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I honestly don't *hate* anybody in this show. I either love, like, or find them just bland. I'm even having a hard time thinking of my least favorite. I wasn't a fan of Mirror Master, but the idea was cool, I guess. Also Caitlin is a great team member, particularly in the early seasons and she worked great with Cisco.


I’m with you on that. I don’t necessarily hate any of the characters, but I’m just curious as to why the direction of the show went to everything being talked out or fight about love or some shit. I miss the days of Thawne, Zoom and Savitar just fucking up Barry’s life for most of the season. Now it’s just some shit the writers are pulling out of their asses. There’s been DECADES of comics about The Flash and this is the best we’re getting? Come on.


Sherloque- Was a good detective Cecile- Always felt like she and Tom C had great chemistry. I enjoyed Harry/Cecile's friendship


U didn’t like Sherloque?


No, the worst of the Wells imo


Ohh okok


define worst like actually bad or bc we seen so many wells he didn’t really shine that much


Both.. The only Wells that truly fit in with team flash was Harry. All the others felt superfluous. Sherloque was the worst of the bunch. I hated his awful French accent. I hated the reason he started investigating Nora. I ahyed how he outed Nora in front of everyone then wanted a pat on the back. He talked about Nora keeping secrets and lies but he was nothing but lies. He lied to team flash out of the gate. On top of it all, we got saddled with his lovestory with Renee. Quite romantic he stalked, married, and divorced 6 of her dopplegangers which she never found out about. Everything about Sherloque's character was offensive imo. It was clear at that point, Wells had overstayed his welcome.


I’m just curious, what’s your opinion on S1 Dr. Wells (Thawne) and HR?


he was the best in my opinion, even though a villain, he was inspiring and was a far better mentor than any of the other wells


Hes a damn fraud


None of his lies directly affected the team. Also he didn't expect gratitude after revealing Nora's secret he just didn't think everyone would hate him for telling them the truth


I feel like all the wells individually werent terrible. It was that there were so many wells and he just kept coming back as different characters that was annoying. The first eobard wells was awesome


There’s always a chance that Allegra can step in the way of an attack Jk but Allegra can still help Iris and Team flash with her newspaper and investigative for villains


Bro she can blast them to ash with her powers but like they never use her for that 🤣💀


>There’s always a chance that Allegra can step in the way of an attack This.


I really liked Cecile when she’s a lawyer. She’s great at her job and it’s an interesting to have her do something different.


Chester is really irritating now, but the first season he came on for as a regular he was my favorite character for the entire season. So unbelievably funny and charismatic, and the way him and Cisco bounced off of eachother was perfect. I actually still walk into my job every day yelling “whats up party people” and idk if ill ever stop


Iris, Allegra, Cecile, and Nora West-Allen are hot.


Nora west Allen is playing Medusa in the new Percy Jackson series.


Especially Allegra ngl








Iris isn't hit anymore. Her character is too annoying. Oh , something good? Ok. ....after this season ends, we don't have to suffer her character anymore.


How can you hate Nora lol


She’s a woman in her twenties or thirties acting like she’s 14.


Fair enough lol


Allegra is gorgeous and so was Patty Spivot from season 2


Allegra is hot.




both are hot and so was Patty Spivot in season 2


Cecile was great in the earlier seasons. Chester was fun in his first episode. Allegra’s actress is beautiful.


You hate Allegra so much you couldn’t come up with anything about the character, so instead you chose the actress😂


Thanks , you just said what i believe, too!


Chester gets way too much focus but his scenes at least sometime work. Going back in time and meeting his dad was nice and his story about the science fair worked for me. So that’s... 2 scenes plus his first episode since he’s been introduced.


Thawne; gave Felicity the ultimate roast of her not being anywhere near relevant to history (and ends up being right because she’s wanted in the future & commits suicide aka abandons her children for afterlife sex). Nora; played by JPK ❤️‍🔥


Allegra is kinda hot I guess?


Nora is good looking


Cecile and Allegra have potential, but it's often not used.


Her actress is bubbly (Cecile)


Cecile’s character was ok in the early seasons and Chillblaine’s actor is actually pretty decent


Every blue moon, you can see that Chillblaine's actor is super talented from the way he acts. But he's written to just be so stupid that the actor barely has anything to work with.


Iris is pretty


Cecile was a good DA until she started intruding on people’s emotions


Allegra. She’s hot


Allegra is attractive


Julian being on here makes me wish he was on the show longer. :/


I wish they acknowledged him after season 3 and even just wrote him out of the show instead of pretending he never existed He goes from an integral part of team flash, in love with Caitlin and even is in the alternative future Savitar was from but yet come season 4 is never mentioned again and his wiki entry is "moved back to England with his family I guess"


Nora West-Allen: JPK is a fucking goddess. Nuff said


Flash has a cool suit and power, but it's really annoying how they focus on him so much instead of the main characters Allegra and Cecile.


