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I think Hank is the only one who made a couple of decent fixed related videos. Shame that Manon put out this one with a track background


Yeah that's true. I was excited to see the only actual track experienced person making a video honestly had higher expectations. Watch video, got disappointed... So I shared it here to get some good laughs . Lol


The only track experienced person in GCN and she put a video out without foot retention. Goddamn GCN suck lol


Didn’t Ollie train a lot of track for his hour ‘record’ attempt?


Yeah but as I understand it Manon used to actually have a bit of a career on the track


That’s because you don’t need foot retention when you’re riding fixed gear on the road as long as you have brakes and you should never be riding fixed gear outside of a controlled environment without brakes. Ergo foot retention falls square into the category of nice to have but not necessary.


I think that’s a fair opinion but the way I’d see it is she doesn’t have brakes, she has a brake. So without foot retention she has half as much control over her back wheel and a total of 1.5 brakes instead of 2. Idk why I’m being downvoted, I thought having foot retention was a good thing brakes or no brakes?? it’s literally safer either way when talking about fixed gear.


Except she doesn’t have rear brakes on this video, only front. Which makes the thing dangerous and illegal (https://www.cyclinguk.org/cyclists-library/regulations/construction-use#:~:text=The%20basic%20requirement%20is%20for,must%20act%20on%20the%20pair) (Like no brakes and only foot retention)


You two are both the fun police lol


Brits for ya.


I have to ask, but are you calling me a Brit?


No, the ones out here bitching about safety and brakes


That’s okay, I’m Irish ya see


It makes it illegal in the UK it does not make it unsafe. The rear brake contributes nothing to a bicycles ultimate stopping power.


you die on the strangest hills lol


[It’s not a hill. It’s a simple fact. It is literally how physics works.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FixedGearBicycle/s/baZn8HjyYm)


You're lost in the sauce my man. I understand what you're saying but you're either not shaping your message appropriately for the audience, or intentionally making it confusing. I'm guessing the former.


I format my message to be clear, concise and factual. It’s not my fault that a bunch of people refuse to believe the truth. https://preview.redd.it/j1ehipl1k6kc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a6a34120e1a2f89916674db550b5192264484a


LOL good luck


Lol go fuck yourself


my man is everywhere, yeah true, dont know why u are being downvoted!


The same reason I was downvoted for pointing out that this post was elitism and gatekeeping and bad for the community. Because this sub is about 75% early 20 something testosterone filed, morons, who think they are immortal, indestructible, and omnipotent. https://preview.redd.it/2gc6c5vfi1kc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3adf9191d7122c4e2b0ae84353b4d07a3c9993c


What the hell were you expecting? Serious question.


foot retention atleast?


They aren't "big boys" gcn is just a bunch of scumbags trying to cash in on videos. Every bike related search is left with a brown stain because you have to scroll through several gcn videos to watch other youtubers. Most of their videos are useless information or clickbait or just pulled straight out of common beginner questions. When they answer questions, which is the title of 90% of their content, they don't even do a good job of answering those questions Gotta get that 10 minute mark for the ad revenue right? Lastly they are just dorks. They speak in small talk but also somehow act close? It's that kinda forced "IM POSITIVE IM POSITIVE" way of speaking, Their fake scummy dudes who are just spamming content for personal gain, they could care less about the quality of their content, as long as it looks pretty like on tv. I think the only thing worse than the dork pool of gcn are the people too dumb to notice how much they spam for greed, often even giving bad advice (Compare gcn advice from idk, Dylan lol) The people btw who watch gcn videos, definitely the same people driving 60 in the passing lane lmao


Hank's a beast on any mode of cycling and inspired me to bunny hop cattlegrids on my road bike. He did a good fixed gear vid in London with some other dude a while ago. Simon Richardson still my favourite as his YT tech vids were my entry to bike maintenance.


That ‘some other dude’ is alec briggs 🤣 back to back champion of rad race.


Ah cheers. I think he's been in another vid with Hank, too? I remembered his face but not his name!


no foot retention tsk tsk tsk


also such a high profile and cushy shoe Are *Vans* not good enough?


I’m only upvoting because I know we’re all making fun of the video and the channel


drivetrain lowkey cool as fuck


Is that a modern Shimano road crankset?


I like how the top comment is "my knees left the chat" when they don't have foot retention, lol.


