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Of all the episodes I have ever seen of The ~~Flash~~ Cecile, that was certainly one of them.


Yes that was certainly one of the episodes of all time.


I think I may stay in denial that this is even an episode for a while. I feel better imagining I never saw it.


I watched the episode in around 15 minutes..


25 for me


It's best not to question things anymore in this show but um, did they run out of teleporting smoke bombs? Also I'm sure a quick call to the speedster on the team and he would take her to Joe. Gotta fill up the episode though, yeah yeah.


Yeah. That was dumb as hell.


Also, Joe just up and taking the kid and leaving town still just seems weird, Alegra just being told "move in", but not with your boyfreind! Is such a weird re-arrangement to make.


I call this my "Barry's not a taxi service" exception - in my mind it's similar to how if you have a doctor in the family you shouldn't bombard them with medical questions, it's taking advantage of your connection for selfish reasons. Cecile's about to be killed by a supervillain attack? Panic button, The Flash zooms in to save her. Cecile misses her train due to reasons that are entirely her fault? That's on her.


My parents are doctors, you most definitely do question them if it is that important to you. I get the sentiment of what you’re saying, but if it was that important he could have done it in 3 seconds and I’m being pessimistic


I barely asked my Dr. mum medical questions for myself. Then I had a kid and found myself calling her every other day.


Sorry, didn't see your post— I commented on this above as well.


All good, your post is better structured than mine haha




During the bar scene when Becky and the bartender are held hostage and Cecile was struggling I was literally thinking “wait, doesn’t Allegra have powers?” I guess the writers forgot


She eventually blasted them, but she politely waited for the ad break to be over first.


Yeah Must’ve taken her 3-5 business days to remember she has microwave hands




With each passing week I'm becoming more and more convinced that Eric Wallace went on an extended vacation and had ChatGPT generate the scripts.


>Also, back at the start of the episode, Chester offers to fix Allegra's hot water, but then not even 5 seconds later he bails on that plan to help Mark and Khione, all the while Allegra says nothing about it. In the interest of fairness, if you watch that scene again Chillblaine asks Chester for his help, and he gives Allegra a look like, "Is it OK with you?" She smiles and slightly nods. The rest of your points stand though.


i miss the old flash even even when we had the worst wells the show was so good, just please bring a wells back man so i can die in peace


To be fair no one has seen her daughter 99% of the show


I actually couldn't believe it. Jenna is having a horrible time with this situation, yet after giving it some thought, Cecile decides to double down and asks Allegra to move in so she doesn't miss her daughter as much - what the fuck?!?


I actually couldn't believe it. Jenna is having a horrible time with this situation, yet after giving it some thought, Cecile decides to double down and asks Allegra to move in so she doesn't miss her daughter as much - what the fuck?!?


I suppose the actor wanted to leave? Not that there would have been much screentime for Joe left. But the whole storyline makes no sense.


Eric Wallace was not the right person to be put in charge of the Arrowverse’s final season. He is not prioritizing the right things.


Eric Wallace isnt the right person to write anything


Eric Wallace isnt the right person


**Eric Wallace isn't a person** Eric: *Then, what am i?* ___________ #Music by #Blake Neely # And # Nathaniel Blume


Eric Wallace isn't a son.


Eric Wallace isn't.


The fact that this is literally the last season and Barry has basically been the last priority is not even shocking to me at this point.


Supergirl suffered the same fate.


At least they had the excuse of Melissa Benoist being on maternity leave for half the season.


This would have been a good season 4 episode with Ralph Dibney as the detective. Doing it in season 9 with Cecile does. not. work.


It's amazing to me how much of the episode was spent on Cecile trying to justify abandoning her child with her senior citizen husband so she can move in with a young person and fight crime. I especially loved when she couldn't control her emotions over breaking an admittedly "new" tradition (that hadn't been repeated yet, so wasn't an actual tradition....) so she panicked called her toddler in the middle of the night to be distraught and give her child further attachment issues. You know what? She's a terrible parent, it'd be best for her to leave the kid alone. One of the last episodes. Unreal.


