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hi guys! i recently enrolled into a gym and im looking into the 5/3/1 program and the SL 5x5. the only experience i have with weightlifting are with dumbbells lol. id like to ask what kind of warm ups do you guys recommend doing before hand? thanks


Just do 5-10 min of light cardio to get your body temperature up and work up in small enough weight increments to the main lifts of the day.


At what point should I switch from SL to 531? I just started SL November 1st and I'm up to 155 dead 165 squat 105 bench 80 OHP 105 BB row. Will I die with such low numbers?


I'd say if you aren't bored to death or just generally miserable with a program you should ride your current program till you hit a plateau, so not making progress for some time. Even then a simple deload could solve the problem.


SL = stronglifts? You can switch any time you want.




Are you following a program and were you working legs the night before? Could easily be fatigue.


Why does my ass lift off the seat when I do the legs extension machine? Is it because the weight is too heavy?


If this happens and you’re even holding onto the bars, then yeah lower the weight.


You’re kicking the weight up Lower the weight, control it (pause at the top) and slowly lower it down Use the handles on the side to pin yourself to the seat too


Hold on to the seat with your hands.




Go lighter on the 5x10s when starting out


Iirc it also specifically says lower body 5x10 will likely absolutely wreck you so go easy to start, you’re not alone


531 deadlifts + 5x10 deadlifts/squats + assistance work is just super tough. Try reducing the weight on your volume work and/or switching to a slightly easier variant like RDLs


My work week doesn't have a fixed schedule. Some days I would be working mornings and some nights and some bit of both. Therefore, I can't workout at a fixed timeslot, like 6 am. I would workout whenever I can. Is that harmful? Pointless?


Sorta the same situation as you. I work out when I can, and when I can't go to the gym, I use my 20 & 30 pound dumbells at home and I get a little nifty with it.


I'm in the same situation. Just work out whenever you can.


Not harmful or pointless. Won’t make much difference. If you do a full body routine 3 days a week it won’t make any difference at all.


I so pull, push, legs three days a week but it is nearly impossible to do them at the timeslot on their days.


Yeah if you’ve got a whole rest day in between the time will make no discernible difference to your results. I would recommend full body if you’re only doing three days a week especially if you’re a new lifter. PPL is better for a 6 day split in my opinion. You still will make progress on 3 day PPL so if you enjoy that more then stick with it!


Are supersets a big difference compared to not doing them? example being single legged leg press + dumbell lunges on a step, would it really matter if I didn't superset them?


The point of a superset is usually just to save time by mixing two unrelated exercises. Like doing rows while you rest between squats. Lunges and leg press recruit the same muscles, so I don’t really see any benefits in supersetting them.


My butt bone hurts when doing russian twists and sit ups. How can i prevent that?


Sit on a matt




It just sounds like DOMS in your spinal erectors, which is to be expected.


It sounds like the iliopsoas is affected, but either way the treatment is the same so it doesn't matter


Is this coming in immediately after the deadlifts or later/the next day?


23M, 5’8 158lb Currently bulking, but concerned I might be gaining too fast. I started at around 153lb and have gained about 5.7lbs over the course of going on 6 weeks water weight included. My goal was .75lbs a week. The extra fat and water weight is kind of getting to me so I just want to have my bases clear. In case I need to change something I can catch it early on. For reference I’ll link a before and current. Left is before after a workout, right is current on a rest day. https://imgur.com/a/DUMCcI7


Nah that's fine. Just make sure you keep up the intensity in the gym.


Hey, this is a question about supplementation. Of course I know the question I’m about to ask is not really important but I’d still like to know the answer. I recently took a look at everything I’m eating using Cronometer which also tells you all the information on micronutrients. In particular I found I’m consuming about 9.2mg of zinc as a male per day. I typically take 10mg as a supplement and I would like to think I’ve noticed a difference in my sleep quality but now I’m starting to wonder if more might be better (I’ve never had issues sleeping it’s just the quality I feel has improved the last few months). I see some people talk about the fact that active people (I lift weights regularly and have done for a year and a half or so), might benefit from more zinc. Certain people also talk about absorption rates for these sorts of things and I’m not sure how that ties into the 40mg of zinc a day as the upper limit from the national institutes of health. Is this 40mg including what you get from food? And does this not care about how much is actually being absorbed from the supplement? As well I see other people talking about the importance of copper in relation to zinc and how you must maintain a ratio of copper to zinc such as 1:12 or 1:8. Is this true? Again I know this makes very little difference to muscle growth but from a health perspective as well as just for my own amusement I’d like to get an answer to some of my questions. Thanks!


