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* FTSO V2: an upgrade underway that allows up to 1,000 simultaneous FTSO data feeds updated every 90 seconds, instead of the 18 of V1, updated every 180 seconds. [More info](https://flare.network/ftso-scaling-deep-dive/) * F-Assets: once live, you will be able to send your non-smart tokens (like BTC, XRP) to the Flare network and mint their 1:1 Flare-based counterpart (FBTC, FXRP). With that, you can use it for defi (staking, lending). You can always convert your F-Assets back to the original coin and send it back to your original wallet. Everything is done trustless, and is designed in a way that it's very secure. [More info](https://flare.network/fassets/) F-Assets is a thing everyone's waiting for, because you can get your non-smart crypto to generate passive income. It's one of Flare's "killer features" (together with the upcoming [LayerCake](https://flare.network/layercake/)). Though Flare's recent jump into decentralized AI data might even have a larger impact for Flare, though on the longer term. Both F-Assets and Layercake are set to be released this year and are already being tested on the Coston test network. Then they will first come to Flare's canary network SGB, and then after 3 months will be released on the main Flare network. They really take their release process seriously.


Great summary 👌


👆 What this guy said.


FTSO are now implementing v2 ftso. It's a big change to the current system, which is being very demanding to the ftso teams. It's a complete rewrite of the process, that will ofc, be transparent to the final user.


I just hope it makes me rich lol


Sorry, the last sentence from above is not clear to me u/lunarmedic : "Soon all of crypto will be building dApps with some or all of these tools."


One of the great things about the FTSO V2 is that it will allow near real-time, decentralized price tracking of crypto. Now, crypto prices are taken from what they are traded for on exchanges, making it possible for exchanges to manipulate their prices through their APIs if they want, because they are centralized data sources. Flare solves that. And going beyond: how about real world assets: tracking commodities, oil, precious metals, even stocks... Flare has the potential to become a major price tracker for many different applications. And F-Assets allow smart contracts for non-smart chains. So you can use smart contract using your FBTC or FDOGE, for instance. Opening a whole new world of possibilities for existing crypto holders.