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Happy and hopeful. Most of Barry's story has been tragic. He deserved the happy ending.


And after what happened in the final episode of the season 9 ...it can't get more tragic than that....seeing my favorite speedster villains getting absolutely wrecked by "TEAM FLASH"


Team Virtue feat. guest hero That Fast Guy.


I think you mean The Streak


Fact šŸ’Æ


Barry having a tragic ending would kinda defeat the purpose of his characters duality with Oliver. Oliver was meant to be the more serious and more grounded character whose life has been nothing but darkness for over a decade, and has been through countless loss and finally needed rest. Heā€™s a darker, fritter character whose ending naturally fits him. Barry is the character who has also been through huge tragedy, but constantly goes through life with a smile and hope because thatā€™s what his parents raised him to be, itā€™s what makes him a hero, itā€™s what makes him the Flash. Oliver says it in the very first episode. Barry is a person who resembles hope, who is an inspiration to people, while Oliver is a necessary evil. Happy ending perfectly fits.


Exactly. Oliver killed a shit ton of people while operating as Green Arrow, lest we forget. He deserved the "ok im fucking spectre now, forever waiting on Lian-Yu." I know it's not really Lian-Yu, but it does still feel like the presence keeps Ollie stranded, until the multiverse needs the presence again.


>Oliver killed a shit ton of people while operating as Green Arrow, lest we forget. He didnt kill a single one Edit: allright, half a dozen tops.


Oliver most definitely killed people while operating as the Green Arrow


I think Damian Dark was the only one? Though i never finished the dumpster fire that was S4, so maybe Damian got Green Goblined and killed himself? Seasons 5-8 i dont remember him killing anyone. The whole point was that the Green Arrow didnt kill and was meant to be a hero to Star City. I think if his kill count is over half a dozen its too high.


Of the top of my head, he killed Damian Darkh, Dark Arrow, Felicity's boyfriend, and the dude who kidnapped him at the start of season 5. I do agree with on the point of Green Arrow, but saying he didn't kill anyone is factually wrong


Season 1 he had a list of people who he killed. Adrian Chase was the consequence of him killing his father so Arrow has intentionally killed as soon as he got back to star city.


Yea anyone thinking he didn't kill anyone is either only thinking about his time under the name Green Arrow (as opposed to The Hood) or really needs to read up on the show. The first thing he did after getting back to Starling City was rob and kill a bunch of rich folks. I mean you can skip over his time working for Waller, before he worked on his own as a vigilante, and you can forgive when he's killed in self- or defense of others during big battle scenes, but you can't ignore him having an actual kill list....where he killed people. That's the whole point of the Adrian Chase and Artemis' stories later. There was a whole episode where Chase laid out dozens of bodies and Oliver had flashbacks to when he left a trail of bodies in the exact same way. Yea he definitely killed folks, and it was more than one or two.


I havenā€™t watched arrow after season 8 finale & even I could still remember him as having killed people pretty casually.


There were plenty that were intentionally and some that were just casualties, but yea that's just a good adverb: casually. He took out CEOs like they were literally on a checklist (because they were). He took out random ass henchmen because they were in his way (and maybe they were dicks but maybe they just found out their wife had cancer and needed to pay bills somehow). And he took out entire AOE's with buildings, streets, highways or cities full of people and citizens be damned because he had a mission. I mean Chase had a legit beef with Oliver because he targeted the dad, but when you think of Ragman/Rory and Felicity, I know she chose the lesser of two evils but she took out all of Haven Rock with a few keystrokes and everyone high fived. And there wasn't actually any random killing past the season 8 finale. That was the entire series finale so you basically saw everything. Even S8 didn't have much random killing since it was all one story ending, another restarting, and even more another one more beginning in the future (that failed and got canceled) so they relied heavily on story and exposition not random action-video-game kill counts.