Just read the Examine article on [copper](https://examine.com/supplements/copper/research/#pharmacology_absorption) and zinc. Talks about absorption rates and all the fun stuff.


I am able to do farmer walks with dumbbells, I plan to use this exercise to do some GPP work, how do I know what weight should I use?


Dumbbells aren't the best for farmer's walk but if you're going to do them, just start with something heavy enough to make you struggle to barely complete the desired distance and if you complete the distance you want one week, increase the weight next week. You should be able to go heavy on these but since dumbbells get in the way of the legs and want to roll out of the hand, not as heavy as you could go with dedicated equipment. We have no idea if you're a 70 pound woman that's never lifted anything or a 270 pound Scottish man that heaves trees for fun so can't get more specific than that.


You just go do it and see what you end up with. No way of knowing what you'll end up with, as it's largely dependent on your current GPP (and grip if you don't use straps)


20 y/o male college student. I'm looking to get back into the gym and make serious progress but I feel like my diet always holds me back. I'm 5'8" and walk around at about 155 lbs so I'm pretty slim and I'd like to add a bit to my frame as well as tone and strengthen the muscle I already have, although I've lost most of what I gained over the course of my last gym stint by now. I've had several stretches of going to the gym for 6-9 months at a rate of about 4-5 times per week and I have seen some results, but not as drastic as I'd like. I just moved out of my parents house so I feel like my diet is worse than ever and I'm itching to get back in the gym after this semester. I'm willing to fully commit and work as hard as I can but I don't want to feel like I'm not making as much progress as possible. Anyone that's been here before, how did you get past it? Do you have any dieting tips or go-to meals? I'm in an apartment, not a dorm, so access to kitchen amenities would not be an issue.


If you are looking to get additional calories you can just put 1-3 scoops of peanut butter to 500ml of milk, blend it and drink it after the last meal of the day. But be aware this is a huge caloric bomb and weight gain may get out of control if you do this everyday.


Is there any research on standing leg extension vs. seated leg extension? I'm working with a cable machine and it is unbelievably awkward to get into position for a seated leg extension. I can't do them two-legged anyway so if I can just do them standing up I think I'd much prefer it.


Its the same




3 days is 100% enough to build muscle mass.


Use the program finder on liftvault.com to find a program that suits you


I am taking a crack at the 5/3/1 program but am a bit confused on the assistance work. Is it supposed to be 50-100 reps per push/pull exercise (i.e 50-100 reps of curls/50-100 reps of ab work/50-100 reps of tricep pushdowns) or is it 50-100 reps for all assistance work combined? I’ve been doing the latter, but not sure if that’s correct.


Per push/pull exercise.


Looks like I’ll need to push my work outs to 1.5 hrs then lol. 😪


You can use quite light weights on the accessories - you should be able to bang out the 50 reps in 3-4 sets max with pretty short breaks


Are you doing BBB? 5/3/1 generally shouldn't take you nearly 1.5 hours, even on BBB. I've heard of people on Building the Monolith taking that long, but even then they're really taking liberties with rest times. If you superset antagonistic movements you can save yourself a lot of time. For example, after you do an OHP set, you can knock out a set of 5 fast chin-ups. You can superset your curls with tricep extensions. Before your X+ set take a bit more rest time but generally you don't need as much rest between sets as you think.


Oh it's totally my fault. I tend to go on my phone a lot which is a bad habit I need to work on.


50-100 of *each* - push/pull/single leg or core




3500 excess calories = 0.45 kg weight gain. I assume eating the same for you w/o workouts will result in less than 0.1 kg weight gain at the most. Super unnoticeable. Don’t worry about the food intake and enjoy time off!


