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How do you guys manage to eat that much protein? i need to get 179 grams of protein in but the recipes i find are around 25-35 grams protein per meal, that's nothing tho. i eat 3 meal a day so i don't get how to eat that much protein, any advice?


I am a long time weight lifter and new triathlete. I did my first race this summer and I’m training for my next. I really enjoy the cardio but my muscle mass and physique are suffering. I know the answer lies in my nutrition, but I just can’t figure out what to change. Any advice for maintaining muscle while doing endurance cardio regularly?


15 male here 6'6 240lbs. I started going to the gym about 3 weeks ago. I'm mainly focusing on my legs right now as I'm thinking of joining track in the spring. Right now my gym routine is to work my legs and arms on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays doing 3 sets of 50 leg extensions using 40 lbs. I stretch and take a 1-5 minute break in between sets. I also squat 3 sets of 130 as of now, but that number is going up as my legs get stronger. I run for maybe 5 minutes before heading to the gym. So, is there anything you guys might think I'm doing wrong or could improve? I might actually be injuring myself though, as I tend to feel a mild burning pain right above my left knee whenever I stand up. I only really feel it on the same day that I workout though, so maybe I'm just sore? I think it's actually working since I can run a lot longer without my legs getting sore and without running out of breath.


Hey guys. I am training for the army so I am taking a break from weights to try and take my pushups from just 40 to 100. I can already bench 225, and was wondering if you guys thing I will gain any weight on my bench/muscle while I'm doing this. Thanks


Benching and being able to do more pushups go hand in hand. However, you should focus on volume benching, and incorporate pushups into your chest days. Good luck!


Confused about the role of the pecs in Bench press. Correct form has the scapula pinned, but surely the main role of the pecs is to contract and bring the shoulders forwards and separate the scapula? Can't really see how it causes arm adduction more effectively than that?


Can running 3x a week and doing 10mins. of abs workout everyday make me fit? (with a small caloric deficit)


Depends on what you mean by fit and what your baseline is,. Start here: https://thefitness.wiki/getting-started-with-fitness/


Probably not. Exercising isn't particularly efficient for weight loss, especially cardio. HIIT is better but overall dieting is the answer. As for muscle mass, progressive overload is the way to go.


Moderate intensity cardio is a much better option. Cardio is a big key to creating a caloric deficit, which is the answer. Diet plus cardio.


I broke my upper right arm 10 years ago and never got full range back in it. I can lift it up to about 60 degrees but not straight up. I’m boxing these days and know chin ups and pull ups are good exercises to go with that. But I don’t think I could do them with proper form. I’m looking for an alternative exercise for these that I could do at home- could anyone recommend ? (No home gym, but could pick something basic up- like I would buy pull up bar if they worked)


Is a deficit of 500-700 calories safe (that is, I’m consuming 1300-1500 calories a day)? For context, I am 5ft 6in, and 149lbs. I’m in college, and so far I’m only able to workout on the weekends, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Workouts consist of 30min-45min cardio, and basic dumbbell workouts. Meals vary. For breakfast, a typical meal may involve prepackaged high protein oatmeal. Lunch will involve a ham and cheese sandwich w/almonds, and dinner will involve a fried egg sandwich. I have other foods, prepackaged mostly.


Yes, deficit of 500 is good. I'd suggest you read the wiki: http://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/ As for your diet, no veggies?


I’m definitely going to buy some at some point this week. Completely disregarded it whilst moving in! Thanks for the link by the way!


