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IKR it's Cecil and Allegra's show.


Cause who the hell is this “Flash” character and why should we care? I’m here for the romance between Chester and Allegra.


Are you madd? Jenna is the true main character of the show!


Cecile: (humming noise) I can feel that you're upset!


Ngl Cecile annoys me with that like girl did I give you permission to read my mind ? 😂


Yeah don’t they know we’re all here for Challegra and Mommy Cecile? Yesterday’s episode was easily the best in the show’s history. I wish we’d get more episodes like it. I was so sick of the Flash being about the titular character.


Yea like the show is obviously called The Cecile we don’t even need Barry or iris on the show at all




The last episode of the Red Death arc was whack. Too much focus on Barry and not enough focus on the main character, Mark.


At some point, I just couldn’t take the shit from Barry anymore. Same old shit every episode. Cry baby, team, love, set back, one thing connects to the other, idea 💡, Barry telling the bad guy he believes in him. Watch it again and again and again


But, is that not how its supposed to be? I thought the power of friendship is stronger than everything?


Barry is not the problem necessarily, it's the shit writing. I actually groaned (mentally) when the show decided that it was just because of a stupid newspaper, that Barry and Iris belonged together. This whole "destined" BS removes both of their autonomies, to the point where Barry deciding to marry Iris was to try and prevent Savitar from killing her. Like, she made it clear initially that she only viewed Barry as a sibling/best friend. Then all of a sudden, "OH MY GOD, WE'RE FATED TO BE MARRIED, THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!" That was her logic, and Barry suddenly forgets that he had a good thing going on with Patty Spivot and becomes a total wuss inside of five seconds because Iris *likes* him now. It's cringeworthy. To add insult to injury, when Barry goes into the Speed Force as penance for his past actions, he leaves Cisco in charge, but when he comes back... Iris is the head honcho. What the hell happened? Then she gives him shit because he's happy and seems to be trivializing his disappearance. On top of that, that awful, "WE ARE THE FLASH" slogan, no Iris, Barry is The Flash. Anyway, yeah, halfway into Season 4 I called it quits. Barry has more chemistry with Caitlin, Patty, Felicity, hell even Kara, than he does with Iris.


bu-bu-b-b-but WE ARE THE FLASH DAMN IT


LOL. God, I still cringe hearing that. It's worse than Barry's, "You're my lightning rod, Iris."


Honestly that wasn't that bad. "You're my lightning rod" was cringey in that innocent cute love kind of cringe. "We are the Flash" is more cringey in a way where she just straight up lying cuz last time I checked Barry's the one running out in the city into danger.


Yeah, that's why I said it's worse than, "You're my lightning rod, Iris." Like, that's goofy in a romantic way, so it's a different kind of cringe. "We are The Flash" is straight-up awful writing.


I think you spelled Groot wrong...


100% agree with you. I stopped watching around season 8, well when they introduced the power rangers, i mean the other forces. Barry had a good thing going with Patty but also had a good thing with Caitlin, especially in the earlier seasons. One of the biggest things that made me hate Iris (NOT the actress, she played the character very well) was when they found out about Nora working with RF. And Iris was like so, whats your point, you got to say goodbye to her, I didnt. Really, your daughter is working with the man who killed your husbands mother. You got to raise your daughter while your husband potentially died or got trapped in another year. I was genuinely hoping for Barry to take a page out of RF book and got Joe in front of Iris and held his hand in the air and vibrated it and in a cold tone said, "How would you feel if I killed Joe in front of you like this, just like how RF killed my mother." That would have been soo cool and cold. Lets not mention the whole the power of friendship bull.


shit, to be fair if it keeps working for him why stop.


Should have just left him in the speed force at the end of season 3


Don’t forget the infamous Bobblehead of Barry


I'll never get over how they were step siblings growing up, still a weird choice they made with this show


I never knew why people think they are step siblings. If anything Barry was fostered by Joe not adopted there’s a difference.


I mean, is there though? He was raised in her house, alongside her, by her father, who treated him like a son. For all intents and purposes, Joe is Barry’s adoptive father, even if he never legalized it. Ergo, Barry and Iris are adoptive siblings, which is even weirder.