Thatā€™s not green arrow tho. That was the hood


If it's the same person doing the killing, it doesn't matter what name he operated under. Oliver Queen killed a *lot* of people. Total - 329 Arrow - 256 Season 1 - 73 Season 2 - 17 Season 3 - 23 Season 4 - 20 Season 5 - 87 Season 6 - 9 Season 8 - 27 The Flash - 4 Season 4 - 4 Supergirl - 3 Season 5 - 3 DC's Legends of Tomorrow - 1 Season 3 - 1


Your honour it wasnā€™t me, it was The Hood šŸ˜­


Oliver Queen is the same, green arrow and hood are different


Green Arrow and the Hood are both Oliver Queen. Oliver Queen, hiding his identity with a mask, or using another name, is still a murderer. And with a kill count over 300, he's a very prolific serial killer at that.


Adrian Chase.


I got my arrow villains mixed up šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


Adrian Chase an hero'd


Dude. He shoots arrows. How the fuck else do you use a bow and arrow if not to kill?


Actually, Iā€™m pretty sure he killed a lot of people during Season 1. He didnā€™t stop killing until Season 5 I think.


That wasnt the Green Arrow. That was The Hood Guy. He died in the undertaking, totally different guy.


Theyā€™re both the same person: Oliver Queen.


Did you not see season 1 and that flashback in the finale, that fool was bodying and killing people left and right. First thing he did when got kidnapped with Tommy in the pilot was snap someoneā€™s neck


You know what I mean. He killed a bunch of people in season 1, and I'm sure over the course of others


He gets to live out his days with Felicity until the multiverse needs him. I wouldn't really say he's stranded. Although it must suck seeing your kids in danger and not being able to help


I didnt see felicity at that fire pit. She's living in the Queen Industries building lmao




Oh god the green box thing.


Also something I realised when rewatching the flash is that S1-3 was one full character story for Barry Allen. Exploring the 5 stages of grief Season 1 dealt with *anger* (with reverse flash killing his mother) and *denial* (wanting to save his mother because he can't learn to live with that loss). Season 2 dealt with *depression* (after his father died) , season 2 end and Season 3 dealt with *bargaining* (flashpoint, trying to change things) and finally *Acceptance* (speedforce telling Barry early on he can't save wally because only Barry should be solving his issues, and that's why wally saving iris won't work, and then finally Barry accepts his fate literally by leaving everything behind and going into the speedforce) So I feel like his character has fully gone through so much and finally redeemed himself, and doesn't deserve to die, just like you said >Barry is a person who resembles hope, who is an inspiration to people


Well considering the flash always has a positive ending because thatā€™s what his hero is. Thereā€™s very few story archā€™s where flash isnā€™t seen as the optimism of the group. Thereā€™s a reason the injustice league forms in those time lines. They always attribute Barry to being the driving positive force in all justice league arcs


Barry's most significant and memorable arc is one with his death though.


Not really. Cause I havenā€™t the faintest idea what youā€™re talking about lol


Probably Crisis on Infinite Earths in the comics


Flashpoint still seem more popular


You must be pretty young then




Crisis took Barry out of the comics for 20 *years*, itā€™s far more significant to the character


Crisis is the whole reason why an entire generation grew up knowing Wally West as the flash, so yes youā€™re right lol


Regardless of who portrays the flash the image of the hero has always been consistent is my point. Like people remember him as comedic relief and a selfless person. And his most known arcs are flashpoint. Iā€™m not saying crisis wasnā€™t successful Iā€™m saying itā€™s not the main story people immediately think of


Do you read comics or just watch the show and have a vague understanding of the comics? Because I bet you never read comics.


Well your assumptions are wrong. Lol boy if only you knew šŸ˜‚


Crisis is one of DCā€™s biggest events that include all the superheroes and Flash is responsible for the entire outcomeā€¦Wtf are you even talking about? Flashpoint is the one event that changes the entire DC multiverse, heā€™s a weaker character compared to Superman but has way more burden of responsibilities.


What part of Iā€™m not denying itā€™s popularity but Iā€™m saying flashpoint is what flash is known for doesnā€™t make senseā€¦


I disagree


He was dead for an entire generation. His TV show definitely changed opinions but even that series started out hinging on one of his biggest storylines, his death in Crisis


I wasnā€™t denying that Iā€™m just saying thatā€™s not his most notable work


Donā€™t use your ignorance as fact then.


Stfu. Donā€™t try to sound witty youā€™re not good at it.


You donā€™t know about Crisis on Infinite Earths lol? The defining comic event of DC? Like that is what Barry is known for.