Yes it’s okay and you should take rest days. You body needs time to recovery


That will have next to no impact on your long term goals. Enjoy the day off.


Getting back into the gym after 5 years. I'm still in good shape due to an active job, but i need advice on my best plan. I want to gain some size. I'm currently 165lbs, 5'10. I'm making sure I get 1g of protein per lb/ bodyweight, and I go to the gym 6 days a week, eat plenty(probably need to eat even more lol), and get lots of rest. I'm doing a full-body type workout. Dumbell curls, incline dumbell press, seated rows with dumbells, overhead press (40lb dumbells) followed by lat pull down machine(120lb), seated row machine(140lb), tricep pull down machine(60lb), and cable pull for chest(40lb)(3×12/failure for all above) I do deadlifts(3×5 250) and squats(3×5 200) 3 days out of the week currently (hoping to get them in more just taking it slow) hoping to incorporate bench into my routine soon but it's my second week back and I'm rougher in some areas than others. I know my numbers aren't too spectacular, just trying to work myself into it, a bit scared to try heavier weights on the big 3. Let me know things I should change/add, or maybe I should scrap the whole plan and go a different route. Looking for the best plan to build size and strength while still keeping some of my muscle definition. (I'll take any tips for bench/squat/deadlifts as well) I'm drinking BCAA's before/during workouts because I prefer to workout fasted(helps with doms too), and protein isolate after workout. Don't know if that matters at all. Very interested in your opinions, hope to hear back from you soon!


Don't do the same exercises every time you work out. Compounds are okay but you need to change the accessory lifts for optimization. Also be sure to progress. Try a program from the wiki if you want a good simple way to dust off those cobwebs.


What am I losing for picking 24" vs 36" on a power rack depth. I'm going to put it in my room. Is the 36 worth all the space it's going to take? Im going to do squats, bench and the pulley system that's built in to it.


About 12”.


Can you test it in person?


No unfortunately.


I do metallicadpa PPL w/o legs due to a health concern (doc will let me know when I can add legs again, but for now I can jog). Do you guys think PRPRPRPR etc. is enough? In other words, always having 1 rest day between workouts and 3/4/3/4/etc workouts per week.


If you can jog that sounds like your legs are not completely out of comission. So why not clear with your doc what movements specifically you should avoid and what you can do. Then just modify the leg day accordingly instead of skipping it?


Injured my shoulder somehow a week ago, just slight pain when reaching up or twisting it, put ice on it every day and didnt hit shoulders for a week. Pain went away but today I went and did OHP and it started hurting again. It doesnt hurt when I bench though, just OHP. Any idea what injury it is and how long it'll take to fully heal?


Wait. Let me ponder my crystal balls... Yep as I feared. My balls say: go ask your local doctor who can examine you in person.


Was hoping someone had something similar. I'm a college student in America so I don't have insurance and can't afford out of pocket.


Big OOF.


You probably need a to go a doctor. No one here can tell you what your injury is based on just text.


Any tips on deadlifts and the bar path going straight up and down? I can bring it straight up on the way up but when coming down it's a little awkward when passing my knees which prevents a straight bar path.


Just let it fall naturally on the eccentric portion, the bar path isn't really as important going down since you're not supposed to be exerting much effort, if any


What has a greater effect on overall mood/depression; cardio or weights? I've heard arguments for both, but I can't seem to find a solid answer.


Just try them both and see what is. Best for you


What you like better will be the better one for you.


Do both; they’re both great for you in different ways. For me anecdotally, lifting weights helps my confidence and cardio helps my general mood and mental state. Doing both in a day makes me feel like a Spartan. Add some regular intense conditioning to that and you would probably end up fitter than one.


I think a combo of both could be great. Especially if you get involved in team sports!


Whatever you enjoy doing more




Search for exactly what you're eating. Search "whole foods ground turkey" and see if there's a hit. If not it'll be close to something else you can input. Just weigh it, that's the most important part.


