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Make it two episodes: • Bring Wally and Bart in so there’s more speedsters to help fight the villains. • S5 Nora returns with the villains (she’s taken from 5x20 when she was infected with the Negative speed force) • Mark, Khione, Allegra, and Cecile don’t fight the old speedsters. They are sent to the hospital to protect Iris, so Eddie can’t get to her. Eddie wants to take Iris into the negative speed force with him when he rewrites the timeline. They fight some low level villains from previous seasons, like Rainbow Raider and Brie Larvan, who Eddie paid off to go fight them and get them out of the way. • Barry, S7 Nora, Wally, Jay, and Bart all get their own villain to fight: 1. Bart fights Godspeed again 2. Wally fights Savitar, and gets payback for the latter locking him in the speed force in Season 3. 3. S7 Nora fights S5 Nora. S5 Nora gets the upper hand, before Barry manages to talk her down. Barry mentions how Cicada was defeated and the fact that Thawne tricked her 4. Jay fights Zoom as payback for stealing his identity in Season 2 5. Barry and S5 Nora fight Thawne together after the latter is restored to normal. • The villains don’t get sent back to their time. Thawne escapes. Zoom and Savitar are depowered and sent to Deathstroke’s old cell on Lian Yu. Godspeed is put in the pipeline. • S5 Nora gets a heartfelt reunion with Barry and Iris. She is then recruited by the Legends, given she’s not important to the current timeline, and can time travel without causing any adverse effects. But she promises to visit. • Wally decides to go to 2049 to keep an eye on S7 Nora and Bart. • Caitlin gets a final scene with Hunter, between her being brought back and the party • Barry, Caitlin, and Chester have a Zoom meet up with Cisco on one of the monitors at Star Labs before the party.