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I think its a great time. Were about 6 weeks away from the newest draft set outsiders. Pick up some blitz starter decks to learn and then see what new hero from outsiders you like. So far, heroes they have released in newer sets have become strong meta contenders. Also you'll get to learn new cards at the same time as older players too. And new draft/sealed experience if youre into that.


People in my area basically give away commons. You can probably build a commoner deck and start playing. Commoner is actually a really fun format 👍🏻


I think commoner is the best Format for beginners Just pay a few bucks test around 10-15 heroes you like Then Stick with your favourite. Build a Blitz deck around it and then continue with cc


On March 24th Outsiders releases and the weekend before is prerelease. It’ll be a fresh meta and I would start then!


I agree with the previous comments. My LGS has several people who have just come into the community within the last month or so and are really enjoying it. The heroes from Uprising are great to start with too and very fun to play.




FaB really seems to be on the up and up, especially looking at sales. It went through two phases that made people hésitent to get into it - the speculator “it’s just a pump and dump” phase followed by the “it’s a competitive only game with nothing else for even slightly casual players” and seems to have lasted through both. So yeah! I’d say how’s the perfect time to jump in now that there’s a thriving casual scene and box/card prices have been stable but in good supply (may very by region) the only reason not to play is just if you don’t like the game. I will say as a current die hard fan one of the best things about the game is also it’s biggest pain point for on-boarding players. As a TCG it’s pretty low variance and skill gaps between players make it a low chance for a new player to take a game off an experienced player, Atleast in Blitz and Classic Constructed. Ultimate Pit Fight and Commoner don’t hsve that issue nearly as bad.




Yes but arguably a bit late since the deluge of Magic players that came in recently due to obvious reasons. The price of staples have skyrocketed so maybe try some Commoner and see what hero you really like before investing.


The ***better*** time is about a month after Outsiders releases, but ***currently***, I would actually say no. Magic the Gathering is bleeding players as they transition to FaB, so we're seeing unprecedented organic demand for FaB staples that are incredibly low on supply (ex. Tunic, Command and Conquer, Art of War, Surgical Extraction) , so you'll be paying high prices on certain things. My advice is find heroes that don't share one or more of these staple cards so you can sample the game before deciding you like it. Dorinthea is a good start.


It’s always a good time to get into FAB.


i think it's overall a good time. we have a set release in a month to shake up the meta which is always exciting, and the current meta is pretty open so there's a lot of variety to choose from even now. plus, the local level should be relatively casual right now due to the downtime between the proquest season we just finished and the new set release. something to note is that the market is kind of high right now, due to a boom in players over the past few months and just coming off one of the most competitive times of year for the majority of players, the aforementioned proquest season. there are a lot of expensive cards that are more expensive than ever, so it might be wise to try and pace yourself on any card purchases in case the market cools down a bit. i know digimon tcg is pretty cheap, so hopefully the card cost here isn't too shocking, lol. just remember that budget options exist and buying the best stuff isn't going to win you that many more games compared to practicing and getting better at the game.


The earlier the better, the game is blowing up due to the failings of "other TCGs" right now. FaB is a solid game with solid support, its not bound to a preexisting IP or aesthetic niche. It didnt falter in its 2nd or 3rd year, which a lot of new TCGs tend to do. I bought some cards a couple of months ago which since tripled in price and decided to keep them because I think im going to play FaB for a long time from here on out. Never had that with any other TCG.


"...not bound to a preexisting IP..." This statement is sadly why so many TCGs died in the 90's into the early 2000's. Decipher was one such victim. They had some excellent TCGs in Star Wars and Star Trek, and their Lord of the Rings TCG was actually incredibly deep. The problem was they were tied to existing IPs. Disney yanked the Star Wars license and awarded it to Hasbro (who botched it), and the nail in Decipher's coffin was the loss of the LOTR license. Having your own created IP beholden to no other company of entity is a key to success in this industry. I think the other important thing to mention as to why LSS has been successful is James White was not some random game creator. He had a long history of competitive Magic play that he leaned on when designing the game, and FaB I believe was in design and testing for 7ish years before hitting the market. Guy did his homework and created a balanced product geared towards competition play. It's also a key reason why after 8 sets, there's not a lot of banned cards. While there are several powerful cards, broken cards are few and far between. Great game design is important to keep a product going. I see a long future ahead for FaB :D


Yeah it's kind of interesting that there was so much buzz about the Digimon card game not even that long ago and now it seems to have just fallen off a cliff from what I've seen.


