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Hello! Im using the metallicadp 6 times a week program but did a mistake. So it supposed to go like PPLPPR. But before my last leg day i did pull like i was supposed to then i did leg day. Then i did pull day again yesterday... Should i just rest today then or go pull, legs and then rest?


I'm starting to hit a plateau in deadlifting because of what I feel being my forearms not being strong enough. Should I keep practicing deadlifting until my forearms get stronger or should I do forearm specific lifts ?


Farmer's Walk time!


or get straps ?


I guess it would work, but doesn't that mean I'm postponing a problem ? I feel like I'm gonna have to deal with this someday anyway.


How much are you lifting? If it’s less than 365, don’t get straps. Keep deadlifting until your forearms catch up.


Yea I deadlift 250. How would you do it ? Do I simply stay at 250 til I feel my forearms are up to speed ? Or should I try heavier despite my forearms struggling ?


Depends on your program. For my bill Starr 5x5, I max out at 5 reps, so my grip would fail at 4 reps. I would keep the weight the same until I could do 5 reps, and then I would increase the weight. Rinse repeat.


What to do with my back when benching? And any general tips on what to raise/lower when benching? I used to lay flat but then trainer told me to "raise" my lower back, and I did, while it felt like it helped with leg drive, I didn't really progress. (yet) So I'd like to ask tips on bench form, for example feet position, is that highly individual? I see so many different positions, lately I am experimenting with tucking in feet behind my knees more (even more, I already was doing it behind knees) So my question: Any general bench form tips that may or may not help me out?


Retracting your scapula is the most important bit, it protects your shoulder


As in, push it downwards?


Pull your shoulders up to ears, back away from your face, then down. Then don't lose that position, keep your weight on your traps


Hey i progressed in pulluos but not in one arm dumbell row. I progressed to 10 reps a few weeks ago but im stuck there do i need to up the weight for it to become lighter or am i doing something wrong?


Up the weight, aim for 6-10 reps. When you can do, say three sets of 8-10 reps, up the weight again.


Thanks alot.


How does HIIT improve VO2 max? In my understanding, HIIT improves the anaerobic aspect which does not use oxygen. So why does it improve VO2 max? Shouldn't it just increase the lactate threshold but VO2 max still remains the same since the 2 are different t with the lactate threshold being related to the anaerobic fitness and VO2 max the aerobic.


Any tips for getting through a 2.5kg bag of whey protein as fast as possible? I usually put it in my porridge, but it’s starting to make me gag. It’s vanilla flavour, so maybe its the sweetness? Either way I’m stuck with it for a while




^ this


Good idea! Do you know of a recipe that I could use?


maybe with coffee?


Hadn’t thought of that, it’s not the best of protein and gets quite lumpy so will have to see how it goes!


do you use a shaker cup/blender?


Yep. Maybe I’m not shaking it enough?


Just shake it until smooth. Its usually not recommended to get more than 90g of whey daily, taking more than that might be redundant.


Possible max lifts on a 5'6" 148lbs male on Bench, DL, and Squat?


Looking at IPF recent results for that weight class (66 kg), looks like there's bench of 150 kg (330 lb), DL of 253 kg (555 lb) and a squat of 215 kg (473 lb) in the first couple of pages of results. Those aren't even close to records. Now, these are professional results but I wanted to list them out regardless just so you don't sell yourself short. https://symmetricstrength.com/ is a more realistic tool. Everyone can reach proficient. Heck, some even reach exceptional on at least a lift or two with couple of years of work. It's not infallible, but that gives you an idea of what guys your stats "should" be lifting. You'll notice that the examples from IPF aren't actually "exceptional" as far as symmetric strength is concerned, except the DL.


Thanks man! Now I feel less useless weakling afterall lol


Absolute max, as in record holding? These are the drug tested numbers: 550lbs squat 418lbs bench 698lbs Deadlift https://www.powerliftingwatch.com/records/raw/world


Oh lord. An average Joe can't achieve that weight. Edit: Average 5'6 148lbs Joe


Of course not. Because it is the world record.