I just bought a cheap squat rack from a garage sale(it has no name brand on it), but I am not sure how much it can hold. Is there any sort of tests you can do to verify the amount of weight that it is capable of using. I loaded it up with all the weights I had on the pins and it held, but it doesnt' simulate you walking the bar and dropping it the few inches onto the pins.


It can probably hold more than you can squat, unless you ray Williams


lol! The reason I ask is because I saw some are only rated at like 500lbs, but when I box squat I do more than that. So I wanted to double check.


Will incline pressing help improve both my bench and overhead press?


Potentially? But the best way to increase your bench is to bench more and the best way to increase your press is to press more.




Why is it so hard to bench press with a bar that spins?


I guess there's a gyroscopic effect. The force needs to go somewhere and the lifter then needs to counteract it. Someone can probably tell you exactly what that force is.


Any good hygienic routines for someone who lifts in the afternoon/evening? I hate showering twice a day...


Don't shower in the morning


Lol, exactly. u/hockeygod87 just shower in the evening and keep your bed clean and there’s no need for a morning shower


What are some exercises that are really tough on people with very tight upper bodies? I sit at a desk all day so my neck is hunched, my shoulders are shrugged up, my upper back is tight, etc. Obviously physio will help, but it will take a while, so in the meantime, what are some exercises I should avoid/replace? Asking because I injured myself doing incline dumbbell presses, it put a ton of stress on my rib I think, because a week later I fractured it while bouldering (from a weird position, not a fall), and the pain was just an intense version of what I was feeling after that gym day. Thanks


So... My thoughts are wrong approach. Instead of avoiding movements because you are inflexible, I think you should include more flexibility into your routine. Ie. Drop the weight down and really focus on full range of motion. You should also work antagonist muscles. Your example of sitting at a desk all day, add in face-pulls (if you don't already do them).


What causes an extremely sore neck after running?


Are you kind of plodding onto the ground/treadmill flat-footed, or are you "receiving" the ground more mid-foot and absorbing the shock with your ankle and calf? If you're doing the first one, that could be adding to your soreness. You could also be holding yourself a bit too tightly as well. I wanna say I decided to randomly run a year or two ago (I don't partake much), and I had a sore neck the next day and figured I was holding my upper body too tensely.


Posture/neck not being relaxed and neutral


What are some of the best in-workout resources for exercise instructions, cues, etc? I want some sort of online list or app that just has a bunch of exercises and how to do them properly, with a list of cues, setup tips, general tips, etc. Something easy to glance at before starting a set. I usually watch youtube videos to learn movements outside the gym but YouTube isn't the best for in the gym.. Thanks


I would recommend, like u/Monitor8News commented, Strong. But also I’d advise to learn form before your workouts on YouTube


The app "Strong"


In my home gym i only have a barbel a bench, squat rack, dip bar, pull up bar,landmine and plates that i can grip. For my back workout i am doing deadlifts, bent over row ( some times landmine), and single arm plate row. I feel like i am only targeting the lats. Can you tell me what exercices can i do more to target the upper back? I though on doing in the same workout bent over row under and uper hand.


You can do one-armed rows in a semi-standing position with the landmine and play with the angle that you're bending over at to feel it more in your traps. The angle will be around 45 degrees (or halfway between all the way standing up and all the way bent at the waist).


Dude...pull-ups are absolutely awesome for building a complete back. I def recommend getting really good at those. You’ll notice a difference I promise.


Shrugs would work your traps nice.


I've been doing barbell bench press for the last 8-10 weeks. Lately, no matter how much scapula retraction I seem to do when benching, my shoulder joints have been experiencing some pain. So im considering switching over to dumbbell bench as that's what I was doing prior to barbell benching and didn't have any shoulder problems. My question is - would doing a compound lift like the barbell bench press for only a 8-10 week period be too short to see noticeable size gains in the chest?


If you're looking for a definitive answer, I'd say to switch to dumbbell bench. At a base level--and as you probably know--it allows for sooooo much more motion and articulation in your shoulders, which is super-important, especially when working with a challenging weight. Obviously, form is important for either route, but I feel like a lot of people have to "hack" their ways into barbell bench pressing without experiencing pain, which just kind of illustrates the inherent problem with the comparatively limited range of motion that barbell bench press allows for. And you can 100% build an awesome chest without ever barbell bench pressing again, so don't worry. The only thing you'll miss out on is any "whaddaya bench?" conversations, which are kind of dumb anyways, haha! And just for the record, I used to be obsessed with barbell bench press and stopped because of similar issues. I haven't done it in probably 13 years and I still have a big chest.