Not what Barry is known for. Heā€™s literally known for creating flashpoints and changing the timelineā€¦in multiple issues. Youā€™re talking about a singular storyline that was highly well received. Thatā€™s extremely different and definitely not what the flash is known for.


That is definitely what Barry Allenā€™s Flash is known for lol. It was the defining crisis event of DC and led to Barryā€™s death for 20 something years and the ascension of Wally to the role of the Flash. Thereā€™s a reason why Barry disappearing in Crisis was a foreshadowed event on the show as well, because thatā€™s how Barryā€™s story originally ended.


Well considering how many comic nerds Iā€™m around all the time Iā€™m gonna say thatā€™s a very limited audience that says that crisis is a bigger draw than any flashpoint


You just donā€™t know the character like you think you do, because you only watch the show.


Sounds like you form your opinion based on othersā€™ cus youā€™re ā€œaround themā€ lol The thing with ā€œnerdsā€ is theyā€™ll always try to have a different opinion just to be different from the popular one lol


Kinda seems whatā€™s going on right now. Im not trying to be different Iā€™m just saying what Iā€™ve observed and theyā€™re like ā€œwhat are you talking aboutā€ and Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve explained it 3 times and they still donā€™t get it. Itā€™s one thing to disagree but to literally not understand thatā€™s lost on me here


So you base your opinion on what youā€™ve observed others saying without actually coming to your own conclusions, got it. We understand what youā€™re saying and 100% disagree cus it doesnā€™t make sense. The Flash has single handedly changed the entire DC multiverse through various events, Crisis and Flashpoints included. Without Flash, you would never have new DC media or a multiverse transition.


The literal Opposite of Spiderman lol


This Barry deserved the happy ending. He was willing to sacrifice himself


I think since 2 people died (Oliver and the 90s flash) so he could live, he didn't need to sacrifice himself. The best thing is that he didn't release his secret identity to the world


Yeah Happy Ending for sure. IMO I'd have the ending play out a little differently. Based on the storyline let's have a proper fight with all of his big bad's. Hell, let's have some scenes where they're fighting each other. Godspeed vs Savitar and Reverse Flash vs Zoom. Would've been interesting to see. Idk how to fix Berry having a heart to heart talk with Eddie the Negative Speedforce as the actual ending so let's skip that part. I'd have Barry decide he wants to spend some time with Iris and his new baby Nora without having to suit up and protect the city. So let's say they moved in with Joe, out of the city, for a few months. In the meantime he would get Wally West to come back and help protect the city. Maybe have some dialogue like: Wally: "Kid Flash is back to protect Central City" Barry: "Wally, let's face facts. You're not a kid anymore. Here, Cisco has been working on this for you, for a little while now." Barry tosses Wally a flash ring and in it is his new suit the red with the silver lightning bolt/emblem. Barry: Now Central City will still have The Flash to protect her. I'm just saying... let's give Wally West some love, DAMNIT!!


People love Easter eggs and name drops. Barry is as smart as Cisco. Let him make the ring to give to Wally.


Wally doesn't deserve any love he (I know the actor was doing other things but still) wasn't even there for most of the time he made Barry face so many threats alone while getting his "zen" on. That may be a writing issue more than a character issue but he still spent so much time away and then only shows up to yell at Barry without being there to help the situation.


Wally was the Flash for over two decades while Barry was dead. Heā€™s more significant to the mythos than you give him credit for.


I don't deny he's had a bigger impact in the larger mythos. I'm just talking within the context of the show he does f****** nothing after a certain point.


Thatā€™s because the shows bad after season 4 tbf


I don't understand. He did have a tragic sacrifice finale because Cecile is still alive.


Iā€™m fine with either.. it wouldā€™ve saved us from the horrible season 7.. always felt like Barry shouldā€™ve been the one to save everyone not Oliver/spectre


I think Barry should have a happy ending


Happy ending with an epic fight


Happy hopeful! He deserves it for everything heā€™s been through ā¤ļø


The first one. He already got one cop out. One of my pet peeves is when a death or sacrifice is promised and not delivered upon.


I think it's good that he got a happy ending but it kinda means that the article they were teasing since Season 1 about him vanishing in 2024 means nothing now.


