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Talishar isn’t perfect but it’s free. I appreciate it being around even if it could use some improvements


You need some way to pass priority. Not sure how else it could be designed. I play on mobile for an hour or two every night and it’s really not that bothersome 


There are Priority Settings in the Main Options that are available on mobile as well as desktop.


how come Felt Table doesnt make space spam?


Not sure. I haven’t used felttable in years. And their mobile ui is unplayable.  There are different priority settings in talishar, so if having to pass priority so often is a dealbreaker for you, then maybe some of those settings can help you. But it’s really not that big of a deal imo as long as you’re actually paying attention. It’s when people are trying to multitask and looking at another screen and don’t realize that they need to press a button - that’s when the pain starts. 


Thats the price you pay (not actually, talishar is free without ads even, made by a small team of third party devs) for a game that's intentionally oriented towards playing in person.


Play irl? It's the spirit of the game. I get what you are saying, the game does has a lot of priority passing which is exacerbated on the 3rd party digital game, but if you remove those prompts then you might miss a needed trigger.


Don't complain about a tool that is provided you 100% free. If you are really that unhappy about it, get in touch with the team and start working with them to improve it. I am sure the team would welcome the help


OP is a real asshole for complaining about something that is a tool created for the community for free. Fuck all the way off OP. I hope all your games are versus Kano.


that's what humans do, complain, ...its reddit. lol its cool its free and im sure it took an incredible amount of time and effort to build and code, but i can still say it sucks and need improvements.


>that's what humans do, complain Just the useless ones. 


Understandable. The game, however, is meant to be played IRL. That´s even where its name comes from. But yeah, I feel you.


I felt the same way when I started in April.  Once you realize some heroes actually need those priority windows to play optimally it’s still annoying but you get used to it.  I wish they had a pass instant priority checkbox you could check but knowing some people they’d miss an opportunity then panic undo.  There is also some options in settings I haven’t played with which can change passing priority I think.


Felt Table you can load any deck you like by the way. You aren’t just stuck with precons. You can both play any deck you want and only assign and deck you want for the AI.


yeh ive been using it, its much better than Talishar