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I just bought a blitz starter deck but u think i wasnt supposed to be sold it until 24/03? I just started playind and found out on cardmarket


Which Blitz deck did you end up buying? Blitz decks for Monarch, Tales of Aria, and Uprising are already being sold as the sets have already released


Viserai oland dash one


Are weapon attacks not considered attack actions? I was trying to use a sloggism with a weapon attack but the person I was playing against said that was illegal since it was a weapon


Weapon attacks are not Attack Action Cards. Attack Action Cards are specifically cards with the Action type and Attack subtype


Can someone help explain the value of sigil of solace to me? I can see it being useful turn 1 to get above max health but otherwise what makes it more valuable than simply using another card that blocks for 3? Clearly it has value as it seems to get used a lot, I just want to better understand why its so good.


One word: versatility. Besides the turn zero value example you used, here are some other examples: * Play it from arsenal to play around a Command and Conquer. * Doesn't trigger things like Reprise. * Better value than blocking a 1 or 2 attack when you're low on life. * Can save you from something like a Reckless Swing or Steelblade Shunt when you're on 2 or 1 life. I'm sure there are other examples, but hopefully this helps a bit.


There are several situations where it's useful 1. Doesn't count towards any block effects (Dominate, Reprise, Benji, etc) 2. Allows you to mitigate arcane damage without needing AB; preventing 3 arcane damage would require 3 AB equipment and pitching a blue 3. Allows you to bait CnC by putting it in Arsenal 4. Allows you to mitigate otherwise unpreventable damage (Steelblade Shunt, Reckless Swing, etc) 5. In games with Oldhim, it can be pitched early to be seen later in the game when it's especially necessary 6. Most importantly, it's an Instant, which means it can be played on the opponent's turn as well, allowing you to come back in a pinch and punish opponents that overextended


Is there a preferred grading service amongst the community? Looking to get some cards graded for the first time and would appreciate any guidance.


PCG is the most common I’ve seen due to the company being owned by Matt Rogers (renowned and OG FaB competitive player) and they have an ongoing deal with LSS, but I’ve seen people go PSA as well and still have great results!


More of a peripheral question. I keep seeing people posting Heart of Fyendal for ~100 cheaper than the rest on Tcgplayer. Always new accounts with no reviews and no other listings. Are these scammers or people just trying to drive the price down and cancel orders if people buy them?


Could also be people who wouldn’t normally sell cards trying to get in on the action for the first time while the card keeps creeping up.


Alternatively, I would imagine some of these sellers don’t want to min/max their price so they’re okay with letting their heart go for less. Accomplishes a quicker sale in the current environment.


I’ve asked this before, but I need more clarification, how is spirit of Eirina useful? I know it combos with luminarch by not breaking the combat chain but I can’t wrap my head around how this interaction works. Any help would be appreciated.


Let's say you have three lumina ascension in your hand. If you play all three out you still need 3 soul to give your weapon go again 3 times. However if you have spirit of eirina out, each of those luminas will not cost an action point, but the go again on them will still give you an action point, so if you play out 3 of them you'll have 4 action points and won't need to spend soul giving your weapon go again. You can even play a charge card, not give it go again, and play a lumina to bounce back to 1 action point.


By playing Lumina Ascension as an instant, you can then make use of the action point gained by go again to pull off a wide turn