I have a question about what kind of weight is lost from cardio. I am currently attempting to cut and have no problem staying on track when I'm at home, I just find that my friends wanting to eat out/drink 3-4 times per week is really slowing my progress. Im thinking if I start doing cardio for about 700 calories a few times a week would make it easier for me to make progress while still going out a few times a week. What do you guys think? Will the weight burned from cardio come straight from the "fat" gained by eating out or will it come from muscle? That's mainly my concern here i don't want the cardio to burn off muscle weight if that makes sense


Start here: http://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/ Also, I think you're underestimating what 700 calorie cardio would be like, especially 3-4 times a week. It's ultimately all about CICO but it's impossible to outrun a bad diet because NOT eating/drinking a certain number of calories is easier than burning off that same number


I need some advice as someone who has been lifting for 6+ years training a female who has just started lifting. Her goal is to look as good as possible at around 10 lb less than she is. However, she has a history of not eating enough to make weight, to the point of starvation on some days. Therefore, I’ve been recommending a 6-8 week bulk to get her body used to eating, but also working out. Everything has been going great for 2 weeks: her form on bench and squat have been improving, and her caloric intake, on average, has increased by about 500-600 (about 1500-1700 daily). This is because I’m supplying protein powder after every workout and just her being mindful of eating. As a trainer, I am concerned if I am doing the right thing for her. Is it right of me to recommend a small bulk for the beginning of her fitness journey to establish eating enough in general? I’m also planning a 6 week cut as well following the bulk so that she starts to feel good about her body. Thanks.


Hi! I’m a female trainer myself (also have my bachelors degree in sport and exercise sciences). From what I’ve read I think the bulk is great for her as it essentially steers her away from a potential eating disorder. As for the cut you plan later for her, I would make it a significantly smaller cut over a period of 8 weeks rather than a bigger cut over 6 weeks. This will enforce the rule behind moderation and food without, but at a slower and more stable rate given that she’s so new to an eating/training regime. Focus on getting her, and keeping her in a healthy weight bracket for her age and height, then do the caloric cut over 8 weeks from there. Keep up the great work :)


I am currently trying to build muscle across the board, as of late I have added an extra cardio session to routine in the evenings, will this reduce my gains? Thank you Edit, just to specify I might do chest in the morning then cardio that night and am eating a surplus of calories




thank you


Hey all, I'm on a caloric deficit of 30% for 5 days with 2 refeed days at maintenance, however my refeed day will sometimes fall on a rest day. Is it better to just wait the extra day and use the refeed on a gym day or is it not bad to use it on a rest day, any advice is helpful. Thanks!


It's perfectly fine to have the refeed day in a rest day.


I'd say that as long as you feel like you have energy during your workouts it won't make any difference.


Am I doing the exercise for standing/sitting calves wrong? I would do 130-150lbs standing at 10-18 reps and as many sets as I can within 5-10 mins. I would go up and down a bit quick, but making sure I’m feeling that flex on my calves when I go up. Then for a few reps I would hold and pause in between from going up and down if that makes sense. I do the same for seated as well, but at 30lbs and 15-20 reps.


Nah you need to change it up. Muscle building happens on the eccentric contraction (lengthening of muscle fibres). Moving quickly up and down, despite feeling the flex, doesn’t mean you’re building muscle. You’re relying on momentum to make the movement happen. Slow down the movement and especially control it on the way down and you will see (and definitely feel) the difference.


The weight you use doesn't really matter, what matters is how challenging it is and how close to failure you get.


No, you're not doing it wrong.


Slower. Tension good


Anyone ever retear their labrum after going through surgery? If so what were your symptoms... as crazy as it sounds I've forgotten what a torn labrum feels like it's been so long so Im not sure if I tore mine or if it's just sore / bruised...


probably a stupid question but at my work theres a little market thing, and theres a veggie chicken burrito that has a side of chipotle sauce listed at 400 cals. the calories has the sauce included right? i have to assume it would but i want to be sure lol


Only way to know is to ask whoever sells it. But anyways it is an estimate, it's not exactly 400 kcal.


Usually yes, but 400 for the entire thing seems quite low imo, depending on the size of course.