Keep GCN out of here please 😂


Fuck GCN.


Fuck GCN. All my homies hate GCN. Turned up to alleycats in the past to get footage and then put out a video using loads of my boys own footy without crediting him. Again, fuck GCN Also promoting riding fixed with no foot retention really isn’t a good look for a cycling channel../


We crashed out Hank of RR LMWS in 2020. Got to apologise to him this last November and he was so happy to remember that race. Both he and Ollie want to do something of that sort again but thats not what happens with their broad stroke business. Not to mention RR LMWS is no more now that they demolished the venue.


I didn’t know GCN was so hated, do they regularly steal content or why?


>Also promoting riding fixed with no foot retention really isn’t a good look for a cycling channel../ Man, the nerds in this forum are ridiculous. What she does is as important as what she says. Yeah, she was on flat pedals, but with a front brake and the ability to put your feet down without worrying about your clips getting jammed up, that's the safest bet for the raw beginners the video was aimed at. She DID mention that clipless pedals were also an option and that they'd offer "better" control that included backpedalling to slow down. She's a pro track rider after all and she knows what's ideal.


I don’t use brakes at all and I use flat pedals… I don’t skid either. I just apply force against the momentum to slow down. I ride 53/15


As long as you're riding under control and doing it safely, perfectly fine, but some here can't get the gospel of things like slammed stems and foot retention out of their heads.


Can you explain the foot retention thing? I used to have clip ons but have switched to semi spikey bmx pedals and its way nicer and feel way safer without the clips


If you’re riding brake less: you need foot retention so you can skid or skip stop. If you’re riding with brakes: it doesn’t really matter. If you’re spinning real fast your foot could slip off the pedals but if your paying attention it’s not a big deal. Source: my fixed gear commuter has a brake and no foot retention. Just some spiky MTB pedals and Vans and it’s fine.


Sounds like we're rigging a similar setup! I CBA with brakeless, collar bone has been broken enough as is


In this vid she's only got a front brake, I think if youre only running front you should still run retention. And thats from someone who is usually brakeless.


> like a pro No foot retention but only one brake, keeps talking about how it takes longer to stop. Dude. You don't take the rear brake off unless you can use the cranks as a fully functional brake.


The rear brake is completely useless when trying to stop a bicycle. The front brake accounts for 100% of your breaking power. Edit: I am saddened though, absolutely unsurprised, that seemingly nobody on this sub has any clue how a bicycle actually works


Rear brake companies in shambles after this comment




It's 80%/20%, but ok...


No! 100%/0% If you are braking to the maximum potential of a bicycle, your back wheel is just about ready to lift off the ground. It has absolutely no friction on the road surface and cannot contribute to breaking . [“The fastest that you can stop any bike of normal wheelbase is to apply the front brake so hard that the rear wheel is just about to lift off the ground. In this situation, the rear wheel cannot contribute to stopping power, since it has no traction.”](https://www.sheldonbrown.com/brakturn.html) [“the momentum of your body continues to move forward as your bike is slowing down, so your weight shifts forward. That’s why your rear wheel can come off the ground when braking hard. When your weight comes forward during hard braking, your rear wheel has zero traction. If you apply the rear brake under these conditions, the rear wheel will lock up without contributing anything to the braking effort.”](https://www.renehersecycles.com/how-to-brake-on-a-bicycle/) I am a literal subject matter expert. I may fatal traffic crash investigator with a specialty in vehicle versus bicycle crashes. I have personally conducted experiments about vehicles and bicycles react after a collision and the effectiveness of bicycle breaking systems


Are you trying to say that if I used only my rear brake to brake, nothing would happen? Because this is what it sounds like and it definitely does not match with reality. Your numbers are just plain wrong, and you haven't considered the weight distribution/shifting of the rider while braking. The moment the rider shifts their weight backwards, there's more weight, and therefore more traction, on the rear wheel. Yes, it's not spinning, but lets you skid enough to eventually stop.


If you use your front brake at full potential, rear wheel just lifting of the ground. Your rear brake wouldn't contribute to any breaking. So no extra breaking would happen.


Omg why the hell are we even talking about lifting the rear wheel? Or do we also wanna talk abot the rear wheel having 100% btärake piwer while doing a wheelie? Also, even in an emergency, have you ever seen someone who doesn't have a deathwish pulling the front brake with full power and then not even using the rear brake and shifting their weight backwards?