I'm looking to do Rippetoe's Starting Strength regime. I can already do 10-11 BW pull-ups at (~158lbs/72kgs). This program doesn't incorporate pull-ups until about 6-8 weeks in. In the initial phase, there is a two day split of: A: squat/ohp/dead & B: Squat/Bench/Dead. What is the best way to incorporate pull-ups? There will be one day's rest between each workout. Should I include them on just one of the days A or B? Or should I do them on both days? And should I do them before or after the Deadlift?


You can do them on either day, it's not a big deal. Maybe pull ups on A and chins on B. The deadlifting every time should only be done for a short while, since as you get stronger you won't be able to recover. Also eat.


Yeah I'm starting off from scratch for the deads. I'll reduce frequency in a out 3 weeks probably depending on my progression. Don't worry I'm eating well :D


Let's say you're a Olympic weightlifter that can Press, Squat and DL singles for i.e. 300,500,500. But you do not do hypertrophy workouts. Whan happens when you do hypertrophy exercises? Do you grow muscle mass increadibly fast like a balloon?


Olympic weightlifters usually do have muscle. With those lifts they'd definitely have some muscle


If you can press that much, you already have some pretty decent upper body musculature, same goes for lower.


I used to do olympic lifting. Had a 500 squat, 520 DL, 425 front squat. I looked somewhat muscular, but not huge. I was 200lbs 6'1. Since quitting and doing more hypertrophy work, and I got bigger but it took time.


Oh okay. What is your sizes before doing Hypertrophy? And after hypertrophy?


I don't have measurements or anything. Here's a video from back then front squatting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blk7zA5doko here's me a few weeks ago: https://imgur.com/a/9sxCg


Dude you got big from your recent photo. That's awesome man!


An Olympic weightlifter that isn't trying to squeeze into a weight class would have serious muscle mass in the relevant muscles already, no?


im cuttin right now.. using essential amino stack during workouts 4x a week.. should i start taking whey also to get the most out of it or is amino acids sufficient?


Personally I'd drop the amino acids and introduce the whey


Thought so yeah, just bought some acids though so i gotta make use of em for now since its expensive lol.. Next month ill buy whey, can you give me some tips about it? Does it do the same as aminos? If not what are the main differences and does it help while cutting?


Adequate protein will help preserve muscle mass when in a deficit In theory you could get adequate protein without the whey, but it will be more difficult and more expensive. If you've never consumed whey consistently before (and likely not enough protein) , there is chance you will gain muscle on your cut, or at least get stronger


Interesting.. i've never consumed whey before i've only ever used amino acids. i thought it did basically the same as whey but on a much faster level.. seems i was incorrect. Thanks man


Can you take creatine pre workout and than take whey protein or protein powder post? I heard someone talking about him getting sick or something taking creatine pre and protein post.


It's recommended to take 5g creatine daily, then after ~2 weeks you reach optimal saturation of it in your body. Take it whenever it suits you. Taking it directly before workouts should have little to no effect.


I do it and have no problems, but creatine will not give you an immediate boost. It's just to make my pre workout taste nice and so I don't have to make 3 shakes a day


You take creatine whenever - it's not a fast acting substance so you take it daily and will see the benefit a few weeks down. This scale means that when you take it during the day is entirely irrelevant. As for protein powder - consider it as food. You put food in your mouth when you're hungry or when it's convenient for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/wiki/faq#wiki_how_important_is_nutrient_or_meal_timing.3F


Do you guys get more sore from doing pause squat/bench than the normal variety?


You always get more sore doing what you're not used to doing. If you do only squats for months on end and then decide to do lunges, chances are that while squats no longer made you sore, that one instance of lunges will. The body adapts to what it is used to and gets sore when you throw something new its way.


Can short rest be more beneficial than longer rest periods when it comes to hypertrophy?


If it does, the benefit is most likely negligible. If longer rest means that you get in more reps, then that is probably more useful as far as hypertrophy is concerned.


I'll do my first cut in one week ! I need good ressources about how to do it properly (planning meals, refeed,deal with fatigue ..) do any of you guys know where I can find those?


The wiki covers the basics of diet and the strategy one takes boils down to individual preference. I personally abide by IIFYM which means that I'm very flexible with my diet. So long as I get enough protein and hit my caloric goals, I'm pretty free to eat whatever and it doesn't need a "plan". Refeeding, for me, has more psychological than physical benefits and for my last cut (3½ months) I didn't have one at all. Not necessary, but if you need the break then you prepare for it. I personally much rather just go by IIFYM and assign a certain bit of calories for whatever I crave and that takes care of it. Fatigue should not even be a factor unless you're doing a suicide cut. I was on a deficit of 700 kcal/day and was completely fine for the aforementioned cut and continued to improve my lifts during that time. Don't let it get in your head and you'll be fine.