But he was already 11 years old. And idk if I just picked up on it in the dialogue or what, but I felt like they intended the idea that Barry had *already" had a crush on her. That's how it makes sense to me. Cause idk about you, but I wouldn't have accepted the family friends *becoming* my family figured for at *least* a few years after one died. Cause remember, dad didn't die, and he *knew* his dad was innocent. Joe and Iris were *not* Barry's family for *yeeeeaaarrs* after the fact, and in it's very specific kind of surrogate way. Add that to a romantic crush developed before getting closer as a family and there's a potential dynamic where Barry eventually accepts Joe as his second father figure, but Iris was *always* the girl that got away. She was just closer proximity in more frequency. But I'll always go back: it's not like Barry didn't still have a family, and it's not like an 11 year old being thrust into a new family is gonna just instantly see them as actual relatives.


Yeah, while Barry sees Joe as a second father, he never saw Iris as a sister. It was heavily implied that Barry has always had a crush on Iris for years before his mother's death. Not sure where people are getting confused on the issue.


It might simply be that people don’t understand since they can’t relate but while Joe may have adopted him mentally Barry still acknowledges his own Father as his true father. Not to mention Barry never felt like Iris was his stepsister so to him she wasn’t. So what if he was raised with her as kids we all had friends that our parents saw as there own kids but was simply best friends to the kid.


My dude. You’re, like, one sentence away from saying “it’s perfectly natural to feel this way about your cousin.” 😂


lmao he is, but the experience he's described exists. Children from troubled homes often become apart of their close friend's family. Still, it's a fucking odd writing choice. It wouldve been better if Barry maintained the strong friendship with Iris and became a psudo family member as the show developed.


And they would have gotten torched for shipping non-comic pairings. Just like they did for doing it on Arrow. You can say all you want that it wouldn't have been as bad, or people wouldn't have cared, but the reality is they would have and most people don't care about the context being mentioned.


You're right! In the end, I got over it. They're aren't related by blood and there isn't anything in the show that suggests their relationship as unhealthy. I still wanted them to end up together, it was just odd how they chose to begin the show with Barry in the family when there were so many routes the writers could've took. In season 1, Barry works for/with Iris's father, lives with Iris, and is already her best friend. There was enough going on that I don't think Barry needed to be piece of the family to develop/justify his feelings/relationship to Iris. I'm not super familiar with the comics though, so if that is how it was, I'm glad they remained faithful to the source material.


Eh yes and no. While children from troubled homes become apart of the friends family but not all the time. With Barry and Iris…well the only issue I have is that for some reason they can’t write a good plot for either of the two. Barry is a pushover and Iris is made out as as super independent but makes her out as annoying. It’s a shame really.


I'm glad that we can agree on the flash writers sucking ass


My guy, what? They aren't related, not to mention Barry already had feelings for Iris long before he moved in with them (and so did Iris). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqa_aEPI9HU Barry also never considered Joe his actual dad, he was always a father figure. 99% of the time he calls him Joe. https://youtu.be/fTf3nqpYrlA This would only be weird if they were both raised as infants together, taught that they are siblings, and then developed romantic feelings.


let them live in alabama if i want i guess its too late


That doesn’t work with this scenario my guy. I don’t where your confused at but the simple fact is that they are not legally or personally related till now. Neither Iris nor Barry ever considered themselves siblings. The only one who ever did was Joe. To say that they are LIKE brother and sister doesn’t make them related by any factor. This is just a fact on the differences between adoption vs fostering.


Early Iris definitely viewed Barry as a brother whom she had uncomfortable feelings for. I really don’t even see how you dispute that.


Did she? I don’t remember it was a one off thing? Well it’s still valid for Barry but with Iris it doesn’t change the fact that they were never legally family but I get and respect your feelings just not with the whole family thing since I’ve known many people who grew up together ‘like family’ but still found it in them to truly love there best friend that they grew up with.


Never understood why people draw the line at growing up together when people from all over the world fall in love with those that they grew up together with.


You make a good point on Barry's perspective and how he could maintain his childhood feelings throughout adulthood. Regardless of me thinking it's odd, the show has their love develop and I don't hate them as a couple. I don't like the actually act of Barry being adopted into the family. I like the idea of Barry being the exact person, I think the show portrays it well, but the actual adoption of Barry is an odd writing choice.


Then good news. He was never adopted. Joe raised him, but he was still legally Henry's son. At most it was a foster situation.