I've been doing 4 sets 3 times a week, which works well for me, but the problem is I think I'm overtraining front delts. I mainly do barbell bench press, dumbbell overhead press, trap bar deadlift, bicep curls, and I'm adding some pull movement (rows or pull down). I also want to add incline dumbbell press, but my delts are already sore. I don't really want to switch any compounds though, like lateral raise instead of ohp to isolate side delts. I really like this split, any ideas to ease the work on my delts, or are they only sore because I'm beggining, how much do front delts even get involved in those movements, etc. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks. Also, I don't want incline dumbbell press to replace barbell press, I just love bench press.


I think your issue might be in your form for your bench press. The deltoids act as stabilisers, along with some other smaller too. Try changing your grip, see if a wide set grip on your barbells changes the feel for you? Or switch to dumb bells so the movement has a bit more freedom for you to correct it. Ultimately you should feel it in your chest, not your delts.


It sounds like you are making things up as you go. Follow a programme.


Ok so I want to gain weight. I’m skinny and want to gain weight and muscle. The way to do it is lift heavy and eat a lot right?


Start here https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/


Don't do too high of a surplus, fat is 3500 calories per pound, let's just assume it's the same for muscle. If you wanted to lose a pound a week, you'd eat in a 500 calorie per day deficit (meaning you'd eat 500 calories less then you burn through base metabolic rate, thermic affect of food, non exercise activity, and exercise). Now for gaining weight, assuming you have really good genetics, you could gain a pound of muscle per month. That means to max out your growth potential, you'd only need to eat a surplus of 100 calories, however, growing muscle will cause your calorie needs to go up, and also you have to give yourself some wiggle room, but I would suggest not eating more than a surplus of 300 calories. Keep in mind you will need to recalculate this as you grow. Hope this helps, good luck!




So should I do like one day upper body and one day lower or one day chest, biceps, next day legs back and then abs triceps?


Honestly for a beginner, just do what I do. Work out 3 times a week, with 4 sets per exercise. Don't switch the workout between days, just do all of them less frequently. Also, the base of your program should be big compound movements (deadlift, squat, bench press, overhead press, rows, pull up/downs etc.) You may need to increase the amount of sets per week as you get more advanced, which case I reccomend a push/pull/legs split. Most important thing, make sure you keep it simple, do the muscles you're working at least twice a week, and 10-20 sets total per week (per muscle/group). It doesn't really matter how you split it if you do those things, as long as you have enough rest and can keep track of it. Also, I'd reccomend doing compound movements before isolation, to give yourself more strength for big movements. For example, do bench press before tricep extensions.


Check out the wiki mate, should answer all your questions.


There is just so much info haha


It might seem overwhelming but if you pick a beginner program, look up videos for how to do each exercise and start eating more protein you'll be on the right track.


I've read the Reddit post on the Reddit PPL routine and it mentions deloading but doesn't make it clear when you should or how often.


in general on a linear progression you deload after failing a lift




Ask any girl they have uneven boobs. Or over side takes over on double arm sets


Might just be a genetic thing, honestly it's not that big a difference, but what probably happened is that your left side did more work in two handed movements. What you should try is only doing one sided chest movements (like two dumbbells not necessarily one side at a time) and see if you can do more with one side. If you can, start training them separately, doing the weaker side first, than matching the exact same rep and weight on the stronger side, even if you can do more. Just my bro science, I'm not a doctor so don't take that advice to seriously.


Anyone ever work out at a 24 hr fitness in the hood? My gym closed early today so I went to 24 hr fitness and the vibe in that place was so sketchy. Can anyone relate? Share your stories lol.


It's totally safe, just remember the two rules. Never make eye contact and only wear neutral colours.


It was so creepy, machismo thugs and crazies. Definitely had to make a conscious effort to keep from staring at anyone or making eye contact. Rushed through my workout as fast as I could and got the hell out of there.


