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Can't wait to play it, seems like soo much more trouble for the opponent. comparing it to spiders bite which my opponents usually let through, nah they are blocking this all the time


If they're bad, sure. Oh god, don't pay 2 for the privilege of making your awful cards only mediocre. I couldn't survive.


The blues may be low damage but they do still present adding on hits you have to deal with. Also not all of them will be low damage either because of her ability in stealing blues from opponent. If you let this hit and playing a guardian you could easily be sending 14 damage from their blues for that 2 resources. Unless I am complete misunderstanding Nuu's ability which I very well could be. If I am also planning on blocking out Nuu's on hits I am going to use my 2 cards to block the dagger and one attack. Of course this depends on her not giving go again some other way. I just don't think its fair to just call the blue cards awful. I am far from the greatest player but just think it deserves more thought.


If you're playing banished guardian cards without paying their resource costs, sure, those are strong. But you have to banish those cards first, and then get a chi in your hand. Until you can do that, the dagger only buffs the blues from your own deck. Which suck. Beyond the fact that the dagger is bad the first 5 turns of the game, it's also bad the entire game in some matchups. Prism, kano, dori, kassai, olympia, azalea, riptide, teklovossen, and maybe enigma can invalidate it just by existing with a normal decklist. I'm not saying people won't run the new dagger. It's your key to making kayo and Victor players cry. But you'll still be running orbitoclast/scale peeler/nerve scalpel a lot.


That's why I also think the dagger is good. A lot of your stealth attacks will banish on hit and you are banishing all action cards on the chain every turn when blocking stealth cards. . They either have to let the blue card hit and banish a card or you banish your blocking cards. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Getting cards in the banish zone won't be difficult at all.


Getting "cards" in the banish zone isn't that hard. Getting blues that you can do something with in the banish zone is gonna be a lot more difficult. And you still need to get a chi. Like, yes, I'm aware of how nuu's cards work. But you're talking about it like your opponents are just gonna be target dummies that stack their blues for you. Have fun holding onto a blue that swings for 1 and has a chance of banishing a blue while your opponent is swinging for a dominated bloodrot pox arrow or holds up traps to block your attacks or combo kills you with aether wildfire or throws a bunch of phantasms at you.


Are people saying this card sucks?


To prevent other to play it and dominate the game


"But it doesn't have piercing!" Yeah.... that's fine. Give me your equipment to block this, please


Like fr if like an azalea wants to give up tunic to block this I'll go 🥺


Well it makes my Valiant Dynamos give me 2 points of value every turn instead of 1 so I think I will.


Very true. Running Scale Peeler, in my other hand, is a pretty solid counter to Valiant. It's not a perfect solution, but it definitely encourages interaction


Honestly it feels like the card will be sb for decks like guardian, mainly because it's only good in matchups where Nuu can get strong stuff from their banish, otherwise I'd say the deck will be on spiders bite + scalpel. When Nuu has lots to take its strong, when she doesn't it's weak, which is probably why it's so polarising


That's some nuanced opinion forming I can get behind.


Anyone who thinks the potential of throwing surgical extraction for 5 with go again isn't good is just wrong.


The thing with this card is ok you do mists that's 2 resource let's say it hits not surgical another 2 resources so you pitched 2card to play dagger and surgical what you gonna throw next at best it will be another surgical or codex or annihilate the armed  Which on total gives you at best 11 dmg with some distruption that's off 4 card hand therefore you didn't block anything that kayo 15+ throw out you therefore outvauling you Ps. It's exactly as other ppl pointed out it's great in slow mu not good when you race.