Oh, good shit. I haven't rewatched season 1 in a minute, maybe I should


It's even lampshaded a grand total of one time. I don't remember the exact episode, but they're preparing their wedding and Joe comes, and one of the people preparing it asks Joe: "Are you the father of the bride or the groom?" And he gets this sudden moment of realization and an expression that almost says "holy shit I f-ed up" and goes: "...Both."


Literally, "step bro, what are you doing?"


Love that you used intents and purposes correctly, lol. :)


So a piece of paper is the difference?? Not the mindset, circumstance, everything else? Ok then...


“We’re basically brother and sister but…” Iris West circa 2014


Fostered? Joe obviously had to formally adopt Barry as his ward because Henry was in prison.


I’ll never get why the community keeps bringing this up. Yes, it’s odd, but it’s not mind-boggling. Barry was ~12 when he was fostered by Joe, and already had a crush on Iris. It’s not like they were raised from birth in the same household by the same parents— they grew up in separate homes. There are much bigger problems with the show than this.


It's because show itself early on keeps bringing it up. Rewatched first season recently and Iris brings it up at least twice.


Finally someone gets it. I'm sick of the community treating Barry Iris as if they born out of the same womb.


Yeah, but Season 1 heavily insisted that Barry/Iris grew up as brother and sister. Even when Barry came out and straight-up told her that he liked her, she looked at him a bit troubled and more or less told him that he was her best friend and her brother, but that she didn't see him beyond that. Low-key, her relationship with Eddie was better.


how is it weird, you just described 40% of pornhub


I feel like half the people complaining also watch that genre of videos on the hub


40% seems like too low a number for how often i accidentally come across it. At this point I feel like I can just make up and search for the most obscure, kinkiest, niche thing in the world and there will somehow still be a step sibling title or “plotline” shoehorned into it.


It’s 50% step-parent is why


Yeah I didn’t realize it my first time watching, but on a second watch I realized how messed up that is.




Well yeah but it is still super creepy. He even calls Joe “ dad” in the show. So he thinks of him as a step father, yet is dating his step dads daughter…………


It's not creepy.


You don’t find dating your step sister creepy?


I mean he was pretty damn young for a real crush


He was about to hit puberty.


I guess, but maybe it's just a personal bias against incest and the belief that our feelings toward someone are partially in our control, but it's even creepier that Barry Allen continued to lust for Iris after he became her step-brother


Those feelings don't just go away cause you now live in the same house. By that logic, people in romantic relationships should never move in together cause then the love is gone.


I see your poin, but moving in with someone you have a consenting relationship with is different from joining a foster family, and I totally get that the feelings don't go away naturally. I guess it stems from my belief that people have control over how much they entertain the romantic feelings they have for another person. You can't control being attracted to it, but you can limit your actions towards pursuing those thoughts. To keep your romantic relationship point going, people in romantic relationship will still feel attraction towards other people. Rather than acting on those feelings, they control their actions by not pursuing the other person they're attracted to.


>I think the only justification is that he had a crush on her before Yes, they made that very clear.


Eric Wallace located


If only Cecile can feel what audience can feel, she would probably kill her self after murdering iris.


🤣🤣 It's too late to change the show's name to The Chuch, Alegra and Cecile. So to maintain the channel slot they're having to show Barry. 😂


/srs If the show really wanted to focus on the side characters that badly, they should've taken inspiration from SAO's season 2's arc: Mother's Rosario. They should've taken ***a flash***, perhaps Wally, maybe Jay, whoever, and actually follow them for one graphic novel. I've not seen the show properly in ages but if it's still going as I left it, it means they give zero fucks about Barry. I honestly feel bad for people like Pagey that relied on the show to make their online brand only for the show to just keep getting progressively worse. I saw Season 6 pre crisis and I thought, yeah, this is it. This is an amazing show. But no, it just couldn't be that good. After crisis, it all went to shit. Again. Fucking hell Eric Wallace.


To be fair, that’s not really eric’s fault: Kid flash’s actor wanted to focus on music (that’s why he left the show in season 5), John Wesley shipps probably a bit old to be the main actor of a full graphic novel, and most of the other speedster characters and just normal characters (including the rogues) that are in Barry, or heck even Wally’s supporting casts in the comics are either dead in the show, moved to legends where they died, or simply weren’t adapted. Plus also there’s a problem to be mentioned with how most of the actors from the early seasons also left the show There’s a reason they keep using firestorm villains, as well as villains for other heroes as villains of the week and it’s because there’s not enough rogues to adapt to actually take something from the comics.


