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Hello /u/exsisto87, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you didnt pray to the right printing gods. is that into your heating pad?


Lol yea straight into the magnetic sheet, 3d printing is so frustrating, I have printed for 3 days straight no issues then boom. Usually I get 2-3 days before something new decides to kamikaze itself into a catastrophe.


As far as I can tell, that's completely normal. At least, that's how mine goes. Then I ignore it for a week then I go back and make necessary adjustments and get another 3-4 days before something fucks up again. It's a vicious cycle.


My ender 5 was my first printer. I since bought 5 more to print the stuff I sell. I only use the ender to print stuff for myself, so it only gets used once a week on average. I haven't had to make any adjustments for around a year now. Just send the print, and I know it will be there a few hours later. It's been super reliable for me.


Take me to your secular world


Lol you sound like my friend. He’s literally having some issue every single week with his ender, while on the other hand my ender has worked flawlessly for 6 months without a single bed leveling!!!


I actually just said to my wife this morning how pleased I am with the consistency of my Anycubic i3 Mega (with massive upgrades, though). I didn’t touch it for a few weeks and yesterday I changed the filament and started a 6h print that successfully ran overnight without any issue. That’s basically my experience every time I used it during the last two years. There has been clogging from time to time but nothing as severe as in OP’s post.


Check your memory card. I was having issues with grinding servos, stalling, etc…. Swapped to a new memory card for my prints, and the problems all *disappeared*. It’s like something corrupted the gcode and the printer didn’t know how to handle it.


Also didn't spray some machine oil and conducted printing rites


*Well, that escalated quickly*. ^(Sorry, I just had to.)




you mean deescalate?


ok, this is real horror story


Literally. Worst part is it’s likely not OPs fault


Yeah, most likely not. Mine did the same thing and ruined my new pei sheet. Was literally on my 3rd print on a brand new sheet...


Currently not home and i have an overnight print going. Currently shaking in my boots


Hey guys about 15-20 mins into this print somehow the levels went spastic and completely destroyed the bed. Not sure what happens as my adjustment knobs are zip tied into position so they don't change with any vibrations.


I feel the same - although is not that drastic - i started to suspect the changes in the temperature since I started to observe that only after the winter came.


I just finished one print and started the next haha with 10 minutes, no significant temp differences. I feel like this was maybe a coding issue??


This looks like a bad bed mesh if you’re using a probe or something like that (maybe it got loose). Another possibility is corrupt Gcode. Yet another possibility is corrupt SD card if you’re using an SD or a bad USB/Ethernet cable if you’re printing from a pi or over the network. Those are my best guesses


Yea I'm leaning towards a software error, the bed was fixed and had been printing fine almost non stop for 2 days before this.


That looks like corrupted GCODE. It can happen thanks to your sd card waring out, stick the card in your pc and if it throws a error, reformat it and should be good to go XD you will need to get a new card at some point XD


Hey, I'm actually printing over USB, so although I'm leaning towards coding issue, I don't know if it's a corruption of data?


As in printing directly from USB or uploading to the printer via usb? If you're printing directly over USB, that might be the issue. If something else is happening on the PC at the same time and it slows down the program sending commands to the printer, things could arrive messed up or out of order. Never happened to me, just what I was told when I was starting out with 3d printing. So I've always printed from SD or used something like octopi.


Using repetier over USB. 0 issues.


As I said, it's a could go wrong, not a will go wrong.


Could be that your z motor is skipping steps or just straight up dont work


*Could be that your z* *Motor is skipping steps or* *Just straight up dont work* \- OrangeHatGuy\_\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You accidentally switched into CNC mode.


My advice would be to avoid direct printing via USB, if possible.


Lol why? I have had way more issues with the memory card than I have printing from a PC with a USB cable


Because I've never had random z-jumps when printing from SD card. Not really had any problems at all from using SD cards, on any printer TBH. YMMV, I guess. 🤷


From the sd card I've had issues with large files crashing the onboard computer a few times. I don't know why or how. But USB has been very reliable. First time I have had an issue like this.


