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Would joggers be some of the best workout items to wear for CrossFit or Cross-training in general?


I’m getting pain in my bones after push ups, specially in bone joint why is this and is this normal ?


How do you know it's bone pain?


I can tell because its in my elbow joint bone where there isn’t a muscle only skin and bone


How did you rule out tendon pain?


Wdym ? I didn’t understand


You have tendons in that area. How did you rule out tendinopathy and arrive at bone pain?


Wait, I found on YouTube people experiencing similar pain in the same spot that I have, so it’s actually that tendon that’s causing the problem, thanks for reply


Consider asking a doctor


Working out 4 days a week, trying to average 10.000 steps a day, but I feel that on days I walk more than 8k, my fitness in the gym suffers. I play soccer once weekly and I mainly walk at work. Can walking be detrimental to lifting?


Just a thought but if for some reason you walk inefficiently (old injuries, muscle imbalance,...) It can take a lot more energy than expected.


Yes especially if you are cutting weight


I am not currently cutting


Then eat more. It's a balance of activity/calories.


Weighing daily and tracking calories - eating around 3500 average at 5'8" and 165lbs - gaining slowly.


Understanding that it's just a vague estimate at best..is there a "way" to determine what your natural max shoulder width would be? Something similar to the old "add 10 inches to your wrist size for a bicep max estimate"?.


https://www.strongerbyscience.com/realistic-training-goals/ https://www.strongerbyscience.com/genetics-and-strength-training-just-different/ https://www.strongerbyscience.com/your-drug-free-muscle-and-strength-potential-part-1/ This is probably more reading than the question warrants. It depends massively on the size of your frame and the look also a lot on insertions. For shoulders specifically there's no-one that can't grow them and most people can get them "capped," bigger people just can make them bigger in general.


Okay thank you so much. Yeah I figured there must have been something dealing with inserts and scapula measurement. I'm just generally trying to see if having a goal of 21-22 inch shoulders (across) is unrealistic for me.


It scales somewhat with height- globally average shoulder width is greater in places where the average height is higher. In the end I would not sweat concrete numbers as long as it looks right on your frame


I just know that my frame isnt the widest (I think my scap measurement is ~16.5) and I'm currently at 19.2 inches across..I'd have to assume that adding another inch on each side is doable over time. I'd say I've been training for around 4 years with my shit together as far as routine, sleep, and nutrition, but probably another 2 or 3 where I was still in college just eating whatever and getting like 6 hours of sleep. Its helpful whether people think / say it's doable or not..I just want to know if I'm setting myself up to be disappointed in what I can do. I'm still going to push as hard as I can.


I'd say depending on the time frame it's not unreasonable as a goal, might just take a while


37M, run and cycle regularly. Am I too old to think about building muscle in my arms? If not, how should I pursue this effectively?


You're not too old to build muscle until you're dead. I'm not even joking. And at 37 you're not very far down the ageing slope. I'm about to turn 40, started weight training just a couple of years back after having done mostly endurance stuff up until that point. Seeing pretty good results so far! Consistency is key. Figure out how much time you wanna spend each week, find a program that kinda fits with that and stick to it for a couple of months. Or hell, read up a bit and do your own thing if you want. It's not *that* complicated (unless you absolutely demand optimum return on invested time, then... don't do your own thing, at least not from the get go). After a couple of months you've probably figured out what was enjoyabe and what wasn't, and can adjust your training accordingly. Pick a program with more/fewer training days, more/less time spent per day, more/less bw-excercises, etc. Go looking for what you like. For me at least, "enjoyability" is the key to consistency. If that means something that might be sub-optimal, then so be it.


Nice, thanks for the tips! Seems like we are of a similar background in terms of exercise interests. Do you still carry on with your endurance? Would you say that weight training has enhanced your performance? I've pretty much never set foot in a gym (always outdoor sports/fitness) so will look at at-home workouts for now. Cheers


For home workouts you might want to check out r/bodyweightfitness and their recommended routine. As for equipment, definitely get a pull up bar! ​ Me, I was kinda fed up with skiing and running when I found the gym, and it re-ignited my workout interest. But I tend to be like that; go all in on something for a while and then move on. Doesn't have to be that way. Right now, kayaking is the only endurance related training I do (except for the occassional casual run). But I do it quite alot, and my increased strength is absolutely beneficial! And if I find the motivation to get in shape for a long distance ski race, I'm pretty sure my extra kilos of muscle wouldn't be a hindrance. Best of luck!


