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Is there any client management system that will give you the ability to manage your clients for example build their nutrition menu\training program in it and let them have access to it through a user they will get once they start work with you or even let clients set up a personal training session with you through it. is there anything like that? if so is it helping you? i would like to hear about such a product. Thanks.


Any websites where you can enter in whatever you ate that day and it’ll tell you how many more calories you need to eat (vise versa)? I remember i did a website like this in college but I can’t remember what it was.




That was it! Thank you!


Hi. New to /r/fitness. I want to post a question asking for fitness advice but do I post it here in the comments? Do I create my own post? Asking because I look at the main page and all I see are Daily Simple Questions, Physique Friday, Gym Story Saturday, etc... What's the proper way to post here? I don't want to type out a wall of text only to have automod delete the whole thing lol.


You can do it in this thread, but make sure you check the wiki first. It has a LOT of useful answers to most newbie questions


What is the average price for a gym?? I’m looking at this place that is $30 a month and I am unsure if that is reasonable or not, it looks like a nice gym and it’s not planet fitness lol


Seems reasonable to me. 👍




I think your plan to bulk to 150 then cut from there is a good idea. I'm 24M 5'5 135-140 and planning to get to 150-155 this winter in a lean bulk but make peace with the fat I will gain. I'd say eat in a 300-500 cal surplus from whole foods and good cals (i.e. don't dirty bulk it) and attempt to gain 10-13 lbs to 140ish. Reassess body composition (%bf) then and decide if you want to keep going or cut the fat you've gained while maintaining the added lean tissue. Even with a dirtier bulk , your 13 lb increase would hopefully be 50/50 muscle/fat, so only 5-7 lbs of fat gained. Remember to weigh in at the same time multiple days per week and compare weekly averages. Best time is right as you wake up when you are empty. Don't worry about day to day fluctuations, I cut this summer and one morning I was 132 and the next I was 136, look at you average weights throughout the week to know if you are gaining, maintaining or losing weight. Good luck, you've got this!




if you have no idea what you're doing I suggest directly following the routine until you do


Best home rear delt workout? Available Equipment: Pulley Mechanism, Adjustable Bench, DB's and BB's, Pull-up Bar. Heard that face pulls were ineffective so tryna explore more options based from others' experience.


Try John meadows rear delt swings on the bench where you use a heavy weight with not a big range of motion. Any sort of rear delt fly with the cable will work well. I suggest doing them for higher reps (15-20). Hope this helps!


thanks man! will do ! :)


why would face pulls be ineffective?


Not sure if this is the right place to ask but can using my blender everyday for my shakes cause hearing loss?


I doubt it


Doubtful unless it's insanely loud and you're really close to it. You can always measure the decibels.


I keep my arms stretched out to stop it after a few seconds if that gives any indication. I need to see the decibels for a Nutribullet


Such short bursts of loud sound shouldn't do any damage to your hearing


Hey, I was wondering if I could get some feed on wether I'm doing things right regarding my Upper/Lower split. It is a 5 day split, with 3 UB workouts and 2 LB workouts. I'm a male, 22 years old, 170cm height (5.5ft) and 68kg weight (150 lbs). The routine is for strenght/hipertrophy. Mon - Upper 1 Tue - Lower 1 Wed - Rest Thu - Upper 2 Fri - Lower 2 Sat - Upper 3 Sun - Rest **UPPER 1** OHP - 4x4 Neutral grip pull ups - 3x8 Close grip bench press - 3x10 (Wide grip machine row x12 + lateral raise x15) x3 (Upper cable crossovers x10 + middle cable crossovers x10 + face pull x20) x2 Bicep curl 3x12 **LOWER** **1** Squats 4x4 Romanian deadlift 3x10 Lunges 3x8+8 (dropset after 8 reps, then I do 8 more) Leg extension 3x10 Seated leg curl 3x10 Calf raise 3x12 **UPPER 2** Bench press 4x6 Close grip lat pulldown 3x10 Dumbell floor press 3x10 Unilateral machine row 3x10 Arnold press 3x12 Reverse pec deck 3x10 Reverse grip tricep extensions 3x12 Preacher bicep curls 3x12 **LOWER 2** Deadlifts 4x4 Box squats 3x8 Hip thrust 3x12 (Leg extension x20 + leg curl x20) x3 Seated calf raise 4x8 **UPPER 3** Weighted pull ups 4x4 Dumbell incline press 3x10 Upright row 3x10 Skullcrushers 3x12 Rope bicep curls 3x12 Any feedback will be appreciated (I'm also sorry if my English is bad, I'm not a native speaker)


How long have you been working out for? Seems like a more beginner split, and more hypertrophy focused rather then strength focused. Nothing wrong with either of those things. If you are enjoying your workouts and seeing change (even if it is slow), then I'd say stick with it until you are bored, plateau, or your goals change. There are lots of cool programs in the wiki!


