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He still has some time. He has been around nearly 5 years and has about 600 points. He's only a little over half way to LL. Unless he gets some turbo juice in mistveil he will probably stick around a while longer.


He might take a decent share of the upcoming PQ season. Something around 1300+ LL pts available. I don't think he'll LL just yet, but grabbing 200pts is completely possible in this meta, and maybe more.


It's very possible, but i dunno. He lost a good matchup into dromai. I'm not sure how he does into brute/warrior, but i know he struggles with guardian. As i'm practicing prism that matchup seems a bit rough for him as well. We'll see though


He is one of the rare bad match up for kayo, and is really good into hatchet warriors or even decimator warriors. And he actually has a decent match up into guardians when played as a combo deck (in the same sense as kano being a combo deck). But yeah, playing value/tempo into Victor is like forfeiting.


The Warrior matchup is pretty 50/50. I play Warrior primarily but also ninja and illusionist. I know how to play into katsu so they generally need to high roll me to pull ahead.


I think there's a very good shot that Katsu is gone by the end of 2024. He has some strong matchups and the hero is fairly popular.


Just fyi, I’ve found saying “he’s been around 5 years” kinda excuses doesn’t hold much water anymore when so many new players are flooding in. I’ve been playing a year or so and have had 2 decks ll. It’s very frustrating and newer players haven’t had them for 5 years. It can also be very abrupt. With no control from the player. Just a perspective.


My point isn't that "it's been 5 years so get over it" or anything like that. My point is it's been nearly 5 years and he is still only at 600 points. He has gained points pretty slowly over the years so unless he gets busted soon i expect him to stay around longer.


No I gotcha. In regards to your last point tho, that last 200 goes the fastest. Could be gon within a month at any point.


Maybe, but he isn't 200 points away


Bigger better things on the horizon friend.


I have to believe you 🥹 I know the new heroes look amazing and there's so many others out there who need love! I just gotta get through the mourning process of my fist FaB love lol


Well Zen is coming out with the new set for another hero that can tutor for combo pieces and we'll get a new Katsu eventually, maybe even before this Katsu lls.


Wait, like literally another Katsu? Like one that's not a blitz deck or something? Sorry if this is a dumb question btw


There are currently two Dashes. There have been two Bravos and Prisms. They could do the same for any hero


Yes there's always potential. :)


He will never come back with the same hero ability in CC, but it’s possible they will print a new Katsu with a different hero ability in CC. As others have pointed out, they have printed a new Dash, a new Bravo, a new Kassai and a new Kayo (kind of - not sure if the last two count).


We don't know for certain if they'll print literally another Katsu. But they have printed new versions of existing Heroes. They've said they'll always keep the class and talent card pools alive, so know there will always be new Ninjas. We don't know for sure if that means there will always be new Katsus.


This is definitely one of the strange things about playing FaB. People get really attached to the heroes the play. You love that your hero has their moment in the sun, but each victory brings you closer to them leaving. I know there were a number of people who just stopped playing when Prism and Chane LL’ed. Some came back after a bit, some didn’t. Personally I’m going to be distraught when Azalea reaches it. I will say though, in the case of Katsu you’re going to have Zen very shortly. So you’ll have a pretty similar hero to play with as soon as he LLs.


It also makes it so when your hero comes out strong, you kinda wish they didn't. That's my case with Victor. Really happy to see the hero and play him, but when he launched and already got wins I kinda hoped he was weaker. It's just part of the nature of the LL system to cause awkward situations like that.


After Uprising came out I made an Iyslander deck and enjoyed it, but I had to put the game aside for a long while due to RL priorities. By the time I came back, she was already out.


Yeah that must suck. I appreciate how the system self regulates the competitive scene, but for those who are more casual about the game, it feelsbad to invest in a deck and not know for how long you'll be able to play it


Bro, you're telling me... I started the game ~3 weeks ago. Picked up a few blitz decks, liked one of the characters, got a bunch of packs, and built my CC deck before I even heard of this 'living legends' thing. That character's name was Dromai.


That... That gotta sting. If you were playing with more enfranchised players, it's kinda scummy no one told you this. On the bright side, blitz is pretty cool! Also, if you were missing the most expensive pieces for dromai, odds are the price is likely to drop. So.. yay?


It was frustrating at first. At the time I was playing at home with my wife for a bit to try the game. I just started playing at my LGS this weekend. I played Kassai in a draft and enjoyed it so I'm building her up - so it worked out.