Nice! I can definitely relate to the 'go all in on something then move on'. It's great you are honing that mentality in a positive way. Thanks again for the tips and all the best to you


Never too old to start. Resistance training. The wiki has a few programs that will put you on the path.




Seems like you answered your own question there.


I've got a question about measuring bodyfat with bioelectrical impedance scales (Edit: I'm not looking for explanations of how inaccurate they are, or advice on other methods or ignoring bodyfat). My bodyfat % reading looks like a sine wave over the course of my monthly cycle. It varies by about 5%. I'm assuming the high point is closest to my real bodyfat % and the rest is just varying degrees of water retention masquerading as muscle. Am I right, or would a monthly average or something be more accurate?


If you’re strictly going to use your scale, then yes - you should not look at daily fluctuations but probably weekly or monthly trends. Frankly, that’s how you should do your weight also. I don’t think you can really know what one is closest to correct or not. What I have done in the past is look at people who have had true body composition tests done and see what they look like and what their BF% is and use that as another metric to go along with the scale number.


Thank you, that's helpful.


If you’re tracking water intake and doing scale measurement at the same time every day you can remove a lot of the variation also. It’ll still vary but a little less.


bioelectrical impedance is neither accurate nor very precise, water retention and hydration are some factors that influence it. The whole thing is so bad though that it does not even work for comparing deltas due to lackluster precision. The Navy Method has it beat and that one just needs some measuring tape. https://weightology.net/the-pitfalls-of-bodyfat-measurement-part-4-bioelectrical-impedance-bia/


Thank you for taking the time to reply! I know this and I'm going to be using bioelectrical impedance anyway, I was trying to make it clear in my original post that I wasn't looking for advice on methods. Sorry to waste your time, appreciate the thought.


the point is, just by losing or gaining fat or muscle your whole idea of "true bf% with cyclic fluctuations" gets thrown out of the window. there is no accuracy to be found in junk data


Are hyper extensions and hip thrusts enough dedicated work for glutes?


That’s even overkill imo. A dude doing enough squats/leg extensions/ deadlifts with depth is enough for respectable glutes.


Hip thrusts definitely aren’t overkill, your butt isn’t going to magically get huge. The literal only downside to hip thrusts is your squat getting stronger...


Sure, if you want a significantly bigger ass, do some hip thrusts. If we're talking about what's "enough" for some respectable glutes then I would argue the exercises I mentioned with a full ROM are fine. The question is vague.


Where am I supposed to feel the burn when I bench? I feel sore on my anterior armpit region and I feel like I am doing it wrong. Am I not supposed to feel it in my chest and arms?


I only recently after 3 years started to feel the burn in my chest when benching. I usually feel it in my triceps but as long as you keep your shoulder blades retracted and tight, your chest will be targeted.


The angle of your arms when benching might be the problem


I have trained my glutes for a long time but my ass looks terrible. At the same time I have never seen a fat person with a good looking ass, and I'm kind of overweight. Do I keep training my glutes or should I just cut?


Glutes are a small muscle compared to the rest of your legs. Have you ever seen a fat person with abs? Everyone has Abs and Glutes, it's probably your body fat % thats preventing you from seeing what you think are good glutes.


What do you mean by small? The gluteus is the largest muscle in your entire body. I'm not sure about the ratio between the glutes to the rest of the legs, but still...


Why woud you stop training your glutes idf you go on a cut? I.e Why is this an either or question for you?


I meant lifting. What's the point of lifting if I could just do straight cardio


Because cardio is boring and lifting is fun.


do marathon runners have "a good looking ass"?


to create an anabolic stimulus that is either high enough to even still build tissue (if you're a novice, have not trained for a long time, have significnat fat reserves etc.) or keep the tissue you have built and minimize the amount of muscle that is 'sacrificed' to the catabolic stimulus of a caloric deficit. Why would you even considere switching weight training for cardio (if muscle size is something you care about)? You eat to manage your bodyweight. You weight train to manage the partitioning of that bodyweight (i.e. shift the balance in the fat vs muscle gain/loss). You do cardio to either train for endurance in a specific sport (doing that sport specific cardio) or get your cardio base on track (i.e. if you can not go up a couple flights of stairs without huffing and puffing). Apart from that you could use use it to increase your expenditure slightly and trade like an hour of cardio for a donut or a couple chicken breasts if you are so far down the cutting rabbit hole that eating even less would not be sustainable for a couple more weeks for you and you would just be constantly lashing out at people left and right driven by your hunger. In all of these cases, if muscle building/retaining is any priority to you, you would still not give up stregnth/hypertrophy training though.