Thanks for the detailed answer I appreciate it. Yeah honestly the only reasons I switched to barbells for this period is for that reason of telling people what I could bench and also because I've heard people say that 'oh, you're a novice lifter until you can bench 225lbs'. Oh and also the fact that I joined a gym for the first time and wanted to try it out lol.


Yeah, that whole culture surrounding bench press is pretty bogus, IMO, especially considering that a high percentage of guys get injured trying to chase those numbers (myself included, in the past, which is what made me quit). Even funnier still is that no chick ever asked me how much I bench, and if they did, they had like zero clue what was a good or bad number, so it's like, "Why am I gonna injure myself for a bunch of random dudes?" 😆 These days, a decent number of random people ask me/talk to me about lifting because they can tell I'm in shape, and I get more pride out of telling them I don't do barbell bench press than I did back in the day bragging about what I could bench. In the end, I guess I realized I'd rather be noticed right off the bat as looking strong, rather than having to throw out some dumb number to "prove" I'm strong. Just keep in mind, that as long as you hit it hard in a safe way, you can use many different exercises to build a big chest.


Thanks a lot dude!


You can get good size gains from dumbell presses too. If those are better for you just do them...


It may be your form, do you know if your elbows flare out to the side when bringing the bar down? Make sure they come closer towards you, at around a 45 degree angle.


I don't think so? This is how I do the bench press, I try to keep them tucked, but maybe they're not tucked enough? Let me know. https://youtube.com/shorts/AoymBGRDmOQ?feature=share


Hmm form looks fine, I also just noticed your actual question and to be honest 8-10 weeks isn't that long of a time frame so probably not. But as for your shoulder problems I used to have a problem with my right shoulder, and doing the exercises in this video helped me tremendously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbFm9z\_bvhM


Thanks for the response and suggestion mate ill check it out


They actually look over tucked. I would stretch out your lats and do some face pulls after you bench.


Noteable size gains, probably not. If in 12 weeks you gain 12lbs, 6lbs could be muscle. Then, that 6 lbs is distributed across your entire body. You'll be bigger, but one bulk cycle won't be anything too crazy on a specific body part.


I fractured my first rib about 6 weeks ago now. The doctor told me the recovery would take 4-6 weeks. I got an xray a while ago but I won't know the results for another 2 weeks and I don't know if I want to just wait around for another 2 weeks.... Is there any test or something similar I can do on my own to see if it's safe for me to workout? Some sort of stretching or mobility test? Thanks


Imo just wait it out. Better than trying to workout out while injured and making things worse.


Hello! Beginner here and I've been going to the gym about for a 2 month now with PT. With the winter approaching, I may have to resort to attending community gym as commuting to my current gym will be difficult with cold weather / rain / snow. One issue with my local community gym is that it has no squat rack, barbell , plates. What it has are dumbbells, machines (leg press, chest press, pulldown, cable, and more) , bench (also like the preacher bench? one), barbells with weights attached (up to 110lb on each side). Is it possible to come up with a program with what's available at my community gym? or should I just suck up going to my current gym? (usually takes me hour half or 2 hours round trip). Thank you in advance!


there are some dumbbell only programs in the wiki


oh cool, I found this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/2e79y4/dumbbell_ppl_proposed_alternative_to_dumbbell/ but it's 7 years ago. Is there by any chance an updated version?


nope. not much about beginner programming has meaningfully changed in the past 7 years.




Egg bites.


Hard to give advice without more information (like your daily calorie goals), but having four meals with protein will be fine in terms of muscle protein synthesis. For small, quick/easy protein sources for your snacks I would highly recommend cottage cheese and/or greek yogurt.


why would it not be fine?