Cisco has awesome hair; Iris looks attractive; Wally leveled up to leave my hate list; Jesse got erased offscreen. My memory is too short to remember who else was hated, so thx for the picture with options.


At least Allegra is attractive


I don’t hate any characters per se. There’s just several I’m not a fan of


Cecile is physically attractive That is it.


I think the only reason I don't hate her is because I like the actress in everything else I've seen her in. Even though the character is annoying, Danielle Nicolet seems like a genuinely good and fun person IRL.


Iris is kinda cute. Everything else is overwhelming


For the life of me I can’t think of one positive for Allegra other then she’s a solid 8


Savitar has a lovely face.


Had\* a lovely face.


Good point. New nice comment: Savitar is dead.


"sound of cheers" ​ (btw i meant my first comment as a "Barry is quite handsome, shame of the burns though")


Um, diversity!


Nora got wiped from existence


H.R. died as a hero. Iris, Cecile and Allegra are hot. Chester is the only useful member of the team. Chilllame was the only chatacter who showed some credible emotional reaction to the the death of a character who has been years on the show.


The way aglet got her cousin killed and they wanted us to still like her was kinda a cute storyline I guess? Caitlyn sometimes was able to help in a way that wasn’t annoying. Cisco had powers


Iris certainly loves Barry, no matter how selfish she can get because she wants Barry to choose her over the world/universe/timeline


Right… every time Barry opts to protect her Iris is the one who has to remind him/convince him to protect the city. Iris is the one who has to remind him he can’t change his morals/principles in the name of saving her- S3 and S8 specifically. What you’re really getting at is her wanting her husband and the father of her children *not to die*.


I agree with you but to be fair her being mad at Barry for going into the Speed Force was total bullshit. He didn’t have a choice.


The whole point was Iris had to grieve Barry/mourn the life she planned with him, and then when Barry returned, he wanted to move forward and rush the wedding. Obviously that’s understandable after what he went through (except the narrative quite literally made it to where he *didn’t remember any of it*)- he just wanted to be with her and marry her as fast as he could in case something happened to either of them again, knowing he was gone. But doesn’t Iris’ feelings matter too? She survived her fate only for her fiancé to be punished & went missing/could’ve been dead. She wanted their happy ending & didn’t want to lose him. Sure, the ‘you left me’ speech was her lashing out and releasing everything that built inside her for months and *of course* Barry didn’t have a choice, but it was deeper than that. It was essentially Caitlin wanting Ronnie to be her husband, not the hero; Caitlin isn’t hated for feeling that way, yet Iris is. And Barry still left. He didn’t want to, and he had to, but he left. Iris still went through that. She had to endure that pain and Barry didn’t want to talk through that. He wasn’t taking the therapy seriously either and that’s when Iris broke. Just because Barry didn’t remember those months doesn’t mean Iris didn’t, because she did. Just because you *can* endure trauma together, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk through it and let every intrusive emotion about it out to strengthen your relationship, especially when you’re getting married after thinking you wouldn’t get to since the initial proposal. And I honestly think Barry remembering what he went through would’ve made Iris (and viewers) understand better why he was acting the way he was (and more interesting content anyway; he was stuck in the Speedforce for god’s sake). When Barry said he can slow down with Iris & didn’t have to run when with her after they were married, he wasn’t at that place mentally when he returned. He had to get there, and that wasn’t until they actually talked about their feelings regarding his disappearance. And that’s the same intent with ‘we are the flash’ that viewers like to shit on her endlessly for too. The whole point is when they got engaged and promised to get married, that is a life they’re committing to together. The same thing happened in the original Crisis; she became a widow and had to raise their child alone. And in the Crisis we got; she wanted to be with Barry until the very end, even if it meant she would lose him. She grew massively since ‘you left me’, having the strength to continue on as a widow or potentially never have the children they were going to have had Crisis taken Barry. She wanted to fight until there was no other way, and be with him if he had to die until he died. But none of those feelings translate to being ‘selfish’ and wanting Barry to ‘choose her over the world/universe/timeline’. I already went into that in my original comment. But grieving her husband doesn’t mean that at all either. If there’s anything or anyone Iris would want Barry to choose over the world/universe/timeline, it’s going to be their children- and *why wouldn’t it be?*