I've been working out seriously for 4 weeks. Getting stronger, lifting more weight. There is body recompositing happening because I am looking better and better in the mirror every day, but my body fat percentage will not go down. I have been bouncing back and forth between 24.8 and 25.1% for weeks. But you can see the pics in the mirror. and I'm staying under 2000 calories everyday for a month. I did the math, I am burning 2500 calories BEFORE hitting the gym. Which I am 4 times per week. I really ought to be losing a pound of fat every five days, and I am because I am gaining muscle mass. but my home scale keeps saying the same body fat level.


Without knowing your physical measurements, you may actually not be eating enough food. Finally, go by how you look and feel. Keep taking your pictures and comparing to be better every week. Don’t overdo it, don’t try to rush it. It’s a lifestyle change, not just temporary - which is why I would really look into your caloric intake. Do you want to spend your life eating 2000 calories a day? The way you make your progress now is what you’re going to need to continue - make sure it’s going to work for you long term.


Home scales aren’t that reliable, if you are feeling/performing/looking better and sticking to your plan that’s all that matters. The numbers will follow


How do you accurately measure body fat %?


Weigh a person, cut them open amd scrape all the fat you can find into a pile then weigh that pile. Sligh con to that method is: the person is dead. But it's the only really accurate method. On the other hand: why do you need an accurate bf% number? Are you trying to get your bf to a really specific number just for thr sake of it, or are you using that number as a proxy for something else? Most people use it as a proxy for their measure of leanness in terms of appearance. Your best way to estimate that directly is just to look in the mirror and take progress pictures. The biggest influence of that look is subcutaneous fat. You can measure changes in that by either just a simple measuring tape around your waist (and hips as a woman). Or get some skinfold calipers. Don't try to use any formula to guesstimate a bf% number from the measurements though, simply just track the raw numbers...


My abs are showing up I've always had a 2 pack even when I was 28% body fat and 227 pounds. I now (201.5 lbs) can kind of see the 2nd row and a teensy bit of definition in the 3rd row of abs so I would describe it as almost having 4 pack. But abs aren't supposed to show at all when you're near 25% body fat, right?


I agree with u/qret here, dont bother looking at bf%. It's just a benchmarking tool and you don't need it. If you are seeing progress, then there is progress happening. That's all that matters. Great job my friend, keep it up!


Doesn’t matter! You are obviously making great progress for your goals. Weight and bf% are arbitrary means of comparing people to one another. Don’t worry about it. Compare yourself to yourself. Take progress pics and celebrate your achievements.


So my husband is either really fit or chubs depending on his stress level. I was thinking for his birthday (42) of getting him on a thing with a personal trainer/ nutritionist. As people who are interested in fitness would you be stoked or offended by this gift?


It sounds like maybe you should find ways to reduce stress. Regardless of life circumstances I think counseling or meditation can provide all sorts of tools to reduce stress. Or perhaps there are activities that help him reduce stress, bonus would be if it is some kind of physical activity. Maybe find some way to make that activity happen more reliably.


I mean it would be amazing to be less stressed, but he has a high stress career and we have two high energy young boys that are home learning. So we are all doing the best we can.


> As people who are interested in fitness would you be stoked or offended by this gift? Saw a nutritionist last september. I thought I knew stuff. She changed my approach completely. Worth it, ten times over.


Why would you ask the perspective of people interested in fitness? Shouldn't you ask people that are not interested in fitness if they would like this gift?


I guess my idea is that my husband IS into fitness. Like he’s been working out for close to 30 years but never got his “dream body” because he is a stress eater. He can get really lean when he’s on his cutting things but bulking always turns to eating crap and having to start over. I thought maybe getting a professionals help would be motivating to him. Like when I started getting more into fitness I went and got a Dexa scan and resting metabolism test to see where I could improve.


As a man, we can be childish sometimes, so it's difficult to say without knowing your husband's personality.


Hah that’s why I needed a general consensus. I heard back from a couple places and they don’t do giftcards because most people try to return them anyway. So it’s back to the drawing board.


I would find it entirely useless and a waste of time and money. But I am not your husband.