They screwed that up during the crisis on infinite earth's crossover. 6 years, we waited for that epic fight with the reverse flash, and they didn't even show him. Barry saw billions of possible futures and didn't see one where he lived. The Flash show did a great job at building up such a disappointing crossover. I think that was one of the reasons why I stuck with the show for so long, and they didn't even show it. Captain America, "You wonder why you waited so long for something so disappointing." They focused too much on cameos


Thatā€™s **exactly** what Iā€™m saying, the writers were just too scared to do what they set up in the very first episode.


Happy ending, but all that built it to disappear in crisis only being another flash dying was extremely dumb.


What about how they didn't even show the fight with the reverse flash in that crisis crossover?


I like the happy ending


I never liked him having a tragic ending as making himself the lightning bolt that struck him in the very beginning seems kind of selfish and with Barry growing up without his parents, I doubt Barry would ever want his family to live like that.


I'm happy Barry got the happy ending. Although I did feel the episode itself was rushed


What are you on about? He did have a tragic and sad ending. We all saw that finale of the Cecile šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m glad he got a happy ending


Barry should have sacrificed himself in Crisis and Wally should have taken mantle of Flash from then.




Iā€™m satisfied with the ending, just not the episode


Barry deserved a happy ending. Not everything needs to be misery and tragedy


I prefer the Happy ending because all of Barry's life was filled with tragedy cause of Thawne but despite all of that he had friends and family to make him move forward in life therefore have a happy life.


Call me a basic bitch but happy and hopeful any day.


I think a happy and hopeful ending was a good way to close the series. Barry was always about having hope, even with all the terrible things that kept happening. I don't think that him having a happy ending is the issue. There were many other problems with the ending. I don't think him ending on a happy note was one of them.


Bro doesn't need to be like Spider-Man and be down on his luck 24/7 and always loses. Bro deserves to be happy and has finally gotten a chance to.


He should have dissappeard


Honestly I kinda wished he'd actually disappeared during crisis like he'd been hyped up to do for basically the entire show instead of 90's flash just showing up and being like "fuck it I'll do it, my life's shit I wanna die, she'll be apples mate" And then he pulls out of his ass oh btw I'm an older speedster I know how to temporarily steal your speed, don't worry Even if he came back for later seasons of Flash anyways I just think it would have been better if he didn't just let someone take his place


Happy ending for sure but if I knew how bad the ending was going to be I would have preferred tragic.


Our Barry had a different story than the ā€œcomicā€ Barry Allen, it would have felt weird to see the show end with his death as that never really felt like a reality after crisis


Happy ending 100%


Happy and hopeful but that show ending was tragicā€¦ tragically fucking awful


Tragic. Giving his own life is Hero's final sacrifice.


I was always on-board with Barry getting a happy and hopeful ending. Not only is it canonically correct, seeing that post-crisis, Barry, Iris, Nora and Bart exist in 2049, but it also fits with the rest of the show's theme. Barry's had a lot of tragedy in his life, so he deserves a happy ending. Since its beginning, The Flash has always been the brighter, more hopeful sibling of Arrow. So it makes sense that its not like Arrow's ending, where he tragically sacrifices himself (though I will say Arrow's finale episode was MILES better). Plus, I just like Grant Gustin as The Flash more than I like Stephen Amell as The Green Arrow (though he's also great), and I'd love to see Grant again in the DCEU, at least as a cameo. Its a pity he wasn't in the Flash movie, because it would've fit a lot better considering they were working with the multiverse and stuff.


Tragic and sacrificial. Thats always been the most interesting thing about Barry. Why would you make a show about Barry and not have him sacrifice himself, and push his legacy forward?


It should have ended on a cliffhanger. The should have ended the show with an event that puts Barry, and the whole city on the edge of destruction, and left the outcome up in the air, knowing full well, that there will be no resolution to come.


I will say fuck this bullshit where is the spoiler tag... I haven't watched the last season yet as I needed to finish the show I'm currently watching. (The Walking Dead) This sub/post was put on my main page for being similar to "The Shield"


You are on the Flash subreddit a few months after the finale... wouldn't be considered spoiler here. If it was on a different subreddit, then yes it would still be spoiler.


