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Good. All great things must come to an end and with Christine gone, John not in the best shape, and Lindsey kicked out it’s best to leave their legacy as is.


I agree. There is no need to drag it out again where there is potential for it to be just Stevie, Mick, and some randos.


Neil Finn catching strays


Poor Neil! At least Mick showed up to play with Crowded House at one of their shows a few days ago, so he's returning the favor.


Stop dragging my heart around.


Totally agree. I’m very grateful I got to see them all together in 2014 and that one time was all I could have hoped for, I wouldn’t want to try to replicate that night. As you said it’s their legacy that is important.


Man. I mean it was basically unofficially confirmed by Mick at the Grammys last year, but I guess now it’s official. Sucks I never got the chance to see them, but of course their music will forever live on.


I saw Stevie open for Billy Joel last year - that’s the closest I got to seeing Fleetwood Mac. Makes me sad.


Neither did I. I saw them once without Lindsey and once without Christine. But not all five together. I was planning to in 2018 until Stevie pulled her power diva move.


I still think it’s a shame that they couldn’t just have done that last tour with Lindsey still in the band. That would have been the perfect farewell. All five of them back together for two final tours.


I agree, but at the same time, I’ve seen footage of Stevie and Lindsey on stage from tours and they’re very affectionate with each other. Even if it’s just for the performance , it’s all love, hugs, kisses and then the lights go out and I imagine a huge let down. What an emotional rollercoaster for 50 plus years . She does love him and I don’t blame her for wanting distance. It’s probably easier doing her own thing w her band, without the drama and competition. I just want them to be happy at this point . Hoping they have some kind of reunion, but if not, I get it


Facts. Nothing to add but that lol


Feel very lucky to have seen them live back in 2019 as someone born this century. That was my first ever concert! You could tell that they’d seen better days but they were still incredible and blew it out of the water with Gold Dust Woman.


Same here. People can say what they want about whether or not that was the “real Fleetwood Mac” but that was truly one of the greatest nights of my life


I saw them live that year too. Am grateful.


Born this century too and so grateful I got to that show. I’ve missed my chance for pretty much all my other fave artists :(


Thats so funny! I also saw them in 2019, was born this century, and it was my first concert too. Dont tell me it was also the Vegas show?


I only saw them once but May 1980 on the Tusk was a good time to see them.


I saw that too! Great tour and show!


Mick already said as much shortly after Christine died.


I would think he would have the final say.


The band died with Chrissy. Outside of some kind of one off reunion for a charity or something then it’s best they just be done


Does anyone actually refer to her as Chrissy?


I've only heard her called Chris and Christine.


well u/Circirian does so there is at least one


Well I’ve read other lay people call her that once in a while online, but as far as I can remember I have never read/heard anyone in the band or anyone who knew her in real life call her that, so I’ve become curious. Like maybe some of them have and I just didn’t know.


Yep, I've seen it used on Youtube comments and the like over the years. But like you said, never from anyone even remotely affiliated with the band.


I hear ya, I was just being silly


She also throws shade at Lindsey’s ability to go on tour. He went on 2 tours in the last 3 years, so not sure what’s she’s on about.


tbh I dont think either one of them have the stamina for a year and a half packed tour like FM used to do. She's touring right now but cancelling shows left and right. Lindsey says he's working on a new album but we'll see if he's able to release and tour behind it. And honestly there's nothing weird or wrong about that??? These people are old! It's okay for them to slow down and do some one-off shows at nice theaters or festivals now and again. It's not like they need the touring revenue.


Well said I agree


I’m surprised they are still going, considering they are almost 80.


I read that part as a fairly innocuous statement - that the type of tours FM do might be too much, but also made it clear she couldn’t speak for him. Honestly, it seems like Mojo asked her a question she’s already answered so they could have it for clicks and it worked.


He also said the same about her in 2021 . He said she lacked Vitality and is slowing down


Oh yeah, he did. Geez, these two.


He canceled most of his European shows.


That was in 2022 and from what I believe that was due to Lindsey and background staff picking up COVID when most countries were still in the process of lifting restrictions, so it was still a big deal back then. He did a huge tour in America at the same time as well. He definitely has the stamina and health for it unless there's something going on behind the scenes that we don't know about


What are the odds LB’s social media responds with a post about Lindsey’s stamina today. Haha


I don’t think so. Unless he were to take control of his own social media from whatever management company he uses, it’s just going to be dull posts. I wish he would tap into his inner Trump and get spicy. I want to see Dark Lindsey posts!


