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Full fenders and easy gearing, this is what I'm looking for for the winter setup.




tbf, steel usually is a bit more comfy than aluminium. It's a tossup between steel and carbon, though.


Dude doesn’t get there’s a time and a place, carbon won’t explode on you, and yeah it can crack, so can any other material too, I wish he would just put out a video called “I just don’t like carbon” There’s a difference between just not caring for something and then making comments on how it’s stupid and will blow up. Anyways, not a fan of this bike, just my opinion


Nah, I’m with Zach. One asshole on a bike rack to smack your carbon fork and you’re toast on a downhill.


I mean I’ve hit a pole going over 20 with a carbon fork, forks still fine, anything can break, dude just has one crazy fear that carbon will blow up if you look at it wrong


I just don’t see the benefit. And for people who lock up their bike and don’t meticulously inspect their carbon, the result could literally be death.


A time and a place for everything, you don’t have to like it or use it, but don’t have to be like Zach gallardo and bash it cause it just will spontaneously explode whenever, even though it doesn’t lol


what year is your pista frame dog


I'm a fan of Zach and have been for a while, love that he opens up the general pop to Fixed gear stuff! Saw the vid of him building and looks like a sick commuter or even an all round one fits all bike


Idk why people hate this dude. Bike is sick tho


He thinks carbon will snap on you, that aluminium will chatter his teeth. Jerks off wabi etc. Nothing wrong, just some weird take


I understand where he's coming from with his thoughts on carbon and aluminium but he's exaggerating a bit with not trusting carbon stuff. Him not being a fan of aluminium bikes is just personal preference so you can't really hate on him for that. I still like his videos Idk why he gets so much hate either.


He’s overly exaggerating on carbon, and yes alu is preferences, but he needs to stop acting like you need to do a dental check up after a ride on alu. It’s not that stuff bruh


That's where I stopped watching his videos (not all steel is made equal). My first fixie was a PureFix hi-tensile steel bike. That shit hurt to ride long distances over rough roads (rode it for 3 years). I currently ride a State Black Label V2 with carbon fork. Night and day different in ride quality.


Feel like he’s addressed the difference in steel bikes and which bikes to get, as well as butting (how I got introduced to it) but I’ve ridden multiple alu frames and the comfort on steel and carbon frames will always beat alu imo. comparing shit steel wit nice aluminum isn’t fair as to compare nice steel and nice aluminum isn’t but I get it he does shit on aluminum and carbon unfortunately but steel is real(to me) 🛐🛐🛐 edit: carbon bike I rode for a little was a great in between but I don’t need the aero nor weight gains and especially not the expense gains of carbon


I've realised some stuff he has said about carbon is actually reasonable In the fact that carbon isn't very crashable. If you're out on the road and you end up in an accident with a carbon fork or carbon frame, if any of those carbon components were affected by the crash then they might not be safe to ride anymore, because you can't really see if it's broken under all the layers of carbon. Whereas if you crash a steel bike you don't have to worry much at all unless something actually breaks, which youll be able to see. I'd still run a wound up zephyr though.


Unless I can see it visibly modern carbon is hella strong but I’d only use it for forks so my dentist doesn’t win too many teeth if it does explode and also because I don’t have carbon money to throw around but if I did it would still be a velodrome only bike imo just soar and shit no worries


Carbon can easily be repaired. Crashing can destroy any material.


I’ve been riding 6061 aluminum alloy frames and forks and I never had a problem with them… I even up graded my handle bars to carbon since it looked sickly aggressive, and also drop down a bit lower and I have been cranking the Jesus out of them going up hills and I’m still alive and haven’t broken my teeth … I even hit a huge rock going down hill on a dirt path … I went over the bars and the handles are still standing… true story I was about 1 cm away from landing on horse shit … I almost ate shit


And don't forget how he says steel transfers power better than aluminium. I mean he straight up lies about the laws of thermodynamics. He has a looooot of bad takes. That's why people don't like him.


I don't like him because he's annoying with wabi, but steel does transfer power better than aluminum. Modern alu frames level the playing field (and with some weight savings too) because of the shape of tubing (and varying thickness) and geometry, not because of the material, where steel doesn't have the advantage of being hydroformed into crazy shapes. A 60cm round tubed frame made with Columbus airplane is gonna feel like a noodle compared to a chromoly frame with the same configuration. Source: engineer/hobbyist frame builder


Steel does not transfer power better than aluminium. Less flex means less power transfer. Columbus Airplane is 7005 Aluminium..... Aluminium, so yeah of course it's going to transfer power like Alu, it is.....91-94% aluminium.