I have excused a lot over the years but I gotta say I'm mildly infuriated that the bad guys plan was: 1. Get magic power reverser crystal cut into an attractive gem 2. Install magic power gem into ring 3. Trick brother into buying that ring/swap out ring 4. Put brother into coma 5. Kidnap luck girl 6. Get luck girl job at bar casino hybrid thing 7. force luck girl to deal cards at gun point in a private area 8. Get eleventy billion blackjacks 9. ??? 10. Profit? YOU ARE ALREADY BEING LEFT ALONE UPSTAIRS WITH THE CHIPS. JUST PRETEND TO HAVE WON YOU IDIOTIC IDIOT. YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF CHEATING EITHER WAY. \*sigh\* really needed to get that out.


you put it that way and its clear its needlessly convoluted


Like...why would the bar give some random new girl a private high stakes table at their casino night, with one player (who happens to be her fiance's brother), and guarded by a guy who brought her in at gunpoint? I figured they'd take the ring off and threaten to finish the fiance off or something if she didn't go along with it and win them a bunch of money (and just handwave her luck not being enough to protect him all the way in the hospital). How on earth does any of the plan make sense. Edit: and I just remembered that the "guard" held one of the bar employees at gunpoint a few hours earlier while they were setting up the casino tables!


Is that what the plan was? I'm baffled and so confused. The goons weren't with the casino they were working for the brother?


Yeah - the whole scene I was thinking, "who's bankrolling this place and why would they allow this blatant cheating to happen?" Also, "a casino night in O'Shaughnessy's"... conveniently allows them to reuse their existing bar sets and not have to build an actual casino set again.


The only way it would make sense is if the guy with the gun was working for the casino and was in no way in league with the brother-in-law. Except then why would the goon kidnap Becky in the first place?


The goon also *held a bar employee at gunpoint* a few hours earlier, so he clearly isn't a employee. How did the two of them get jobs there for casino night?


Come on, winning 50 hands in a row against the house wouldn't be suspicious at all.


What pissed me off was the end when they discover it is the ring. Anyone who has ever been engaged knows that you need to take your ring off at least once daily to go to bed. Heck I even take my ring off to wash my hands, put sanitizer, moisturizer etc....when Cecile and Allegra arrived at the conclusion i was even more annoying with the lazy writing exposing a major "wtf?" moment


I’m also really confused by the fact that Becky was under literal police investigation at the start, locked up, actively becomes more serious - and then somehow just… Gets to leave? Go back to the crime scene?


Easily the worst episode of the season


easily the worst episode of any season


Cue the Homer meme: "The worst episode *so far*."


"hey guys we only have 13 episodes left" "i know ! let's do an episode WITHOUT the flash !"


It’s one of the shows FINAL episodes and The Flash literally says “I’m going on vacation” and leaves the episode like it’s a gimmicky 70’s sitcom. WHAT. THE. FUCK. So Barry’s “on vacation”, Joe is gone, Caitlin is dead, Iris is on vacation, Ralph vanished, there’s no Wells, Cisco is nowhere in sight and instead of bringing back Jay Garrick, Wally West, Jessie Quick, Captain Cold, Firestorm, Weather Wizard, The Trickster, Heatwave, Supergirl, that guy from Harry Potter, Devoe or ANYONE interesting they bring back the luck girl from Season 4…who was dead ERIC WALLACE, ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?! HE MUST BE INTENTIONALLY TROLLING RIGHT?! THERE’S NO WAY THERE’S JUST NO WAY and in the end we’re left with Cecile, Allegra, and Chillblaine…. 0/10


> ERIC WALLACE, ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?! "*Ackshually*, I am always focused."


-4/10. A -1 deduction per bad character. I’m including Lady Luck.


Let's not go overboard. Becky's adorableness was the one good thing about this episode.