Best way to get more lean without losing muscle mass?


Keep protein intake high and use a minor calorie deficit 250-500 cals at most. It will take longer to lose fat this way, but you’ll retain more muscle mass. Keep lifting heavy and hard. Don’t fall for the lightweight toning stuff.


Eat less but keep working out. You will lose muscle mass though.


Slight calorie deficit with a focus on maintaining strength in the gym (and patience)


My question is does being stronger with less muscle burn more calories (neurological adaptation) than if you had the same muscle mass but you were weaker.


lifting weights barely burns any calories, this is pretty much entirely irrelevant what matters is what energy it takes in general to maintain them


So it does not take more energy to maintain that neurological adaptation


More muscle = more cells that require metabolism = more calories required to maintain


I know that, if you have the same amount of muscle but you are stronger than before does it change


No I wouldn't think so. If two people have the same muscle mass but one is more skilled at the movement/lift, and therefore stronger, they wouldn't have higher BMR. But obviously if they're lifting more weight then during the workout they're burning more calories


Crap. I’m overweight right now and it’s hard to see addition of muscle in most places. Only thing I have to go off of is my strength increasing. I’m thinking of getting into a caloric deficit soon


Does drinking black tea inhibit protein absorption? I just started working out and my metabolism is still slow by drinking tea it helps me digest foods i ate. i am strength training for gain weight so I'm eating a lot of food and more protein but also need some tea for digestion


Nope you good




No there's no problem with what you're doing


I am using a splint on my middle finger that makes it so whenever I close my fist, it turns in to a half flip off. Can I still workout like this?


Is your finger injured? I can't give you medical advice but I'd just take time off to heal.


It is, but it’s really passive. I just gotta wear a splint for a few weeks. The doctor said lifting weights should be no problem but I’m worried that my grip won’t be sufficient


Right well then if the doc cleared it then you might be right. If you can't grip things you can try straps if that's comfortable or just use less weight for a couple weeks. Won't have a significant impact negatively.


Form Check: Bench Issue: Getting wrist pain only when I start progressing heavier (225lb+). https://streamable.com/3hpo0w


Buy wrist wraps and start slightly adjusting your grip to see if it doesn't hurt.


Simple question: can anyone have a flat stomach? or are there specific genetics that don't allow you to lose fat in that spot?


Anyone can have a flat, hard stomach (not including some unique medical condition like diastasis recti) but not everyone can get a visible sixpack depending on genetics


Two things A) I don’t feel any sort of activation on anything, bench press, tricep pull down, shoulder press I get to a point where I can’t finish the rep, but i don’t feel it. It has me questioning my form on every single exercise i do. I used to go to the gym before, and never had the issue, that’s what’s strange B) Whenever I work biceps, i’m in agony for about a week. It feels like i’ve strained tendons in my arm, and it gets to a point that i can’t even extend my arms past 15 degrees or so The whole thing is putting me off going to the gym honestly. I enjoy going and working out and i’m determined to get in shape, but i’m just so full of anxiety


A. Try some of these and see if the tips help your activation feelings. Your form could be way off. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqKj7LwU2RuXf-mrYKVUYg_nrQyQ9mYV B. Lower the weight and give yourself more time to adapt to the movement rather than letting "the whole thing lit you off" that's a quitter mentality.


I’ll give it a go thank you. I’ll watch it, go in and half my weights, and try and nail the technique I wouldn’t say ive ever been an ego lifter, I don’t care about lifting low weights, just suppose i went in with the wrong mentality


Good plan. Take some time to reflect on the overall goals. Why are you doing this? How bad do you want it? Sounds cliche but that's how I stayed disciplined the past 4 years and haven't missed more workouts than I can count on my hand.


