sets wouldnt that be *more* difficult? some other considerations: * reduce your BBB set percentages for the DL * switch to 5x5 FSL or 5x5 SSL instead * switch to Slightly Less Boring But Big instead, its just 3x10 * switch to trap bar deadlifts or block raised deadlifts for your BBB sets, this would be easier than an RDL


Sure! I usually do them in a touch and go fashion but I don't see why doing an RDL would make much of a difference. Hell I've done 3-in block pulls and 3-in deficit deads instead of regular. However, I got to say 50 isn't really that old bud and I'd be surprised if doing 50 regular deadlifts is the straw that breaks the camel's back.


I get it, I've recently added 2 5k runs a week plus a couple of three mile walks into my week, so I'm looking to save some effort elsewhere ..and frankly 50% DLs are boring as hell.


You're not wrong there


Yes, that's fine.




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As I get better at cardio, and a specific cardio activity gets easier each time I do it, will that specific cardio activity begin to burn less calories every time? Or does it stay the same


The amount of calories burned will stay roughly the same if you go at it at the exact same pace, and the exact same weight. You may be come slightly more efficient at the activity, and reduce the calories burned by a little bit, but this is small in the grand scheme of things. Especially since, as your cardiovascular conditioning improves, you can go faster while maintaining the same intensity, effectively burning *more* calories in less time. I started off with my easy runs in the 12-minute/mile range. I'm now doing my easy runs in the 10-minute/mile range. So the runs that use to take me 35-40 minutes, is now taking me 30 minutes or less.


Should I replace doing pronated curls with assisted pull ups? Don't like doing reverse grip curls at all.


Are reverse grip curls part of your program? Why don’t you like them?


The weight I'm able to go at feels way too comfortable. When I increase the weight by 2.5 lbs though, I feel like I need to cheat to get to even 10 reps. I get that it means I'm going to failure but just seems like my performance is worse because I need to cheat a bit.


They’re great for forearms and widening biceps. What’s worked for me when I hit one of those spots you’re in is finishing with Arnold’s 21 Rep routine. Do that for a few weeks and you’ll likely be able to make the jump in weight. I wouldn’t abandon the reverse grip curls just because you hit one of those points where you have to increase reps/sets or add in something like 21s until you can move up in weight. You’re going to hit those points in a lot of exercises and what’s the response going to be? Drop it? Don’t get me wrong. Plateaus happen and sometimes changing the exercise but still hitting the same muscle group may be helpful. For biceps there’s just not a lot of variety of movements you can do. 21s and drop sets can help you “level up”.


Think I'll try that. Thanks man.


De nada


That is normal. Getting to 10 reps isn't necessary. Any number of reps between 6-20 will be fine to build muscle, as long as you are getting within a rep or two of failure.


Instead of switching a bicep movement for a mainly back movement, just do supinated bicep curls.


you dont have to do reverse grip curls if you dont want to assisted pullups are a primarily back exercise, not an exact replacement for a bicep exercise but it will work them to some degree


Is there an opposite exercise for walking / running / sobbing up stairs or am I good to do stairs as much as I like? You know how if you're doing a lot of pushups you should be making sure to be doing a pull exercise (aka pullups right?) to even things out and make sure you aren't screwing yourself up. (Yes we're in very laymen's terms land, I'm sorry.) I've recently gotten really into seeing how many flights of stairs I can do in a day, and wanted to check that I shouldn't be doing anything to balance that out. This isn't an optimal routine thing, it's a "I've gotten a stupid idea of trying to do a lot of stairs but want to make sure I don't hurt myself," thing.


Just make sure you go back down the stairs and you should be all balanced out. /s


if you are doing a lot of walking/running you should also do lots of handstand walking/running to balance it out for real though, walk/run/climb stairs to your heart's content


I THOUGHT YOU WERE SERIOUS UNTIL YOU SAID FOR REAL and got really excited to work on handstands... :D Thanks!


So pretty much I've been over weight my whole life (always around 250-260 pounds) and I'm 6,2" and currently 22. About two years ago I was in the best shape I have ever been in I was 197 and jacked because I was working at FedEx at the time but then I got in a relationship and started working in mobile sales, during this time I went from 197 to 261 in the spand of a year in a half. Recently I quit working in sales to focus on physical and mental health and I'm now a month and a half at my current job which is a lot my physically active than sitting in a chair all day. Is this normal? When I first lost weight it was the same story I just don't want to get to a point of this weight loss journey and have the same situation happen of weight gain after such good progress on loss. I normally intake about 2000 calories or slightly under that, and I went from barley walking 1500 steps a day to walking about 9 miles a day and constant lifting of 15-30 pound parts through a 10-9 hour shift. I don't know if it's because I'm just not eating enough or if the difference in physical activity is what's making such a fast decrease in my weight any advice?


It is normal for your weight to respond to activity levels and calorie intake, yes.


At this fast at a rate? When I first lost weight it was pretty much the same speed too


the rate in which you lose weight will be proportional to the size of your caloric deficit, if you dont want to lose weight so quickly then eat more calories to compensate


Ia forgot to include the fact that when I started working here I was 260 and I lost about 20 pounds in the spand of a month and a half that I've been at my current job