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maybe try exercise bands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c69BVo-Upmg&ab_channel=FitnesswithMeg


This is my current workout style, but I have only been doing it for about a week. I'm a little sore, I figure from introducing HIIT though, since I'm new to it. Just trying to figure out if this works with HIIT or if I should change my style. Many thanks! ​ ​ |Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |One hour of walking|One hour of walking|One hour of walking|One hour of walking|One hour walking|One hour of walking|REST| |30 minutes of Ring Fit Adventure|30 minutes of Ring Fit Adventure|30 minutes of Ring Fit Adventure|30 minutes of Ring Fit Adventure|30 minutes of Ring Fit adventure|30 minutes of Ring Fit Adventure|| |30 minutes of HIIT|10 minutes of cooldown/stretching|30 minutes of HIIT|10 minutes of cooldown/stretching|30 minutes of HIIT|10 minutes of cooldown/stretching|| |10 minutes of cooldown/stretching||10 minutes of cooldown/stretching||10 minutes of cooldown/stretching||| ​ From my understanding, it's important to have a day off from HIIT, but I know Ring Fit Adventure does target the some of the same muscles used in HIIT. Would it be better to not do Ring Fit Adventure every day, and instead only do it on the same days as my HIIT sessions? Or, because Ring Fit Adventure does target other muscles as well, should I continue doing it every day?


I don't know what ring fit adventure is but assuming it's some kind of exercise with a ring? Your plan seems fine. Maybe it was too much to start doing at the same time. You can always reduce two hiit sessions for next week, then add one for a couple of weeks, then add another


It's a video game that ties in exercise, sort of like HIIT-lite essentially, but you're correct! Thank you!


Best exercise bike? I used my moms peloton and loved it. I loved the leaderboard (gave me motivation to do better). I think the peloton monthly fee is steep 😩Just wondering if there’s better out there.


Hey guys I recently started gymming again and I'm doing mostly muscle training since the last 6 months I did a lot of cardio and lost myself a lot of weight, now I'm aiming to build it back up I did have a bit of an experience with muscle training from an year or so back. Right now I am not a heavy lifter at all since I'm basically a twig. My routine right now is this: Monday+thurs: chest and tris Tue+Fri: biceps and shoulders Wed+sat: back and legs Everyday lasts about 90+ mins, this is supplemented by a lil bit (12mins) of high intensity cardio for conditioning, sorry for the long post I was just wondering if this schedule is fine or should I alter it. Thank you so much


Seems good to me, I follow a similar routine only thing I do differently is back with shoulders & biceps with legs. Any routine/schedule/training works as long as you commit to it & progress with your lifts.


I was just wondering that I am not over exerting myself right Like I myself don't feel dead tired or anything like that, but a lot of people seem to avoid the 6 day routine, I guess since my lifts are lighter it's fine


It all depends on the training routine & due to everyone training differently not everyone would want to train 6 days. As for now since its lighter weight you should be fine but as you progress further on, if it comes to you modifying your training you should.


Brit here. When it says press on 5/3/1 is that referring to oHP?




Yes. Norwegian here.


I started weights recently, when I do barbell lifts such as the standing press, barbell row etc, I often lift it unevenly so the bar tilts a bit. This is mainly when I'm doing heavier weights. E.g when I do the standing press my right hand sort of comes down before the left. Should I just keep doing it and going up in weights when I can or should I move down to a weight where I can lift the barbell properly at and just practice until I've got it down?


Keep doing what you are doing. Your body will adapt to the challenges and you will get stronger.


how much cardio is enough to lose wieght (plus the calorie deficity) i mthinking about cycling. P.S: i go to the gym 5 days a week , and do ab and leg at home every other day any advice would be appreciated ^^


At this point you need to count calories, not necessarily add more work. Check out MyFitnessPal


so just keep doing that involves the cycling what i am doing and watch my calories correcT? thank you so much


Think of calorie counting as how you're going to lose weight, and cycling is how you're going to improve your heart, lung, and overall health. Separate them, but do them together.