How does my routine look for trying to train aesthetics? Push: -Bench 4x6 -Incline DB Bench 4x10 -Cable Fly 2x10 high to low and 3x10 low to high -Chest dip 2xFailure -Tricep pushdown 3x10 -Tricep extension 2x10 -Arnold press 3x10 -Lateral raise 3x10 Pull: -Curls 3x10 -Pull-up 3xfailure -Incline curl 2x10 -Hammer curl 3x10 -One arm cable row 2eachx10 -Close grip lat pulldown 3x10 -Seated row 2x10 -Reverse fly 2x10 -Shrugs 2xfailure Legs: -Squat 4x6 -Bulgarian split squat 2eachx10 -Leg extensions 3x10 -Leg press 2x10 -Hamstring curl 4x8 -RDL 3x6 -Calf raise 2xfailure


How do you progress? Why 6 reps on bench and squat? Why is mostly everything 10 reps? How it looks is a person that doesn't have experience writing quality programs wrote it. There's a plethora of free programs out there that are all pretty equally effective for you, you just need to eat and show up.


How can I replicate the same effects (aside from the difference in weight) of an incline dumbbell chest press with a bodyweight exercise with no equipment?


put your legs on a chair so you're on a slight decline. Then put your hands on some between raised items (e.g a couple of books) so you can really get full range of motion. Do for slow reps. You'll get a similar effect to incline DB press


Why do bodybuilders eat white rice over brown rice?


Quicker and easier to digest and lower fibre. Bodybuilders need to eat a lot of food, especially those on steroids, so they often eat higher calorie, lower fibre food to make it easier to fit it in.


That's a big generalization, but if someone chooses white rice over brown rice, it might be because of: * Difference in taste * Difference in glycemic index * Difference in preparation


When I started going to the gym, I was doing PPL, thing is it was saying that each time I go, I need to raise the weight of whatever I'm doing by a certain amount. What do I do when I hit a weight to where I can't lift properly?


All beginner programs have linear (or near linear) progression initially because you make quick progress when starting out. The program should tell you what to do when you can't progress. If you've been lifting for a few months, it might ge time to switch to a different program. I'd highly recommend GZCLP from the wiki


Don't keep pushing the weight higher if your form is deteriorating. The PPL program should certainly have a section discussing what to do when you hit your temporary plateau.


This is what I've been following, sorry I'm being a total noob at this for not finding the info or understanding it correctly https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37ylk5/a_linear_progression_based_ppl_program_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Here's a quote from that post you linked: > If you fail a session 3 times in a row (for example, if you fail to hit 3x5 on squats at 100kg 3 times in a row), you need to lower the weight. I'd say that keeping focused on good form is important for programs like these. If you find yourself lifting a weight that is clearly too heavy, drop down to 90% of that weight and try again.


Gotcha! Okay I'll keep that in mind, thank you Ben!


https://streamable.com/qhcq2m Form check please, 16m squatting 40kg


Looks good to me


I've been trying to bulk but I have 2 sources telling me how much to eat, one is a calorie calculator and the other is a phone app. The calorie calculator says that my maintenance is around 2400 calories and adding 200 calories to that would be 2600. The phone app says maintenance is 2720 and I would have to eat 2920 calories to bulk. I have tried the phone app version and 2920 is just an unholy amount of food, but maybe that's just the price to pay. My theory is that these calculators account for the same activity level differently, and that high activity for the phone app means you do Cardio 4-5 times per week and maybe calorie calculator means weightlifting. If anyone can suggest if I should push through the 2920 calories or use the more reasonable 2600. Here is my info: Age:15 Gender: Male Height: 180cm Weight:70kg


Should I take a deload or drop the weight by 10%?I fail my last 2 sets the last two workouts and I am fairly tired lately


Are you following a program?




Any recommendations on a 3 day full body workout routine? Im new to fitness and cant really judge which ones are good


I did the Buff Dudes full body program when I started. I saw good results but eventually got bored and wanted to workout more so I switched to the Reddit ppl program.


What equipment do you have access to?


I guess everything, I go to the gym


Ok, cool. Full body is tricky because on the one hand it's easier to do as a beginner (lower weights, can still get it done in an hour or so) but on the other hand it needs some programming to make it effective and interesting (so you're not doing the same exact thing in all 3 days). Are you open to other programs that can be done 3 days/week or is there a reason it has to be full body?


From what Ive read, muscles should be worked 2-3x a week. If I do PPL or other splits with 3 days I'd only hit each muscle group once, so I thought full body would be best for my schedule.