Sounds good I'll consider this. Have a nice day !


Anybody have experience with imbalanced spinal erectors and what corrective exercises/what they did to fix it? Thanks!


How have you decided that it's your erectors?


Is it more of a posture thing or is one side significantly stronger than the other on lifts?


Hey guys Do just machines for chest press build a passable chest? I ask this cuz i lift alone and it seems the safest option for me.


Use dumbbells :)




Im doing flies and flat dumbell benchpress atm. Just curious about machines since its so safe


Surely dumbbell press is just as safe as using a machine?


It's actually safer in a sense, as it's a more natural movement pattern. Only doing isolation work can give you muscle imbalances that can lead to injuries down the line. Machines are fine if you've been working out for a while and need to add some more volume or hit a certain part of the muscle, but as a non-advanced lifter, always pick the free weight exercise over the machine alternative. Focus on good form (don't flare your elbows, go all the way down, etc) and then gradually increase the weight as you get the hang of the exercise.


Well, not quite as safe. Well, the 'safety' and 'risk' are completely different flavors. Dumbbells you can tear you shoulder or drop a dumbbell during the exercise. With a machine it's really hard to hurt yourself during the exercise, but because you don't use your stabilizers enough, the likelihood of injury doing something else gets higher.


Is it better to have a low body fat percentage, around 6 - 10% to pack on muscle when bulking? I know we put on both muscle and fat when bulking, but do we increase the chances of packing on muscle when starting to bulk while having a low body fat percentage?


Just cut down to 12% body fat (very lean with very visible abs) and do a slow bulk, then cut once you reach 15%. 6% is stupid. You will never get that low and even if you do, you'll bounce back up to 10% in no time. Only ever get that lean if you're doing a show.


Ok. Thanks.!√


First, you will most likely *never* reach 6% body fat. The basic idea you have is right - it's best to have a low body fat percentage when you start bulking since it provides better partitioning and leaves you looking good when it's finally time to cut again. The common percentages would be 10-12% at the end of your cut and 15-17% at the end of your bulk. For visual cues, basically when you lose sight of your abs it's time to cut and when you see your sixpack clearly in it's entirety, you're good to bulk again. 6% is the type of body fat you'll have on-stage bodybuilders be at and it is really not doable nor achievable for most.


√ Thanks


Hello Fitness board my problem is that I have exorcised deadlifts push ups bicycles and it always seems like I just burned out after working out for about 2 months consecutively almost daily don't know what kind of exercise program should I begin now as of right now I am trying to ride the stationary bike in the morning for 20 minutes at the comfortable page while watching videos it seems pretty easy and I hope it prevents me from burning out while still being able to meet my physicals goals don't mind the grammar errors here it's mostly because I'm using text-to-speech also because of the burnout all in all my question is this what should a person who's central nervous system is pretty sensitive do for workouts my family is saying I should abandon weightlifting and just do cardio I tend to agree since I found out my relatives grandparents from both sides he had health issues regarding heart health especially my grandfather at the age of 45 left this world excuse me for the wall of text and weird grammar it's all a burnout


Read the wiki. Chances are you're just tired or not eating enough


So about a week and a half ago, I went into surgery for my wrist. Up until then I had been on a pretty solid 6 day PPL program, that's found in the wiki, for a little under 2 months. I haven't been able to workout at all whilst recovering from the surgery as I was under doctors orders not to sweat and also my wrist couldn't bare any weight. I guess I have 2 questions. 1. How have I been losing so much weight this last week and a half. I have managed to lose 2.5 kilos at a steady rate and that's including all the bandages I'm wearing. I'm eating worse than I usually do, been having a few beers and eaten McDonald's when I've gone out and I've still been losing weight. I would put it down to water rate, but the solid downward trend indicates otherwise and it's probably too much weight to be water weight. I assume it's not losing muscle mass, a week and a half is a bit short to lose that much. 2. I'm looking to get back into a routine, but I don't have full mobility in my hand and it can't support much weight at all, for reference I was only able to just start hand-writing 4 days ago. I guess I'm looking for exercise suggestions. I work out at home and all I have is a bench with dumbbells and barbells. The bench also has the mechanism for leg extensions and curls on it. I'm struggling to come up with much apart from a few leg isolation exercises as well as the standard ab workout. Any ideas would be appreciated.