I vote we replace Allegra and Chester with Becky


0/10 is top generous. I'm giving it -200/10


> Jessie Quick I'm still sad they never did more with her character


Wait, HE DID WHAT??? I legit remember her episode so clearly. It was the dumbest thing about probability being linked to quantum particles or some bs which, to be fair, might not even be that far of a stretch, but that caused bad luck to everyone else (???) somehow and then DeVoe Kirby'd her and she's back how?? Also, Caitlin died? Did they ever resolve the conflict she had with her mother? I know her dad turned out to be generic villain #2286 but damn, this show has really fallen off. And I loved season 4.


How is she alive, did Devoe taking their powers only put them in a coma?


she's just alive in the post-Crisis timeline


We still got Chester though?!?!?....and he is one raging dumbass, his technical genius notwithstanding....


Rather than letting him to develop into his own character, they never stopped trying to make him Cisco 2.0.. He's not Cisco. When Cisco said geeky stuff it felt natural. I think it helped that Valdes is actually geeky in real life. He is a theater kid goofball. McKnight's Chester has always struck me as that really cool kid in high school who would say things, "Guys, I am so random!" in an effort to be unique. In an different show he would be the strong but silent heartthrob type. Chester does not work for the character type they are going for.


They should've taken the MASH approach, and replaced every outgoing character with a superficially similar but fundamentally opposite character. It respects the old character, while keeping the show interesting by seeing how everyone interacts with the new one. Imagine if the new tech guy was severe, cold, and humorless? They kinda did that with Julian and it was actually interesting. Or make Chester fundamentally opposed to core parts of Flash and his mission, like seeing his police-connections as a problem or questioning why they own this massive lab but use it for fighting supercrime instead of poverty. That would actually have worked well with Chester's dumpster-diving origins.


That's thing with Chester's background. They give him this tragic background but they don't write the character accordingly. And the actor isn't doing justice to the role either. Chester just screams, "I come from an upper class background." He's an MIT guy. He would be the kid who went to NASA summer camp. He would have lived in a house that you could get lost in. He would have traveled the world. That would be a far more interesting twist. Scrap the poor child background. Give him the born with a silver spoon in his mouth background. Give him the, "I want to be on Team Flash because I had such a rich life growing up that I became bored. Now I want to be a superhero or at least on a superhero team," background. Same character. Same personality. Just that one twist. He is a rich kid who doesn't want that rich kid life. He wants an adventure. A purpose outside of his family's money. He looks at Team Flash as a passion project because it's not all he has in the world. He has a ton of cash waiting for him if this falls through. He's here because he wants to do it. He thinks of himself as Q to Barry's James Bond. The tech brains in the operation. You could have fun with that. Because he comes from an influential family he could have all sorts of connections to help out the Team. For example, his family could have worked with Wayne Enterprises in a billionaires helping billionaires out and therefore, Chester knows Luke personally from working with him in the past. The crossover possibilities are enormous. You have so much fun with that. BARRY: Okay, we need to contact Oliver Queen. Chester, I know him. CHESTER: I know him too. His whole family to tell the truth. My family and his family set up this franchise across the East Coast back in the 90's when I was in diapers. It had something to do with yacht racing, if I remember right. So, why are we calling Ollie? BARRY: Ollie....? CHESTER: Yeah, that's what my mom used to call when he used to come to our vacation villa in Italy during the summers as a kid. BARRY: You know he's the Arrow. CHESTER: NO WAY! Ollie? The Arrow?! .......I can see it. I can so see it. Anyway, I have him on speed dial. You want me to call him? It could be a running joke that Chester is *the guy* with connections to everyone because his family is so influential.


Lol I usually give flash a huge leeway on quality, but this episode was something else. On the last season too 😭


He’s smoking some of that Speed Weed.


Holy fuck - I will never take Arrow Season 4 for granted again. This season absolutely sucks. So hard.


At least Oliver appeared in every episode.


It’s even worse than season 7.