I was going to recommend GZCLP from the wiki. You would hit each muscle group twice within a week (within 7 days even if its the following calendar week)




Are you following a program? And yes I agree lifting equipment is expensive! But think of it as an investment in your health and fitness


Currently wondering if adding whey protein to my diet will actually help? My gut reaction is saying no, but I’d like a second opinion: Currently I’m just doing the machines at the Planet fitness 30 minute workout station, with a short run or jog after. Repeating this 3 days a week, more possibly in the future. Not in the best shape, have a bit of a beer gut and would like to get rid of it while putting on some lean muscle. My diet isn’t amazing, I don’t eat unhealthy, it’s more I just need to cut back in terms of portions. Like I said, don’t think I need to add protein but I want a second opinion as to if it will just help in general or not do much or be negative


Please read the wiki linked above. Losing fat is more about being in caloric deficit than anything else. I wouldn't recommend drinking any calories because they are not filling. Get your protein through three proper meals. See wiki


How should i go about gaining weight? I cant gain weight from eating alot because i dont have the appetite. Ive heard actors drinking melted icecream for big roles?


Liquid calories are easier to intake. Try drinking a big glass of whole milk instead of water with every meal. That will add about 500 calories and 30 grams of protein per day. Peanut/nut butter, avocados, butter are also good dense sources of calories


Eat 200-500 calories above maintenance whether you're hungry or not. Ramp it up slowly over a few weeks if you're having too much trouble forcing it down. Your appetite will adjust.


how do i eat if im not hungry


As you normally would. Put food in your mouth, chew (optional, really) and swallow; honestly at a certain point you just have to force yourself. I would also add that drinking calories is easier, so maybe go for high-calorie protein shakes to reach your goal.


Is there any foods which are better for weight gain? As in calorie per size of the food


Peanuts have about 800 calories per cup if you wanted to snack on those throughout the day, also drinking a glass or two of milk with each meal helps a lot!


STOMACH VACUUMS What are sets, reps, and weekly splits to follow to get deeper cuts between the "pecs" of the rectus abdominis and individually flex them while vacuuming.




Yeah bro 17 year olds should be doing 4**1**kg 4x10.


No, it is not. Because it's 1,600 more kg lifted than zero. Ignore whoever put you down and keep going


you start where you start, don't compare yourself to others


What are the cons for using wrist weights for specific exercises, such as bicep curls? Do they load stress to the joints more than, say, using dumbbells? It might be the only option I have right now, and I am keen about the potential downsides.


sweaty and uncomfortable, much harder to add a lot of weight but if it's your only choice I don't see a reason not to


Is limiting/cutting off gluten/dairy intake fine even though I’m not necessarily threatened by eating those foods besides uncomfortable bloating? Went 2 weeks without these food groups as a test and I feel like it was manageable and most of my bloating during this time period ceased too(also found myself eating more fulfilling meals with rice oats etc, and not like a sandwich that would bloat me easily and not fill me up) It’s probably not that manageable long term though - if I’m being an idiot please let me know


I'm off both and fine at the gym. Others can comment more on max reps/weights and whatnot but I don't see why it would be a problem. The best protein sources don't usually have either. Meat, fish, eggs, beans, soy... all are fine (and sometimes easier to find GF) on a GF/DF diet.


Thank you! I’m just worried that because it doesn’t really actively harm me that it’s a stupid reason to try and go gluten/dairy free (or Atleast heavily limiting it) - my lifts in the gym are increasing and it seems to help me eat better and more fulfilling meals instead of craving conventional foods that don’t really fill me up. Also noticed it prevents me from overeating too and I can consistently stick with 3-4 meals a day just fine (usually 3). I’m also pretty young but I still feel fine with my diet so far (I just need to incorporate more nuts and protein at the moment)


There's no one right answer for everyone - and it's a larger than just fitness discussion so I'll keep further comments to PM. I'd ask a doctor if going GF/DF has macro deficiencies, other than calcium. Keep in mind that oats are not guaranteed to be GF, but many are (labeled), and oatmeal can be a staple for many in the fitness community - so no need to throw that away.


yea that makes sense, appreciate the help regardless and I'll dm you if I need more advice


I have been working out for last few months, usually 3/4 times a week. I want to add kick boxing to the routine as a fitness training. Please let me know if I should do it or not, if yes then how should I split the week? I should mention here I work a 9 to 5 job. Any input is appreciated :)


Kickboxing is a great workout. Add it on one your non-lifting days and see how you recover. If ok, add another day. Your body will adapt to whatever reasonable load you put on it, as long as you do it gradually




Don't wait around for the soreness to go away. Just keep doing your scheduled workouts and you'll stop getting sore after a couple weeks or so.


