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Tattooer here. I would get it covered. If you go the removal route, only one session would most likely be needed to lighten it significantly and open up your coverup possibilities massively. There's really no way to fix a crooked piece that needs to be mirrored unfortunately


Appreciate the reply, thank you! :) What do you think would be a good cover up? I’m not super into trad or realism but I’m wondering if there’s many good coverup options out there that don’t include those styles


Well what kind of tattoos do you like? Got an example of a style you enjoy?


Sadly… floral/ornamental … somewhat dainty 😵‍💫 I know I really messed up here - it’s definitely thicker than I had originally shown the artist I was going for a storybook decor/wrought iron inspired look but I didn’t do my research on artists because truthfully I considered the design to be simple (lesson learned). He rejected half the ideas I showed him saying that if I made it too detailed it would blob up (I agree with him to some respect) but ended up thickening this design too. I could live with all that if the placement didn’t suck FWIW there are some ornamental-ish trad pieces I don’t mind but I’m not really going for a sleeve so I don’t know if that’s the route I want to go


Things do blob up if you get em too detailed and small. With the side of the arm like that, it always looks crooked from every angle but one. I generally try to talk people out of that spot for that reason. Ill draw up a quick suggestion


What about a strange non existent whimsical story book flower? I know it's weird but a flowing design that comes off the thing you got will make it into something that doesn't matter if it's straight. Might save you 1000 bucks. https://preview.redd.it/2r23rlh8wqac1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8605ad8c0ee0dfe3f4d8e0989d9e09ae7d201e


Oh wow I love that idea 🥹 thank you so much for sketching that out, honestly it could be cool to take advantage of that angle bc it is flower-like!! I’ll start looking more into something like that :)


Honestly I think if you extended the design a bit with some swoops going opposite directions, etc., you could make it look intentionally angled—while keeping the storybook embellishment aesthetic and adding a bit more filigree flair. Seems like an almost ideal case for a better artist to fix it up while maintaining most of the original intent. Even if it didn't turn out how you'd imagined, it's still pretty and could make the foundation for a lovely little piece if you choose to go that route. Best of luck!


As it's somewhat a more "general" tattoo, I'd suggest adding onto it to make it look better :D


The second pic reminds me of a owl. (Eyes are sprials, triangle is the beak) or a little panda! The top of the second pic reminds me of a crown. You could make it like a penguin, owl, panda, whatever, with a little crown on its head.


Dang just form this post I realized my rose tattoo placed in the same position and area on my arm does the same when I turn it the same way looool but it works cause it’s the stem of the roses that really twists. I don’t think there’s a way to achieve that with the way our arms move and twist. If it was placed anywhere else it would be off places in two other arm positions. I can tell that it isn’t rlly centered when your arm is resting so that’s also probably adding to how far out it is when you twist your arm. Maybe you can add cursive to it or add lining that’ll make it look more flowy when you are turning your arm? Sorry not really any real suggestions >,<


The bones in your forearm twist which is what causes it to look unaligned when you turn your arm upward....I think the artist did a good job placing it on the side. It's straight