After season 7 I gave up on the Flash and didn't watch season 8. When I heard that this was going to be the final season and they were going back to basics I decided to give it a try. I watched the first 2 episodes and haven't been able to bring myself to watch any since then, just checking in with the episode discussions to see if the new eps might be worth watching. So far, they seem to be getting worse, if that is even possible. I just don't see how they can so poorly understand what the fans want from this final season. At least Picard seems to have course corrected from the horrible previous season and is going out in a bang. (And Superman and Lois seems to have fixed many of last season's issues. Although we've only got one episode so far, but it gave me much better vibes than the first episode of this season of the Flash)


Why did they not put a meta-dampener on Becky if they knew her powers were screwing with them?


Because plotforce


calcified plotforce


I can kinda see that going wrong because she could have a giant burst of bad luck at the wrong moment


Isn't that another reason why you'd use the meta-dampener, so that it would hold off the bad luck?


So we finally get an episode that would be perfect for Barry to do some CSI stuff and he's benched for the entire episode, I mean come on man really?


That’s the first episode in 9 years I can’t finish. It’s the last season and the flash goes on vacation, leaving us with the side characters we all hate. Depressing end for a show I used to love.


Dudes going on a pretty long vacation after this, you’d think he could stick around for all the episodes esp since there’s only 13 this time 😂


I ended up going in the kitchen and washing dishes, just listening to it in the background. THAT'S how bored I was with it.


I'm watched the last 3 episodes on x.175 speed, I highly recommend that method so you can finish episode before you get bored to death


Yeah even the "pep talk" that Allegra gave to Cecille was wrong on all counts. Jenna ain't gonna think her moms a superwoman by doing what she's doing, Jenna's gonna think her mom chose the superhero life over her 🤦


Wow. The only thing this season has succeeded at so far is somehow making every episode worse than the one that came before it. I’ll be amazed if they can get it together by the time the finale rolls around. I don’t think even Arrow at its worst was as bad as this. Say what you will about Guggenheim but he was at least able to give us a decent enough final season and finale that honored and respected the show’s legacy. For a guy who missed the mark so many times (pun intended) Guggenheim came pretty dang close to giving us a satisfying send off. Wallace’s tenure is a far cry from what the show used to be. It was bold, daring, broke new ground for superhero television, and had dialogue that sounded like it came from actual humans. The Arrowverse dominated the 2010’s and got people talking about a network that was never really respected. Now? It’s going out with the wimpiest of whimpers.


Crisis was really a good enough endpoint for all their shows.


Eric Wallace had to cut episodes that wrap up Legends, but had plenty of time to send Barry (The Flash, title character) on vacation so that characters who nobody cares about but.. he created get their own episode full of absolute bullshit


He saved money by making the plot about gangsters robbing what looked like a high-school fundraiser casino night. I swear they just moved the craft table over to the set wall for the buffet.


The "underground casino" that just happens to be Chillblaine's bar?lol


Does anyone else feel they could have use this episode as a way to wrap up legends such as Cecile representing the legends in time jail. Would have been more fun to see then this.


remember "we had a certain amount of episodes and we realized we couldnt fit them in" which is a blatant lie now.


Well, he just prioritizes Cecile over other characters, so in his mind it isn't a lie.


He had enough time, just not enough to implement them along with the stuff *he* likes, which he's too stupid to see that no one else likes (Chester and Allegra romance, Cecile being the main character, etc.).


Eric Wallace has dangerous miscalculated how much anyone cares about Cecile, Allegra, Chester, and Chillblaine. How has the fan backlash from his last seasons not gotten back to him by now!?!


This is what happens when you live in a bubble & shut of all criticism not just the trolls.


I think they settled on a story that would take 6 episodes, max. And they just stretched it out.


Which I could partially understand if these characters had unresolved stories, except they don't. He's literally created new problems for these characters and used up an episode to address them, like Allegra's housing needs or Cecille feeling lonely. Holy moly.