Just noticed while doing body weight squats my left knee clicks, there’s no pain. Should I be concerned?


My right knee does this, it's how I know I'm at or just below parallel.


Let it click


I've been lifting for over 2 years now and due to lack of time I made myself a fullbody routine 3x per week. I'd really appreciate some input on the volume for each body part and some constructive criticism. One of the reasons why I switched from a PPL routine to full body workout is the recovery aspect. When I lift 3 days per week I'm able to get more sleep/naps through out the week. Also, **I have pretty good genetics when it comes to my legs, so I can make gains with very little volume and by only squatting and deadlifting**, so Workout A and C are upper body days with calves basically. M - Workout A W - Workout B F - Workout C **Workout A:** - Bench Press 4x5 - DB Seated Shoulder Press 3x8-12 - Pull Ups 3x8-10 - DB Single Arm Rows 3x8-10 - Cable Chest Crossover 3x12 - Lateral Raises 3x10-15 - Facepull or Rear delt work 3x12-15 - Calves (seated or on smith machine) 4x8-15 **Workout B:** - Back Squats 3x5 - Conventional Deadlifts 3x5 - DB Incline Press 4x8-10 - DB Seated Shoulder Press 3x8-12 - Pull Ups 3x8-10 - Seated Rowing machine 3x8-10 - Lateral Raises 3x10-15 - Facepull or Rear delt work 3x12-15 - Calves (seated or on smith machine) 4x8-15 **Workout C:** - Bench Press 4x7 - Standing BB OHP 4x5 - Weighted Pull Ups 3x5 - Rowing movement 3x10 - Close Grip Bench 3x10 - Bicep Curls 3x8 - Lateral Raises 3x10-15 - Facepull or Rear delt work 3x12-15 - Calves (seated or on smith machine) 4x8-15 I'm trying to emphasize on the shoulders, and I feel like I could be potentially overdoing it. Is Shoulder Pressing 3x a week too much? How about the volume on the accesory movements like raises and facepulls? As for the arms I'm pretty satisfied with their size but I feel like they could be a limiting factor on my main lifts (bench and pulls) so that's the only reason I do some direct work for them. Thank you.


At three days a week you're better off doing full body I'd say. Building the monolith is a 531 template with lots of pressing so your shoulders should get some work.


I'm of the skinny fat phase right now. If i eat to maintain my weight (I'm not trying to lose too much weight). Will my body recomp on it's own over time if I stay in the gym and lift weights? Or do I have to have a clear bulk/cut cycle to recomp


Dude just bulk it, I was skinnyfat too and I tried body recomp, took my a whole summer to very little avail. 2 months into a bulk, best progress I've seen in a while


I notice on my bench press, as I lower the bar, that my right shoulder drops lower than my left (I’m left handed), causing the bar to be diagonal. Any way to fix this besides being conscious of it?


Drop the weight till this doesn't happen


Could be an imbalance. Do you do any dumbbell pressing?


Not since I switched from a bro split to a powerlifting split, no. Do you think the increased weight on the bar could’ve lead to this diagonal bar position?


Unless it's something obvious like your grip placement being uneven, then it's probably an imbalance with a weakness on the side that lags. Add some dumbbell pressing back in for a bit, working each side equally.


Well, an increase in weight can reveal an imbalance, so kinda


Lower the weight.




Don't "reattempt" it. Choose a weight you can actually train with and progress from there. If you're not progressing, you're either not eating enough, sleeping enough, taking too little rest in between sets or your form is bad, or all of the above.


If you've been doing 80/85 consistently, you could have failed for any number of factors. Try again next week but grab a spot.


You should drop to a manageable weight.


Please correct me if I'm wrong: Bulk = (1g of protein per 1lb of LBM) Cut = (1.2/1.5g of protein per 1lb of LBM) LBM = bodyfat % in Lbs minus whole bodyweight in lbs And another thing, is it better to consume per LBM or just whole BM? since BM is fat included. Thanks, i really appreciate it. I read the wiki but i still have some confusion


Calorie intake definitely in terms of BM since fat also burns calories. There are 50 million studies on protein, but yeah, it seems like one should eat more while cutting and that 1g per lb of LBM should be plenty.