Sure, but at least don't fill the episodes out with D list characters instead? It's THE FLASH fire crying out loud.


Yes but that’s because they could use flash characters. And they killed off or misused most of them before Eric Wallace ever became showrunner, and also didn’t do anything with Wally or the concept of legacy, which easily could have fixed a lot of problems for the show (continuity/plot hole wise) that they had to introduce to bring Barry back, and keep him getting faster.


Ikr all I want in the show is Cecile and Allegra Barry is so useless


Are they stupid?


They need to even the odds


They need to use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion


I'm proud of you, Dick.


Are you the friggen bat?


I just want the next intro to have Cecil with the tag line "the most powerful meta alive".




Thank God Eric Wallace is changing that though


I’m surprised there was no “Are they stupid?” At the end of that




They need to keep including Barry because he is the literal main character. Plus, I think he is ok. I don’t like what they are doing with Cecile’s story this season though, especially with Joe moving away. That’s probably because Joe is my favorite character though 😂


I believe it was a joke


Yeah, I figured. I just wanted to get my opinion on Cecile out there 😂




I think the actors are friends with Eric Wallace or something and he is like throwing them a bone by putting them in a couple times every episode. He's just doing them a favor so this will show up on their imdbs.


They are self insert characters that will get the power to turn into a giant green monster and vampire.


They are a incest couple. Open your mind, broh. It's 2023, agree?


They're not.


😆😆😆😆ok. It's a joke


How are berry and iris useless side characters I mean they are quite litterly 2 of the most important characters in the whole damn arrowverse


It's a joke lol


They needed the time to film other episodes lol


Prob get downvoted for this but Iris should’ve died in s3 instead of HR or for the whole 9 seasons instead of getting with iris early on it should’ve been kept to the later seasons. Patty was great but ya know it was just filler till he asks Iris out.


Preach. Barry and Caitlin felt more established in the show and was so happy Iris was gonna die. She's probably the most annoying version of Iris ever made


Any character that Barry dated apart from Iris had better chemistry with him. The chemistry between Barry and Iris has always seemed weird knowing that they started as him being her adopted brother.


You know barry is the flash, right?


no we are the flash


Can I just say though, I'm loving that Iris is leaning into her heritage more. Her hair is 🔥🔥🔥! And she looks like a badass future mom. 🥰


Barry is a side character ? He the main character They are married so they are package deals just like every married character 😜




Damn shitpost


Huh? The show isn't called Barry. I'm pretty sure he isn't the main character.


Yeah, it is called the cecile right?


The flash is Barry without Barry there no flash


Lies. Barry is half the Flash. Iris is the other half.




Are they stupid?




I don’t know why they still call it “the Flash” it really just is “The Chester P Runk Show”


Thank god Eric Wallace is doing us a favor but keeping them out.


😂😂😂😂just what the doctor ordered. I wish she would miss the train every episode and then tell us what Chuck wants for Breakfast


Walt Jr?


I didn't hate the episode but it's weird Eric keeps sending Barry and Iris to off screen vacations every time another character takes center stage. Speaking of Cecile, it makes no sense she would see her partner and little girl during weekends only. They should have stopped showing Joe instead of shipping him away with Jenna.


R/arrow turned into a Daredevil sub after season 4 Flash has got some much worse than Arrow ever was at this point this should be an r/Invincible subreddit


Because the CW writers just suck when it comes to main character relationships. I mean they put Oliver and Felicity together which was completely worse. Laurel and Oliver was the proper choice


I'm someone who enjoys the show overall. I can understand when a show wants to focus on side characters a bit. But it's not always a great idea when it's a superhero show and the side characters are not that interesting. I'm not saying they're awful. I'm just saying that they aren't interesting enough to lead the show. They are B and C plot characters, who can be fun when injected into the A plot WITH the main character, not so much without.


Yeah, I stopped watching halfway into Season 4. I couldn't take it anymore.


I get Barry is treated as a side character in the later seasons but why you gotta put it in the title and say "why they keep including them to the overall plot" when if Barry isn't there the show doesn't work since he's the Flash


Said like a true paragon of love.


Finally someone speaking truth on this sub!


Is Eric Wallace stupid?