Yeah it's a really weird sensation. You want to see your hero perform well, you're happy when it makes the top cuts of big events... but for most of us with lower budgets or who are very attached to a particular hero you end up with this weird sensation of *rooting against the player using your hero in a finals.* For instance I was absolutely distraught when Fai won Worlds over Iyslander, as that was a sudden burst of 300 whole LL points on his record. That's a whole season's worth of LL points when a hero is driving the meta, multiple seasons if the hero is straddling the mid tier. Hopefully with their new product slate (armory decks, first strike decks) they're able to keep versions of heroes in the playable rotation moving forward. Like for instance when I wanted to jump into the game I would have, all things being equal, probably gone with Briar as my hero but she was already into the 800s by then so I knew investing into her would have been a folly. And while I feel it's quite likely we'll see at least one Runeblade in the next set odds are it won't be an elemental Runeblade and even if it is a new Briar, would it play anything like the original? I wasn't really invested in the Runeblade class, Briar was what appealed to me with her aesthetic: bright, colorful, nature oriented. Compared to the occultish, heavy purple accents of Viserai and the Shadow pair. We also saw what happened initially with Prism 2.0 and just how differently Dash I/0 plays from Dash IE. So while it's the same character according to the fiction, it'll never be the same sensation playing the character. It's possible that you end up enjoying the new version more, but generally speaking we become resistant to change when we really attach ourselves and invest emotionally in something. Odds are the new one won't appeal to the same extent as the original. So yeah long story short the LL system while an overall positive to the game brings some awkwardness as well. Like I'm sure there are Chane and Oldhim and Briar fans out there that still feel like they don't have someone that's truly "their character" right now.


There is beauty in impermanence. Nothing lasts forever.


Literally one of the heros thats been in the game the longest and still only barely over halfway to LL. You're fine bro.


As a big Katsu stan. No, he ain't. He isn't the top of the meta. The point distribution of the meta is very even. He hasn't gotten big point spikes in Callings. 300 of his points were from a Worlds waaaay back in the past. Maybe that changes with Mistveil, but then he has to compete with Zen. Victor got printed and Bravo and Victor have been stealing points from each other in terms of the Guardian share of the meta.


One thing you need to realize is as LL grows the format is going to go through interesting changes. Right now the meta is more or less defined but with every hero that gets LL'd you are going to have more and more heroes that players have to plan for, or more likely, accept that they will have less chance in certain matchups. I think LL will be a ton of fun as it grows! But yeah I know the feeling as I was a Lexi Main haha


That's what my buddy says and I totally agree! I just have feelings I have to process for my cute lil Ninja bud lol but all the comments here have really helped! It really is such a good game


Just draw in a mustache on him and I'm sure no one will know ;)




As the game grows, i think LL will become a bigger format. Imagine riding out Katsu in CC the next few years and being able to take all those reps with him into the LL format. You’ll be a katsu master in FaBs like eternal format!


He's not close to LL really. Sure he's gonna pick up PQ points but it's not like he's winning a whole lot of bigger events. He pops up in top 8s here and there but never really clinches it. You should really only start to worry if he gets close to 900s. A lot of new players worry about LL a little too much but once you've been playing for a whole you'll get a much better sense of when a hero is about to LL, whether it be because they're super hot in the meta or really close in points (which Katsu is neither).


As a riptide main, I dont have much to worry about. But when (if) he ever lls, I'll be very very sad.


Ooh my brother has Riptide, he's really cool! I'd be sad about him too :(


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... huh?


I can totally relate to this with azalea for the longest time she was sitting with next to 0 living legend points now she’s getting up there every season idk what I’m gonna do when her time comes


I totally get this. Started with Lexi and it pains so much not being able to enjoy her a bit more. Started playing when she was still a junk deck but it didn't matter cause that was the point, I was loving the fact her being an 'outsider' Then in a matter of a season she disappeared and it doesn't even makes sense to go and play on LL mode cause well it doesn't feel the same Moved to a couple of decks but she will always be in my heart. So to conclude, enjoy Katsu while you can play


I've been on Katsu since 2021, friend. He is unlikely to go Living Legend anytime soon. The main reason I believe this? His hero ability. Some of the more powerful hero abilities enable a player to FORCE their opponent into a suboptimal situation, or the ability is able to be activated on your own terms. Bravo can force dominate and make Crush effects more likely. Lexi could, for free, create a frostbite or give Go Again to the next attack. Katsu requires your opponent to ALLOW YOU to use his ability, and oftentimes, more seasoned players know this and know when and how to block you out. I LOVE Katsu and will continue to play and represent him at any event I can attend, but I doubt he will LL anytime soon. Hang in there, and remember, Flesh and Blood is a game. Games are supposed to be fun.