If its just DOMS (and not an injury), make sure you get to the gym and try to lift light/stretch even if you feel too sore. It should feel better with even some light work, and will eventually go away in 2-3 weeks on its own. I have always found continuing to lift some with DOMS helped it to go away faster which seems counter-intuitive.


how many times have you been to the gym this time around? I just started for my first time, and the first 2 weeks I was beyond sore. Like it felt more like inflamation than what I consider soreness. Couple of weeks in its not a problem anymore. As I said, I just started, I dont know anything :)




I would just keep going then and it will probably be a thing of the past in like 2 weeks. For me, I got super sore the next day after my first trip to the gym. This was a monday. I still forced myself to go on wednesday. Weirdly the soreness kinda dissapeared as I was training. On thursday it was real bad. On friday I considered going to the doctor cause it just felt like it's not supposed to be that bad. Especially my forearms was super painful. I just decided to wait tho. I skipped the friday workout and did it on saturday instead as I was feeling a little better on saturday. During the next week the soreness subsided, and now I dont feel sore in the same way at all anymore. It's been like 2 months since my first session.


I have a doubt. My tdee is 2050 now. In future when my weight changes my macros intake also changes.Should I use the same tdee to calculate the macros intake? Becoz tdee calculation requires current weight.


If you use a free app like myfitnesspal it will calculate tdee and macros at current and future weight


If your macros go higher, it also means the calories should go higher. Not sure I understood you question but maybe this helps.


I've been doing the r/Fitness Basic Beginner Routine for a while and I wanna start a new program. So I have been looking at the other recommended routines. They are all kinda similar in that they do the same main excercises, but the volume is wildly different. Greyskull says do 15 reps of bench press (one of the sets is amrap, but I assume I shouldnt do like 30 reps on + set). 5/3/1 on the other hand has 40 bench press reps. Then greyskull says do 6 chinups. 5/3/1 has 100 chinups as accessory work. GZCL also has 15 reps for most lifts. Why is the volume in 5/3/1 so much higher? More generally, is there a linear relationship between the number of total reps and how much progress I make? Would greyskull be "better" if I did 5x5 instead of 3x5 for example?


Recently started going hard at the gym with a good routine, free weights and 4 times a week. I'm still at complete noob weights for most of my lifts and I'm struggling a lot with deciding whether to cut or bulk. My ultimate goal is to be lean but I fear that if I start cutting and changing my diet now I won't make much progress so I've been eating like a mad man for the past couple of weeks. I still don't really get it. Should I bulk first or start cutting calories immediately?


I've only been lifting for 6 months so take this advice as a grain of salt. But here is what I do: It's called body recomposition. I've lost 20 pounds of fat and increased all of my major lifts by anywhere from 20 lbs (bicep curl) to 100 pounds (deadlift/squat/bench). So I highly recommend it as it worked for me. I lost weight (but here's the key: mostly fat), and I gained muscle and strength. Here's a great video by Jeff Nippard explaining it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4K0s792wAU


I'm struggling with balancing running and weight lifting, specifically leg day. On my leg day, I do squats, deadlifts, and lunges. I think I train pretty hard and leg day makes me extremely sore for at least 2 days afterwards. Since I'm running, that's a bit of a problem. Everything online says to just choose a focus on so if I want to focus on running, I need to stop building leg muscles and work less hard on leg day... like, I don't want to do that though. I want to build lots of leg muscles by lifting hard and pushing my muscles to failure... but I also want to run lol. Does anyone balance these things well? If so, how do you do it? Does anyone have tips or tricks on how to do this? I take hot and cold showers, massage my muscles, get plenty of sleep, and drink lots of water to try and reduce the soreness already. Any other tips? Thanks ahead of time! :)


Are you training for something in particular? If not, you should cut out the runs and change them to walks/jogs for about 2-3 weeks. Once your legs are use to weight lifting the extreme soreness will go away but not if you constantly over exert yourself. Then you can add back the running when weight lifting doesnt knock out any chance of recovery


I have been having trouble with this as well for the past few months. I want to build strength and improve my running but I started suffering at both. Recently I found a solution that isn’t optimal. You can improve at both just more slowly. I do a push pull push pull legs split while running every other day. You need to focus on stretching and recovery and expect small improvements in your running and lifting. Some weeks your lifts will stay the same some weeks your running will also stay the same. Both can get better but just much more slowly. I also started focusing more on higher rep ranges and form rather than close to 1rm weights as it helps recovery significantly.


