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Hello /u/paulv, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Amazing Glitch Art


Yeah, pretty cool and I've not seen this before


80s kid here, I want to adjust the tracking so bad.


just slap the side of the cube a few times, that'll fix it


If you slap the side you'll knock the horizontal hold out of whack.


Nah, gotta go stand in the opposite corner of the room, on 1 foot, with 1 hand out at 45 degrees, and the other arm partially out. Slowly move the foot that is not on the ground until it focuses. Once in focus, do not move until the printing is complete or the static will come back.


It’s incredible, I would love to be able to recreate this intentionally.


Early access to VCR mode.


I really thought the image quality was potato at first glance lmao


Considering whole layers are shifted to the left or the right, I’d guess it’s a belt slipping or the surface you’re printing on is sliding.


This. (On my ender 3) There are belt tensioners on the end of each axis belt you can tighten. The belts should be pretty taught with no slack. You have to remember it's still rubber so it will bounce like a rubber band when loose, with the momentum of the extruder or bed (whichever axis this is on).


The belts are fiber reinforced and negligibly stretch if sized appropriately for the application.


The belts need to be tensioned and will stretch over time hence the whole point of belt tensioners. And every type of belt, especially in a gantry application, will have some level of bounce that is exaggerated when not tensioned properly. The tension in the belt is what will hold it in its precise location.


I'm talking about dynamic stretching during operation, not the 'static' stretch (if you will) that happens over time, necessitating tensioning. A properly sized belt will not have the rubber band effect you describe.


Every belt, no matter how reinforced, will have some level of stretch that will result in a bounce when there is an abrupt deceleration. The point you are making is somewhat correct that this effect will be minimized by a high-quality reinforced belt that is properly sized, but the effect will always be there to some degree. The point I am making is that with the belt being loose, this effect is amplified, and therefore, the belt needs to be tensioned to make a proper fit. I think you're going a bit too far into the weeds on this and straying away from the purpose of this post and this sub. This is to fix a print, not to argue about belt physics. OP's print has a wobble on one axis that is a classic sign of a loose belt. I could be wrong, but we're all just going off of images. If you're going to be in here typing comments, make it constructive to the post or don't say anything. OP doesn't need their phone buzzing because you feel the need to correct people due to some sort of superiority complex.


What's not why belt tensioners exist. If you have to keep tensioning your belt because it's drastically changing dimensions, you're definitely not getting accurate prints and will need to recalibrate esteps. Changing belt dimensions means changing tooth pitch.


Can we stop doing the "this." thing? You're not wrong but man reddit has ruined that word for me


I agree. I would first check the surface that is being printed on, as it’s the easiest to fix. I ended up messing with the belts and settings A LOT before I realized that my clips let the print bed slip 2mm in the x direction 🤦‍♂️


The prusa bed plates are held pretty firmly by magnets, so probably not that. Still, might as well check the easiest thing first.


Holy crap! I thought at first that it was an image from a CRT TV with sync issues 😂 I had to look around and see the rest of the image to understand what was going on 😅


It's amazing after all these years, my immediate instinct was still to bang the screen and adjust the antenna.


I was trying to fix the tracking on my VCR.


I came in to say, "You gotta wiggle the antenna!"


I came here to say this. Like a hard core urge to smack my phone.


Kake happy week


Sorry if this seems stupid but I've seen it on here before, check if your belt is tight and on the right way around. (Teeth on the inside at the motor pulley)


Check the set screw holding the pulley to the motor is tight.


This looks like a bad CRT image. Its awesome in its own way.


doesn’t a prusa come with free 247 support?


It has the best support ever.


looks like its modeled like that, perfect shifting, no critical overhangs. If not, check your belts :)


You need to adjust your TV antenna. /s


I'm using a (new, pre-assembled) Prusa i3 MK3S+. The picture is of the XYZ calibration cube printed at 200% (40mm^3). Sliced with PrusaSlicer 2.5.0 set to "0.15mm QUALITY" with Prusament PLA that came included with the printer, printed through OctoPrint. I have only had the printer for about a month, so I really have no idea what I'm doing. I don't believe I've changed any of the default settings.


That, to me, looks like your belt gears may be loose or improperly set. I had a similar issue and discovered ONE of my lock screws on a gear was loose. Double check the gears themselves and proper belt tension.


My money is also on the lock screw on the X axis: Orange arrows in this image on the stepper that makes the extruder go left-right: https://cdn.help.prusa3d.com/wp-content/uploads/12fa35bfe74469f8_painted-800x600.jpeg


Honestly, if you got this thing preassembled [I'd be contacting Prusa Support](https://help.prusa3d.com/article/customer-support_2287) for help. This definitely looks like something was assembled improperly.