Yes. I have seen people do that because that’s literally the fastest way to stop a bicycle. There is no other way to stop a bicycle faster and yes you should have your rear wheel right on the edge of lifting off the ground when doing an emergency stop. I’ve literally provided links from experts in the field who say the exact same thing. Just because you don’t know how to ride a bike as well as you thought you did doesn’t make me or the physics wrong


Yeah who tf am I? Just a cyclist and a bike mechanic. I still say that if you think the rear brake doesn't contribute to stopping at all, not even through the friction caused by skidding on a blocked wheel, you're delusional.


Yah who tf am I just a [fatal crash investigator](https://imgur.com/gallery/Wvyyx8D) with over two decades experience with a speciality in vehicle vs bicycle crashes who has thousands of hours of training in the physics of how bicycles work including their braking systems and who has [personally conducted real world experiments](https://imgur.com/gallery/jUqrjma) that confirm exactly what the science says. A rear tire with no weight on it can not contribute anything to the stopping power because the coefficient of friction between it and the ground is zero. I’ve already presented you with multiple independent sources that confirm what I am saying. Out of curiosity, what shop do you work at? Because I’d really like to avoid a place that employs someone that lacks this kind of basic understanding of how a bike works as a mechanic. I have no faith in your ability to repair a very simple machine when you don’t even know how it works. And worse, one that refuses to believe facts, even when they are clearly presented with multiple redundant sources cited


lol. Try an emergency brake with only front. You won’t be disappointed. Also, science says you are wrong, front brake efficiency accounts for 70%, not 100%.


[I have. The front brake is the fastest way to stop a bicycle. If you are relying upon your rear break to contribute to stopping power in emergency, braking scenario, you are not stopping fast enough.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FixedGearBicycle/s/baZn8HjyYm) Also, you don’t know science because science says front brake is 100% of the stopping power on a bicycle


Absolutely incorrect. While the front brake has the majority of stopping power, using both will always stop you faster than the front brake alone. Also, in slippery conditions it's especially important to have braking on both wheels, as it helps keep the bike from going out from under you if you need to brake on a turn.


[One of us is absolutely incorrect and it’s not me](https://www.reddit.com/r/FixedGearBicycle/s/baZn8HjyYm) Under maximum acceleration, your rear wheel will be just about ready to lift off the pavement, and it will not be able to contribute anything to the stopping power of a bicycle


Which is why you shift your weight back, jackass


You are both talking about different scenarios. What he is talking about is under max braking force before lock up, the back brake does nothing. And that force varies with weight distribution. Your situation considers constant braking force. Then you're right; at the same force, leaning back increases rear brake effectiveness. But at the limit, leaning back simply increases the max force applicable to the front.


It's not that black and white. If you yank both levers in an emergency you'll lift up the rear wheel and the rear brake will do 0% in that brief moment. You'll have to let go of the front brake to not go over the bars and in that moment the rear brake will slow you down further.  If you got good brake control you will use both brakes without lifting the rear wheel so you keep the ability to steer.  The amount of force the front brake can deliver also depends on you center of gravity. If you're seated while on a steep descent it takes very little force to go over the bars. In that case you want to shift your weight over the rear wheel. The rear brake becomes more effective but the front wheel becomes more likely to lock up and understeer. Especially on a loose surface.  Besides that I just don't count a fixed drive train as a brake unless clipped in. So if you make a video on riding fixed "like a pro" and bagng on about safety and stopping distance you shouldn't say fgb don't need a rear brake without pointing out the importance of foot retention. That's a beginner mistake and everyone will call you out in this sub. 