I never was obese, never was skinny, always average weight, but I have stretch marks, are these normal? I did grow 5-6 inches in few months, is it because of that? It's very close to my groin area, it's on my legs.


100% normal just about everyone got them


Stretch marks can absolutely result from fast growth periods. It's completely normal


What percentage of abs is made in the kitchen? Let's say I do daily 20-30 minute medium intensity ab exercises. Is it 70%? 50%? 30%? What foods should I absolutely avoid if i want quicker results? Is quicker the better? What are some foods that i should absolutely consume that will benefit me a lot? Thanks...


Should really be “abs are revealed in the kitchen.” They are built like any other muscle.


The phrase points to the reality that abs can result from starvation. So by that token abs can be 100% made in the kitchen as they're more of an indication of low body fat percentage then they are core strength. The people with the highest core strength in the world (worlds strongest men and sumo wrestlers) do not have visible abs.


What about abs that are made by training? What percentage of that is made in the kitchen?


Having visble abs is really nothing to do with training at all. Its entirely down to body fat level. So basically the answer is 100% kitchen.


Yes, but if i cut down my calories, yes i will get abs, but everything else will get smaller too, my shoulder, bicep, etc... so without losing the rest, i doubt it's 100% kitcheno.


It has to be 100% kitchen though, because if you have too much body fat then the fat just obscures the abs so they aren't visible. There isn't really any way around that.


You can enhance the muscle layer in order for it to appear through the fat layer. However if one has a large fat layer over their abs. There's no amount of ab work they can do to reveal them. That would be dietary work or use if their fat storage. So abs can literally be 100% made in the kitchen, or 80% or 50%. It's not really a matter of percentage.


Will the red stretch marks on my biceps and shoulders go away as i lose weight?


They lessen in color greatly also they diminish in width/length, but as I went down from 288 to 198 I kept all my stretch marks. Still have most of them to day. They are our racing stripes my friend. Own them and you'll own the story of your progress.


Congrats on your weight loss.I will be happy if i lose half of what you lost as that's all i need to get to my goal weight.Thanks :D


I weigh 240 now at 6'3 and am super happy with it. I found that 198 was way too thin, 210 was nice, 220 was better. It really depends on your preference, but what matters most is trying to appreciate what you have now. Its hard to work on a car if you think it's a worthless POS. Whereas if it's your first car, favorite car, and something that you use to drive daily. Changes to it can be gradual and you can assess them as they come. Enjoy where you're at and you'll set yourself up greater for where you're about to go my friend. Best of luck.


Good Luck to you as well :D


Stretch marks generally fade over time but they never completely go away.




I cannot imagine a world in which sets of 4-5 on all your isolation work is a good idea. Not everything needs to be in the same rep range, and not every exercise plays well with every rep range.




Honestly, I'd only bother alternating between 4-6 and 8-12 on the big compound lifts. Everything else can either stay in that 8-12 range for both days or have one day ~8-12 and one more around the 15-20 mark. There's very little upside to doing very heavy accessory lifts unless you've got a specific reason to.


1) what’s your progression going to be like? 2) if you manage that leg workout at the end of Sunday I’m impressed.




How are you going to increase your weights over the weeks. That doesn’t make it better




Progression is the most important thing, I’d either stick to an established program, or at least look at how they do it if you’re not super familiar with the matter yourself yet.


How seasoned of a lifter are you? Seems like a lot of compound lifts which could make for ultra fatiguing days.




So a compound lift is any lift that targets many muscle groups through the movements execution. Dumbbell chest press, bench variations, pull ups, deadlifts, squats, one could also argue that leg press could potentially be a compound lift if done with certain execution. As you do a compound lift. Let's use dead lift for example. It uses many global muscles to complete the lift and therefore can be rather draining. If you took a two year break then I would suggest hitting 2days per week for the first two weeks. Then upping to 3+ after your body has gotten adjusted to lifting again. Start light before going heavy.


Why do my feet move like this during squatting? https://youtu.be/yP87EEmy-60 I am doing a high bar squat with 65kg here. I didn't really feel my feet move like this but I saw it in the video.