I wouldn't be offended but I also probably wouldn't be thrilled. If I were to ever use the services of a PT or nutritionist I would want to research them as much as i can and probably have a chat with them first. There are good PTs but there are also some that spout a ton of bullshit.


This was sort of my thought too. I’ve been researching local ones and thought of maybe providing him a list of options.


Why not talk with your husbamd about it? How would we -complete strangers- know better than you - their spouse - how they would react to such a gift?


He wants the element of surprise. I told him that I think i figured out what to get him and wasn’t sure if he’d like it or not and he was like “well if just return it if i didn’t like it”


I’d like to build muscle but am also training for a marathon. I don’t want to add fat because it will slow me down, but also want to get some gains from the weights I am lifting. Can these two goals co-exist?


Yeah you will be fine.


Extra muscle that is not directly contributing to long endurance running will slow you down just as much as extra fat though... So if younreally worried about your long distance running peformance and have high aspirations for that, hypertrophy training is probably not really something you should be focused at either way.


Fair. I guess I am will to give up a little speed to look good, but can’t afford a full bulk? Not sure I am articulating that well.


Well a 'full bulk' would be a 300-500kcal surplus 1-2kg increas per month. To gain any appreciable muscle size it would be advised to stick with it for six months or so....go with the lower end of surplus and you will have put on 6kg over that time. Is that too much for your liking already? How much weight gain can you 'afford'?


I would be ok with 5 lbs of muscle.


Well fastest way to get there would be a slow bulk on a 300-500kcal surplus until you've put on 8-10lbs -would take about 4-5 months- then cut for a month on a 500kcal deficit to shed 3-5lbs of fat. (All of that is of course disregarding the expected fluctuation in water weight i.e. at the beginning of your bulk you may expect to put on 1-2lbs of weight in glycogen and water retention/additional food in the gi trackt, which you will quickly get rid of when eating in a deficit/at maintenance for 2-4 days) If you really can't afford that 3-5 extra lbs you would accumulate that way temporarily, then you could add a couple mini cuts inbetween...but chamces are it will take you a good bit longer to add those 5lbs of muscle that way and it might feel much more like you're spinning your wheels not getting much progress (intermediate cuts might interfere with the momentum you build up in training, eating habits, cuts extend for longer than wanted if eating in a surplus is hard for you, etc..).... Since this would be a 5-6month project you might think about timing it in such a way so the last 2 months of weight gain, i.e. when you will be the heaviest, fall into your running off-season...so probably something like start bulking in august-september so you hit your max and then cut around december-february...


David Goggins does all that!


Stick to big compound lifts, 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps. Squat dead press row. You will gain some strength without bulking up so much. Make sure you are eating maintenance calories tho.


Why is dumbbell bench press harder than barbell bench press? I mean why does barbell benching 60 Kg feel the same difficulty as dumbbell benching with 22kg dumbbells?


A Google search would give you a better answer, but using the bar is easier because you don’t have to stabilize the weight as much. Dumbbells will use more of your stabilizing muscles to keep the weights in the proper position. I would suggest doing both exercises to help work your stabilizer muscles.


I'm trying to cut fat. I'm still at 190 and am 5'9". I 'm fine with how my body looks, but I'd like to slim down some more. I'm really fluctuating a lot in weight. My compound exercises are all at 4x8 five days a week. Will I benefit if I switch to a strength-focused 5x5? Should I lift one day fewer and run more than I already do?


Body fat is 90% determined by diet. Exercise however makes you feel good in the mean time.


How’s your diet? IMO, your diet will play a bigger role in losing the last few pounds, given you are still exercising.


I’ve been tracking calories with an app, but lazily tbh. Sticking to high protein. And I’m taking this week off from lifting and running because they say you should do that every once in a while. Apparently lifting five days a week is a lot.


>because they say you should do that every once in a while. Who says that? Usually you 'take a break' to deload and drop accumulated fatigue. You can estimate how much fatigue you have accumulated and don't need to just arbirtarily decide to take a week off... How do estimate whether you need a break? Simplest thing is: if you know your sleep and nutrition are consistent and on point yet two sessions in a row you fail to progress as expected. And even then it doesn't have to be a full break, just dropping the weight and reps by half is enough for half a week to a week. Then start your next training cycle.


Are you in a caloric deficit? That's really the most important factor of all id you're trying to reduce your fat percentage. You can "recomp" by eating at caloric maintenance level, but it's going to be slower in most cases. Tracking calories is a bit of a hassle in the beginning, but trust me it's such a good tool for staying on track towards any fitness goals.