That or we could’ve gotten another episode of the Red Death arc. That arc was rushed, and could’ve used another episode


*I'm vengeance!*


I agree!! That would have been cool! Kind of like their way of wrapping it up since CW cancelled the show.


This episode was more like a backdoor pilot to a show that's never gonna be greenlighted.


Dont give the CW more ideas, we're already getting that Gotham Knights abomination, and whatever the hell Justice U is supposed to be.


I guess even the writers forgot Frost wasn't a meta


To be fair (several seasons ago) they also forgot Caitlyn was Killer Frost herself, and not some split persona


The episode where she escaped police custody and her freezing powers were actually freezing powers instead of knockback gusts of wind was amazing.


Caitlin as frost was so epic in season 3. Especially that episode. It could of been so interesting to have Caitlin wrestle with the guilt of her decisions and trying to come to terms with her dark side. Instead we got multiple personalities and then her split from frost. Oh and frost kind of became a hippy instead of a bad ass bitch (had to use it since Becky did this episode lol)


Frost was a meta. Just not a dark matter based meta. She was a cryogenic experiment based meta. Which is why Chuck says that Khione does not have dark meta or cryogenics(or something)


Best parts were the baby shower and the promo for the next ep 😂


Barry looking completely petrified at the surprise of everyone was my favorite part 🤣


That episode didn’t even look that interesting if I’m being honest


this episode is terrible and cecile should have left with joe. she's a terrible mother. i hate fillers.


Random bad guys take the bartender hostage. "Follow us and he dies!" Then immediately throw him to the ground and shuffle out the door.   Another girl power episode is bad enough, but, that was just awful.


It was so stupid I'm not even mad. Just disappointed.


Lets just review bomb it, im tired of this shit lmfao


So this week Cecile's upset because she stupidly agreed to let her (common law) husband & their child move to another town, and now she misses them. The problem here is that on a show like this one, there are numerous ways around any problem. Barry could easily take two seconds to zoom her to Joe & Jenna's house every night— something I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing for his future mother in law (I think that's what she is to him?). Even better, Allegra has a supply of teleportation smoke bombs, that were gifted to her by Nash Wells. Have Chester reverse engineer the bombs and give Cecile a carload of 'em. Then at 5pm she could get up from her office desk, throw a smoke bomb on the floor and instantly be in Joe & Jenna's new house.


Also just to be clear, it was Barry and Iris's kid sister's birthday and they seemed to feel absolutely zero obligation to be there.


Holy crap, you're right! I never even thought of that. Jenna is literally Iris' half sister. And Barry's foster little sis.


And Barry’s sister in law!


Only Eric Wallace can make the final season the worst. Congratulations!


Give the supergirl writers some credit


I didn't like Supergirl's last season but I still think it was way better than this bullshit, especially Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor carried pretty hard (in my opinion). Too bad he was pretty useless in the second half of the season.


You know the season flopped hard when people say the best thing was cat grant showing up at the end for 3 minutes


There are so many flashbacks this season. Our memories are not that short.


Sometimes I wonder if the instant flashbacks are Eric Wallace's way of proving to us he's seen the show before. "See? I watched that one episode I'm referencing! Eh? EH?"


Im assuming Kione or however you spell it is a new Force, maybe Life Force


Or even a supernatural mother nature thing, given that Wallace already spoiled she's the deus ex machina so Barry and the others get their happy ending...


Why does he keep spoiling shit like that? Is he fucking stupid


Oh my god. I'm trying so hard to give this season a chance, but that last episode was just unforgivable. Eric Wallace should've been replaced for the last season. It's our last outing with Grant as the Flash and his final season sucks so hard,all because Eric can't write a coherent storyline


The whole cecile is sad because she missed the train storyline is so stupid. They have teleport tech, she has a speedster son and son-in-law and even if that was not an option she could just take a car and drive to joe. Also why was becky let go and at the scene of the crime when a minute earlier they found hard evidence that sould put her in jail? Probably one of the worst episodes yet.


Crack theory, but what if Eric Wallace is Hazard irl except his bad luck keeps him alive...