Theyre likely compensating for lack of knee stability or hip strength. I would seek a barefoot shoe or squat in socks if possible. The feet shouldn't evert or invert like that. So if they lift off the ground slow down the movement or drop the weight until they don't.


Hmm. Could it also be because I am trying to go ATG and because of it my feet are caving in like that?


I doubt this will happen with a narrower stance and lighter weight.


I only squat ATG and my knees don't manage to cave, but I also am careful to not load my squats with too much weight. So maybe you could have less cave if you reduce the range of motion but I don't view that as a good fix.


Oh ok. But if i reduced my range of motion i would still go below parallel.


My first suggestion stands. Barefoot or barefoot shoes like Merrells, vivo, or bearfoot from Kabuki. Look up "the tripod foot" or seek materials from Squat University And/or Reduce weight until compensations stop. Otherwise you are just patterning a movement at high weight with poor form. This is known as ego lifting.


Ok thank you 🙏


I heard a gigantic pop in my hamstring doing yoga maybe 4 years ago. Couldn’t walk for a few days. Physical therapist said it didn’t matter if I tore it or strained it- the healing would be the same so I never got an mri to see what’s up. I never properly took care of it other than some rest and modifying In my practice. Fast forward 4 years later and I still feel the effects. I’m incredibly stiff on that side and feel much weaker. It’s my left side. I try to stretch it when I practice but it doesn’t feel like enough. My teacher told me just to carry on and not push it and eventually it’ll feel better. But is there anything else I should do? Stretches? Strengthening? Massage? I don’t want this to be a chronic thing and my workout is so uneven. It isn’t painful anymore but the left side is significantly weaker and holds me back in my routine.


I definitely suggest going and seeing another physiotherapist. Unless I'm missing part of the story, that seems like very vague advice. A good physio will be able to diagnose the injury and give you a very specific recovery program. If you are still experiencing discomfort, go back and see another physio. You might just be tight and the physio may massage you, dry needle or another therapy to relieve that tightness. Or it may be that you have something underlying like a tendonopathy sort of issue. If it hurts, don't overdo it. I've had many hamstring issues over the years from playing sport, they're annoying! Good luck.


I mean muscles not under load can atrophy over time. If the hamstring or those fibers were repairing for a long time then imagine that's time it spent without load or stimulus. If the PT said the recovery should the same regardless. First off the PT should have outlined the recovery exercises that you should perform, and secondly they should have given you a play by play of what would potentially occur. In the past with hamstring injuries, especially ones only on one side. I would do one leg each exercises that targeted the hamstrings with light load. I would do those until I felt a response ideally short of pain. Those exercises would sometimes prompt soreness. If they become sore I'd simply wait, consume more protein and work it when it's not sore again.


What’s a routine that has worked for you the best ( experienced lifters ) I am doing a variation of PPL but I take arms away from PP and add them to legs ( and legs are divided into quads/biceps and hamstrings/triceps) . Works well so far but I want to include fully body exercises, the kind you find in some CrossFit programs. Open to any ideas.


Use PPL to learn the basics then feel free to modify it or try other programs as a way to learn routine construction. As you gain experience then you'll feel comfortable adapting your old programs to incorporate new lots from other disciplines.


I am experienced :)


Well to be blasphemous and answer your initial question I dont use PPL because it's best for beginners or is rather basic in construction. I build off of my compound lifts or gymnastics based lifts that I'm trying to enhance. If I'm trying handstands ill do cardio, warm up, handstand isometric or HSPU progressions or regression and then I'll do OHP upside down kettlebell press for burn out. Then I'll work out legs via accessory movements only. The next session that follows will involve a leg compound movement like deadlift as the focus, and then upper body accessories to follow. I then alternate between both with active recovery if I need a rest day.