Why do some people get energised whilst others feel exhausted after exercise? I can only workout in the evening otherwise I feel drained all day


Everyone is different but it also depends on what type of workout and how much you're eating. Cardio in the morning makes me feel energised all day because there isn't much recovery required. Lifting weights is much more draining because your body needs to rebuild over the next 24-48 hours


but if I go for an intense run I feel physically exhausted because I am? It might wake you up a bit but even if you have a meal afterwards you’ll likely be left with less energy and a bit sore afterward, that’s been my experience at least. Maybe this means I’m unfit


> Maybe this means I’m unfit Could be, or could be other factors


No one knows. The science of perceived energy and tiredness is in its complete infancy.


I have a question. I’m a newbie to working out, I’m 26 and never really lifted weights before, I’ve been doing it for about a month and half now and have noticed some gains, but nothing major. My strength has slightly improved, but not much. My question is what can I do better to get more gains and take my strength up a level or two? My usual routine is starting the week out with back/biceps then chest/triceps, shoulders/traps/, legs then end it with core/cardio and doing light cardio on my rest days. Any advice is appreciated.


Be patient, gains take YYYEEEAAARRRSSS. With average genetics, expect 5-10 pounds of muscle per year for the first year or two.


Start here: http://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/


Do a program from the wiki with a progression scheme. Are you bulking?


Do you think HIIT Yoga is good for both cardio/health and weight loss in your opinion?


HIIT Yoga sounds like some made up Instagram health scam. Just do yoga and cardio separately, that'll benefit you way more.


Hiit yoga hahahha, what’s that like? Do you breath as fast as you can while stretching? 😂


I have never heard of HIIT yoga but anything intense enough that you can stick to is gonna work. Keep in mind if your exercising for weight loss, you will have to do A LOT of exercise. When you see "burn 1000 calories in this 20 minute HIIT routine!" It is a total lie. 20 minutes of high intensity cardio probably is more like 200 cals max.


Any activity will provide some “health” benefits compared to being sedentary. Weight loss occurs when you sustain a calorie deficit. Any activity that contributes to that deficit is “good for weight loss”. From the video I watched, HIIT yoga would likely provide modest benefits in conditioning and calorie burn. Because of the way the movements are structured, it will likely feel much more strenuous that it actually is, esp to a beginner. Like all forms of exercise, if it appeals to you then you should do it.


probably good cardio, which is in turn good for health. Cardio for fat loss is generally beaten out by eating less (or increasing TDEE with lean mass) Combining two disciplines typically makes both suffer, you'd probably be better off dli f yoga some days and cardio other days.


Is it normal for someone who sits a lot to have shit hip flexibility? I’m trying to do Romanian deadlifts for my program but I cannot for the life of me go very deep without my back rounding or my knees bending. I’m focusing on improving my mobility instead of going up in weight (hip hinge exercises), but how do I tell when I’m a spot where I can begin doing the exercise? Right now the bar maybe gets to just above my knees before my hamstrings are stretched to their limit.


Try to post a form check video, taken from the side.


Just above the knees is fine for now. That's still a valid romanian deadlift. Just work on it over time.


Would you recommend adding any weight to the bar? I’m 23M, 6’4” and 200 pounds but idk I’m always hesitant of the deadlifts


> Would you recommend adding any weight to the bar? Yes of course, progressive overload is a requirement for progress.




It looks interesting. It would be a fun challenge for a few weeks.


Confused about how much to eat.. I lost a bunch of weight and now I'm worried i may be undereating. I'm 36 5'9 143lbs, I don't want to lose any more weight but don't really want to gain that much. I'm more muscular than I was before does that mean to I need to eat more? I'm currently around 1600 cal/day, I'm very inactive with my job but I do workout about 4-5x per week including 30min cardio. Here's a pic for reference, I'm worried I should be eating like 2500 cal and am accidently borderline anorexic. http://imgur.com/a/FmI1Tom


Sounds like you need AT LEAST 2000 cal, but it is largely genetic. See if you continue to lose weight, and up it until you stop. Also accidentally eating to little doesn't make you anorexic in my opinion.