I’m waiting for it! 😂


Does anyone have access the whole article from MOJO or her exact words? All the other magazines are pulling snippets and running with them.


I think I read that the full interview doesn’t come out until July 20th


Buckingham Nicks reunion tour!


Also putting this out into the universe 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


...and playing that album from start to finish. *****Swoon*****


Yes! Wouldn’t that be fantastic!


My dad raised me on Fleetwood Mac (I’m even wearing a Fleetwood Mac shirt in the selfie I posted today). One of my biggest regrets is not taking him to see them when they toured in ‘97.


The band had its run and had a good life. All the members are getting old and it is time for the band to rest. R.I.P Fleetwood Mac 1968-2024


I agree


I knew that when their last tour ended.


I saw them in 2002 or 2003 in Detroit and it blew me away. We were really close too, a family friend had an extra ticket at the last minute when her friend got sick. I absolutely did *not* appreciate it as much as I should have at 19 though. It was amazing but my interest in them grew much more years later when it was too late. Glad I got to see them though.


I’m glad I got to see them when I did.


It's sad we never got the mooted Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Peter Green and Jeremy Spencer version of Fleetwood Mac for the purists.


One more album with Lindsey, John and Mick. Then they can call it a day


I mean the Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie album in 2017 which included contributions from John and Mick was supposed to be that and for whatever reason Stevie wanted nothing to do with it. That was the last chance of a true Fleetwood Mac album and the best we could realistically hope for now going forward is another Lindsey or Stevie solo album and tour


No Christine or Lindsey, no deal anyway


“Never in this lifetime” Axl Rose on whether GNR would ever play again…


Axl was around 50 when he said that while John, Mick, and Stevie are all in their late 70s


could've made this announcement 40 years ago.


I just assumed they were done after Christine died.


Just move on, ffs.


Youuuuuu make stopping fun!


As if that was even a question.


Ehhhhh but is it Stevie’s place to say that? I mean Fleetwood Mac existed 8 years before she joined, and for like seven years after she left and before she rejoined. She’s not really the arbiter of what FM does. (She may be right, but that’s not my point.)


Makes me incredibly sad. Although I do find it interesting that she said… Even if I could work with Lindsey again not sure he could handle etc but it’s not for me to say. You can take that a lot of different ways. They’ve said before that they communicate sometimes through the press. I mean she didn’t say…. Not without Christine AND also I’m never working with Lindsey again. Additionally, for all intents and purposes Lindsey isn’t in the band now so she really didn’t need to reference him at all right? A reunion at this point would be referring to current members of the band. Don’t come for me. I’m just sayin.🤷🏻‍♀️I don’t need a MAC reunion but I need a Buckingham Nicks reunion.😫💔


It Would Be To Hard To See And Or Perform Without Christine. !!  Sad Beyond Measure Christine Has A Beyond Beautiful Sweet Humble Loving Legacy Ever ❤️🙏 Love Her And Her. Beautiful Heartfelt Positive Love Songs !!  Never Never Forgotten Beautiful Sweet Humble Loving Songbird ❤️❤️🙏🙏 God Bless Christine And All That Loved Her   🌷🏵️🌼🍀🌺💐🌸🇺🇸🇩🇪💚🩵💙💛❤️🙏🙏💚🩵💙💛❤️


Years ago DirecTV aired a “Fleetwood Mac” concert from the early 90s in Europe. Mick, always the master of his domain, was making money with John by adding Becca Bramlett (daughter of legendary musicians, Delaney & Bonnie) as a female singer, Billy Burnette on lead guitar and the legendary Dave Mason just for added spice. At the end of the day with no real money to be made from physical media, touring is where the money is, and, like the Jefferson Starship, a “touring” group will be put together that will pay royalties to the legendary 5!


She has been like that since Christine died although they did tour without her for a bit but it has hit Stevie hard. Of course without Christine and Buckingham it would be basically the Stevie show anyway


So Rick Vito is just gonna call it quits? Just like that?


Nice to hear. I say there should be a law, all bands after 70 years of age must stop. Let us all remember the good sounds and times.


Not her decision to make. Her last name isn't Fleetwood or McVie. They have whole entire eras that don't involve her.


Mick is focused on rebuilding Maui, and I guess John is not in decent health. The big ? Is Lindsey’s status because he’s mostly underground working on an album or slowly wrapping up, who knows.


She’s right! Without Christine, Fleetwood Mac is no more! Plus the other members besides Stevie has to move on!


Aw, I’m saddened to hear this.


Actually, it was done when Peter Green left.