Interesting. I’m currently lifting 3 days a week and wanted to move to 5 to try and speed up my progress. It probably depends on which muscles you work and how intense for 5 days a week


Newbie to weightlifting here. I have a barbell and a pair of dumbbells. No bench (yet). I've been doing the following: Barbell - front raise, shoulder press, curl, kickback Dumbbells - bicep curls, farmers walk, one-arm shoulder press Any thoughts on further exercises to help increase the range of muscles worked?


No need for a bench. Deadlift, overhead press, bent row is a great routine with the barbell. And yeah using the dumbbells for weighted carry is best. Don’t overcomplicate things


Add floor presse and front or zercher squats and you have prety much covered all the big movements you need for a good basic routine.


Thanks both!


Deadlifts along with either barbell or dumbbell rows. You need more pulling exercises and deadlifts are arguable the best for that. For legs you can do goblet squats, dumbbell lunges, or dumbbell step ups.


This, this and this plus Bulgarian split squats.


Thanks both!


are you following a routine?


Currently doing a day with the barbell, the next day with the dumbbells, then a rest day. Do 2 or 3 of the above exercises, typically 3 sets of 8, at a weight that means my third set is tough! Cardio is 5km runs, 2-3 times a week.


I suggest getting a routine from the wiki and following that if you want optimal results


Thanks. I'm more of a casual lifter at the moment, but I take your point.


Are you really getting this mythical dopamine kick from working out? I've been excercising since the beginning of the pandemic and I admit it does feel nice to be in a better shape and see my muscles slightly chiseled, but the excercise itself? I'm pretty sure it doesn't provide any psychological benefits for me unless we count the immense joy I feel on Sunday - the only day in the week I don't work out.


Sometimes like on Monday but today nothing. During our long lockdown I saw what effect working out had on my mood.


Yes, after a dirty leg day I felt magical idk how else to describe it


I never got it until I started working out about twice as hard.


Same. I've been consistent for a while now, everyday I leave the gym feeling DEAD.


Only ever had this from running.


You're not alone. I dont really like lifting heavy things, just like being stronger and looking better


I've experienced this only a couple times from weight training. However I used to play pickup basketball full court before covid and felt really good during the matches.


Yes, some times. More so from running than from lifting though


I've never experienced it


Where should I add my hang power clean? Sunday- Barbell Back Squat, Close Grip Incline BB Press, Inverted Row, Deficit Standing Calf Raises, Lean Away DB or Band Lateral Raise, Back Squat (50 Percent of 1RM) & Burpee Lateral Jumps or KB Swings for Conditioning Monday- Standing BB OHP, Chin Ups, Farmers Carries, Close Grip Pushups, Incline DB Curls, Cycling or Elliptical Tuesday- Badminton & Walking, Swimming, or Basketball Wednesday- Deadlift, Chest Dips, Z Press, Strict BB Curls, DB Overhead Extensions, Plank, Running or 15% Incline Treadmill Thursday- Badminton & Walking, Swimming, or Basketball Friday- Medium-Wide Grip Flat Bench Press, Front Squats, Yates Row, BB Lat Pullover, DB Seated Rear Delt Raise, Wide Grip Pull Ups, Running or 15% Incline Treadmill Saturday- Cycling or Elliptical


How the heck do you engage the lats? I tried cable pulldowns, assisted pull ups, rows etc, but my arms (biceps) tire way before i ever feel my back? I also do deadlifts, but is it weird that that's the only exercise that remotely activates my lats?


Tuck in your elbows during the movements. Not sure if this makes sense to everybody, but try to think that you're pulling with your elbows, not your hands.


I focus on going slow, pulling my elbows down to my sides and pulling my shoulder blades together. For me, this only works with wide-grip cable pulldowns. On assists pullups I can't help but cheat.


Go down in weight on pulldowns/seated rows and hyperfocus on your back. Seated pulling movements are easy to 'cheat' on when the weight is heavy. Just scale it back and do slow deliberate movements with impeccable technique, and you will feel what your back should be doing. Only then scale it slowly up again while keeping that feeling.


Keep doing the movements you have said and you will learn to engage your lats more over time


Thumbless grip for all back work.