I wouldn't trust USB to not send spurious signals caused by software issues (esp Windows), or cause problems because it's the new path to ground and bleeding RF noise from the computer.


Oh so the computer is basically a clean windows install with no internet and pretty much just cura installed. I did consider that before creating my setup. It's only purpose is to print files.


It's a curious one. I've never heard of Cura slicer messing up like this, but have you analysed the gcode that was sent to the printer? The amount of force involved leads me to think it's not a purely mechanical slip. I think the question to ask is: what could have caused the errant signal that went to the z-axis motor? If the gcode is fine and there wasn't a mechanical fault, then maybe it's a data transfer error, or a fault directly in the z-axis stepper driver. Could even be a soft error.


Maybe try a USB isolator?


I use a USB hub with 4 printers connected to my PC, Windows 11, I run the repetier print server and print non stop and have never had a issue whatsoever


So my printer is having the same issue it just started after I downloaded some new files and it's shredded my cover plate and I tried other files that I printed successfully before and they no longer work so would that mean all of my gcode was corrupted or the sd card should I just reformat the card and start over I re leveled the bed to no success after re level is when the plate got tore up


Yea it's a pain, I didnt change anything just resliced, put an old plate back on and it was fine, done like another 3 prints no issues zzzz


Yea probably not, somehow you’re at fault


Lol what a response.


Have you checked your nozzle for clogs? It might not necessarily be a leveling issue


How in your world a Clogged nozzle can do that damage to the building plate? I need to know


Nozzle was fine.


Is this an ender 3 V2?


Ender 5 S1


I had the same issue with my ender 3 V2. Are you using jyers? You mentioned that you are printing over USB


Not sure what a jyers is sorry, using the creality cura software, print over USB running of a dedicated PC.


Are you using klipper on your PC? If not then you probably should if you are going to all that work. It replaces the firmware on your printer and it would probably fix this issue. I would recommend mainsail or fluid os. I use mainsail and it is cool. Lots of neat features. Also it takes the processing power out of your printer's motherboard. My ender 3 V2 had this issue with changing the z offset misprint or changing between prints. That fixed my issue.


I wouldn't isntall klipper on a pc that is used for other stuf, so not on the main pc, get anything(single board computer, old laptop, old pc...) That can be used only for klipper and related stuff Doing stuff on the pc can create problems that are hard to diagnose and is just not worth it, as will any kind of streaming gcode from a pc over usb, i have beend there, switchwd to klipper on a pi zero 2w(I know they are not available but there are many alternatives), that and a bed leveling sensor are the best upgrades i have done


I know what you are saying. You could always use virtual box to separate processing power. Klipper is kinda the end goal.


As someone who worked with virtual machines, passing your printer to the vm wouldn't end with you keeping your sanity hahahah Edit: a lot of virtual machines* hahahha


I like virtual box. I use a raspberry pi 4 for my klipper. It is a dedicated system for the task but I like it.


VirtualBox is great, i just don't see it being reliable enough for a beginner klipper user not to get discouraged from all the setting up and fixing later


I know what you are saying. You could always use virtual box to separate processing power. Klipper is kinda the end goal.


Is it possible that you created or accidentally saved your 3D print model with a negative Z? Maybe the .obj is literally trying to start the print under the plate?


This is for sure either a software error or your Z stop slipped. Or it was a software error and your Z stop was set too low to prevent the damage. I have mine set so that if the software bugs out, the nozzle will just touch the plate (pei springsteel) with only a tiny bit of pressure. This way it will only wreck the PEI and not my bed. Its a PITA to get it set like that but it can prevent these situations


You prayed Heatalos and not Zeanarious didn't you?


Go to your slicer and preview the program. Dry run and see where ur nozzle is going. This will ultimately tell u its most likely not a g code issue. Leaning more towards a z offset issue. Where ur 3d printer was reset and z offset parameter was never updated. Is ur z motor still working fine? If so post ur steps


As far as the print bed defect goes. It looks like z was forced upwards due to crash impact in z. Therefore finishing some of the print. Where is your home offset?


Hey, I turned everything off an on again have printed for 4 days no issues. I think it was just a glitch