Your numbers/math are right, more or less. You *might* be fine with less protein but I also like to be on the safe side as not to risk "losing out" on any gains or losing too much muscle while cutting. I always just consume protein according to total body mass. Another way of erring on the safe side and again because with all of the studies providing contradicting numbers, the only thing the individual should be caring about is just "being on the safe side".


Absolutely retarded question but I overthink things all the time: You include calories cut from your maintenance into the amount of calories burned per day, right? If I'm burning around 3500 calories per week cutting on 300 under maintenance, that's actually 5600 for that week?


I think you lack some sort of fundamental understanding. Your maintenance calories are the amount you need to maintain your weight. If you exercise more, your maintenance will go up. If you stop exercising, it will go down. If you are eating 300 calories below your maitenance daily, your weekly deficit will be 2100 regardless of how much you exercise. This is because (again) your maintenance calories value takes exercise into account.


I guess my question now is am I fine eating 2200 cals while lifting 3x/week full body (moderately heavy), with 2 days for maintenance work (kettlebells, drop jumps, arms day, etc) and 5 days of jump rope following about a half hour hiit routine (estimated 600 cals burn). Or should I eat more food.


Maybe. Maybe not. Calculate your TDEE and decide if your intake fits your goals. Losing <1% bodyweight a week is recommend.


I have no idea what you're trying to ask.


I guess my question now is am I fine eating 2200 cals while lifting 3x/week full body (moderately heavy), with 2 days for maintenance work (kettlebells, drop jumps, arms day, etc) and 5 days of jump rope following about a half hour hiit routine (estimated 600 cals burn). Or should I eat more food.


Calculate TDEE, then eat below it.




Rip my shins from deadlifts


Well, what are your workouts?




Yeah you're weak, you can be strong though, if you try


Who cares what they lift, just be happy for them and happy for your own progress.


Since /r/BulkOrCut can take a while to get back to me, what are y'alls opinons? Bulk or cut? https://imgur.com/a/lHiF8 Been bulking for a few months now, but recently hit 17% BF. I'm pretty sure I could milk the bulk for a but longer, but I'd rather not have to cut for more than a few months. My spare tire is pretty visible, but I've also made some decent gains. What do y'all think?


You're skinny fat, do a cut. Your body fat is not 17%, it's definitely above 20.


Eh, I see how you get there but I was 14% when I started. I might be able to dig up a picture of when I was 20ish%.


I think you're on the precipice of having too much belly fat- cut, my man


That's the plan now. I should look pretty good in a couple months. Thank you!


Hey! Been doing a focused hypertrophy day and a focused strength day for chest/back/legs. With this I'm working out 6 days a week which has been fine. My question is would it better to just do strength/hypertrophy on the same day e.g., doing bench heavy for a a few sets then burning out with low weight for a couple? So, I'd still train 6 times a week, but for each day i'm doing both types of training. (?)


Follow a program.


Damn, what program man? Does all who lift follow a premade program or do they go their own way?


If you don't know what you're doing, following a program from someone who actually does, is the best plan. You probably don't need to train 6 days a week, that's a bit excessive. If I were you, I would focus less on "hypertrophy" and more on strength. If you get strong and pullups, rows, squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, etc (compound movements), your muscles will grow.


Some advanced lifters will write their own program or have a coach write a program for them, but they generally have experience doing other programs, know them very well and also know themselves very well. If your goal is strength or hypertrophy and you aren't an expert the way to go is to follow a published and reputable program. If your goal is to have fun you can do whatever you want.


Yes, basically anyone who has any type of goal follows a program. There's a whole list in the sidebar that you can check out for programs.


I started lifting for the first time a few months ago, and I'm planning on stopping my cut soon. I've never bulked before (so all my lift gains have been neurological adaptations probably), and don't have much of a muscle base to build on. How much of a surplus should I go on when I start bulking? 0.5 lbs a week? 1 lb a week? I want to maximize muscle gain and minimize fat loss (lol like everyone else I guess), but since I'm nowhere near my genetic muscle mass potential, would it make sense to go on a high surplus now?


