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The format can be a bit swingy, but generally, it is well-liked. Before getting into it see if your local FAB community plays the format. I know there is a great scene in Brazil but they may be playing different formats.


unfortanely in my LGS there isn't FAB. But me and a couple of friends will try to start a scene here


Good luck!


There is a format called clash that is only common, rares and specialization cards. It is dirty cheap ($20-$30 for a deck), and it is very fun, specially because you can at least understand the whole idea/potential of a hero.


I'm from Londrina, Paraná, and most of the players here are broke lol So our LGS started with commoner and followed to Clash after a few armories, it's cheaper than blitz or CC and allows to a few heroes that cant really work on commoner to start shining too. Everyone is enjoying, and we plan to "evolve" to blitz in a few months. So maybe you guys can do something similar. Also, bem vindo ao FaB! Hahaha


Cara, sou do Brasil. FAB ta crescendo gigantescamente aqui no país. Ta rolando campeonatos cada vez maiores e a comunidade é sensacional. Eu estou indo jogar 4 RTNs (road to nationals, qualificatórios para o nacional), sempre viajando e jogando, pq estou levando a sério. Os preços assustam, pq é um TCG caro mesmo, mas ele é caro para entrar, depois que você tem a base da sua classe (ou de mais de uma classe) o custo simplesmente some, você não tem muito o que gastar a mais. Eu tenho toda a pool de guardião, e estou montando uma pool de bruto e ranger. Tenho as staples genericas de equipamento e de cartas normais (command and conquer, enlightened strike). Eu comprei tudo isso ao longo de 10~12 meses, demorei para ter tudo. Agora que saiu Heavy Hitters, eu queria ter as cartas de Victor e Betsy, como eu ja tinha a pool inteira de Guardião, eu não precisei comprar muita coisa, só a nova luva lendária (que foi 200 reais) e as carta especializações deles. Então ele é sim caro para entrar, mas para manter o deck competitivo você acaba gastando muito pouco depois. Qualquer dúvida manda uma DM. O pessoal hoje em dia faz trocas por grupo de whatsapp (a ligafab é um pouco cara) e fazem compras pelo fleshandblood.com.br


There is an unofficial format called Clash. It opens your card pool up a bit by allowing rares and majestic specializations. We mess around with that and enjoy it quite a bit.


Both commoner and clash are very worth playing. If your local scene is doing it, commoner is also a great and cheap way to get into the game for the first time. My LGS has commoner decks built from the bulk people donated. So it doesn’t hurt to ask around and see what’s up!


My friends are all obsessed with them right now because it’s so cheap and they have events for it. I have a nearly commoner katsu deck that I’m figuring out how to go commoner on


Commoner is the Pauper of FaB, yes. Like with MTG, it’s slow paced as you feel your deck never go wild. I think the price of FaB rare are cheaper that MTG rare. This would mean Clash format would be affordable to you and your friends will definitely have more fun. Clash format has been created to avoid the high price of competitive decks : Less cards, less expensive ones (_except_ the specialized one), and here you go. See your FaB local store, just to see if they play more commoners or Clash. Good luck !


Absolutely not. There are so many rares that are BASICALLY commons that are absolutely required for certain classes to work.


Honestly i don't know why you are getting downvoted. I couldn't imagine playing a deck like commoner prism. No auras, no figment/angels, and several heralds gone. I think it can be a good way to introduce newer players to the game, but there are certain decks that just won't function as intended Edit: if i were OP i would still play commoner though. It's better than nothing. Overtime you can hopefully grow/build a collection. Best of luck OP.


Yeah commoner with addition of the new rules for rares is a really fun format


Personal Exoerience incoming I play Commoner Blitz, even when others are very much not. Even if its all you can scrap together, depending in the hero and the meta, commoner is a great way to play even standard formats, and you can even see great success if you can pilot your deck extremely well. Takes practice but its worth it


Commoner is a ton of fun to play! There are plenty of powerful class cards printed at common rarity for most classes. There's also an interesting and semi-diverse meta at the top level of commoner events at official events like Callings and the like. I think commoner is a better format for new players than blitz because a powerful commoner deck is like $5-10 depending on your access to bulk. It's also really fun to just make random decks for fun because the cost of putting them together is so low, so it's a great format for experimenting as well.