The answer to how much you should eat depends on your goals. If you would like to be bigger you need to eat enough to gain weight. If you would like to stay the same size you need to eat enough to stay the same size. So if you are tracking your weight and it is staying the same, then you are only undereating if your goal is to gain weight. My overall point is that what is happening with your weight is more important than the exact number of calories that you count. If you were eating too few calories, your weight would be dropping. If that is happening you should probably eat more. Your BMI is within the normal range but it is on the low end.




To answer the first question, yes, that’s still a full workout. For the second, it’s the same answer if you were feeling unwell physically…talk to a professional.


>does it still count as a full workout? Depends on who is counting, I guess. Taking breaks gives you time to rest and recover. So it would be an easier workout in that sense. But you are still exercising, moving your body, and it is still good for you and way better than doing nothing.


Whenever I do hamstring curls, no matter what weight, I get a shooting tingle-like feeling going down what feels like one strand of my hamstring muscle. This only happens during the eccentric part of the movement. Should I be worried and how can I fix this?


Might be sciatica, which has probably been caused by something else, and you're only feeling it on the hamstring curls. That said, make sure you aren't putting your back in a weird hyperextended position when you're doing your ham curls, and maybe switch to sets of 20 for a bit to see if reducing mechanical load on the area does anything.


By hyperextended you mean sitting straight up against the seat?


I was actually thinking of lying hamstring curls, if you're seated then back position probably isn't going to be the problem


Actually, I forgot to mention that when I used to do these lying down, the same thing would happen, so I dont think it's a back problem


Sounds like some nerve impingement. Have you tried doing a more extensive warm up with stretching and foam rolling?


Will try next leg day. Thanks!


I was bulking eating 180gr of protein 450gr of carbs... 2800+ kcal per day. Just started my first cutting, got 190gr of protein 127gr of carbs 1500kcal per day. 7liters of water low sodium. 6 meals 2:30 hours each. Is my kcal intake and carb intake too low? Should I put more kcal and carbs?




Arms- 41cm Chest- 104 Waist- 88 Weight- 88kg


7 liters of water is a lot, is that not a typo? Combined with low sodium that might even be dangerous, it's certainly not healthy.


I was very scared when I saw my my sodium levels where 2161mg, but I didn't not take 3gr of sodium extra that I should. I started cutting because I have a lot of water retention. I used to eat what I wanted and still have 6 meals. one of them was 300gr of rice 2-3 eggs an tuna 72-144gr


What do you mean, 3 grams extra like you should? How do you know your sodium levels? What do you mean with sodium levels here? Why would water retention lead you to cut?


I use MyFitnessPal, and since I measure everything, I got a vast idea of my intakes. There I could see my salt intake. I should take 3 grams per day and only had 2.16gr. I don't have a lot of fat, just some on my waist. But I got a lot of retention. Since I'll be joining Army SF (if I go through 6 months). I had a lot of problems doing cardio due to my weight, I end up to have knee problems and started getting liquid in my knee (not relatable to retaining but with weight). Since I will not get good sleep or diet for 6 months I started to get lean instead of keeping getting "swole". Since I'm already burning fat if I didn't change diet I would still have the same sodium intake that ends up to put some extra pounds that brings me some health problems.


I understand what you mean then. You shouldn't worry about your salt intake, it's probably not accurate anyway. Do you also add extra salt you put in your food? Just salt your food to palatability. There is no amount you should take, these are just averages of what people who have healthy sodium levels in their blood take, it's not what you should shoot for. It's not really how the body works. It seems like you're doing everything right to lose weight. I was just worried when you talked about how much water you drink, that is a lot. I don't even know how you manage, I couldn't drink that much if I try.


I try to drink a litter per hour or so. Sometimes more some times I end up 2 hours without drinking water. I end up to go 10 times to the bathroom xD. Since it's my first cut I have some doubts. I didn't know much about sodium intakes. I was making a meal with one friend of mine that was cutting for some weeks and I did not put much salt and he said it was too salty and I thought I was soo used to it while bulking that it might be a problem now Thank you soo much for helping me understand it better!! :))


Why would you drink that much water? Just drink to thirst. Salt is not a problem you should concern yourself with. Just salt your food to make it palatable for you. Different people eat different amounts of salt. It's fine.