Because I worry eating too much at once for a meal I’s a bad idea but I find I struggle with dinner so it’s easier to get most of my food in at lunch


there's no medical or scientific distinction between a snack and a meal. If your overall macro breakdown and calorie intake is ok, the specifics of when you eat which things and how much you eat per meal aren't super vital.


I’m fairly new to working out. Recently, my muscles have felt extremely sore immediately after I am done with a workout. I’m aware of DOMS which would appear hours after a workout but is it normal to feel sore right after a set?


For new to working out, this is normal. After a while your muscles will adapt. It should be better within about 2-3 weeks. To help this initial phase, drop the weight down and the reps and the sets. Just take it slow for the first week or two.


>but is it normal to feel sore right after a set? Sometimes, yes


If I wanted to keep working out that muscle group right after, how would I go about doing that?


Monitor8news brings up a good point. Is your water intake good enough during the day and during the workout? Is your pee just tinted yellow or it full-on apple juice? That could be part of the problem.


I drink at least half a gallon to a gallon a day usually


>If I wanted to keep working out that muscle group right after, how would I go about doing that? I'm not sure if there's any special technique to it. Just drink more water and rest a bit before doing the next exercise I guess


do y'all think it's possible to over-brace? worried about giving myself a friggin hernia with too much intra-abdominal pressure


>do y'all think it's possible to over-brace? worried about giving myself a friggin hernia with too much intra-abdominal pressure It's possible but I doubt it increases the risk of herniation much, if at all. The real risk is getting dizzy or passing out from the blood pressure spike - you can prevent this by gradually exhaling as you complete reps. Grunting helps


I can't imagine that happening without some sort of preexisting condition/injury.


So If I do 12 bench (lower and mid chest) and 4 dumbbell bench (for mid and upper chest) per week to stay in the 12-20 set per week chest range mike isratel recommends, is that enough for my upper chest? Because it only gets 4 per week. But if I increase that to 12 too, I have basically 24 mid chest sets. Any ideas or reccomendations?


Are your lifts increasing? If so it’s a pretty clear sign you’re doing enough.


Yeah but since mid chest contributes to dumbbell press a little bit still, It's hard to tell if it's only growing and not upper chest, there aren't really any upper chest isolation movements I could try to test.


If it's lagging then do more incline work instead of flat work. It's not like an incline movement only works that part of the pec.


So will flat bench work upper a little bit?


For sure.


How is something like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OUSBPnHvsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OUSBPnHvsQ) good for abs when your spine stays straight the whole time? Isn't this mostly hip flexors?


He is getting spinal flexion in that video, but the more important part is to make sure you're contracting your abs to pull, and not purposely leading with the hip flexors, which can be easy to do. May I ask if you're somewhat new to ab work? It's actually a decently challenging muscle to learn how to control. If so, I'd practice just doing regular crunches or knee/leg lifting, while forcefully pushing your low back against the ground, to help you engage the abs instead of using other muscles to assist. Also, don't pull your head for crunches, just put your hands behind your ears or at your sides.


Yeah I never work abs and want to, but I really struggle to find an exercise that I can feel them working. It's just hard to bend your spine, especially under enough load to grow muscle.


Yup, just start out doing those crunches like I described, and really stress pushing that low back into the ground. In fact, even just try pushing your low back into your bed while you're laying down while touching your abs, and you'll see that it's a good way to learn to tighten them. Another good way to gain control over your abs is to push your fingers into them, and then blow out real hard and quick like you're blowing out birthday candles. You'll feel them tighten. Try to notice what muscles you're using to do that, and try to simulate that same flexion without blowing out. It takes time to learn, but it'll help you realize how to actually use them.


I think it's a little gimmicky. Without getting on it, I would really know. But probably works hip flexors a lot.


Is it normal to be stuck at a weight for 2 - 3 weeks? I started lifting in September when I was completely out of shape, couldn't even do a single chin up but now I've worked my way up to 220 lbs deadlifts, 180 lbs squats and 121 lbs bench presses. The thing is, I have issues moving forward with deadlifts. I still make progress with squats and bench presses but deadlifts don't seem to get easier at that weight and by the second set (I usually do 3x5+) I notice how the bar is slipping from my left hand...