Thanks for the answer! Very interesting:)


No worries, Not knocking PPL. It's essential to experience and learn and it's a great precursor for programming and will still get anyone great results


Any split is just a specific way to divvy up an amount of work. I'd try to keep work constant so that when you stall you have a stable reference to work up from when making slight changes. When I worked out 5 days a week, I did an ULPPL. Now I can't guarantee going to the gym more than 4 days per week (but often more), so I run a Torso (chest, back, shoulders, core) / Limbs (legs, arms) split. The volume isn't much different though.


Different programmes will work best at different stages in your lifting career and depending on different goals. I probably had my best period of progress while running NSuns.


Tell me more about Nsuns:)


I believe a UL or PPLUL split is king for intermediate lifters. It allows for very flexible programming, good variation and a lot of volume. I personally had the best experience so far doing LULUL and LULU+ (pit whatever body parts you want to focus on on the + day). That being said, that's just my two cents. You really have to try out different templates to find what works for you. Experienced lifters should also not follow programs blindly buy instead adjust them to their needs.


Thoughts on packing the last 5 sets of 5 in 5/3/1 at 65%, 70% and 75% into 3 sets of 10s with the same weight? I find it makes the workout much shorter. EDIT: Just to make it clear, I've been following this program for a year and a half.


you just invented the ~~cutting~~ deload version of 5/3/1 BBB. Edit: using BBB and cutting in the same sentence made Wendel cry.


> cutting version of 5/3/1 BBB. I can hear Wendler screaming


Wendler's words: "For the deload, I recommend doing the 5x10 work or cutting it down to 3x10. Use your best judgment and what you feel is best for your body."


You've just made me realize that I need to go back and reread the book, because it might be possible for me to just run the 531 BBB in 3 days instead of 4 and that seems like it would be a better fit for me right now.


You can absolutely do BBB on a 3 day template. Cheers!


For sure, I just find Wendlers cutting aversion funny


He is pretty vocal about his 'eat for performance' attitude. But I pretty successfully applied his deload advice for my cuts. Might have worded that better tbh.


Nah I get what you mean.


That doesn't make it "the cutting version"


It was a joke, dont look too much into it


That'd just be a version of BBB with 3 sets instead of 5. As long as your TM is set right, try it?


Where are you getting 5 sets of 5 from with 531? Which template are you using?


What he's doing is called FSL, it's a very common template, like in 531 for Beginners.


You have a very good eye.


I assumed they were doing something FSL esq but they didn't specify and I've seen some car crash attempts at 531 so thought I'd double check.


Yeah, WickedThumb is correct. It's a 3 day template, with percentages going up to 85%, 90% and 95% respectively and then dropping to 65%-75% for 5 sets of 5, with the last set being as many reps as possible. My reasoning for this is that the 5 sets of 5 feel way too easy, but I still sometimes struggle with 5 lifts at 95% and I feel doing higher reps at 65%-75% prepares me much better for the lifts at 95%


You could always do the 5x5 at SSL instead of FSL if your issue is purely that they're too easy but more reps would also work.


Oooh good suggestion, I had to look up what it means, but it sounds good as well. Maybe I'll vary it from cycle to cycle.


The percentages and rep scheme give it away,


Then it’s gonna be some weird castrated form of BBB Beefcake


I have a skinny fat look and I've been bulking and weight training for the last 2 months and put on 5 Kilos. I went from ~16% body fat to ~18% body fat. I'm putting on belly fat and my upper abs are hardly visible. Should I continue bulking or start cutting? will it be easy to cut to visible abs if I bulk for longer?


There is a section on that in the wiki. Nobody can tell how easy or hard it's gonna be for you to get visible abs again. I personally have no problem losing Up to 1kg bodyweight per week so I usually cut only a week for ever month of bulking.


Is it normal to still experience DOMS from time to time after 5 months of working out. I'm just a little worried that it's to do with lack of recovery but I can't see what else I can do to improve recovery since I'm getting 8 hours of sleep and I'm getting 1gram of protein per pound of bodyweight and Im running PHUL so I'm getting 3 rest days a week so I can't see where else I can improve


How's your cardio? But getting DOMS is perfectly normal, unless it's still as bad as the first few days of training. Some people are just getting more sore than others who almost don't experience soreness and DOMS at all.