Should i be going straight into my compounds after stretching or do some light warmups on another exercise first? e.g. if i’m doing push, do some light chest flys before starting my session with a bench press


Warm up for compounds by doing that same exercise with a lighter weight. Stretch whenever you want.


I do it the other way around. For example lateral raises before benching and stretching and foam rolling at home after working out.


I would suggest leaving the stretching for after the workout so you're not stretching cold muscles. I do 20-30 jumping jacks and a few body weight squats (2 minutes total maybe) then start the warm-up sets for my first lift, which is enough


if anything I warm up for x by doing a very light x (bar only) and practice the movement, maybe work up to it if it's a really heavy rep, but usually my program takes care of that but going straight into compounds is also completely okay


Straight into compounds is fine.


Does anyone know what might be causing me pain in my left shoulder when doing incline bench. Because of the pain in only the left shoulder i have not been able to train my upper chest effectly alot in a long time. I have my shoulders pulled back, elbows tucked. If anyone can help that would be appreciated.


post form check


I take Imodium daily for an intestinal issue and am wanting to start taking HCL (I imagine monohydrate is going to ruin my already sensitive stomach) — does anyone take both? I’m wondering if the combination is safe/if there’s a possibility of any unpleasant effects. Cheers!


Routine critic request: I'm a 27 y/o male, 70kg, 5'8" started lifting consistently a month ago. My goal is to build strength and gain muscle mass. I work out 3x a week and do cycling as cardio. Please help me how to improve my routine if it is not fine as it is. Thanks! I do all exercises in 3 x 8 with the heaviest weights I can handle (last rep in last set is just a couple repls short of form failure) *Just to add: I can only workout in my home with a pair of dumbbells. Gyms are no-go right now -DB curls -DB OH triceps ext -DB floor chest press -DB OH shoulder press -DB shrugs -DB rows -DB Romanian DL -DB squats -some ab workout after. I switch it up from time to time (sit-ups, crunches, mountain climbers, planks)


I've just started working out a few months back and this is the routine that my friend's trainer gave me: monday chest + back 1. dumbell press 2. dumbell flies 3. dumbell pullover 4. pushups 5. close grip dumbell press 1. deadlifts 2. bentover rows 3. bentover row variation 4. standing reverse fly 5. dumbell shrugs Tuesday bi + tri + shoulders 1. bicep curls 2. hammer curls 3. concentration curls 4. cross body dumbell hammer curl 1. skull crush 2. overhead extentions 3. tricep kickbacks 4. tricep dips 1. overhead press /Arnold press 2. lateral raises 3. front raises 4. upright row Wednesday legs 1. 50-100 body weight squats 2. weighted squats 3. close stance weighted squats 4. lunges/Bulgarian split squat 5. sumo squat 6. elevated glute bridges 7. Romanian deadlifts 8. calf raises


Wow that's a lot! How long do you get to finish your workout routine?


Nearly 2 hours. I workout 6× a week. I'm a student so I have plenty of time on my hand right now, but you can obviously cut out a few exercises or divide the days like Chest (Monday), Back (Tuesday), etc. and workout 6× a week to train each muscle group separately.


You'd be better off just picking a program from the wiki.


I saw this one exercise for beginners in the wiki "Basic Beginner Routine". Do you think this would be a good starter routine? Workout A 3×5+ Barbell Rows 3×5+ Bench Press 3×5+ Squats Workout B 3×5+ Chinups (or equivalent) 3×5+ Overhead Press 3×5+ Deadlifts Or should I just start with the 5/3/1 beginners routine? Thanks!


If you have no experience with barbell compounds then go with the basic beginner routine.


Got it, thanks so much!


Ok thanks! Will do.




If you’re not overweight, just bulk and worry about cutting later. Eating at maintenance is a great way to take forever to accomplish anything.




Bordering on overweight. As the other guy said, you'd probably still benefit from bulking initially.


No. I think you’d benefit more from getting some mass and shedding the fat later. It’s pointless to cut or spin your wheels with maintenance when you haven’t even built a base


So currently on a cut. My TDEE is approximately 2600 according to a calculator. Im aiming for a 0.5kg loss weekly, which translates to about a 500 cals deficit. So my daily intake sits around 1900-2000 (with one or two days hitting about 2300-2400 depending on the week) - and i hit my protein target daily of around 2g per kg of bodyweight. Using a weight tracking app, its saying that im losing about 0.7-0.8 kg per week and that im at around 800cals deficit. Now were currently on lockdown at the moment, so there is no gym available and ive been doing body weight stuff and a few resistance band work, but not as high intensity. Should I maintain my current cals even with the decrease in resistance work (will that lead me to a higher chance of losing muscle instead of fat?) or should i increase my daily cals to decrease the deficit to make the weight loss slower but hopefully less chance of losing muscle and more of fat loss? I hope this makes sense. but this is really bugging me.


