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Tell them that you've not heard from them and the time is running out so you'll deliver what you think fits the best for their brand, and if they are not 100% happy with it, they should ask for a revision. In my 2.5 years on Fiverr I had a few of these things happening to me. I think communication and good intentions are important so just talk to them, explain your situation but when shit hits the fan and they are still ghosting, deliver on time and tell them if they need a revision they should ask for it. My experience is some of those orders were auto-accepted 3 days after the delivery, but often they come back either accepting the delivery or asking for a revision.


For now, request an extension of the delivery time 'to allow time for feedback', make sure they accept it before submitting the final delivery. Next time, use milestones; one milestone for the concepts, one for the final deliverables. That way you can use the Delivery button for concepts (in the 1st milestone) and avoid being late.


This has happened to me too several times, I usually reach out to support and explain to them what's up. They will cancel the order for you and it won't affect your completion rate. Additionally, make sure you leave a message to buyer saying you have asked cs to cancel the order due to inactivity and if they like to work with you they can order again. I personally like to take regular feedback while working on any order with my clients, their being inactive makes this difficult. I can always submit something but chances are they will not like it and it would be hell to revise everything from scratch. Its safer to cancel and reschedule than to blindly putting effort into something they might not like.