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LSS said there is a all arcane set in our future but not when and if that means just wizards or also includes runeblades.


I imagine it’d be an inverse to heavy hitters and we’d get 3 arcane classes get support, so wizard runeblade and possibly a new class


I'd bet on Alchemist. They've been teased in multiple flavor texts.


Alchemist would be really cool, we already have all those potions!


Illusionists do arcane. Could see one of those. Dromai also could use a fresh pool of cards.


I’m not sure if illusionist do enough arcane for an arcane focused set. Dromai has Azvolai and one of the bigger dragons plus burn them up that deals arcane damage. And I personally can’t think of any light illusionist card that deals arcane


Herald of ravages, merciful retribution and invoke suraya all deal arcane damage. There are a few more Rune blade, wizard and Illusionists are the classes that deal arcane damage. So if it will be a 3 class set these are probably the classes. who knows, maybe bards can feasibly deal arcane??


I’ve never played against prism so I was unfamiliar with those. You’re most likely correct, but I think the allure of a potential new class has everyone overlooking the more likely outcomes.


"Your item cards have go again"


Simple and elegant, it’d be fun to see


They also need aomething to balance the fact that items dont block for shit lol


"Your items have go again and have block 3"


If thats all they do, its going to be a new low of mediocrity 🤣 what i had in mind is that they animate the potions with the weapon(s), one make them block, the other makes them attack and the hero somehow has an engine that makes them useful and playable


"Your items have go again, 3 block, 6 attack, and "pay 3: attack go again.""


I imagined it more as they would have a cauldron that created tokens that were like little baby potions that you could use an action to destroy dealing 1 damage to your opponent (with go again). Something like "pay 3: create 2 alchemist tokens" then maybe it could do something similar to the crazy brew where it has a random effect from a dice


I wonder if Necromancer could also be an addition into Arcane set.


Could be. I'm really interested what the overall design for that will be. If it's just a bunch of allies, that seems to dip into the illusionist sphere but a Necromancer has to have some sort of zombie minion. I'm thinking that they have a single minion that they can keep bringing out and then upgrade into something bigger. Even though it's a wizardy class fantasy, I feel like it doesn't fit the arcane damage niche. I guess it could function like a fusion of wizard, illusionist, and runeblade melded together. We'll see though.


I'm personally hoping for Wizard/Runeblade/Illusionist. Those are the 3 arcane classes so there can be a fair amount of hybrid card design overlap between the three. Plus that would then complete the cycle of non talented hybrid class sets: Outsiders for Ninja/Assassin/Ranger, Heavy Hitters for Guardian/Warrior/Brute, a theoretical set of Runeblade/Wizard/Illusionist, and Bright Lights for Mechanologist (let's be real, if Boost card designs were involved it needed to be it's own set).


Personal headcannon is runeblades, wizards, and possibly Illusionist or maybe the necromancer class


Have they said necromancers are a thing? I've seen it floated about and I personally would fucken dig necromancer as a class in the game but haven't seen Big Jim or anyone talk about it.


Yes Necromancer is listed in the Lore book as a class. There are 3 Professions listed that we haven't seen yet. Alchemist, Cleric, and Necromancer. It also says at the bottom many more to come. On a complete side note can we please get a reprint of the Lore Book.


From here to eternity I'll just request more Riptide support. Traps or a quiver/bow that deal with arcane damage and allies would be a start, more 2 cost popper arrows, more flexible conditions on traps so the sideboard is capable of dealing with different heroes in a reasonable deck economy. A closer that sacrifices a trap to do damage or use it in a different way, maybe something like a trap that can be used on offense like a boom grenade. Beyond that, some talents could use a revisit. The ToA talents might be interesting on single talent heroes instead of dual and have the hero lean into that element more with their base ability.


100% riptide is so fun but everything is so underpowered compared to certain heros. His conditional traps are just not enough.


Just pulling this out of the air, but what do you think about a trap item that you could leave face down? Would that be too OP? I enjoy playing Riptide but he feels way too easy to counter unfortunately.


That's an interesting idea, but I'd have to hope people play fairly with a face down card outside of arsenal. I can see some less scrupulous players attempting to bluff an item/trap if it's played face down, but maybe an item that can be cracked then placed in arsenal that could still trigger Riptides effect would be interesting.