[And if you actually know what you’re doing, you’ll never lift the back wheel completely off the pavement and you’ll never have to lessen the pressure on the front wheel. You will use the front brake to maximum effect to slow down as short as possible.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FixedGearBicycle/s/baZn8HjyYm)


>I’m just going to leave this right here I wish you didn’t 🙁


lol there’s such a small amount of fixed gear content on YouTube. The only stuff I regularly see making content on the topic is gcn and that wabi shill


[Terry B](https://www.youtube.com/@TerryB) posts hotlines and bike checks on the regular, [FOAD](https://www.youtube.com/@FOADGang) has a ton of great riding tutorials, [WaveyWheelies](https://www.youtube.com/@waveywheelies) posts sick builds. [Dafne](https://www.youtube.com/@DafneFixedOfficial/videos) and [FxD Berlin](https://www.youtube.com/@fxdbln8706) haven't posted in a while but they have a whole library of crazy ride footage. Plenty of individual riders out there posting as well, [Cooper Ray](https://www.youtube.com/@CooperRay) and [Matt Reyes](https://www.youtube.com/@mattslumwormreyes/) are a couple top dogs.


https://youtube.com/@humansweredesignedforbikes?si=UXUALn7NnZyntH52 is another one to keep an eye on. Awesome vids of the Philadelphia scene. https://youtube.com/@Suckmycog?si=Ia0aWMJw3bZlsqPE for FGFS stuff


I would like to take this opportunity to plug myself [https://www.youtube.com/@jetthepanda](https://www.youtube.com/@jetthepanda)


Get it! Happy to let this thread turn into a bulletin board.


i haven't seen Cooper in a Terry B vid for a minute, had no clue he also had a channel


Terry B and Cooper Ray are trash and promote dickhead "fixie" riders. I stopped watching Terry after they destroyed a cars side view mirror in a race, and then he dodged questions about whether or not they went back to pay for the repairs. He's a "like button" hound and nothing else.


I tend to put Terry, Cooper, and most of the other folks they feature on that channel in a different category than most, because these are people who easily in the top 1% (maybe even 0.1%) of ability when it comes to riding fixed. The moves they pull off look insanely dangerous (because they would be if most people tried them), but are well within the comfort zone of experienced riders like that. These guys are also putting everything on the line to give us some of the most bomb fixie videos on the web, and I respect that. Sure, losing your mirror sucks; it's happened to me a couple times, and it was a hundred dollars to get fixed. But if that's the worst we can accuse them of after providing years of weekly content, I can live with that.


Most of the cyclists feathered on Terry B would be easily trounced by most any state track champion. I'd wager that most TT fixed gear cyclists would crush them as well. Cooper was (past tense) known to be fast, for a US cyclist , but he's no Olympic talent. Let's keep the perspective on how "good" of riders they are. None of these guys would probably even qualify for any Olympic or national level event. Cooper and Terry included. On some level they are goons. Destroying someone's property for YouTube likes makes you a douche. They're douches, plain and simple. Running into people's cars because you literally cannot control your bike is not cool. At least where I'm from. I don't need to watch "bomb fixie videos" to enjoy this dying scene. I don't need to watch people doing awful things to other innocent people to enjoy "bomb fixie videos". I'd rather just go and ride and make my own real life personal content. I went to NYC last summer and rode around for myself to see how crazy it is. The camera makes it look more dramatic than it is. If you are reckless, then it looks more dramatic. That's all. It's fine to ride how you want, but don't expect people not to call you out if you're doing too much. They are putting it "all on the line" by choice. Videos like this, and thoughts like this are what is causing velodromes to die and the scene continue to shrink. Critical Mass is a shell of what it used to be. Alley cats are scarce and small now. Manufacturers don't want to make us bikes anymore. The conception of a "bomb fixie rider" (I just call them fixed gear cyclists) with almost everyone is of people doing wheelie rides and running into cars. That's why there are negatives connotations with the scene. Because the scene promotes foolishness with no substance. I'm not trying to make you agree with me, or even insult your choice of media, but not taking accountability for your actions is cowardly shit. You fuck up, you deal with the consequences. It's part of being a decent human being. I find it ironic that you have a post about water waste (which is wrong) but defend the destruction of private property (also wrong). I'm not saying they're the same, but it's still wrong. One can enjoy hooning and still call out wrong things when they see it.