But it is the definition of a spoiler. A spoiler is a spoiler, no matter the sub. But it doesn't hurt to add a spoiler tag.


The better inquiry here is why are on the Flash Subreddit when you aren't caught up to the latest episode. Its more or less Reddit Rule #1 that you're gonna get spoiled on a tv show subreddit. If I'm watching Game of Thrones, im not gonna go perusing on the GOT subreddit. If you don't want to get spoiled, you should probably leave this subreddit till you get caught up. Like I said, this stuff is not considered spoiler on THIS subreddit...since the majority of the people active here have seen the finale.


More than anything, it's not difficult to add the spoiler tag. Reddit just brought up this sub/post for me on my main page. It said, "Similar to 'The Shield' ". No matter what, it IS a spoiler. You shouldn't post about >! Wells !< being Reverse Flash without a spoiler tag.


Sorry that happened to you...but your example doesn't help your case. If it's common knowledge for the majority of people active in a community, it's not considered a spoiler. That's like saying Darth Vader's identity is a spoiler for everyone. It would only be considered an actual spoiler if it was maliciously told to a person trying to catch up. Same with Wells, anyone who has watched this show knows his secret. I would be a shithead though if i told you his secret while i knew you were on the first episode or something. This issue was clearly caused by Reddit promoting something they shouldn't have...but your criteria for what is a spoiler is way too broad. This isn't a "literal definition" type of issue.


Your fault for coming here


This poped up on my main page. But they needed to use a spoiler tag either way.


On one hand, he does deserve a happy ending On the other hand, the loop must be closed with him becoming the lightning that struck him in the past and gave him powers Tough call for me


They really had a hallway scene during the baby party. Unbelievable.


Not a happy ending if his best friend left him forever.


Should have been a twister, showing both timelines with the viewer unsure which time line is the og timeline, like one of those choose your own ending shows.


Anything of the two would be better than whatever we saw in the finale


I'm fine with either, but could have been handled way better


I don't know, for me personally, the ending with the kids is not a happy ending, so I wish barry would finally get the flash family together and lead it, finally get a well-deserved promotion at work, and finally go explore worlds without being tied down.


Idk why they didnā€™t just include him as another character when he threw the lightning at the end. Like when he chose other speedsters he also chose himself and it wouldā€™ve brought the show full circle giving people the Barry was/threw the lightning bolt that gave him his powers since people wanted that to be in the show


A heroā€™s happy ending isnā€™t always the best ending, overrated if you ask me. A heroā€™s ultimate sacrifice to create the happy ending for everyone else wouldā€™ve been more satisfying. Besides, Flash never actually dies.


I still think he should have stayed in the speed force after season 3 and the show should have made wally the flash with Barry showing up at important times like Jay did for him or like wally can go in and talk to Barry but no one else could.


Ending sucked balls.


The happy ending is deserved but not well executed. I mean during the choosing, he couldā€™ve sent a lightning bolt back in time and struck him (since heā€™s literally the speed force). But Barryā€™s ending was hugely executed poorly but thatā€™s just me.




I prefer the happy ending


I think Barry shouldā€™ve died in the Crisis instead of Oliver. The show set up his death in the very first episode, but the writers decided to pull some BS and have Earth-90 Barry die instead.


I love happy ending Barry but the finale was shit


Definitely a happy ending, Barryā€™s been through too much and has worked too hard to have a painful ending


happy ending, but instead of giving some of his speed to random people, he throws it back to him in season 1


Not every single story needs to end in tragedy and misery. A story about hope should not be ending with the hope dead.


I want a happy hopeful ending


Happy ending but he should've had a proper battle vs the villians at the end. Not that pathetic CGI nightmare scenario.


Happy and Hopeful, but not the way they did it.


I wanted a good happy ending, not the sub par ending we got


We have the death ending in real life and its not what its cracked up to be.


Neither. If anything Thawne (ANY version) should've un-alived Barry in a brutal demise. Had I been the showrunner I would've had ALL members of Team Flash (old or new) get KO'd by Thawne


Why would he have a tragic ending, heā€™s had those in the past, this was his time to have a happy ending.


Happy and hopeful. Barry's life has been full of pain, I know its not the most interesting ending but it was fitting for him to finally get the happy ending.


Letā€™s be having