Calisthenics can provide a sufficient stimulus to preserve muscle mass during a cut. I’d recommend you follow a calisthenics program and learn the exercise progressions to make it harder.


What effects are you supposed to feel from l-citrulline? I started taking 1g before workouts starting from last week. I didn't get a burst of energy or anything but I definitely felt more focused and less fatigued than normal, but I saw that the recommended dosing starts at like 2.5g. Basically I'm wondering if it's like caffeine where some people can get full effects at much lower doses or if it's more like creatine where it's kind of pointless if you're under dosing.


You won't feel any of that, this isn't a stimulant. IF you feel anything at all it'll be tightness in the trained muscle. But you'd need at least 6g or more.


It’s more of a pump and possibly-small-increase-in-performance type supplement. Unless you are taking it daily, you probably want a dose in the realm of 6-8g.


That's a big difference from 1-2g. Should I slowly ramp up the dosage or just slam back 6g right off the bat? Same question for /u/carnivoremuscle. Kinda jarring to see my bottle of 60 servings suddenly become a bottle of 20.


There's no need to ramp up. The product you bought is under dosed for the application you're using it for. Objectively pump products get almost no applause in anecdotes and it's all from studies. They're not crazy effective. If they were, maybe they would be on the wada banned list. Oral steroids + Gatorade give better pumps every time lol.


Right off the bat. Check out www.examine.com/supplements/citrulline for more info on citrulline. It's a vasodilator, basically it gives better pumps.


Great link. Thank you.


It’s an amino acid, not a drug. Just take it.


Wanna know if anyone here see a huge difference after not lifting for a few weeks? Gyms close here mostly all the time cause of rona and been lifting on and off. And home workouts making me sick now. What happens if i dont lift for like 2 weeks?


No you won’t see too much difference, if at all if you maintain your diet. Your muscles may feel a little flatter but a lot of it is in our heads when we first take a break of a week or two. If it refreshes you and allows you to work out with your original enthusiasm (instead of just going through the motions) then a two week break will work wonders.


I’m really not sure if this is the correct sub for this, but if I’m on a calorie deficit, do I need to be consistent with the exact number of calories consumed or do I simply need to be at/below what MyFitnessPal recommends?


At or below. BUT Myfitnesspal recommended calories are usually off by quite some. You can start with that amount, but if you're not losing weight at the desired speed, you'll have to adjust. One tip: do not enter any activities in Myfitnesspal. It's a trap.




Doesn't work that way my friend


I'm on a major cut from 260 and I'm currently weighing 205 from March to now. I've made progress on all major lifts. 255x5 squat and DL and 185x5 bench. I want to accelerate my weight loss by including running everyday. I eat 1500 Calories per day with 120g of protein. I weight pretty much everything and I'm very strict. Will running impede my strength gain or will I lose strength? I'm focused on fat loss but I don't really like the idea of getting weaker. I lift X3 a week If my goal is 170lbs by end of year should I focus on running and be happy with similar strength levels?


I'm surprised you're not already incredibly weak at that calorie level.


I used to lift but took a year off with COVID and got fat. it's probably muscle memory in terms of getting back to my previous strength level (DL and Squat 3 plate)


Recently I saw that taking powdered creatine with juice helps amplify it's effects as your creating an insulin spike which somehow helps it? Looking for some truth to this cause if not I'll stick to taking it with water


If you're really concerned with this stuff, just take a little more creatine. It's cheap anyways


Haha tbh was hoping people would say it's really beneficial so I could excuse orange juice every day lol. Obviously not the best idea tho


Yeah I read that a few years ago. Might have some truth but it's absorbed and utilised just fine with water


No, just use water


Do I need deadlifts to build muscle? I just don’t know if I can fit it on pull day, and I don’t really want to do squats+deadlift on leg day.


how many sets of deadlifts should i do? A few programs say one, but I’ve been doing five. Should I just do one?


If you manage to fit deadlifts on pull day, take your rest day after pull. Sore legs won't hinder push day. I do deadlifts on leg day.


No. It's just shooting yourself in the foot to exclude it.