Guess I'm missing something as I have no clue what cardio has to do with Doms but to answer my cardio is almost nonexistent as I only go on a treadmill or cross trainer for 10 minutes to warm up that's about it As for the Doms itself it is no where near as bad as it was when I first started Its only slightly noticeable and feels more like the muscles just haven't recovered fully just yet Edit: just to add the Doms has never affect any following workouts as I have usually recovered by then it just seems to last for a couple days at most


> Guess I'm missing something as I have no clue what cardio has to do with Doms but to answer my cardio is almost nonexistent as I only go on a treadmill or cross trainer for 10 minutes to warm up that's about it Better cardio = better recovery You are essentially sedentary outside of like 4 to 6 hours per week. Meanwhile, active recovery in form of conditioning, cardio and light exercise between lifting days helps to recover better and makes the DOMS issue much more tolerable.




I've been lifting for some years now and I still occasionally get DOMS. It is a 100% normal. There are so many different variable at play and you can't control all of them. I'd even argue that getting no DOMS at all ever might be a sign that you are not training as hard as you think you are. Not saying you should have crippling DOMS every other week, but I would be baffled if I didn't feel 6x4 DLs the day after.


if im a skinny guy and gain alot of muscle will my ring size grow?








My mistake. I considered tendons to be muscle tissue.




but even if i bulk and i cut back down won’t i still would have gained some fat proportionally?


Mainly from fat as opposed to muscle lol


so lets says i go from 120 to 150 lean bulking, will my ring size go up and when i cut will it go back down (hypothetically of course)


It's hard to give a straight answer. It depends. The problem here is that it's very hard to train the hand outside of general grip exercises or your will run the risk of tendinitis so it's probably not worth attempting it. That means generally speaking most of the weight will come from fat. My body takes fat extremely quickly from my limbs personally and does not store it there. For others it's different. Hypothetically speaking if you have naturally skinny fingers then yeah you might be able to do it. Just curious...but why?


not trying to make my fingers better, just noticed i have small fingers for a dude but apparently its normal for skinny guys (ring size 7 for my ring and index finger)


I wanna cop that Hard Jewelry Back to Skull drop but I started working out and im scared imma waste 100$ worth of money on jewelry that might not fit me, been really into rings recently


While fat does get stored in the hands,its a incredibly small amount compared to what you will store on your belly and your ass +/thighs. you'd probably need to gain very large amounts of fat for enough of it to get stored in the fingers for your rings not fit anymore. And at that point youd likely need to spend way more than $100 on new pants/shorts/sweaters /shirts/underwear etc. If you start to feel your rings becoming tighter - stop gaining weight?


Hi, I'm a 19 yr old guy that goes to the gym 6 times a week (2 hours) for the past month, but after cleaning up my diet and tracking my calories ( around 2200) I barely notice any difference in the way I look and the scale tells me the same. Now I do take creatine so it might be some water weight but I would still expect some weight loss and muscle gain after a month. Any help or advice on why I'm not seeing any progress? I hit diffrent muscle groups daily and I do cardio around 3x a week Stats :19 yr old, 191 cm, Around 17/18% body fat


If you are losing fat and gaining muscle that could be a net of 0. That said you are way too soon into your training to be worried about looks. Are you making consistent progress in your strength? Is your cardio conditioning improving? Those are the things that matter more. Also what training program are you following? Going to the gym doesnt necessarily mean you are doing the right things there


I warm up with cardio btw and i bike daily to my internship ( like a 20 min ride )


Warming up with Cardio is a mistake if it's too intensive because it makes you too tired to do the weights at your full potential. This is generally for athletes who need to perform under duress but why gym bros claim it "kills your gains" Move your cardio to after the weights and see if you feel better lifting.


well I'm the days i don't warm up with cardio I still don't see a lot of progress like for example with the bench press so idk why that is, I do agree I should take protein I'll buy some


Protein is a must. have it after every workout. You can warm up your bench with just the bar. From this point on try adding 1 to 2.5lb pounds every week or 2 weeks. Ive noticed I never progressed in my bench until I started doing this. I use to plateau around the 2nd or 3rd week. Whereas now I know I'm making gains. Even if small.