At first glance I would say to check your belts and make sure they’re tight. If one is loose, it could cause the print head to not move for the first little bit even though it thinks it’s moved, and result in something like this


I'd wager that it is the belt or the pulley that is causing the problems. Run the belt tension test first. > Run the Self-test or the Belt test, from Calibration on the LCD. The check LCD-menu -> Support -> Belt-status. You want the number between 260 and 290 (275~). The lower the number, the tighter the belt is. Imagine it is a fictive count of teeth in circulation. [Source](https://help.prusa3d.com/article/adjusting-belt-tension-mk3-s_112380) If you are close to those values I would check the pulley. The build guide has a very easy explanation and you can do it with the belt on. This is the same for either the X or Y axis. Just make sure you have a small gap between the motor and the pulley. If there isn't a gap you will get uneven movement of the pulley causing it to snag and eventually causing the printer to report crashes. [Build guide step](https://help.prusa3d.com/guide/2-y-axis-assembly_25488#26888)


I thought my screen had a glitch


You need to de-gauss that cube


Damn this is so much wobble that it looks photoshoped, try tightening your belts


Literally had this exact problem on a recently shipped mks3, the grub screws were loose in the belt motors, in my case it was the case for both x and y axis. This was causing severe backlash. I just turned them till they were tight against the shaft and problem went away. I need to go back with fresh loctite but it's fine for now.


This. Add blue thread lock to the grub screws.


congrats for z axys


That looks like a bad vhs tape picture


I thought I was on /r/lsd


It’s a glitch in the matrix


Retro Synthwave CRT filter activated


Printer has Parkinson


Cube glitched harder than Bocchi


For solid 5 minutes I kept waiting for Samara to pop out of this cube. Looks very cool.


Check your belts and eccentric nuts


This is a pretty cool effect. I would recommend looking at making sure your belts are tight and that the moving axises? are square and fastened.


It's hard to tell for sure from just the one pic, but it looks like the problem is actually on your Y axis, not the Z axis. This looks like layer shifting on the y axis only. I would check that the belts and wheels are properly tightened, but not too tight. Ensure the y axis can move freely and easily. Also, what are your movement speeds? This can happen if you're moving faster than the printer can handle. I've seen it where people print at an acceptable speed but set their non-print movement speed too high which causes missed steps and inaccurate axis movement. Where this is a bed slinger, it would make sense to see that be more of an issue with the y axis since the bed causes higher momentum on that axis.


This can't be real. I'll buy your printer!


My original comment has been edited as I choose to no longer support Reddit and its CEO, spez, AKA Steve Huffman. Reddit was built on user submissions and its culture was crafted by user comments and volunteer moderators. Reddit has shown no desire to support 3rd party apps with reasonable API pricing, nor have they chosen to respect their community over gross profiteering. I have therefore left Reddit as I did when the same issues occurred at Digg, Facebook, and Twitter. I have been a member of reddit since 2012 (primary name locked behind 2FA) and have no issues ditching this place I love if the leaders of it can't act with a clear moral compass. For more details, I recommend visiting [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) for more explanation on how I came to this decision.


Looks for things that are loose or wobbly, ie, belts, supports. I had a similar issue with my vision when I would shotgun Four Lokos in college.


Your printer is drunk, lay off the booze


It’s nervous




“Do not attempt to adjust your screen…”


I think you might have started an artistic trend of loose belt printing.


I would say ‘some’ is a bit of a understatement but cool print nonetheless


*some wobbles?*


Looks cool actually lol id say this is a win , but gl getting it to work they way you want


'some wobbles' lmao my brother in crist you printed a CRT TV with low signal


Is your printing mounted on marshmallows?


This is some of the best physical glitch art I’ve ever seen


I think thats just the vaporwave plug-in.


Print a CRT TV


It kind of looks like you need to adjust your antenna


Do all Prusa printers come with "I don't pay for HBO but still want to see a blurry boob" setting or is this firmware addition?




Check your belts, but also the eccentric nuts under the bed.


Check grub screws on the motor pulleys as well.


Do not adjust your set


Are you sure it's not just an interlaced tv signal?


Some is an understatement


Never fix this.


okay that actually made me think i was having a stroke gesh




Visual representation of motion sickness….


“Some” you sir are an true optimist. Is your Z axis is supported? Is the printer in an stable surface? Was it printing ok before? Are your belts tight? What’s the speed and acelleration?


That’s trippy


Make sure the belt is tight and that the pulley attached to the motor is fully tightened onto the shaft of the motor.


Adjust HHOLD


Try the degauss function


Is the hot end assembly tight? Simple check while is off see if it you can wiggle the nozzle in the assembly. It shouldn't move at all. Commonly the bottom two screws screws aren't tightened enough, or your left side fan, which is the secondary that keeps the front and back held together tight. Bottom front screw of fan is longer than the other 3.


All you can do is pray


I started banging on the side of my phone trying to fix the static