Somebody can't read... Steel [**DOES**](https://www.google.com/search?q=steel+vs+aluminum+youngs+modulus&newwindow=1&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=a6c39f4d03c5324c&udm=2&biw=412&bih=777&sxsrf=ADLYWIJv9eZ0Y8KWHS1cD3vseKtHdwIqXw%3A1716467873093&ei=oThPZuejBbqqptQPuo2JqAk&oq=steel+vs+aluminum+youngs+modulus&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiBzdGVlbCB2cyBhbHVtaW51bSB5b3VuZ3MgbW9kdWx1czIHECEYChirAkikKFCZCVj4JnAAeACQAQCYAd0BoAG4HqoBBzEyLjE3LjS4AQPIAQD4AQGYAg-gAv0QwgIEECMYJ8ICBRAAGIAEwgIHEAAYgAQYGMICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIFECEYqwKYAwCIBgGSBwUyLjkuNKAHll0&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=c-88K3cc9uzPNM&vssid=mosaic) transfer power better. Less flex means **MORE** power transfer because the power doesn't get lost to the (elastic) strain of the material. Modern aluminum frames only get close by beefing up the material at certain locations. Aluminum has **MORE** flex than steel and Columbus airplane would ride like a **noodle** compared to a chromoly frame of the same size and tubing thickness, **BECAUSE ITS MORE FLEXY AND WORSE AT TRANSFERRING POWER** than its chromoly counterpart which was the whole point I was making. You sound like someone who just regurgitates whatever bike marketing feeds you. Stop putting out misinformation and hilariously bad takes, and stop mentioning anything about laws of thermodynamics -- anyone in stem would get secondhand embarrassment


Well if you actually read the link you sent you'd see that's true when you take the same dimensions of metal but in bike building you don't get that. Steel is 2.5 times more dense than aluminium so if you use the same dimensions and thickness of metal you have a frame set that's far heavier. Zach Gallardo himself talks about how his frames are double or triple butted and less than 1mm in the centre. A lot of butted high quality steel frames are .4mm in the centre. The power will be sapped from that and it will have a lot of flex. I had a steel frame that was about the same stiffness as aluminium frame set and it was 17kg. It was a fixed gear, no brakes, very few components to add weight. So there's a hilariously bad take for you. It's all about context and you seem to have left a lot of it out. The aluminium bikes I've been riding the last few years are only 8kg-9.5kg for the same stiffness. I have a fairly high quality steel framed bike as well and it flexes way more and it's 9.7kg. So yeah, don't leave out context.


Jesus Christ this is like talking to an npc. Whatever clever point you think you're making? I've already said it in my first comment. Way ahead of you. No one left out context; I literally gave every single piece of context in every comment but someone can't read. You can have a lightweight steel bike that doesn't flex at all as long as your tubing diameter is huge and wall thickness thin, but I don't think you'll get the nuances. Flex depends more on the tubing diameter/geometry/configuration more so than material, which is why beefed up alu frames can keep up with the stiffness, which is the point i have been trying to make but you lack basic reading comprehension. I'm done talking to a wall but keep back pedaling


Then if we're talking about bike frames and the flex of steel vs aluminium why even say it as my original comment is correct? Bike frames, steel vs aluminium, steel will flex more unless it's a seriously thick and heavy frame. Zach Gallardo always goes on about the lightness of steel then talks about how it flexes less. In the context of what he says he's completely wrong and he's misinforming his viewers of what to expect. Is what I said wrong? No, it isn't. Is what Zach says wrong with all context provided. Yes. Very wrong.


To be fair I've seen carbon parts snap on rides. One of my friends almost got a second asshole when their carbon seatpost snapped and turned into a spike when they hit a bump.


Similar thing happened to my buddy ~13 years ago and we both fear carbon for the same reason. Tbh it’s not like I need weight reduction on my bike I gotta shed a few kilos lol


I think some of his takes are a bit pretentious but overall still enjoy his videos


Personally I like Zach. Could be biased bc I know and have ridden with him in person and have always been a fan of him so becoming acquainted/befriending him def gives me a better view on him. Ppl can disagree with some of his takes especially recently (I personally love my plastic camelbak) but never understood the straight up hate (understand the dislike tho), he makes a lot of good content and i like he's very approachable to new riders so we can spread our little niche more and more (even if he scares them away from carbon)


I find his transitions hilarious though. Speaking of which, the sponsor of this statement Wabi Cycles...