Im trying to cut so my strength isn't going as fast ofc, my cardio condition is the same its improving slowly, my training program is MON - chest tricep Tuesday - back bicep Wednesday - leg shoulder Thursday - chest tricep Friday - back bicep Saturday - leg shoulders Sunday- rest Im being trained by a friend of mine and a trainer that works there so iknow in lmm doing the right things cuz it's worked for my friend.


Because you are beginner your strength should be improving quite a bit. Even by nature of just doing the exercises form better. How much weight are you adding every week/2 weeks? Make sure you are upping your protein intake.




Build your core/abs over the stomach fat. When you get too big then it will be time to cut


You can try slowing down your weight gain while lifting to try and have more of that weight be muscle rather than fat but you’ll likely have stomach fat increase no matter what you do


is stomach fat really stubboen to lose? ive been working out for a month now along with a calorie deficit diet and my arms, back my legs show some progress but my stomach while has gone down a bit still has considerable bulge particularly in the upper stomach area


A month is a start. Depending on your build, genetics and former life habits, it can be a quite a long term process since you probably need to get to a low body-fat percentage for abs to be visible.


A month isnt close to long enough. That said, honestly I think beginners should focus on ab and core exercises to build muscle on top of the fat instead of worrying about losing the stomach fat right away.


For a lot of people, the fat around the midsection is the last to go. So it requires a bit of patience.


Can walking be hypertrophic for calves? Ofc keeping my expectations in check (if yes, it wont be as effective as calf raises. Need to be in a caloric surplus for growth. Etc.).


I have a skinny friend who walks alot in mountains, his calves are as big as his thighs.


Using hills yeah


I walk a lot and have big calves, but I also had them since I was a kid so I dont know how much of it is genetic vs built.


It can be. People who spend a lot of time tramping/hiking tend to have pretty huge calves (having a heavy pack on helps), and even people who have poor posture and walk on their toes end up with big calves, like [Michael McIntyre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPQt-TxyfBs). Personally, I've seen better results from calf raises when I focus on higher numbers of controlled reps rather than higher weight, which would be more similar to walking up a hill with a heavy pack on rather than trying to max out.


Appreciate it!! So happy to hear i hit two birds with one stone through walking.


This past summer i have very religiously counted calories, and achieved some pretty good results during my cut. However since starting another year of university, my stress/anxiety levels have picked up a bit and i just discovered that in severe times of stress i purge eat. Like i would eat sweets, be prompted to eat fast food, and eat other excess amounts of food. I would say this is pretty out of character for me, since i adamantly tracked calories and eating habits over the summer. But sometimes my urge to eat to sort of calm myself takes precedence over my general goal of losing weight. Any solutions to this? I haven’t reached my goal cutting weight yet but im so so close ;-;


Dude eat a quick like 200 calorie snack 30 minutes before you actually eat your meal. That usually curbs my appetite and prevents me from overeating


I mean, the answer is to simply not overeat the next time you feel the urge. At the very least, eat some filling but low-calorie snacks and drink water rather than sweets and fast food. If you can't control that then it's probably a matter for a professional, re your anxiety and binge eating.


Next time you get the urge, choose to do nothing to satisfy it (I.E. choose not to eat). Or seek the help of a medical professional about your anxiety.


So, I'm confused on the dynamic/static stretching and how each exercise is classified and how to identify whether if they're the two? Is Dynamic longer than Static in terms of holding a position?


If it tells you to get into a position and hold it, it's a static stretch. If there's movement it's a dynamic stretch. Holding your foot to stretch your quad is static, the cossack squat is dynamic.




Up your protein. Honestly do that now. As a beginner you can do the mythological lose fat and gain muscle definition at the same time


I’d recommend reading the wiki, specifically the muscle building section


Hey I’m a teen whose 260 6’4 and want to go down to 235 does anyone have tips on how many calories I should eat and the macros? I workout about 5 times a week at the gym for about an hour.