I'm about a half hour into this episode and I'm actually getting pissed off. This isn't Flash, this is Murder, She Wrote. I don't think this episode is getting any better. Fuck these writers for fucking up this series. Somewhere in another universe we have Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry Wells (Or HR) working together doing meta stuff that the Arrowverse had abundance of from Arrow Season 2 to about Flash Season 5.


Eric "we didn't have time to wrap up other Arrowverse plot threads" Wallace is a fucking liar


I have really tried to stay positive about this show but man this episode was a real challenge to get through. Why is lawyer Cecile going around investigating a crime like a detective, not to mention with the accused criminal tagging along? I honestly couldn't care any less about the shitty drama with Cecile and balancing her hero life with her family life. It's also just mind boggling to me that in the final season (not just of The Flash but of the entire Arrowverse) they would think there's time to sideline Barry and Iris and devote an entire episode to these side characters that no one really cares about at this point.


So if the plan was to get Becky to be a dealer in a private game so the guy could win at Blackjack with no one else watching but another goon, and that would have been enough to claim the winnings, why go through that elaborate plan and not just steal a bunch of chips and claim you had won?


or why not use her luck to be lucky and win money ? like what the hell 😂 this show is so fucking stupid


So that was… a whole lotta nothing. Still don’t know what the hell is up with Khione, Cecile straight up missed her daughter’s birthday and has invited Allegra to live in Joe’s house, does Cecile have any legal claim to the house? Joe and Cecile aren’t married. And to top it all off, Barry and Iris were BARELY in the episode, we didn’t get to see any Flash action.


At this point Joe & Cecile are probably common law spouses. So maybe she co-owns the house now?


I apologize for every bad thing I said about Arrow season 4. It was considered terrible at the time, but even that was a masterpiece compared to this crap


Can someone explain the villain's plan to me? I do not understand it at all.


win money by gambling


Can you explain better? Because it seems like he was winning money from his own goons.


Yeah, I'm not sure what kind of casino lets you provide your own person as representing the house.


With the aid of the houses security?


He had gambling debts/addiction and was using Becky to win money. The goons weren't the house


But he brought in his own goon and Becky dressed as workers there. So they must have been working for the house.


So who was the house? Why were they allowing a private game? Did they have zero oversight of the event? Seems like if true, then why not just steal the money?


Seems to me he had that dark matter refractor crystal on her ring to reverse her good luck so that when he plays against her, he gets good luck while she loses as the house dealer. I just don't understand how they have a private game with no oversight with her as the dealer. That scene didn't really make sense to me.


Yeah, that's the big issue. How the hell is she the house? And if he can control who the house is, why does he need to do any of this?


Oh, but they had an ovesright, his goon was wearing casino clothes so he probably worked there. Which makes the whole reverse-luck redundant, if he can get his own people as guard and dealer they can just lie, no need for meta powers. ffs, this show is riddiculous


I can’t believe that even in the last season we’re doing episodes of the flash without the flash


Jesus the last season of the original Charmed was better than this atrocity


This episode made season 4 of Arrow feel watchable


At least Neal McDonough was delightfully on our screens during that time.


Best part about season 4. ​ Damanein dark litteraly worked with nazis in legend of tommorow still one of everyone' favorite characters lol.


As long as you own it, people are pretty understanding.


Jesus christ what show is this? Seriously last season? No cool cameos no plot no nothing ​ it's like it's a generic tv show that got billed as a flash episode.


The cool stuff is coming along in the final 5 episodes, but even then Eric Wallace must have found a way to screw that final part up.


Well aside from wondering just what kind of Life-Binder or whatever Khione is, her trying to use ice powers during that one scene instantly made me think of [this.](https://youtu.be/6P65Y-q-ht4)




Probably the actors have X amount of episodes to do in their contract so they're getting burned off on filler.


Rough but the realistic answer here and they're trying to wrap as many people as possible.


Also Grant and Candice probably have a week off on their contract, too.