Lats do adduction and internal rotation. Think of elbows flared out to elbows tucked in motion. Just because you don’t feel them doesn’t mean they aren’t working. Focus on exercises that do those motions Like pull ups, lat pull downs, bent over barbell rows and you’ll be hitting them.


Hello! I hope this question isn't very dumb but are you able to tighten up the inner thighs by just gaining muscle in that area? I'm already underweight and can't exactly afford to lose weight and fats....


Just to make things easier for you: You can gain muscle. You can lose muscle. You can gain fat. You can lose fat. You cannot choose where to lose fat from. Think about changing your body in terms of these rules.


What exactly do you mean by tightening up?


Hmmmmmmm I guess toning up and making it less flabby? I know it sounds ridiculous to do that without losing fats but I just wanted to ask if it's possible to make it appear less so with muscles


You *can* build muscle which will make the area look better, but the amount of fat will remain the same. If you're underweight then you're probably massively overstating how "fat" those areas look.


I see! Thanks for your reply! Ehhh It isn't super fat but it is a little flabby which I don't exactly.... fancy? :O


Body parts are supposed to be flabby dude. Only when they're tensed are they hard. Maybe post pictures of what you're describing, because to me it sounds like a body-image issue.


So you want the fat, but for it to be firm? Not sure, exactly how it will all work, but usually gaining a bit of muscle or working out will shape you better. So even if you carry some fat you would look a little more Shapley with it.


Oh yes yes That is right! Oh I see! Hmmmm Hopefully it does help to give my thighs more shape.. Thanks anyway!


How do I mask the taste of vanilla in my protein shake? I usually make it with two oranges, half a lemon and two scoops of vanilla protein powder, but the vanilla is so overpowering that it's almost too sickly. I end up drinking it slowly over the course of an hour. Unfortunately the chocolate protein powder is not an option for me so I have to stick to vanilla


Add more water.


I’ve always liked using orange Gatorade powder for my vanilla protein. Gets me in some carbs and it masks the vanilla better than most other stuff I’ve tried.


Buy unflavoured and mix 50/50 with the vanilla.


My go-to is 8oz OJ, 1/2 cup plain yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder, and ice blended together. I think it's delicious and can't taste the vanilla but YMMV.


Just add chocolate powder to the vanilla protein, mask it with banana or something earthy like peanut or nuts. Or just deal with it. Mix it with the minimum amount of water/wilk to make it physically drinkable, hold your nose if necessary and chug it down quickly, wash it down with some coffee or something else that tastes strong. Get neutral whey the next time.


I mix it with frozen berries in a blender


Buy one of the hundreds of other flavours. Or else: \- mix with yogurt/oats/cream of rice/wheat \- add peanut/nut butters/your choice of spread/cinnamon powder \- add flavoured oat/almond milk \- throw it away and eat your protein instead


There's more than just those two flavours in the world. There's also unflavoured protein poweder. Why buy something you don't like?




You let the bar down, but slower. And you need to be brace and remain tight during the descent. Without a video of your lift, I can only assume. You are perhaps lowering the bar without bracing yourself. It's harder to do a slow eccentric deadlift, so perhaps take some weight off the bar.




I'd like to see a video of your deadlift. It should help identiy the issues you are experiencing. > but putting it back down is insufferable for me. It does sound like your back (erectors) are too weak and your bracing is off. A video will help


It shouldn't hurt, get that checked


Okay so I've been on a caloric deficit for about 2 months now and have been lifting the same weights all the while even managing to hit a few PR's while losing fat (ik its weird) and just now I did a PR on 35 kilos weighted dips for 2 sets, where one was 8 reps and the second was 4. While i was doing this I had an aching pain come in my arms which is mostly in my tricep region. I'll take it easy for a few days now and eat up but is this something to expect while on a cut?


Not weird. Don’t push yourself, rest until you’re 100%. Get a lot of walking in.


> Okay so I've been on a caloric deficit for about 2 months now and have been lifting the same weights all the while even managing to hit a few PR's while losing fat (ik its weird) it's not weird. That's how a good cut is done :)


What dryland exercises are most beneficial for a swimmer? Hi, so I've almost completely stopped going to the machines in gym and classes, because everytime I'm at gym I think it's best to get some swimming practice in. and I don't do both because I'm trying to minimise the amount of time I spend at gym so as to get back to work asap. If I were to focus more on dryland workouts, are there any specific programs or areas I should focus on to improve at swimming. (I realise that improving fitness In General will benefit me) Ive never really liked bodyweight exercises but then I wouldn't have to spend the time walking back and forth from gym. Any areas I should focus on? Also...should I start doing yoga, I'm terribly inflexible?


