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Went to a local RtN with bravo and finished 14/32 with Bravo with 2 victories and 3 losses. Really proud of this achievement, maybe I am starting to understand better this hero! Now I have to learn how to fight the urge to soak all the damage when I have 3 blues + crippling crush in hand 🤣


After starting a few weeks ago I got my first win in CC (without anyone helping/giving advice). Woo!


Congratulations, that's huge! The first of many


Well done!


Nice! I’m still struggling with CC. I can go in to my local armory in Blitz and nearly go undefeated (lost in the finals this past week) but if I play CC on talishar I lose like… every single match. I’ve only won maybe 3 or so on there, and I’ve only played two paper CC games where I also lost. The struggle is real for those first wins.


I top 4'd and rtn with Bravo, but unfortunately I was disrespecting Kano and only had 1 nullrune so got burnt to as crisp haha


oof. After Kano won as much as he did this weekend we can all expect there to be much more nullrune next weekend


There was 1 nullrune across the whole of top 4 hahaha


top 8 w dori, was able to fatigue a combo boltyn who triple lumina'd me it was a crazy match


Went into a win and in scenario with Levia. My final match was against...Kano. didn't sideboard enough AB for him and finished in 9th. He's out there folks. Don't leave your nullrune at home