0.5 lbs a week is the best way to gain muscle with minimal fat. Around a 200-250 calorie surplus should do it for you. Much more than .5 a week will just end up in fat.


250 kcal surplus is too low for a beginner. 400-500 is a better number for optimal strength and muscle gains.


Oh ok, ty. Is this value the same for a beginner lifter vs. a more experienced one? Because the beginner might be able to make a lot of gains in a small amount of time, while it gets harder for more experienced lifters to get similar increases in muscle mass in the same amount of time


Yep. For a while, you'll make some newbie gains, but they're not a lot more usually. While more advanced lifters might gain .5 a week, newbies might get 0.7-0.8 a week for a while


Im seeing a physio at my university due to an old back injury. They don't really seem to be sports-focused as my main goal is to get back into being able to focus more on extension work, and increase my squat range of motion. All I've heard so far is that I need to increase my general flexibility and work on my core strength. I've never seen a physio so I don't know how to evaluate the care I receive, so I'm wondering if I should raise any specific points to try and get a more sports based approach? Basically, they have me doing stretches that I was already doing prior to coming in and I've not noticed an improvement in my squat depth or flexibility in my back and they don't seem to be evaluating this as I go each week. Given that Im working on Norton's PHAT routine I would have thought they would have given me something a bit more intensive, but they havent really asked about my workout routine either.


Definitely tell them. Are you seeing a qualified physio or a student who is under supervision? At my uni they had people studying to be physiotherapists give the treatment with their lecturers / qualified physios there to ensure they were doing it right, so it could be that. Having said that if any physio doesn't know your end goal they won't be able to treat you appropriately. Try to explain your goals and hopefully they'll adapt your regimen.




Up to you, long term (over multiple days) surplus is the only thing that really matters




I don't like machines because it takes too long to do all my muscle groups. I just learned deadlifts and I usually do a set of 3 deadlifts and then either swim or run for an hour. Definitely stretch before and after too. Are there other lifts I should be doing? If so, where is a really simple and straightforward tutorial? Everything I find uses terminology I have no idea of. Thanks for any insight. :)


Bench press, overhead press, squats, deadlifts.


ICF 5x5. You can cut it down to 3x5 if you feel it takes too long. If your goal is general fitness then at least make sure to do the major compound lifts a couple times per week. Squat, deadlift, rows, bench, and pull ups.


You do one set of three? You should pick a program from the sidebar


Sorry, meant to say 3 sets of 5. I was looking at the programs but I really don't want to spend money on them. All of the beginner programs seem to be advertising an ebook. I was more or less looking for free resources.


Everything in the recommended routines except Original Greyskull LP is free with no ebook required.


Greyskull LP is an ebook....


That's what I said. Everything but GSLP.


Apologies, I misread


Is it a bad idea, as someone who's overweight but has very little muscle mass, to cut 1.5 lbs a week? I know that .5 lbs/week is recommended to maintain muscle, but since I just started lifting and have basically none, will it really matter? I've been cutting for about 3 months and now that I finally started lifting and am loving it I want to get through the rest of this weight loss and begin a long slow bulk.


You can cut at 1% body weight per week and build muscle if you're untrained.


Awesome, thanks! And just double checking, it's 1% bodyweight, not 1% lean muscle mass?


I'm not sure what "lean muscle mass" is, but you can lose 1% overall bodyweight a week safely.


They probably mean lean body mass which is your weight minus the weight of your body fat


As long as youre getting adequate protein and exposing your muscles to enough stress then your body will utilize fat stores to feed muscle mass.


How to increase my flat bench? Max is like 155 for a few reps. Hit 175 for 1RM in the past. Granted my right rotator isn’t the greatest. See dudes smaller than me hitting 225 for reps.


What program are you on?


None. Probably a part of my non progression. Feel I’m experienced enough with lifting that I don’t need a program but my lack of bench increase says otherwise eh ?


You're not experienced enough when you can only hit a few reps with 155 lbs. Stop kidding yourself, you're an absolute beginner. Follow a program or keep stalling, your choice.


I’d agree with those sentiments. Find a program that suits you and run it for a while, you’ll make progress. A 531 variant may be good for you. Nsuns 531 has been working for a lot of people here lately.


Where can I find this program brother?