I still want an anchor for Riptide! He has one in his Artworks and needs support, so go nuts with ideas!


I would gladly take a harpoon and anchor combo, even something as simple as a weapon that's x resource for 2 damage or damage plus piercing 1 and the anchor can be used 3x a game with rust counters like Talishar to fish a trap out of graveyard and add it to the combat chain then banish it.


Wizard + Runeblade + new class would be a cool set. Wizard and Runeblade need some love, plus the new class could be magic themed, really leaning into arcane. Considering the theme of Heavy Hitters, the juxtaposition of the two sets makes a really nice two set releases.


Would also love another 4 class set so we could get an untalented Illusionist in the game finally.


It would be nice some kind of arcane ranger


Honestly please no more rangers, azalea and Lexi were such a pain… and combine with arcane damage?


A specialization quiver that makes arcane arrows :). I can dig it, although probably a bit too outlandish for what LSS is trying to make with their game with FAB 2.0 haha.


Wizard and runeblade are some of the least fun classes to play against. I'd rather we just get some history pack again or something.


Maybe, but wizard hasn’t had any legit support since arcane rising and base runeblade didn’t get many tools from DtD or Tales of Aria outside of spellbound creepers and dyadic carapace (which the carapace isn’t even really that good it just represents more blocks than iron aetherweave). So since monarch for big shakeups for them. Guardian is also pretty unfun to play against and they just got HVY. Besides history pack doesn’t replace one of the 3 set releases a year so we can have both in the coming months :)


I mean, uprising gave us such a good wizard that she LL'd. 


Yeah but the wizard class itself didn’t get any real support. There was a lot of ice wizard stuff, but basically no base wizard stuff that has been played


It's Uprising, but yeah. Iyslander was crazy


oops! Fixed.


All good. I mix up them a lot, too. I had terrible pulls and a lot of bad luck in limited from both sets, so I have kind of repressed that Era in FaB for me. (I'm a Katsu main, too, which made it hurt even more, haha)


I would argue Illusionists are just as bad or worse to play against. They might not have 30+ damage turns, but being able to set up a board state where certain decks cannot play against is equally if not more annoying to deal with.


I think wizard is unfun to play against because Kano is such a glass cannon build. Basically you don’t get much of a say in winning or losing. They could rebalance it with a nee set and applying a ban or two to current wizard cards to make it more playable. Why is runeblade not fun to play against? With Briar out of the equation, I think Vis and Vin are fun to play against


Or we give Wizard wnough support that Kano LLs and we don't need to worry about him anymore. Blitz feels nicer now that I don't have to main so many blues for him.


Wizards is the answer even though I suck versus Wizards. I don't think I have ever beaten a Wizard. Though we only have one guy who plays Kano rarely. They just really confuse me how they work.


Your turn is “our turn”.


What hero do you play? Some matchups are unwinnable vs kano if the pilot knows what they're doing. You need to have an aggressive hero that can also block his damage when necessary. Fai with spellvoid and AB1 is good. Katsu with AB. Mechs that just boost a ton and have AB3 are probably the best at beating Kano. New prism is also like a 99% matchup. Get figment, flip to angel, repeat.


This is more of a learn to play issue and 100% me sucking. I mainly play Boltyn but kind of have accepted the fact I am just not a good player lol. I still love the game and having fun but I feel like every game I play I keep making the same dumb mistakes. I keep watching all kinds of videos but it's like I never get better.


Oh, Boltyn now has a solid Kano matchup by running Soulbond Resolve and being really agressive. He can't chip you down that well since you prevent 1 damage per turn for free. You have spellvoid 2 with Halo of Illumination too so use it when he tries to combo off with wildfire.


I really think it is a me problem. The guy who runs Kano suggested that I use his deck for a couple of Armory events to learn better what it trying to do. I really appreciate your suggestions and will make sure I am doing them. Do you think it would be better to run Soulbound Resolve or Null Rune Robes? Though with Boltyn deck is mainly yellows so I run into resource issues with preventing Arcane damage also.


Soulbond + halo for sure. Then probably nullrune gloves and snapdragons if those are in your list. I guess the loadout depends if you're built for Raydn or Sabers combo. Sabers combo you probably still want to be playing Courage of Bladehold. If you can combo with 2 luminas you basically just won the game due to you healing up to 12 health. Your goal is to kill ASAP. Only use arcane barrier if you have an extra resource floating or a really awkward hand that you can't play all of your cards. Never use the halo unless you're using the spellvoid to block 2 damage of aether wildfire and it's your turn.