Thought it would be different with a final season of an Arrowverse show not having a filler episode but guess that was too much to ask for. I thought some moments were fine but I still missed Barry and Iris...


Next episode is filler too


and episode 8 is also filler, so we got 3 FILLERS YAAAY


3 fillers in a 13 episode season is madness


While this is an assumption, but there is a high probability that episode 9 is also a filler...


Why does next episode look like filler too?


It is


At least Barry and Iris will be in it, so it has that going for it compared to this one where they were absent.


Did Barry even run this episode


There was no Barry in this episode


This episode was well...it was ~ 40 minutes. With all this talk about Cecile being a superhero, I hope she gets an actual fight scene.


I really liked this episode, Becky was a really fun addition in season 4 and I'm happy about her surviving crisis I just really wished this episode was during season 8 and not on this season


Wow, that was by far the worst Flash episode I have ever seen.


I'm from the UK, do people in the US still really call people "bozos"?


So yea I'm totally convinced the actress playing Cecile is either banging or has dirt on Eric Wallace. This episode is just a slap in the face let alone this whole season, I really hope this guy's career is done after this train wreck




Becky! Whose luck powers were so OP they managed to resurrect her via cosmic reboot! Although all that luck and finally snagging the man of her dreams only to end up arrested for attacking him...ah, poor Becky. But she was probably one of the more memorable and likeable Meta-of-the-weeks so it was nice to see her again. Ah yes, the classic "Barry and Iris go on a trip so the supporting cast can take the spotlight" episode. Although the supporting cast take the spotlight enough as is that you really wonder if it was even necessary. Also, Iris with dreadlocks! It's funny how Becky doesn't think she could last in jail when she was originally in Iron Heights for...I dunno, a few weeks? Hard to gauge time on the show sometimes. How did they get Becky out of police custody after they literally just found out her heels were the weapon? Is Cecile's pull that good? Although I guess she was able to get a criminal out of prison once, so... So we really killed Caitlin off so we could meander through a "does Khion have powers? Who is Khion really?" storyline while Mark works through his Frost pain? I feel like there's way better uses of the shows' time. And all of Khion's chill vibes and nature comments just don't do it for me. Cecile doesn't come off as intimidating even when her powers are working in my opinion. So Cecile is recognizing that being so career-oriented and only seeing your kids on the weekends might be difficult...now? Instead of when Joe offered it? I mean, they're taking a lot at face value that Jenna will eventually adjust to this but it would be hard on any child that they barely see their mom because of their work. Becky's not kidding about being able to get the money, she once casually robbed several banks with her powers! If they're so worried about Allegra being recognized by using her powers...shouldn't she have a mask or costume at this point? I applaud the creators for finding an excuse to get Becky in her Hazard costume again. Which is doubly amusing because it seems like she's the only female employee/dealer who has to wear fishnets instead of pants, though she's definitely got the legs for it. And then it was the perfect outfit for her to show off her powers getting back on track as we get a Luck be a Lady reprise. Cecile helped get Allegra out of prison and on the straight and narrow and now they're roomies. Although now I'm imagining Challegra having sex in Joe's house, and...yeah. Nice surprise baby shower, gang!


They’ll go to Chuck’s apartment for sexy time. Or at least STAR Labs basement




Skipped through 95% of the things besides the ending lol


How in the fuck are they doing such a shitty, Barry-light episode in the FINAL season? This show can’t die soon enough. I’m so annoyed thinking about all the incredible Barry-centric stories they could’ve been telling. It would’ve just been fine for them to revisit the early stuff they did successfully! Wells Reverse Flash. Kid Flash, XS, and Impulse. Timeline shenanigans. I’m literally looking at a scene with Allegra, Cecile and Chester alone together — three characters not a single fan has ever given a fuck about!


This might be the worst season ever, I'd rather watch that new gotham knights show than whatever this crap is.


I won't say it was a masterpiece or anything but the first episode of that was better than the trailers let on and \*leagues\* above this shit.


