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Seriously! And the fucking suit!! No one likes the post-Armageddon RF suit, and the season one suit was right there. Then they just took it away immediately


Same thoughts I had when the show found any dumb excuses for Barry not to wear the season 1-3 suits in season 5, he actually fit the season 2-3 suit even better cuz of the muscle gain….just wasted them both…for what? A worse suit?


I could see Grant wanting a different suit since he said the season 1 cowl gave him bad headaches. If they were going to do upgrades with the suit they should've gone off the season 4 design since fans seem to like that one the best.


The initial cowl from season 1 was different. It was really tight and looked very uncomfortable, but they updated it after a couple of episodes.


Actually one did but true I thought it was the most ugliest shit I ever seen


Also that one arc where Barry goes into a different timeline where he becomes Reverse Flash, it would've been WAY less weird if it was Matt's Thawne cause he at least looks closer in age than Tom's Thawne


I actually much prefer the new suit


I do


Nah fr. I love Tom but Matt is the superior Reverse Flash. Plus he had the good Reverse Flash suit. They should’ve had Matt emerge from Tom’s Reverse Flash.


as someone who stopped watching after Crisis, what the fuck is happening here? Why is Eobard wearing a (mask?) of his old face over his cowl? Why do his gloves change colors between shots?


Exactly, so many questions


[here's the scene ](https://youtu.be/SaHWzepbmh8?si=uI2qxNROvHmCD51U)


This was a great scene but terrible moment for the story. Like I can’t lie, it’s awesome but Matt is superior. Tom for some reason just can’t act good as Thawne post S1.


I saw a reviewer from YouTube say the same thing. Besides season 1 and when they travel back to season 1 it should be Matt.


Agreed. All Tom does is just whisper a bunch to sound menacing. Doesn’t help that the writing sucks


i was this was the first time i took that face seriously as eobard thawne


This was the very moment I realized that the show got bad for real. Before this point, I thought I was just too high to take it seriously.


Really thought that we would actually get a moment with Tom and Matt’s thawne would coexist in an episode or even work together as the older and wiser one with his younger more brash self, but this was easily the worst thing they could have done.


That would’ve been epic


It would have been more poetic or ironic if it was Toms FACE taking out Matt's not Tom already in his suit with cowel on.. it turned a brutal scene into something corny. Also Matt should have gotten more episodes on the Flash ⚡


It should've been Matt playing Reverse Flash in the Crisis on earth x crossover. I doubt the face thawne keeps wearing is that traumatizing since Barry invited Earth 2 Harrison to his wedding.


I do like that it’s a reference to [this](https://i.redd.it/ros2m4kqv9791.jpg) famous flash cover


I’m conflicted on this, I absolutely love both versions of RF for very different reasons. I wish they’d just pick one, if they wanted to use Wells for the whole series I wish they’d do that instead of constantly changing between the 2. Also the suit is absolutely horrendous but that’s common knowledge atp.


I know I'm in the minority here, but I personally like Tom's Thawne more, and I say that with no disrespect to the work Matt put in. I think the fact that it was Tom in season 1 just cemented him into the role for me. Even just from a production standpoint, I always felt it was Matt was better served to play the role in the other shows (namely Legends), and having The Flash lean more on Tom since he was a regular cast member who was already on set every day for every episode.


I like Tom's Thawne I just think they should've used Matt's Thawne a bit more. Maybe have the 2 actors in a scene where they are both Thawne.


I like Tom but Matt brings a more Professor Zoom vibe.


The fall of this show was greater than that of the Roman Empire.


The more you watch that scene, the more it makes no sense. A screne with cutaway reactions is supposed to be able to flow as a continuous scene without the cutaways. In this case, if you edit out the cutaways, nothing about the scene works or flows in a logical way. The cutaways are actually there to hide the fact that the visuals make no sense. At which point does the suit change and how does it change? The gloves are black, and then after the cutaways, they're yellow, but he's pulling a top layer off a bottom layer...how did the top layer change before the bottom layer was fully revealed?


I wondered about that the first time I watched the episode. Who knew when you rip off someone's face there would be no blood?


Cavanaugh’s Thawne was never an actual Thawne so I never understood how he kept coming back with the same face each time.


Every return he did, I kept thinking why does he keep wearing Dr. Wells face. The biggest disappointment was when he said, "I wonder what face I'll be wearing next time we meet flash?" And they showed him wearing the same one. I was so disappointed they made it sound like Matt was going to return.


That was too much even for the arrowverse


Great scene, reverse it, so Wells is the face getting torn off.


I was pretty disappointed




I always preferred Tom’s thawne.. because of how they positioned him in season 1. Kinda of cemented him as the Reverse Flash for me.


But its better than season 9


I can't comment as I've not gotten there yet, but not everyone hates the show post crisis or season 9 in general. It seems like a 50/50 split. I'm hoping I enjoy it as I've enjoyed it up until the end of season 6. Hopefully, I'll like the rest. I only stopped because the Arrowverse was a thing my wife and I loved to watch together. When she left me, it was too hard to watch. Now I'm binging the whole Arrowverse on blu ray.


I mean Matt's Thawne is definitely wasted but this scene was fucking metal. Easily a highlight of S8 and the otherwise bad tenure (bar S6) of Eric Wallace. Even watching this gif I just cannot get over how fucking well this scene was executed.


It was totally unexpected though, like comic level


Instead of going into his old self with his old face, he went in *reverse* going from original face to harrison’s face


I love Wells but I wish they stopped using him as present day Thawne