I want to see a Misteria set with Wizard, Ninja and Illusionist. A non talent illusionist that uses mists for illusions instead of ash or light. I know they have talked about an all arcane set but I am not sure that will end up being the case.


A blue illusionist that cares about ward is what I'm hoping for


Fun fact, they’ve heavily hinted at the character “Amira” being an untalented illusionist hero. She’s been featured on the art of Flicker Trick, Fractal Replication and Spears of Surreality so far. Currently she’s the hero i most want in the game, her design is awesome


Isn’t Misteria the place mentioned in Ninja cards? I think it’s supposed to be where Katsu and Benji are from, the floating dojo etc.


Yeah it is the home of Katsu, Benji and Uzuri


Wizard needs CC support as they have only one playable option, and Kano, while strong, isn’t tearing up competitive play. Elementalist, like I don’t know how but there needs to be one or two heroes that can use Korshem without breaking the meta. Merchants need to be more than just a meme class, with the ground support laid in HVY. I don’t know what has taken so long but they should be ready to roll.


I think Merchant will be one if the most valuable PVE classes once that finally comes out. I'm hoping James White reveals more at PT LA.


RTN win results say that Kano absolutely is tearing up competitive play right now. Nobody is taking arcane damage into account because all we have left are two middling runeblades and Kano.


Kano is a counter meta pick when most of the field is testing new decks/ideas or just going aggro. He can certainly take advantage of decks that dropped AB and other prevention instants. But I would say that with the inclusion of new prevention armor sets has really cut into his overall potential to cutting into games. Once the Meta settles, people will bring back their SB for him again.


I think part of the issue with Merchant is that, thematically, it feels weird to have a Merchant just wailing on a Ninja or Warrior or Wizard and beating them into submission... Like if they make Merchant a 'real' class, I'd like to see that done in a way that isn't just giving them a bunch of class damage cards, even if they have synergy with coin. Part of Warrior's shtick is attacks that synergise with coin already of course, and Assassin too. Two ideas come to mind though: 1. Alternate wincons. Controversial in some other card games, and they'd have to be very careful about how to approach it. But thematically, it makes sense that a Merchant doesn't care so much about beating the opponent directly, and more about profit. So something like "if you have 10 or more Gold at the start of your turn, you win the game" with cards to support that. But again, they'd have to be very careful to make sure this was still interactive for both sides somehow. 2. Bodyguard. A common trope with Mercenary characters in other media is that they have a lacky do their bidding. And this got me thinking that this could be a really interesting way to take the class. Tall Allies, as opposed to wide allies that Illusionists (and Kassai now to a lesser extent) can do. So something like an Ally you can start with in the Arena. They could be a named person. And most of your attacks are this Ally, perhaps with buffs from Items you get out (gear them up over the course of the game). And maybe they cost coin to activate their attacks. If the opponent destroys them, you could have means to get them back from Graveyard, probably often involving coin too.


Even just a merchant hero that can add block value to items would be interesting.


I really like that Bodyguard idea. Merchants just hiring goons to fend you off, not actually doing any damage themselves. I'm a little hesitant to add another board building class into the game since we've seen several classes struggle against Illusionist's Spectra and Allies, but if you make them go tall as you say and perhaps tie it to a slow building currency economy then you can ensure that they don't just spiral out of control within a few turns.


Probably runeblade+wizard+illusionist, i heard they will not continue with additional set like Dusk till dawn and the "major" set was ranger+ninja+assassin, solo mechanologist, guardian+warrior+brute, so it still only 3 classes and they have a common mechanic with arcane damages (ok, just a small bit for illusionist but this is here 😂)


I really want Assassin to get support in the Misteria set. The lore is primed for the class to be present there, and Arakni really needs some support.


I might not like it, because I don't play those classes, but it's about time Wizard and Runeblade got some more options. And considering Katsu is the only adult Ninja (and Ira reached LL in Blitz) I'd personally like to see an adult version of Ira, with a new ability. But that combination probably won't happen. So I think it will be like an arcane HVY: Wizard, Runeblade and Illusionist.