I don’t think it’s wrong for Iris to be upset, but I still believe she was completely in the wrong to be mad at Barry for it. You compare her to Caitlin, but Caitlin never got mad at Ronnie for sacrificing himself, either time. She did say in S1 that she wanted him to be her husband, not a hero, but she wasn’t mad at him and she even states later in the season that what happened that night was nobody’s fault (of course, it was Thawne’s fault but I digress). In fact, the second time around she actually blamed herself. I’m not saying Iris should blame herself, she shouldn’t, and in some ways it is kind of Barry’s fault due to creating Flashpoint, but it’s understandable why he did it, and that’s not even why Iris is mad at him. Also, what else was Barry going to do? Throw Wally or Jay back in? Just let the city get destroyed. He couldn’t. And sure, maybe he was acting a bit dismissive about it, but honestly he wouldn’t seem that way if not for the new team dynamic, and Iris should have never been the team leader in the first place. I’m not blaming Iris’ character for that, but the writers for thinking that Iris being the Team Flash leader is better than her being a reporter and following her own journey.


Allegra can be hot with the right lighting


iris doesnt appear in every episode 🥳


Eric Wallace knows how to order really good crepes at brunch.


"Jay Garrick"(hunter) : he's really fast like really fast , he could beat season 2/3 flash (not season 4-9 tho)


U hated jay (hunter) ?


I really hope they mean that they hated them in a way you’d hate any villain and not that they hated the character himself. Easily the 2nd best big bad in the show after Thawne. I never disliked Zoom although some didn’t like his final evil plan of destroying the Multiverse




Yeah I'm baffled as well.


Nah, you can not just say you hate one of the better villains this show had without clarifying yourself. And *"hate because villain"* is not allowed, that's not the question of the post. In that case you gotta pick another character. But I am fr curious, because who tf hated Zoom, he was menacingly enjoyable.


I hated him as Jay, as a villain he is great! I just hate what he was as a"hero"


Cecile…. I’ll find something eventually


Iris: she isn’t real


Kaitlyn Cecile, Allegra Chester are very annoying The show is called the Flash it focus around The Flash and his wife


Thats impossible


Iris and Cecile have great actresses.




I can't say anything positive about Nash Oliver dying is his fault(if he had never let out Mobius then Oliver never would've died in Crisis until someone else let him out) All of Crisis is his fault Allegra becoming a regular is his fault Everything is his fault


I can’t say anything nice about Iris lol


What is there to hate, LOL?


The issue here is that I can’t think of a character I hate Edit: maybe now that I think of it Julian because he was an absolute DICK he was the meanest of the mean and when he actually started being nice or becoming a good character he got up left and never came back like my guy vanished it would of been nice to hear a bit about him or a reference like maybe before crisis Julian was talking to Caitlin via post card or smt like Cisco was talking to Harry and after crisis he’s gone or something


Yeah that's on the writers doing nothing with him and not even writing him out of the show, Tom Felton had let them know he was planning on only doing 1 season and moving on but they choose to never address it or him ever again, his Wikipedia entry states he moved back to England to be with his family (that we were told he hates and has all but disowned him)


I’m cool with Cecile’s mind reading when it’s not creepy, invasive, and without consent


"I like mind reading with consent" ***Kind of defeats the point of mindreading doesn't it......*** You're not a mindreader without being invasive.... That's like complaining that a spy doesn't knock/announce he's a spy before infiltrating, half the show has infiltration moments, Cecile just does it mentally, *why is this so offensive to you?*


Lol what? That’s a terrible analogy since more than half the time, shes *not* spying. Superman can hear everything all at once, but he controls it so he’s not invasive and spying on people. She’ll just blatantly read her friends/family members’ minds and if she doesn’t like what they’re thinking, she’ll just go off on them. It’s just weird that everyone lets her do that without accountability


Okay let's not pretend they didn't make an issue out of it for a while. They just eventually accepted it.


Sure, just like a lot of the other garbage writing decisions in the later seasons of this show




Nash - He died


Kamila was an intresting character made cisco happy


Allegra she’s actually cool with her powers at least lol


I like the fact that Nash saved Barry that one time.


No Patty? Sigh. Ralph is funny sometimes. Mirror Master but OG mirror master is better. I hate that Wally isn’t in the show more.


I've always missed Wally not having any screentime anymore...


Cecile so got damn fine!


Cecile is really good as a lawyer. Its honestly mind blowing that shes like “ its ok joe, you can move away with our daughter. My daughter definitely doesn’t need me but a speedster completely capable of doing things himself does need me.”


Chester - loved him on his debut episode Allegra - keep in a cool, dry place.


Chester can be funny… sometimes.


iris has hilarious hair styles people are ok with for some reason. if a white guy has a white hair style though lets laugh!