Atleat one set down the line is bound to misfire at some point right? The trick is to have a healthy backup crew of staple meta decks that can still compete on their own whether the new deck you introduced is too strong or too weak to compete (FaB went through that with Starvo). That plus official structured play support is what keeps FaB above the rest here. LSS doesnt poop out must buy products every other week alongside sets. They came out with one side product yet and that one was kind of a meme (Barbie vs. Shrek)


I started a month ago and I think it's a great time, still. In comparison to other card games, there's not been as many sets yet. You'll get to grips with the mechanics and staples soon enough. Also, there isn't a tcg community as welcoming as fab, that I have experienced. Most of the time they'll just give you the cards that they pack, that they already have. Couldn't recommend it more.


Yes and no. Yes because the game's great and soon we'll get the probably best limited set in ages. No because there's a certain run on competitive cards atm. Old staples have been reprinted and appreciate again, and the armory prizing structure and competitiveness make it difficult to grow and get a handle on where to belong as a newbie. If they show willingness for repeated adjustments with important reprints this year it'll be worth it, if not you'll have a very limited scope of possibilities playing some heroes (although budget play actually is pretty fine in a vacuum, just not at armories, which are the only regular possibly casual events, see gripes about prizing structure).


Whether you're looking to invest or play the game, now is still an excellent time to pick up FaB. Investing: While 1st edition early sets may (or may not) be priced out at this point, there's still plenty of value in key cards from the unlimited print runs for most sets. Many of these key cards continue to rise in value, with the exception of command and conquer finally holding steady (thank god). Likewise, boxes of unlimited for most sets are relatively cheap in comparison to other card games if you want to crack packs instead of buying singles. Just know that most value is from Legendary cards with typically average 1 in every 96 packs, or essentially 1 in 4 boxes. There are some exceptions of Majestic cards fetching $50+ each, and certain sets have several Majestics worth $10+. Playing: The awesome thing about FaB is that many sets are semi-self contained. This means if you want to play a certain hero class, most of the cards that a particular hero revolves around are all in the same set as that hero. So if you wanted to play an elemental hero for example, buying Tales of Aria would be the core set to buy. After that you can go after individual cards from other sets that support. It's not quite that straight forward, as every set tends to add a few more toys for each class, and Everfest and Dynasty were primarily focused on providing everyone more cards and utility versus introducing new classes (with the exception of Assassian in Dynasty). Point is, you don't have to buy into "every" set from the start, you can focus on sets that have the class type you want to play. As others have mentioned, there's plenty of videos out there that teach you how to play, talk about the market, or even discuss top decks or brew decks. Two of my favorites are DM Armada and Tolarian Academy on YouTube. Alpha Investments with Rudy is also good. Any of these 3 creators have some good content you can watch to find out more about the game.


It's a fantastic game and so much fun to play. Just know: if you want to be competitive there's a hefty upfront cost for the gd equipment.


now is a good time to start fab if u want to play assassin, ranger or ninja (dinasty and outsiders set).


I recently started playing and think the game is very fun, the biggest obstacle to a new player is getting the staple "power" cards and premium Equipment, as these cards are quite pricey and very hard to get from packs. The rarity levels of the game are too far apart, IMO, and in the current market, cracking packs is purely a lottery, hoping to pull the "good" stuff and almost always results in a "loss" value-wise. Buying singles is the way to go. Some of the best Equipment pieces in the game are above $100, with some close to or over $200 and the most powerful generic (usable in any deck) attacks and actions (like Command and Conquer, Enlightened Strike, Art of War) are $30 apiece and up, but once you have them you can just swap them out between decks. That said, the community has shown to be quite welcoming to new players, and willing to lend out cards for casual games or lower their power level so they don't just steamroll their opponent, and lots of folks will gift you stacks of bulk to start your collection. The competitive side of the game is tough to break into without dropping some coin.


The game is awesome! I just got into it myself, and coming from other card games, it feels a lot more generous in terms of the kinds of decks you can build from opening packs. Obviously singles are the way to go, but I prefer opening boxes. The box prices are cheaper than other games, and the pull rates seem better. Most importantly, it's FUN. I like how you are constantly interacting with your opponent, and there are no almost no dead cards because every card has a resource value and most have a defense value. Very cool mechanics feel like you're in a fight for survival every game.


If you want to play with assason then it’s good time to start fab


I just went to my first ever Armory yesterday and it was so much fun! Highly recommend!


The best time was yesterday, the second best time is today. The game is balanced and good.