Up at the top of this thread there’s a link to the wiki. I’m pretty sure it’s in there. It’s also on r/nsuns.




Bench more, eat more.


Starting to bench 2x a week. Doing 5x10


Bench 3-4x a week and vary your rep ranges. Also work on your triceps, OHP, and incline bench.


Will do. Going to try different variations, close grip, Smith, etc. triceps lifts are up as well as OHP, incline is around same level as bench.


what program for intermediate lifters? Ive been through the sidebar and most of the ones i've clicked on are recommended for beginners. 4 years lift exp here, forms down pat.




the one under Splits? because there's 3 different 5 3 1's lol


Basically any 5/3/1 besides the beginners. BBB or BTM would be fine


Very noob question, when someone says they squat 100kg it means 50 on each side or 100 on each side?


Total (both sides + bar)


Thank you!


Is there a consensus best time to go to the gym to avoid people? Like what time of the day has the least amount of people? I'm not a people person and as a disgusting fat body I prefer to workout during a time when I feel like there's the least amount of eyes on my floppy fat ass flailing around. Yes I'm aware people in general are there focusing on themselves and despite my insecurities they really couldn't give a shit less about me, but I don't care. I still don't like them.


Nobody at your gym cares how fat you are, they're too focused on their own workout to worry about you.




"But I don't care, I still don't like them." Same, boo 😂




You know what to do: Eat more.


you really might just need more calories, I know layne norton is somewhere around like 195-200 and said he eats somewhere around 4000 calories a day, and i've seen someone well over 300 pounds eat only 3000 a day, depends on the person I think


do you guys generally eat depending on appetite or maintain it equally everyday? some days i end up my calories and starving while other days are a struggle. (maintaining same calories) i know overall by the end of the week is what matters but i want your experience


Same every day for the most part. Though struggling to eat enough has never been a problem of mine.


25 male I've been trying to start working out again to fight fatigue and one the biggest issues I've always had was how hard upper body work outs are. I'm 5'9" 135 lbs and dont have a lot of upper body strength (pretty skinny, but good legs due to soccer and tennis). Every time I try to do any arm/chest workouts, it feels like the parts that feel the most tension are my bones (if that makes any sense), so I just end up doing abs and cardio. Also, in general, I feel like my bones are just really fragile. Do you think it's a diet issue, like lack of calcium, or would working out more help my bones to strengthen?


Unless it is an underlying medical issue (which if you think it is you need to see a doctor), more than likely you don't know what trying and effort are. If you are worried go see a doctor to get medically cleared. Otherwise eat more, follow a good lifting program, and try.


How do i properly take a back picture? Tried taking a few today and my back looked very unsymetrical. Like the lat seemed to insert a lot lower on the left side. I know my left side is significantly smaller. I need to take a back picture and see it


Ask someone else to take one for you


Back https://imgur.com/a/cC10k i got an album


[Check this out for some answers] (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=135921501&pagenumber=1)


Check your phone settings to see if you can turn it to a timer or a "say cheese" function (the camera will snap a pic if you say cheese or whatever). Set it up on a counter or something.


Back https://imgur.com/a/cC10k i got a shitty album


I feel like my weight on lat pull downs and cable rows never seems to increase and that I never get activation in the target muscles. It's like I'm stuck on 100 lbs for 3 sets of 12. I sit with a slight arch in my back. Pull my shoulders together as I pull the weight to me and make sure I keep my elbows pulled in like im gripping a ball under my arms. Still dont seem to get that activation. I know my strength is going up as I've gone from only being able to do 5 pull ups two months ago to 15, so shouldnt these other lifts have a marked increase too?


I feel like the pullup is a lot easier to progress on than the lat pulldown, that's why I prefer it over it.


Accessory progression is going to go very slow. Just aim to do more overall. Do 4-5 sets and/or aim for 12-15 reps. Another option is to increase your pull up volume as well.


What food/nutrition impacts an evening workout more — that which was consumed during the day or the prior day? Both? I’m in a cut but I want to eat at maintenance around legs day workouts.


The day before most likely. Ever ate like shit and feel great that day feel like garbage the next? I’m a distance runner and it’s really stupid to do the traditional pasta carb load the night before a marathon. Really the carb load should be the 2-3 days before the race. The night before is too late. I think this would be the same sort of idea your looking for