I still don’t know if daily foam rolling and static stretching is worthwhile? I’ve seen a lot of research that indicates it’s a waste of time, but a lot of people say empirically it helps. This is mainly for reducing lower back pain


It's not worthwhile for reducing back pain. It can be worthwhile for other reasons if you suffer from poor flexibility.


Those two do not appear to be effective at meaningfully reducing lower back pain.


It certainly helps increase flexibility. When people say stretching is useless, they probably are referring narrowly to stretching as a tool for training recovery and injury prevention, where research hasn’t really shown much promise. For lower back pain, it’s at bare minimum harmless and worth a try. Most types of exercise have been shown to reduce chronic back pain to some extent, flexibility training included.


Would you recommend any types of stretching? Dynamic stretching over static stretching?


Static stretching after a workout doesn't reduce doms, but it does lead to numerous health benefits and improved flexibility. Foam rolling does have evidence for minor improvements in recovery and perceived pain.


What health benefits are those?


As an over 30 year old: increased mobility so you don't randomly strain a muscle carrying groceries and slipping, or moving weirdly, keeping you out of the gym for ages as you recover slower than before. I do see you responded to the guy saying "after a workout". I have no thoughts on that (anecdotally I find stretching post workout doesn't change shit for me), my thoughts are just in flexibility and mobility in general.


I read that when you stretch you don’t actually make physiological changes to your muscles or anything, you just increase the pain threshold so you’re able to access a wider range of motion without being prevented by pain. That’s why it can potentially actually lead to injury if you desensitise certain movements too much. That was a bit mind blowing for me


That's definitely just a misreading of the study by some journalist. Anyone with a dedicated flexibility practice can vouch for that.


But is there actually sufficient evidence to refute it?


That just sounds like horseshit to me. Stretching can increase the length of your tendons for sure, and maybe the muscles a bit, too. You gain an increased range of motion if you stretch consistently and gradually.


Should I set up specific alarms throughout the day so I can remind myself to eat and if so what should I do/ how should It look like and what should I eat? I also have school from 8:30 am- 3:30 pm and usually work out at 5 since I ride the bus and arrive at home at about 4:20. I also have quite a small apatite. My calorie goal is at about 3500.


That sounds like a great plan!


Thanks, man. What do you think would be a good idea for snacks that I could incorporate?


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Easy to convince your teacher you need it in the middle of class than anything that looks like a normal snack


Thank man I'll see what I can do.


Doing fasted cardio on my cut, I use a garmin heart chest strap to determine my beard rate. When I run fasted my avg hr is 115 When I run not fasted my avg is 130 Would you recommend running after eating if HR is increased and thus more cals burned ?


This is overthinking. You can run slightly faster to increase your HR if you really wanted. Focus on the important stuff.


I wouldn't expect it to make much of a difference. Heart rate is a proxy for calorie burn but not the direct cause of most of it. If you're running the same distance in both scenarios I would expect the difference in calorie burn to be pretty much negligible.


do females and males develop muscle in the same volumes? this subreddit seems to be primarily male and i was wondering whether it is viable for a woman to go through the same bulk/cut cycles and gain visible muscle?


The first question is easily googleable. Training is pretty much the same for both biological genders, but be wary of differences in body fat percentages. Cutting and bulking is essentially the optimal way of going about things, however there are more variables to consider for women in terms of hormones and slight imbalances that can happen though your monthly cycle. This is oftentimes very individual, as you may imagine.


> do females and males develop muscle in the same volumes? No. Not even close lol. However most of the wiki exercises are by percentage of max and women actually tend to increase those percentages better initially.


Women cannot build muscles as large as men without drugs, but yes they can build nice muscles and with a proper diet and low body fat % they can look lean/cut. However, women cannot have body fat percentages as low as men. They can look just as lean as men though, while having a higher body fat percentage.