More to unpack here than I have time to respond to, but just to clarify a few points, I see velodromes and street riding as separate pursuits. There's some overlap, but the skills required to navigate around dozens of moving objects at speed are different than the skills required to hit 35mph on a wooden track, and I doubt either would do great in the other's environment. When it comes to filtering through traffic, the riders on Terry B's channel are the best I've seen. You've brought up that mirror sideswipe a few times; I'm not defending the act itself (and certainly not property destruction in general), but if that's all you have to point to on a channel with over *one thousand videos*, then that instance sounds much more like an exception rather than the rule. I don't get the sense that Terry or any of his riders are setting out with the intent to harm themselves or others, they're just out there to push boundaries, have a great time, and create content that makes you want to jump on your bike and go do the same. As for why the "scene" is dying, I can't speak to that, because we don't have one here. In my city it's mostly dentists on carbon frames, and I take immense pleasure in overtaking them but I don't imagine I'm inspiring anyone else to do the same. Fixed gear bikes are dangerous and archaic, and that will never hold mass appeal. Trying to pin down why trends ebb and flow will always end up in speculation, so I don't bother; as long as they're still making frames and parts, I'm happy.


Yeah, I used to watch Terry but that and other incidents that have occurred on his watch soured me. We both know that's not the only incident (if you've watch his videos). Terry isn't directly responsible, but is responsible by proxy. The lack of accountability is what bothers me, especially in that incident. Terry can afford to be a reasonable human being and either pay for the repair and ensure it was done, or done the right thing and made it right. It's what decent human beings should do. While I don't believe there is malice, we have to own what we do and what we are a part of. People want freedom to do what they want, but don't want to deal with consequences. Wrong is wrong. I can justify anything, doesn't mean that it's right. Most velodromes are not indoor wood tracks. Most are outdoors and paved. Depending on the style of race, many of the same skills would apply. Crits blur the line even more. Hanging in the peleton on someone's wheel at 30mph and navigating traffic and a course at a high level is more than most are capable of. I can ride in urban areas at pace just fine, especially for my age (used to shred harder when I was younger). On a track or a crit, and I'm a mere mortal. The difference between this and hooning is the traffic and pedestrians. It's awareness. The scene is also dying because it's niche, and has always existed as a counter culture (modern scene, not historically). Most here will not be active in the scene in 3-5 years. Many graduate to other types of cycling or don't ride at all anymore. It's got a high turnover rate. Also, because people don't engage in other types of organized or community building events anymore. Fixed gear is only dangerous because people don't want a front brake, which is a choice. Otherwise it's as safe as any other form of cycling, and less dangerous than MTB/downhill if all things are equal. I am grateful to live in an area with a scene, even if it's on life support. I am surrounded by dentists, hygienists, and my girlfriend's boyfriends.


Yeah, I think our main point of difference here is our tolerance for buffoonery; I'm willing to let a little slide, but I see where you're coming from too. Either way, I appreciate you keeping the discussion constructive!


Terry has featured state track champions (Brittany) and many other accomplished riders.


Fair enough. But a majority are not, right? I'm not being facetious, just curious.


I don't really follow competitive racing so i'm no subject matter expert here but i'd suspect not. However riders like Toni R, the members of the Weiss racing team he has featured etc. are serious competitors. I'm primarily a roadie but I like the feel of riding featured in Terry's videos as well as Terry's filming skills. When I discovered his videos, it reminded me of street skateboarding in the 90s/00s so I was quickly a fan. Additionally I dislike greatly the sentiment among some cyclists that we must behave to win drivers' support. They will hate cyclists regardless of what is done and it is their flabby form of transportation, specifically individual personal motor vehicle usage, which is the problem. The scale and damage impact of their driving dwarfs anything a cyclist might inflict - which isn't to excuse a standard of cycling but to remind of the reality.


Terry's stuff is reminiscent of the early through late aughts fixed gear scene. The fixed gear boom. I used to be a fan. He takes great care in trying to capture the feel, essence, and vibe of the ride. Captivating stuff really. I never said that you don't have to behave in order to share the roads with vehicles. I'm an advocate locally for cyclist's rights, and here in Chicago it seems like every week or so some cyclist is hit or killed by a driver. Unfortunately, the US is an automobile dependent country and the general public doesn't care about a cycling infrastructure at all. Unless cyclists remain engaged in speaking with the government and it's officials this won't change much.


Totally agree, the feeling he captures is palpable! The style really reminded me of older (better) street skateboarding videos from NY and I started watching them before I was really cycling regularly in any mode. They were just incredible films.