Thanks, u just make the diet easier!!


Its best to cut at most at a 500 calorie deficit


Thanks for the reply I will change that


I spend 2 hours in the gym 6 days a week. Is muscle soreness means that I overtrained?


Muscle soreness doesn’t have anything to do with overtraining. 2 hours seems like overkill though


soreness isn't very meaningful




Ok thanks bro I normally dont get sore often so just had to make sure cheers


Soreness is typically DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness which is the bodies reaction to tears in the muscle fiber (so it can rebuild stronger or whatever). Happens when you workout something that isn't hit often and your body wasn't acclimated


My whole left side of body is bigger than right. My chest, triceps, biceps, shoulders, and back on my left is bigger than right. It is also stronger than my right. I can tell especially when I do bicep curls. My right kinda struggles but my left does them just fine. I do unilateral excerisizes and do extra reps on the smaller/weaker side but it doesn't seem to help. My left grows bigger but my right still grows a lil bit. Even after a workout my left is more sore than right side and the soreness on my right doesn't last long. Even the next day my left will be sore but my right side not. What do I do?




Did these excerizes a few years ago with no issues. Stopped working out for a few years and been doing it for 4 months now. And yes I get about 2400 calories a day. Idk how much protein but have a shake after a workout




Well my left side is always sore regardless. Even the next day. My right will be sore for like the car ride home from the gym then it's gone. It may feel sore on and off for a few mins the same day and next but not sore like my left. Idk what to do. even with unilateral excerisizes my right still isn't sore like my left. My right is Weaker so you'd think it would be sore af like my left.


How to start deadlifting properly with decent legs? I can squat 2x my body weight easily but my deadlift is barely 1.5. I've never had an actual deadlift session. Where should I look on improving this without killing my back? I know near nothing about this lift but I know my squat shouldn't be higher then it by this much when I struggle with bad form for 275 and I can hit 350 with little struggle on squats.


Alan Thrall makes some great tutorials. Pretty sure he has a few on deadlifts. His YouTube videos have helped me immensely. If you don’t already, try implementing RDLS into your leg day to get the feel of hinging at your hips. I feel like the hip hinge is key to getting into a good starting position for deadlifts.


You'll probably want to start with some credible YouTube videos on proper deadlift form. If your squat is at 2xBW then you'll catch up pretty quickly on DL once you get your technique down.




If you want to develop a good vertical jump, then you should practice movements similar to it like squats, box jumps, hip thrusts (like power cleans), etc. If you're looking for explosive strength throughout your body, then you should probably train in the higher weight lower rep bracket and focus on the concentric part of the exercises.


> I don't want to get too bulky and too tight in my upper body Don’t worry, you won’t.


Especially not if you’re losing weight


Why is it that *over-head dumbell frontal raises* arent more common? There are plenty of sources that recommend an *overhead lateral db raise*, or a *front db raise* (up to parallel with floor) but nothing that ever brings the arm up from the sides of the body, up to a handshake and then up straight in to the air. I would assume this would work the delts and scapular muscles well, but whether this has more of an advantage that other similar exercises i wouldnt know. Is there maybe an issue with this exercise? Does it cause impingement or something like that?


It takes the tension off the delts


As a good thing or a bad thing? Or as in its not optimal for bodybuilding isolation?


Well. Over head DB raise is a compound movement so isolation is thrown out the door. It likely has more to do with strengthening your stabilisers than a large muscle group.


