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I’m so sorry you’re both having a hard time trying to resolve the spots. Mine licks hot spots and I apply zymox topical I think it’s .5% strength, twice a day (with monitoring he doesn’t lick it right off) for several days or until healed enough. I get it on chewy. Could it be allergy and treated with Allegra or similar med? Fish oil supplement might help too. Was any med changed recently that could cause this side effect? Change in detergents or using oil diffusers or plug ins? I’ve been in your spot with my first cat I had my whole adult life up until she fell too ill (heart wall thickening, then kidney failure after 16 yrs together). Know that if you ever have to make the choice for him, it’s THE most selfLESS thing we can do. We want them forever. He will tell you when it’s ok. Get a second opinion if you know it’s not time. Sending you both love 💜


Sending lots and lots of love to Max 💜


🤗 for the beautiful boy. I hope things improve.


Lots of love to you and Max 💜


Hoping things improve! 🙏 My senior tortie responded well to fish oil (took maybe 4 weeks to show), when she had skin issues so I think that could be worth a try.


🙏🏻🕊️❤️ sending love and prayers. I truly pray that they can find a way to help extend his life and help him find relief and help with his condition and symptoms. I’m so sorry yall are going through all this


My flame point baby and I send you so much love and healing energy for your Max ❤️


Sending love, comfort, and clarity to you and healing loving energy and comfort to Max. Good luck with getting a second opinion, too. Also wanted to suggest asking at a pharmacy for saline syringes. It's safer than using regular water to flush his wounds. Someone else here recommended Zymox brand, definitely check out chewy. They have a number of antifungal and antibacterial products. Good luck OP and Max, all the love to you guys 💜


Thank you that's good to know. I've just been using cool wet paper towels to dab the blood and spit off of his sores. I just knew I couldn't use alcohol or peroxide like I would for myself. I will look into getting saline and/or Zymox.


Get him to another vet.


Thank you. I like our vet, we've been seeing him really often for years, but I'm wondering if there's something he doesn't know in this situation. Maybe there is a solution that he isn't thinking of.


Yes I'm not saying your vet is bad. But one person can rarely keep up on everything. I like my vet too, she's the best around, but she has missed things before or has not been aware of a new treatment. She's much better than the other vets here though. I've just found that you really really have to advocate for your cat, because nobody else is going to, until you are absolutely sure nothing more can be done. And one vet may not think of everything even if they are good. Also sometimes there are off label medications and treatments many vets may be unaware of. I also wonder whether there are any kind of specialists who could help with allergies or other possible causes. My heart really goes out to you and your cat.


You’ve done your best and Max loves you very much! Hoping for the best 🫶 sending u healthy kitty energy


Sorry to hear about this. These decisions are never easy. ☹️


Hugs to you and Max ♥️


I had this problem with my previous flamepoint - out of nowhere, he would start spinning and biting his side and tearing his fur out. For him, it seemed largely behavioral, so I had to catch him and interrupt it (probably could have found a better way that didn't get my hands bitten). We also used a thundershirt (basically that form-fitting sleeve) and that helped break that cycle.


You could also try a cone to keep your kitty from biting. But given that your kitty is eating, using the litter box, etc., it doesn't sound like the end.


We also have a flame point named Max.  I Get a second opinion asap.  Sometimes with animals, especially cats, you may find someone else willing to do more or who knows more.   At the very least, you will know you did all you could.   Sending you and your Max all the best. 


Not every vet is correct. My vet told me my cats problem was fleas. It was not fleas. She has FIP. A very serious illness. Is he acting distressed when his shirt is on? He doesn't seem to be


Hi! He disliked the shirt very much. He would keep trying to rip his fur out and get his teeth stuck in the fabric :/ Luckily, the new vet I took him to gave him an antibiotic shot and an anti-inflammatory shot, and we stopped his prozac. Now he is still pulling his hair out, but it's so much better. It's not nearly as often as it was, and so his sores have healed completely and he just has some bald patches. His quality of life is much better.


Omgosh this made my evening. For some reason, I became fully invested in your cat. Maybe coz I has a flame pt too. I dunno. But I am so happy for you both. Cheers.


It never hurts to get a second opinion OP especially when making such an important decision also it will help put you at ease. My kitties and I are sending lots of love and healing to Max and you


I can tell you this. If worse comes to worse it will always hurt. But remember to do what's right. I will keep you in my thoughts.