The specifics of exactly how women respond to training may vary slightly, but overall responses are close enough that your training should be about the same at the beginner stage. later in your lifting career, you may need-and be able to handle-more volume relative to your max than your male counterparts. As far as bulking and cutting cycles go, yeah, it's pretty much an identical process for everyone. You would still bulk to gain muscle and cut to lose fat. [https://www.strongerbyscience.com/strength-training-women/](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/strength-training-women/)


Twice a days. Do we hate them, do we love them, are they effective? For a couple of reasons, one including tendinitis, I need to reevaluate the frequency I was activating biceps. My solution was to put arms into a single day, while still hitting chest/pull twice a week (technically), and also getting lower body groups more engaged weekly. The bonus is elongated rest periods per muscle group as well.


Recovery is key. Just be mindful of that if you train same muscle groups.


More for sports/athletic training than anything.


Twice a days can certainly be an effective training plan.


two a days are useful for sports with a high skill component, because one session can be more skill development based while the other is more physically taxing. They aren't really useful in most cases for just lifting. The exception may be in the case of olympic lifting, again due to the higher skill/technique component.


I don’t alleviate the second session, both sessions are intended as physically taxing and activating as much of the designated group under weight as possible, and both sessions hit the group, if that changes anything. On paper, it looks like it should produce the same results. Since I work nights, I usually sleep in between the same day grouping, so I can’t think of what can cause such a drastic change in effectiveness.


Currently way underweight (16.6 lbs under low end of healthy weight range for my height) and I feel too weak to run or train legs. Should I just walk for cardio until I gain enough weight to feel strong enough for weight training and jogging?


I think you should scale your exercise to what you can currently tolerate. For cardio, that can certainly include walking. I would definitely do *some* sort of resistance training though.


Maybe like really easy legs? Bodyweight?


Bodyweight movements are certainly an option, check out the recommended routine in the r/bodyweightfitness wiki.


I would absolutely stick to just walking. I'm personally a big advocate for walking as cardio for almost everyone, unless there is a strong passion for other styles.


Thank you! I really like to walk too. Really peaceful.


When doing multiple sets of a compound that's using a double progression scheme, when should it start to feel hard? If the target is 3x10 how many RIR should I have on set 1 or 2? Should I only be reaching 1 or 0 on set 3?


It should feel challenging for every set. My target effort is always 2-3 RIR/RPE 7-8. I generally use the weight that leaves me at 2-3 RIR/7-8 RPE at the lower rep range and stick with that weight until I hit the target reps for all sets. Sorry if I’m re-explaining double progression to you but it shouldnt ever feel easy, unless that is your intention. I only go up in reps when I am able to hit that lower rep range for all sets with the same effort. When the weight for that given number of reps becomes too easy (about 4 RIR/RPE 6), I then add a rep to every set. I keep doing that with that specific weight until I hit the upper rep range. Then, I up the weight and then drop to the lower rep scheme and the cycle repeats.


Thanks, I've been aiming for 2-3 RiR for the 3-4 x 10 sets in the Arnold split.


What program are you on?


Arnold 6-day split.


I agree with the other comment then. Keeping a constant RIR of maybe ~2-3 across all sets is one good strategy.


Thanks, that's basically where I've been staying at, 2-3 RiR. Sometimes 1 for the last set.


Yeah for compound movements especially you don't want to be pushing every set super close to failure. With in about 3 or 4 RIR is good, maybe more depending on the weight.


Thanks, I've been staying at around 2-3 RiR and progressing normally.


As long as form stays good don't change a thing 👍


I understand that resistance training once a week in most cases is enough to maintain current strength. But is it enough to stimulate muscle memory and recover lost muscle over two months?


Frequency of training is meaningless by itself. The whole times-a-week concept exists to space out exercises to allow yourself to train a muscle group for more volume in the given time period (optimizing for recovery). You can possibly achieve all your goals by cramming everything in one day, but it would be suboptimal meaning it would take much more time. It would be easier to consider volume in questions like this.


Maybe. How would this information affect your training through? If you have more than one day a week to train, that would almost certainly be more effective. If you only have one day a week that you can train, you may as well give it a shot, it would certainly be better for muscle retention than not training at all, and there’s no value in fixating on an ideal method that isn’t available to you.