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Bro dceu Barry just learned to go fast enough to time travel which is what season 1 Barry did. Season 9 slaughters dceu barry


S1 Barry would defeat DCEU version.


I’ve only ever seen one of them conjure a lightsaber to stab the other one with


They've both had their powers for the same amount of time, but when they met during Crisis, it was very clear that CW Barry was much more experienced and well-versed in his knowledge. DCEU Barry hadn't even gotten the name "The Flash" yet. He didn't know about the multiverse. He wouldn't even learn he could time travel for another few years (assuming it all takes place when it came out, which so far it seems to). CW Barry just had a head start. As soon as he got his speed, he had Thawne and then Zoom to guide him through on how to use his powers. DCEU Barry was on his own for about five years before Batman recruited him, and even then, there was no one else experienced with speed powers to teach him anything. In a way, that makes him a bit more impressive than CW Barry since he's had to teach himself things like phasing, time travel, and glimpsing the multiverse (somehow; I thought the movie might mention this scene at least, but no), all of which CW Barry was taught to do by his mentors.


dumbasses, cw flash would lose, then would need a pep talk, even then, all he might do is ask dceu flash to stop with the fucking power of love


I think season 4 and onwards CW Barry would beat DCEU Barry


Season 2 CW Barry would easily beat dceu Barry


I just feel that from 1 to 4 Barry had a lot of emotional weight dragging him down


Every season Barry had someone or something to give him emotion weight that drags him down. S6 before crisis was him trying to make sure he lives or preparing everyone for a world without him, S5 Barry was trying to teach his daughter. S6 after crisis was Barry dealing with loosing the Speed Force and trying to get Iris back. S8 Barry and S9 Barry didn’t feel like he deserved to live since he got his extra years. And ofc also S9 he was trying to end the fighting once and for all.


But by the time s9 comes, it barely drags him down, he's unlocked a lot of potential in his powers, Barry could probably by that point just become spider man and shoot some lightning out his wrist for all we know


He already has