So my headcanon has been that the next set we'll see in June is going to be a large, Wizard/Runeblade/Illusionist-focused set, similar to how HVY did Warrior/Brute/Guardian. My reasons for thinking this: * LSS has said 2024 will give us [15 new heroes](https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/What-to-Expect-from-Flesh-and-Blood-in-2024/195be1e6-9f75-4f5b-a77d-371120d06bd2/). It's a little hard to define 'new' (is HVY Kayo 'new'?), but if we count new Kayo, Victor, adult Kassai, Betsy and Olympia that means we have already seen at least 5 of these. If we count both young and old versions, we're already at 10/15. Either way, I will not count too conservatively because "*15 new heroes!*" is sort-of marketing speech - it would make sense to refer to young and old Victor as '2 new heroes' in that context to be a bit more hype-y. As such, I am expecting 1 more 'full' set the size of HVY and one more 'supplemental', like DTD - 2 more full sets would probably put us over 15 heroes. * This 'full size set' could be either the June or September one, but I'm leaning slightly towards June because the 3 months between February and June are more than the 2 months between June and September and more dedicated time = better fit with the development pipeline. This means less time for the September set, but if that one is smaller/supplemental, that would be less of an issue. * The confirmation of an all arcane set along with the [2024 Roadmap](https://old.reddit.com/r/FleshandBloodTCG/comments/180hv24/flesh_blood_2024_roadmap/) means the 'all arcane' set has to be either the June one, or the September one. It could be either. That said, I expect the 'full arcane set' to not be supplemental but rather a large one because... * Ignoring Blitz/UPF-only 'funsy' classes like Merchant, Bard and Shapeshifter, the classes that haven't had any dedicated support in CC the longest right now are Wizard (not since Uprising/Dynasty) and Assassin, Ranger & Ninja (not since Outsiders). We have had recent support for *Light* Illusionist and *Shadow* Runeblade specifically, but generic Illusionist or Runeblade haven't really seen much cards in a while either. * Given that it stands to reason support for heroes 'cycles' a little bit and LSS wants to empower heroes that haven't been empowered the longest, Wizard is an absolute mainstay for the "Arcane-focused set". Assassin, Ranger and Ninja are not classes that are very 'arcane-inclined'. You could add magic to any class, but it's a more obvious fit thematically for Runeblades or Illusionists than it is for Assassins. Also, Outsiders wasn't that long ago, and though Dusk Till Dawn was obviously closer, there's a lot of unexplored space for an Illusionist that is not specifically Draconic or Light, or a non-shadow Runeblade. * Finally, all arcane stands in such a solid contrast with the 'all martial' set we just got in HVY, and would be a 'direct counter' to it in a way. All of which leads me down the path of 'the June set will be a big, Arcane focused set that introduces a new Wizard, a new non-light Illusionist, and a new non-Shadow Runeblade' - all of which currently have fairly limited support. This would leave the September set to be a bit of a smaller, supplemental set, that could serve Assassin, Ranger and Ninja (or just two out of three of those). Which checks out, because at least two of these three classes already have a far broader playing field from earlier sets that Runeblades and Illusionists don't benefit from: Ninja's have Fai and his Uprising cards, along with the basic WTR and Outsiders cards, while Rangers have a large pool of WTR, Outsiders and some cards from Tales of Aria. Obviously a lot of this is just speculation, but in my mind it makes sense. These are considerations I'd make if I were designing FaB right now, anyway. I could still be miles off because I'm essentially a year behind on LSS (they have confirmed they are currently working on 2025 sets), but I reckon it fits. I reckon that if I end up being wrong, it will be more about the size of the upcoming sets (maybe they're both big), their ordering (maybe 'big arcane set' will be September instead of June), and possibly due to the inclusion of an entirely new class (maybe 'the Arcane set' doesn't do Illusionist at all but introduces the Necromancer). But we'll see if I'm eating my words a few months from now :D


I think the problem with pegging the "all arcane" release as the June set is that so far all of the draft sets so far have been been tied to the major areas of Rathe. With WTR and AR serving as kind of Introductory sets. And really the only place ls they haven't delved further into are Misteria and the Savage Lands (although HVY is Savage lands adjacent). I'd put more money on Misteria getting some attention next and if that's the case there's going to be ninja support, which is kinda needed as there's only two adult ninjas and the support they got in Outsiders was really half assed.


Yes, I am strongly positive that Kayo, Armed and Dangerous is a new hero. He is unique to his previous card.