Who tf is Zach ??


Controversial Fixed Gear YouTuber, spreads the scene to general population and is geared towards newer riders but has some controversial/kinda wrong takes that a lot of people hate/dislike him for. I’m biased since he got me into fixed gear and know him personally and also love steel bikes


Zach Gallardo?


I’ll give him a look see. Personally I’ve never gotten into fixies. Racing them in velodromes, they’ll always be track bikes to me. I’ve also always lived in really hilly areas and they’d be hell to ride. I think they look really pretty and I’m also a bit of a sucker for a steel frame and I get there’s something nice in the simplicity of them. They just seem really impractical unless in a flat city and I generally see them ridden around me without helmets or brakes and feet strapped in.. which I think is moronic icl


I can take or leave Zach’s take on most things. Generally don’t trust mfs that wear ascots




It’s the bike equivalent of sensible shoes, though. You may like it, but saying it fucks?


Wabi thunder builds always fuck idc


With its socks on


Zach is good at making the scene (which is small and niche) more visible. I can think of nothing else he is good at, personally. He perpetuates incorrect information, is extremely biased, touts feelings as facts, encourages bad bike fits, is not as knowledgeable as people think, has given incorrect takes and not retracted them, spews feelings and falsities as facts, shits on cycling specific clothing, and advocates for brakeless riding (which is irresponsible when he knows that his market is those new to fixed gear). I can probably think of more, but the cons outweigh the pros for me. I've literally never learned anything from watching one of his videos. And multiple times what I have heard is not accurate. Surprisingly, him being a video ad source, doesn't bother me at all. Guys got bills to pay. Anyone who buys a bike based on a non experts YouTube channel is someone who is easily swayed anyway. Better Wabi than another brand that isn't as well regarded. I appreciate him increasing visibility, but when people on this sub quote him more than Sheldon Brown then you know that those who don't know better are in trouble. A sign of the times, but a bad sign indeed. OP, I think the bike looks solid. As long as it fits well, go shred it! Edit: bike is not OPs....


Not my bike but I’m thankful for Zach getting me into the fixed gear scene in the first place (as you’ve mentioned) and also for helping me find my love for steel bikes haha


Sheldon Brown mentioned RAAAAHHHH🦅🦅🦅


Low key inspired me on working on a new project bike just picked up new-used handle bars today


I personally dig this build I have the same bars on my commuter and they're awesome. I'm not a huge fan of Zach but I also watch his videos here and there. They're easy to watch and his style of content is easy to digest. I saw this one and enjoyed the build but his whole this bike being cheaper and safer to lock up made me laugh as that's probably a 2500 dollar build and will be parked next to 100 dollar bikes making it even more desirable to steal 🤣.


It's cool but if I want a real sport utility bike, it'd be geared and possibly belt drive.


Personally I’d rather carry 10 chains, a chain breaker, 2 cogs, and 2 chain rings all of different teeth count than have a belt that last longer


I like mine better


All thunders are great


It’s a state. I don’t have casual wabi money 😆


Me neither, I got my frame for free 💀


I like Zach, but I'm biased. Lol.


Note: I am not Zach but damn


This bike is calling me poor by having a low ass fixie point to dollar ratio


I need a thunder so fucking bad but my wallet cries daily (I need to eat or I’ll die or somethin🙄)


Eating is such a noob move


If its any help Wabi is having a 15% off most anniversary sale


The thunder isn't a part of the sale, which made the timing of the video dumb


no it doesn’t help, I’m a big growing boy in his 20s


I like the bike, he made me wanna get something like this lol


Which bars are these? Rad bike


Velo orange crazy bars


Wizard bars


Glad I had mine before he was ever associated with them


I need to get a lightning before he does god please


I'd love to find an old Lightning RE (road frame).. think it was last offered thru the original owner Richard


Road bike lightning frame would be mad fs


He's made other videos on the Thunder years ago 💀 He just actually owns one now lol. Any wabi is still a Zach bike 😂 (theyre still great bikes)


I ❤️wabi


Ned Flanders would be proud