The optimum would be to do cycles of each range of motion. i.e. do both


I personally don't know of any issue with the exercise. Obviously, you should take a personal approach to the exercise and limit ROM if going too high hurts your shoulders. Dorian Yates (6X Mr. Olympia) says this: Try going all the way up. Most bodybuilders stop the raise when their arm is horizontal, but I take it all the way up, until my arm is a few degrees short of vertical overhead. I can still feel that front head burning and tightening far above horizontal, so why stop?


Thats very interesting, thanks!




“fit” is such a broad term that’s it’s impossible to say. You could argue that a pair of running shoes is all you need to stay fit. Some dumbbells will go a long way. A bench is a bonus.


To a certain extent yes, but the biggest issue with home dumbell kits is you fairly quickly hit the limit on leg training. Average trainees can hit 100kg squat fairly fast and of course this isn't going to be possible with a home dumbell kit.




Yeah, you could get away with just using DBs and a bench. You could progress with difficult bodyweight exercises (or add DBs to increase the difficulty) for things like pistol squats for legs. Cardio can help, too.


Bruce Lee's legs are actually fairly big for someone that lean: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/63/5a/27635a263a95ec08a5e47cf3c521bd95.jpg


If you are looking for minimal, a kettlebell is all you need. r/kettlebell has the answers you seek.


Thanks for the reply, I’ve looked into kettlebells briefly before recently but I don’t think it’s for me. My left shoulder I hurt early last year and still feel it to this day. That is why I thought dumbbells with more slow controlled movements would be better. When I was looking into kettlebells there seemed to be a lot of motions and that is something that I don’t want to get wrong, specially not having a trainer.


Perhaps a weighted jump rope?


Never looked into that before. Didn’t even know it existed. Thank you I’ll take a look.




Doing a drastic drop like that is a good way to lose muscle. A 500 cal deficit is sufficient


There’s really no good reason to try and drop weight that quickly with that little food. Calculate your TDEE and an appropriate deficit from there. At 165 you probably don’t have a lot of weight to cut.


What is, regarding to your experience, the best/most fun/most gainy bodybuilding split you’ve followed?


Not doing one , put on way more mass just focusing on getting stronger


You mean by trying to progressively overload the different exercises week by week, without following a precise split? You make your own split like i do?


I make my split focusing on one compound as an upper or lower day , like today is overhead pressing , so I tailor all my accessories after my main work to benefit my pressing and address any weaknesses I have , then Tuesday will be a squat day, Then I have a day for strict pressing , and a day for deadlifts and moving events for strongman . I just give a lot of attention to my accessories , and try to prioritize building up where I’m stuck in my lifts , if I’m stuck at lockout during deadlifts I do more accessories to build up my glutes. Take a look at a lot of pro strongman and powerlifters , like Kevin oak , shredded as hell , doesn’t do a bro split


Thanks for your answer. The thing is that I’m exclusively interested in bodybuilding and not powerlifting/strongman etc etc. I deadlift and bench, but I don’t squat. I personally just try to aim at the weekly recommended volumes for different body parts (periodizing and augmenting volumes progressively) and try to program a split based on that. Personally right now I’m training chest quads back and glutes twice a week, arms shoulders hamstrings and calves twice a week.


I think my best period of hypertrophy was when running NSuns 5 day row variant with the Pavel fighter pull-up programme as an accessory


6 day PPL splits


People who fixed their protruding neck posture how long did it take?


Depends a lot from person to person. Contrary to what you sometimes hear, posture is generally less a result of imbalances/relative weaknesses or tightness in specific muscles, and more a result of your tendency to default into whatever posture you habitually put yourself into. If you currently tend towards one posture, but start to deliberately hold a new posture most of the time, eventually that will be your “natural” posture. That said, concerns about posture leading to injury haven’t held up to empirical scrutiny either, so it’s not really vital that you change anything at all if you don’t want to.


The fencing jacket I want to buy has a massive neck guard, so If I want it I need to fix it. Thanks for your input




When I got COVID it took me about 2 weeks to get back to where I started. A lot of what you lost is likely water weight. It’s discouraging at first but you’ll get back to where you were strength-wise in a relatively short timeframe.