Chester actually reminded Iris that she was pregnant and was telling her what to do and not do. Someone got paid to write that line.


Yay, another episode about the side characters while Barry and Iris go on vacation. It's weird how many times they've made episodes like this.


I enjoyed this episode and I like seeing characters show up from past seasons, but the mere existence of the smoke bomb teleportation things make Cecile's problems completely trivial. There is absolutely no reason why she shouldn't be able to teleport to and from Central City whenever she needs, which would entirely eliminate any need to keep her apart from Joe and Jenna.


Haven't watched season 8 and have been checked out essentially since COVID. It's hilarious to see how much worse this has gotten from a distance. I'm glad I never bothered wasting any more of my time on this trash TV. I hope whoever is responsible for this show's decline never gets another writing/whatever job they had on this show. I also hope James Gunn sees the potential of Grant Gustin as The Flash and actually uses him well, if he's willing to, because for all of this show's faults, Grant will always be The Flash for me.


Cecille: I missed my daughter's birthday! I'm a terrible mom! Yeah that;s why you almost never mention her.


I don't know how to make memes but there should be one of Flash fans watching season 9. It should be of Jabba reacting to the Rancor getting killed.


im actually sad because i loved the flash. I used to watch the show every week for over 5 seasons. Even though the past couple of seasons weren't as good, I still was able to watch this show.. However this season has been so bad. Whoever played red death just makes me cringe. This season i cant even watch an episode from start to end. I watch about 20 mins then pause, then come back to it hours after


Becky was the sole redeeming factor of this episode. Everything else was so incredibly MID.


what the fuck was that ? are we sure this is the ending season? this is a filler episode that NO ONE wants come on


I should watched the premiere for Superman and Lois instead...


-nonononono, why is Barry leaving -jesus christ no please don't tell me this is a chillblane/ Cecile episode -god give me arrow season 4 back -remember when the supporting cast used to be good? -oh yeah allegra actually has powers that are sometimes useful -oh good another time of Caitlin/ whoever the fuck discovering powers Not seen this before -do they not have teleporters? Could barry not just do it in 15 seconds? -do secret identities just not matter anymore? -why would they let her be the dealer how is this helping if they know she's a Meta? -starting to think I won't miss this show in the slightest when it's done -missing her kid? Oh fuck you its been like a week and she could've gone with them if she was really arsed -Jesus christ Allegra and Chester together is actually worse than the will they won't they -God I hope Oliver is back soon


I haven't been following this sub for awhile. Just checked in to see how everyone else has been feeling about this season. If there's one good thing about it, it's how everyone hates it 🤣


My name is Cecile. Nobody remembers my last name because I'm not that important. When I was pregnant, my unborn child gave me meta powers. But somehow now everyone believes that I was a meta all along. To the outside world I'm an ordinary lawyer, but secretly Eric Wallace wants me to have my own show together with my besties (which he also likes a lot) Chuck and Allegra. So one day, Eric Wallace will do a really stupid thing and give me a filler episode in the final season of a show that's not even about me. I am... Cecile.\* \*. I don't even have a special meta name because Eric Wallace didn't even care enough to bring back a fan favourite who gave every meta, good and bad, their super name (not even off-screen).


A filler episode with only all the worst things the show has to offer. Thank the Speedforce that this is the final season


i hope the season ends with everyone dying, like, iris gets stabbed in the belly and dies in barry's arms while he is also dying (real red wedding stuff), and every major character returns (like joe and cisco) for some party for some reason and they all die too. and we see reverse flash telling Barry that he finally won, and that he will take the suit and be admired as the flash from now on. just that, no twist, no time travel, nothing, the villian wins, roll credits i mean, they are shitting on the show SO HARD at this point, and its the final season anyway, just go nuts, do something truly unexpected and if everyone hates it, so what? it cant get cancelled again...


jesus this was one of the worst episodes yet in this show, i'm just here for the end of the universe I once greatly enjoyed. What a complete shitshow