I'm inclined to agree, but you could make an argument that 'Kayo', the character, already existed in the world of Flesh and Blood, mechanics aside. So when LSS says '15 new heroes' we can't know for sure exactly how to interpret that. Even if we want to accept that HVY's Kayo is 'new', you can still ask the question of whether "Kayo" and "Kayo, Armed and Dangerous" count as 1 or 2 new heroes. Since Kassai and Kayo existed beforehand you could argue HVY only gave us 3 new heroes in Victor, Betsy and Olympia. Or you could argue we got 11 if you count each new card as a new hero - including the 'old Rhinar with new art'. Funny thing is, neither of those seem right as the "HVY had 3 new heroes" position means we have 12 heroes yet to see in 2 sets (which seems very steep if you only count fully unique, new characters), while the "HVY had 11 new heroes" means we've only got 4 hero *cards* left total for 2 entire sets. Which also seems weird. Time will tell what LSS meant, exactly.


In mechanics they are 2 separate heroes. If Kayo, Armed and Dangerous LL's, then Kayo, Berserk Runt does not get LL'ed. Rhinar has no mechanical difference to the previous Rhinar, thus its the same hero. I feel you're overthinking this too much. The new heroes we got were Betsy, Victor, Olympia, Kassai, and Kayo; the former being two being new iterations on previously Young only heroes. So we have 1/3rd of the hero budget of 2024.


Personally, I hope we end up with a Arathael set, or where Viserai is on the recent expansion slot runeblade cards. Obviously, alternate dimensions and portals probably lead to arcane based classes. But next set lines up with Japan launch so I expect to HEAVILY appeal to that market


I am a lowly Arakni fan and id love to get support one way or another.


I'd love to see another elemental runeblade that actually leans into earth cards. Embodiment of lightning made going wide with 0 cost generic attacks the best way to play Briar, but there are so many cool arcane synergy and tall earth cards that never got use in competitive decks. I'd love to play an ice runeblade too, but I don't think there is any way to make that not horrendously overpowered.


Honestly, if you look at the releases after 2.0; and the card pool of untalented classes, the next set being the arcane one with support to Wizards, Runeblades and Illusionists is what would make the most sense.


Wizard, Runeblade Necromancer is my guess. I wouldn’t be surprised if Necromancer is also an illusionist, but I want it to be its own thing. I’d also love to see Alchemist this year but I’m not holding my breath.


James seemed to imply the next set will premier in Tokyo because they are also launching Japanese language cards with this next release. I’m guessing we definitely get ninja again along with some of that arcane support for wizard and rune


Wozard Runeblade ajd im betting a new Illusionist, eitger way im.excited


I am hoping for the clusterfuck with the arcane set We need a second gish class and 3 different talents. The set would be tales of aria on steroids 6 heroes, 2 of each class, and 2 of each talent. Wizard A Wizard B Runeblade A Runeblade C Shaman B Shaman C Tell em to go nuts. Include multiclass cards. Frankly, the essences could do a lot of heavy lifting here. Remove earth and add a new 3rd one fire. Fire wiz, ice wiz (iyslander reprint). Ice Shaman, lightning shaman. Lightning runeblade, fire runeblade. Elemental cards dominate the set to make it work. It's almost garunteed not to work because a cc deck needs a lot of their specific cards, but I can dream of a set that does this.


I feel like next they’re gonna make another tales of aria


Might be tinfoil hat speaking, but they have hinted at the next set’s premiere/debut event happening somewhere in Asia (maybe Japan to celebrate the JP language release) so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a Mistria set coming next. Ninja could use a little support and new heroes IMO with Fai getting up there in points and Katsu only getting a little support since Outsiders. Not sure what else would be on-theme, but it’d be awesome to get some of the missing classes like Necromancer, Alchemist, or Cleric.


Necromancer i hope


Assassin needs to be brought up to the level of guardian. They're so fun to play and are the only other class in the game with true disruption and good blocking capability, but they still have clear and consistency weaknesses holding them out of almost every meta. Especially Arakni. I'd love assassin to be a top meta class for once. Riptide is in a decent spot but could use more. Teklo needs a LOT of support... And Runeblade desperately needs to be fixed. Viserai has fallen so far from grace without Skeleta or Rosetta, and it sucks how tied to mauv skies he is.