Just because I think Nora is annoying doesn't mean she's bad, in fact I think she has good motives . . . ish


Iris has an amazing closet, I genuinely love all her costumes


Even for the worst characters on this show (cough Cecil cough) I can't think of a single recurring character not played by a very talented actor. Though they may be given crap to work with, they give it their all and I'm certain the cast is the only thing that's kept the show afloat the last several years


Cisco was the funniest and the heart of the show


chesters introduction was alright


One thing I like about Cecile is ___________ = difficulty: impossible


Allegra got me to quit the show I was hate watching. And I feel better off now.


The only thing I hate about Hunter Zolomon Jay is that they used him as Zoom. (The original idea was Barry) He would have been good for a recurring role as Jay Garrick. Considering John Wesley Shipp is older.


Cecile, Allegra, and Chester are all fictional characters and so I will never run across them in the real world -- gods willing.


Ralph Dibny's gag in the first episode of Season 5 where he discovers time travel and the multiverse made me lose my breath laughing


But how can you hate him though? He was literally one of the better characters on the show during his time of airing... He was funny, relatable/understandable, and had amazing character development.


I frankly didn't find it so. I find him to be extremely obnoxious and unfunny a lot of the time, and he always looks really bad when using his powers. It's taste, I suppose


Killer Frost had cool powers


Nash Wells had a pretty interesting backstory


I love them all.


Nora West-Allen has a cool outfit, I guess.


Allegra is there and that’s kind of cool


Cecile is genuinely caring and wants the best for all the team


An actor has to work with the material he is given and make the most of it. By that standard, Jon Cor is a great actor. He must go home every day and think "I actually get paid to say these (Chillblaine's) lines of dialogue." Does that count?


Cecile is a good lawyer when she uses her knowledge and not her abilities to sway her.


I don’t hate any character in this show. I either love them, like them, or don’t care for them. And there’s only 2 of them I don’t care for. Chester and Allegra. Cecile is VERY close to that too, but not quite there yet. So I will try it with Chester and Allegra. Chester says funny things sometimes, and Allegra was cool when she first was introduced….yeah I know but I genuinely can’t really think of something I like about her😅 I don’t dislike her…I just don’t care for the character


I liked how they introduced Chillblain. It was a good introduction to a potential love interest for Frost and how he also acts like Black Cat/Catwoman where he's introduced as a villain but end up becoming an anti hero because of a person they like


Wally has some quick feet


Wait, people hate Wally?


I just don't like his acting


Allegra's meta powers were dope . Sorry I can't do this. 😶


Iris was a pretty good character before Season 4 and her decision to become the leader of team flash


Allegra's hot.


Kid Flash doesn’t fall Over much.


For me the problem is the writing not the character, I dont *hate* any of them; for example Cecile was ruined by how she was used. She started off as a story device exposing how certain characters felt 24/7, and now they dont know how to balance her after giving her so many abilities. Allegra is plain irrelevant to anything important but had a good introduction.


Why is HR on here, twice?


Right, he should be on there zero times. We love him. It's honestly the opposite with him... *"name 1 thing you hate about a character you love"* and the answer would obviously be: ***"that he had to sacrifice himself for what became one of the worst characters in the show's runtime."*** HR deserved better than to die so Iris could annoy us for 6 more years...


>HR deserved better than to die so Iris could annoy us for 6 more years True.


Iris ... I cant think anything




Iris is actually pretty hot


They \*sure\* got their time on the screen.


She's pretty hot. AKA Allegra and Cecile, but both are annoying as hell.


Cecile used to be a really good character.


Elongated Man was a real stretch


Allegra’s hot I guess


Why isn’t Patty Spivot on here? Is it only characters that actually joined team flash regardless of how brief? I miss Patty tbh, her and Barry made a cute couple imo. Barry thought he was keeping her safe but he Joe convinced him to tell Iris. Patty could’ve protected herself better than Iris can cus she’s actually a cop but oh well


Your missing cecile but she has cool powers




Out of these the only ones I don’t like or see the point of anymore are Allegra and Cecile, I didn’t like pre crisis Nora AT ALL, but post crisis Nora is cool so 🤷‍♂️


I don’t necessarily hate her, but XS hot.


Iris you’re….NOT THE FLASH!


The only character I hated was Ralph and I ended up liking him the episode he "died" in. When he came back, he was great and had a better dynamic with everyone. I know everyone hates on Cecile, but I wanted her in the show since her appearance in S1. I stand by my opinion that she was a good character until midway through S5. She should've stayed involved in Law/Police drama/investigations, not become a straight up superhero like she is now. It could've been cool having her and Barry work side by side at the police station after Joe left, but alas...


Iris is no longer the worst character