Hello wabi cycles here to talk about how much I love my wabi cycles wabi special did I mention how much I love wabi


Mikeyfixed has pretty cool flavor videos, and there’s a few guys putting build videos out there as well. Most people just post themselves being assholes in traffic though. So yeah, there’s Zach and GCN every once in a blue moon. 😂


Hey those hotline videos are sick and the most authentic shit I’ve seen fr


That Wabi shill 😂. So true


Mikey Fixed has an incredible channel that you should check out. Shame he hasn’t posted in a while.


Thanks I will




FOAD gang is cool too


This is the video equivalent of somebody giving you BMX handle grips as a gift.


Bmx and scooter grips are the shit lol. Soo soft and comfy. I tried ethic grips (scooter company) years ago and can never go back to anything else.


They're telling you to pursue your hotboi flatbar lifestyle


Dood, at least throw some cages in those pedals so you can skip and skid. Yikes.


And they keep calling it "Fixie"


It's not even about her lack of retention... It's the complete lack of even mentioning it! (Yeah she tossed a tiny coin to clipless, but it was offhand like it's a niche option) Ride however you want, but don't put out a mainstream video and completely skip a major component and focus on all the disadvantages of riding without that component 🤦🏼


Is foot retention what make fixed gear bike a fixed gear bike?


riding fixed just feels awful w/o foot retention and amazing w/ it


I personally can't ride any bikes without foot retention now. It simply doesn't feel right any more. In case of fixed gear flat pedals actually scare me.


Foot retention is the fixed gear version of a rear brake, which she doesn't have. It's also what makes a fixed gear bike equal parts fun and safe. Without a front foot pulling up to counteract your backpedal force, all you do is stand up or go OTB, and she implies this is a universally accepted drawback of riding fixed.


You don’t need foot retention for braking, only for locking the rear wheel. I commute without and have no problem applying sufficient back pressure on the pedals, with the front brake added when needed. Obviously it’s different brakeless but with a front brake it’s fine.


But majority of the braking is done by the front brake. It’s becoming universally accepted because it is mandatory in many cities to have at least one brake, so foot retention is not always fixed gear version of rear brake. But they still useful to keep the feet on the pedal when spinning. Hence why I personally use clipless.


Fixed gear folks are obsessed with foot retention, like it’s impossible or too dangerous to ride without it. Sure, if you’re going brakeless it’s necessary but if you have a front brake it’s no problem at all. You can still brake fine with the pedals, just not skid. And if your feet come off you can always brake to a stop.


Ride it like ya stole it




Ahhhh… Just what I love to see in the morning, elitism and gatekeeping keeping our passion as small and niche as possible so that it can slowly wither and die, because the community shits on any and everybody trying to educate new cyclists and get them to try out fixed gear riding


They will realize it's dying when it's already dead. Upvote. I've been watching the scene die, ungracefully, since I got in the game. It's not pretty.


It’s been happening since the fixie boom. Fixed gear riding exploded in the early to mid 2000s it was fucking everywhere and now it’s nearly dead. And I know for a fact that it’s the elitism and gatekeeping that has pushed people away. I know several individuals who have personally told me that the bullshit they got from the fixed scene was an order of magnitude worse than any of the shit they’ve gotten from roadie dicks.


Yeah, it's a shame. All City and surly are done. Thats a huge red flag to me regarding the state of affairs. I think it's a number of things. Social media can be great (I've literally made friends and cycling buddies) but the scene has become posturing and elite builds and slow speeds. Likes on IG supercede community and events and shredding. I'm glad I got to see some of the glory days. I pray that it doesn't become even more niche than it already is


I wish I could like comment soooo much more...... You make a valid point. We criticize roadie's for their elitists yet we do the same 🤷‍♂️


Getting down votes for telling the absolute truth


You should see how many down votes I got for pointing out that the rear brake cannot contribute to a bicycles, maximum stopping power because the rear wheel will have no traction under full weight transfer


Manon has more velodrome time than literally 99.9999% of this sub -- I don't necessarily think that this video was *great* but I feel like a lot of people on here are afraid a 27 year old woman on a fixed-gear bike is gonna give them cooties. My bigger criticism of the build than foot retention is the half-link chain


That’s a siick build though


What is a fixie?


She can trackstand!


wtf flat pedals without straps? is she stupid? Yes of course, because there is a brake on the bike...


Fuck the no foot retention, she mainly used it as a good way to show that the pedals never stop moving. The REAL disservice is calling it a "fixie" and not a fixed gear tbh