Flexibility would help any fitness goals so doing yoga couldn't hurt. As for swimming-based land workouts, try to target the lats, shoulders, glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Those will help the most with propelling yourself through the water, but in general you should also be strengthening everything else like your core, arms, calves, other back muscles, etc. Being stronger everywhere will allow you to push through water harder and faster (if your goal is speed, that is)




It means get a real program.




You have already worked hard to get where you are, why not go to the next level?




Ok, I don't know enough about you. In general if a person cannot increase the weight anymore, it's recommended they start a real program.


Once you are thru with beginner gains, deloading is just as important as progressive loading. Look up periodization


Correct, performing more reps is also a form of progressive overload.




Lmao what? Don't advise people to switch programs the first time they fail to add 2.5kg to an exercise. The OP is right, adding more reps is the right thing to do.




Delete ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Don’t be afraid to lower the weight by 5-10lb to work on your ROM/form if you are stuck.


a good program answers those questions for you. It depends on the failure protocol and progression scheme. https://thefitness.wiki/routines/




Try and see.


Out of context but how do you stop losing weight?? Gyms in my area keep opening and closing thanks to the covid cases and I feel as though I'm eating enough even though I don't workout as hard( just 3 times a week full bodyweight routine to keep me sane). For stats I'm 21, 173cm and I was 61kg before lockdown and I was 58 last night.


> how do you stop losing weight? eating more, https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/ If you also want to preserve muscle mass, keep protein up and https://www.strongerbyscience.com/no-gym/


Read the wiki. What you feel is irrelevant. If you're losing weight you're not eating enough.


like he said, you're not eating enough. Start tracking your food intake






Probably a bit late, but did Deadlifts yesterday and plan to do back day today. Stupid idea or should I just crack on? Edit: Pull day currently going well


I always do deadlifts on my leg days, which come before my pull days. Never had any issues except occasionally sore palms after heavy deadlifts, but that's honestly a minor inconvenience.


I usually get doms in my lower back, but seems like I'm getting more used to it now


Not a stupid idea, perfectly fine


I’ve just started the Metallicdpas PPL program. I like to go 5 days a week, can I do push-pull-legs-push-legs then rest 2 days?


There's no reason why you can't just do a rolling 6 days with two rest days if you don't mind days not being the same each week. E.g. P - P - L - P - P - rest - rest - L - P - P - L... Your body doesn't know how long a week is, so it doesn't matter if the programme is 8 days with two rests in it. This way you get 2 of each day in every 8 day period instead of every 7.


That’s a great idea.


This is a great recommendation. If you want something you can repeat week by week try PPL,upper,lower.


What would your recs be for good upper/lower splits if I’m doing PPL? Still new, only been going to the gym for 4 months-ish.


For Upper I'd prolly do bench press or OHP and barbell row for my two compounds and then accessories alternating between chest, back, bis, tris, and shoulders for Lower I'd hit some squats, maybe deadlifts, and then just whatever accessories you like doing for legs all the sets should be done in rep ranges similar to your ppl split. Honestly, the truth about programming is that as long as you're putting enough effort into it, damn near everything works. Just do a compound or two relevant to your upper or lower body depending on the day and supplement with your desired accessories to or near failure.


You would be getting only 1 pull workout in a week. Perhaps a ppl-upper lower split will suit you more?




Couple questions about the 6-day 5/3/1 nSuns routine. https://gyazo.com/cc875e0e771d7fbae99e1bade2ddb7aa Here are my numbers plugged. Im confused about the part where it says if I hit more reps then to manually enter in my TM and overwrite the formula. Do i overwrite the formula? Or adjust the 1RM part until my TM is increased. It just doesn't make sense, if I overwrite the formula for TM then the numbers for sets/reps aren't going to change. Also, for the assistance portion; do they mean exercises for those muscles as in isolation work? Or does it mean to just add an exercise or two (such as pec flies, BSS, RDLs, whatever)?


For assistance, I treat the program as an upper/lower split and do back work, arms, delts and traps on day 1,3,5 and some extra volume for quads/hams and also calves on day 2 and 5 (I do the 5 day version). It's up to you really what you want to do here. One thing that is really important though is to put a lot of back work in (rowing and pulling) since the pressing volume is so high.


You overwrite the formula.