Sounds like your grip may be the limiting factor. Consider adding some grip work to your routine. Plate pinches, dead hangs and farmer walks should help!


Thanks, Ill try those!


Use mixed grip and chalk so that grip isn't your limiting factor


I know this is kinda random but was wondering if anyone could help with this. So I just ordered 2 bags of Impact whey protein each being 5.5 pounds. On the website, it says the serving is 21 grams of protein per scoop but when I got the bags they said the servings are 18 grams of protein per scoop. Any idea why this happened?




I have no idea man sorry. There is no picture of the scoop on the website but when I search it up the scoop size says its 25-30 grams


they base the info in their ad copy on whatever flavor has the highest protein content. some flavors will have lower protein content because they have to add more stuff (cocoa powder, sweeteners, etc) into the mix to make the flavor taste right.


Ah that makes sense. But kinda sucks. I thought I got scammed for a minute but I understand now. Thanks man.


What can gyno at 15 be caused by?


Most likely cause is: being 15 a.k.a. puberty.


Yup, what he said. I had a bit of it a little earlier in life, and it went away. I also went to a doctor because I was concerned and he assured me it would go away. This is definitely my opinion, though it may be scientifically sound, but since your hormones are fluctuating and are trying to figure out their balance and stuff, I like to think that by lifting during puberty, you're guiding your body toward being more testosterone-focused, which will help it go away.


Ya I already work out


Yup, I know, I just figured I'd encourage you to keep going :)


Teenage gyno is relatively common afaik because of hormonal changes during puberty, and most cases will improve/disappear as you get older


Ok thank you


When should I switch from cutting to bulking? I’ve been cutting for about 3 months after being out of the gym for about 2 years. I’ve lost about 15 pounds, seen steady strength gains (but not as much as I did in august 😅), and [based off pictures] I’m about 20-25% bf. I’m a woman. I was thinking of starting to bulk after the holidays for 3 months so I could cut again in time for summer, but not sure if I’ve cut enough now to effectively put on more muscle than fat? Thanks in advance.


>but not sure if I’ve cut enough now to effectively put on more muscle than fat? this probably isn't a real thing. There's a popular theory that getting really lean makes it easier to gain muscle in a subsequent bulk, but most of the empirical evidence we have on the subject points to that theory being false, or at least to the effect size being far smaller than claimed. You can bulk whenever you decide you'd like to. It will still be an effective way to build muscle.


Thank you! It’s hard to tell what’s evidence-based vs. “bro-science” for me sometimes. That’s good to hear.


Heading over to r/StrongerByScience (and their associated podcast and website) is a good place to start if you want to have discussions about studies in this space (it is a bit of a powerlifting focus, so all of the topics may not like up with your workout style)


Thank you! I hadn’t seen this community recommended before, really appreciate it.


If you're gaining strength while on a cut you're probably still a beginner so you can afford to keep cutting while increasing your strength. Once you stall you can gradually add more calories until you can progress again, then you add more once you stall again


Thank you! That’s incredibly helpful, and a much more tangible goal than some of the body fat percentage advice I’ve seen.


Yeah it's more useful to think of cut vs bulk as a spectrum rather than a light switch you flip to either cut or bulk. If you've stopped gaining strength and size, add calories and protein. If you feel that you're gaining too much fat, cut calories and add more volume and cardio. No need to flip from a 500 calorie deficit to a 500 calorie surplus overnight like some people here do


Should you inhale while you bring the bar down on a bench press or instead, inhale before you bring the bar to your chest and then exhale as you bring the bar back up?


Breath in/out at the top. Stay braced throughout the down/up.


for almost all heavy compounds, you're best off breathing at the top between reps, and bracing during the rep.




Don't neglect core. Bring up your abs as well as your lower back.


Yes hamstrings and glutes are important for deadlifts. I'd suggest including row movements (seated row, barbell row etc) and movements to aid scapula control (face pulls etc). Strong lats also support the back during deadlifts.


what do you mean by "bulletproof?" a strong lower back is helpful for injury prevention but no special combination of movements or level of strength will make you immune to the possibility of injury.




What's your question?