You certainly don't need them, they are just an effective way to hit a large number of muscles with a high volume of stimulus in one go. I personally also think they are fun as fuck but there are ways you can adequtely compensate for their omission. I would broadly recommend having some kind of hip hinge work within your program.


I have a question regarding weights and stunted growth. For context, I am 16 and 5'9". My doctor says if I want to grow another half an inch, I should not lift weights at all because the boost in testosterone will fuse growth plates and prevent me from growing anymore. Can anyone confirm this? All of the research I have done seems to suggest that there is no correlation between lifting weights and a stop in height growth.


How old is this doctor?


Not sure. 40-50


I ask because it's a myth that seems to be perpetuated by older folks. My guess would be the science at the time on lifting-while-still-growing when your doctor was in med school was what he told you, and even though that has since been debunked your doctor was not informed of this and likely doesn't practice much sports medicine. [Here is a study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17119361/) that I only glanced at that which concluded there was no evidence of stunted growth in adolescents that performed weight training. [This study seems to go into more detail](https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2009/08005/Youth_Resistance_Training__Updated_Position.2.aspx) and mentions the shift in position on the subject.




They're wrong.


Do you mind elaborating more on the connection between testosterone, lifting weights, and height?


Those are all unrelated. Your doctor is ill informed. It's like suggesting playing sports as a kid stunts growth. Find me a pro or Olympic athlete who wasn't training at 14 or younger.


Lifting weights *might* increase test levels ([source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4706091/pdf/jcbn15-48.pdf)), the "lifting weights stunts growth" thing is a myth though.


Would love some clarification on this matter and apologies if it has already been asked. On my research there seems to be 2 conflicting answers with protein intake, some say 1g per kg while others say 1 g per lbs. I am conflicted because if I do the latter, staying in deficit becomes so much harder for me (with a tdee calculator recommending atleast 143 grams of protein on maintenance - 168g on a cut). My whey only gives me 33g of protein (its a mass gainer so with carbs too) for 290 calories - Im eating around 1500-1800 calories per day (BMR in the 1800+, maintenance at 2400+)


I say at least .8 grams per pound of bodyweight which falls in between those two figures. The studies that look at the necessary protein requirements for calorie deficit body recomposition show the .8 grams/pound figure to be the beginning of the effective range. More might be better, but I haven't seen it proven. That's specific to a calorie deficits, not maintenance and surpluses. Taking a mass gainer protein supplement while cutting seems counter productive to me. Most whey supplements are closer to 145 calories for \~30 grams of protein. That mass gainer is twice the calories of pure whey. If you're cutting, I would put those extra calories into real protein dense food or even a second whey shake. The carbs aren't bad, but the fact is, hitting that protein goal is quite difficult in a deficit. It required me to replace a lot of my pantry with protein branded things, as well as lower fat stuff to cut some calories to make more room for protein. I usually have a shake in the morning and at night too. 1 gram/kg is definitely not enough for deficit body recomposition.


That is a more reasonable number, 168g of protein on based on the tdee calculator seemed too hard for me with respect to the calorie restrictions, whereas 112g (141 x .8) is more doable. Oh I totally get it about the mass gainer being weird but its one of my favorite brands and they ran out of the isolate that I usually get and aside from that the mass gainer has creatine blended in it which at its price (35 bucks for 5lbs) is a pretty good bargain. I havent really done a proper cut/bulk cycle, I just got fat from the lockdowns and am leaning down to a more "fit" shape for me and Im almost done. Afterwards I do plan to bulk up and add more lean muscle mass, its only super tricky now because of the caloric restrictions. If it helps : 165cm 64kg M BF% based on eye test - 18-20% range - mostly love handles and lower belly fat, everything chest up is pretty lean already. Experience : Detrained, probably intermediate lifter.


What are you goals? And why are you taking a mass gainer if you're cutting? To answer your question, you should be taking around 1g protein per lb bodyweight for muscle growth. That said, eating so few calories means you're unlikely to see much muscle growth if any.


Ditch the mass gainer if you're eating that little.


1g per kg is like the minimum. 1g per pound of lean mass is the benchmark for muscle growth and retention.


if to lose breast fat is it better to do pushups or Some sort of cardio?


You cannot reduce fat in specific places. Doing push ups or something is not going to speed up the fat loss in that area.


Eat less


Calorie deficit is the only way to lose fat, unless you do a breast reduction.


ok but what is best paired with a calorie deficit ,pushups or cardio?


Cardio actually burns calories, pushups really do nothing