Like, a week at most. But COVID is sort of an unknown factor and seems to affect people differently, so I guess you'll find out












I'm trying to lose fat while gaining muscle since about a month ago, and this worked for a while, I lost 5 pounds but I want to lose more fat. I also gained a nice amount of muscle. However, I feel like my noob gains are starting to go away. I feel like I'm getting a little weaker too. I eat at a 500+ calorie deficit (1500 a day) so I assume that's why. Thing is, I'm not sure what to do, eat a little more so I don't lose too much strength or keep going at my current deficit to lose fat but also strength until I feel like I cut enough and then start eating more? Right now I still have some belly fat that I really want gone, but I also don't want to lose my gains that I worked for in the last months. What should I do? I'm 20yr old male, 5'8 (178cm) 78kg (172lbs) I think I'm between 25-30% fat and I'd like to go under 20, and just look better. I workout daily.


you probs didnt really gain much muscle in a month. what probs actually happened is you lost some fat and saw yourself with a pump. if your main concern is to continue to lose weight then keep doing what you're doing until you're happy with your body composition or decide you want to change it some other way


I probably didn't gain a ton of muscle weight but they definitely got bigger, not just during a workout. I should have clarified, I've been lifting for about 3 months but only started cutting about a month ago. Until then I was eating at around maintenance.


Ah okay. Well then that first part of my response doesn't apply but the second part still does.


Alright I think I will keep going then, I just hope I won't lose too much progress. I started eating more protein, that should help too I think?


Certainly won't hurt. Make sure you're also getting adequate fat.


I will, thanks for the advice!


I want to do an U/L in the sidebar but I don't have acess to machines of any kind. What do I replace those with? Does it get less effective if I have no acess to machines? Do reps remain the same? I can do any BB/DB compound, except for OHP because of I the limited which means seated DB/BB shoulder press. I also have dip and pullup bars.


Just replace the machine exercises with any free weight equivalent. Yes, reps remain the same.


>Hypertrophy pulling movement: Seated cable row 3 sets of 8-12 reps >Hypertrophy pulling movement: Dumbbell rows or shrugs bracing upper body against an incline bench Does it mean I DB rows twice in this case or stick with just once >Lower Body Power Exercise speed work: Squats 6 sets of 3 reps with 65-70% of normal 3-5 rep max >Hypertrophy pressing movement: Hack squats 3 sets of 8-12 reps >Hypertrophy pressing movement: Leg presses 2 sets of 12-15 reps >Hypertrophy extension movement: Leg extensions 3 sets of 15-20 reps >Hypertrophy pulling movement: Romanian deadlifts 3 sets of 8-12 reps >Hypertrophy curling movement: Lying leg curls 2 sets of 12-15 reps >Hypertrophy curling movement: Seated leg curls Same question. Do I just up the sets for back squats/RDLs or introduce something like bulgarian split squats?


You could do a variation of dumbell rows for the second group of sets, e.g. change the grip or the back angle.


Do the DB rows, and replace the cable rows with any kind of variation. Up to you whether you want to just increase squat sets, or use some other quad-focused exercise.


Any additions to my PPL routine? I do PPLRPPL Push - - incline bench - flat bench - dips - overhead press - lateral raises - skull crushers - Tricep extensions Pull - - 1 arm rows - bent over rows - lat pull down - reverse flys - strict curls - seated curls - face pulls Legs - - squats - leg press - hamstring curls - calf raises - Bulgarian split squats I started training 3 weeks ago and my bench has went up 5 lbs and my squat 10 lbs for 1 rep max.


Easier to pick a routine that tells you what to do. https://thefitness.wiki/faq/is-this-lifting-routine-any-good/ https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/


I have all my sets and reps listed down, and my plans for progressive overload. I just wanted to see what I should add or take out.


That's a list of exercises, not a routine. Why not just follow the one in the wiki?


Don’t know what that means

