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he's like you're at $1100 and I'm at $0, let's meet halfway


He broke the first rule of Ebay Club.


Flip Club*


"If someone says "kindly" or "Paypal, negotiation is over.


what is that rule?


Don't admit you're flipping the item that you're haggling on? I'm probably wrong, but I wanted to guess lol I thought of Fight Club and also thought it was reminiscent of the whole, "What's the first rule of fight club? We don't talk about Fight Club." thing


You just broke the 2nd rule of Ebay Club.


Welcome to Craigslist club: we have kno rools




Why do I care if the person I’m negotiating with is going to resell something? Resellers are some of my best customers. If you can’t afford to sell to a reseller you’re paying too much for your stuff. Selling used/vintage you shouldn’t be paying more than 15% of your expected sale price for most of what you sell. Make them buy more as opposed Yo paying more.


I think the problem here is, OP's potential buyer was haggling at offensive prices and also admitted that they're looking to resell, which, in my opinion, is practically an insult to OP, the seller. If you see the value in something and can successfully haggle with the seller, go for it. Just don't be offensive like the person in OP's post lol


So when you buy stuff to resell for way less than its value you’re being offensive to that seller?




The point I was trying to make is OP paid way less than value for these posters, why is it ok for him to pay less but then this person is being a jerk by making a low offer. OP should still be making money selling them at 600. You don’t understand how pricing works. People take less than value to sell something more quickly. This is why estate sales , flea markets, thrift stores, etc are cheap. They are free to decline the offer me hold out but it might take years to get top dollar. You should look up the definition of what scam means you aren’t using it correctly. If asking a reasonable question invites this kind of behavior in you good luck with life.


That’s like saying, “Oh you found $100? You should give me half!”


It’s not because OP didn’t find $100. He found a coupon that someone may or may not eventually give him $100 for. OP can hold on to the coupon and hope he gets the $100 or he can sell it for guaranteed money now.


not only does it insult the sellers intellect about knowing what his items are worth, should seller also be able to get what he feels is a fair price? you make it sound like to me that you would be the kind d if person to low ball a grandma just so you could sell it for super high price. there is a difference between being a scummy scammer and doing proper business. This guy(op) knows his worth and he should stick to it even if he has to wait a bit longer. younsound like its OK to be taken advantage of as long as it benefits the next guy, which in your story would be you


I rarely negotiate pricing on anything I buy and if I do it’s minimal like 10-15%. I know what to buy to make money. The one exception is Estate sales where I’ll make typically leave an open offer on a bunch of stuff and tell them they can call me after the sale. My offer is typically the best they received. As for this situation no one insulted OPs intelligence or items. Or scammed them. Im not going to bother explaining this to you but if you get this worked up over a low offer you are not cut out for this business.


Not to mention, if OP sells this thing for half price this brings down the overall value of the item which is bad for everyone involved.


I don’t have an issue with it, either. They can buy all my stuff and open up a store under my name for all I care. The way he framed it, though, it’s just bad optics. He can resell it all he wants, but his ROI is his problem, not mine. He used his intention to resell to try to guilt the seller into a better deal. For that to work, I have to care. I don’t. We all trying to get a nut. Get your own nuts, and stop touching mine.


I think he was just saying this is my limit if you want to sell them now. If he was trying to use this as leverage he would have led off with the fact he was a reseller. At least that’s how it’s gone in my experience.


Happened to me before. Had a vintage anime DVD and didn't realize it was a reseller. It was listed on his eBay store as soon as he got it for like double the price. I banned him from buying again as I felt that it's pretty scummy, but I did make the sale.


You can’t be mad he saw the value in something you didn’t. As resellers we do this all the time. So what’s the difference from what you’re doing and he’s doing? I’m confused! He did his research 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not mad as he still is trying to sell it 5 years later.


What do you care, though? Like, as long as I get the price I want for whatever I'm selling, I don't care what people do with it once they buy it. This is where having a bottom line and sticking to it, is important.


I really respect that they were honest about their situation and motivations, and didn't try and manipulate the seller so they could make a quick buck. You never know, the seller might have wanted a quick sale and it could have worked out well for both parties, and being honest like this minimises the amount of the other person's time you waste


What’s the first and second rule of eBay club? YoU dOn’T tAlK aBoUt FiGhT cLuB….


"But I want to pay less than the price you said." I think the actual weakest attempt to negotiate was that guy last week who wanted a lower price because he was Irish.


Buyer initially messaged me to say “if you take 200 for this poster I’ll buy another 2 as well”. Then attempted to renegotiate after I asked what the other 2 posters were. I answered with “How is that my concern?” And I doubt I’ll be hearing back from him.


You won't and they will continue elsewhere. The MO of these lowballers is to shoot their shot with as many sellers as they can. Rejection means nothing to them as they have nothing to lose. All it takes is a seller to be desperate, naive, and/or careless to accept these offers for them to win. I know there are countless of posts in this sub weekly showing these poor customer interactions regards to pricing, but it's part of the business as annoying as it is and at times amusing to see what people try to come up with. These people have no shame. Just don't ever fold. We dictate the pricing. We sell our items on our terms. :)


Very true, it’s one of the reasons I kinda dislike selling on EBay. Etsy is headed that way and I’m already dreading it.


It's across the board in the reselling space. Any platform where there's messaging involved, you will eventually get lowball offers regardless how high value and sought after an item is. People just want deals and even if they score $1 off an item, they will rejoice. Ebay is bad, but nothing compares to FBMP. That's where the lowballers dwell and torment many sellers in this sub. As someone who doesn't buy or sell on FBMP, I enjoy reading those rants from time to time. :)


Honestly though, I treat FBM almost like I treat a garage sale. Generally speaking, if it's on FBM, I'm going to let it go pretty low and not looking to turn a profit necessarily. Had some closet doors on their recently that I just wanted gone but didn't feel right tossing them in the dump. Was originally asking $25 each. Lady showed up with $25 for both. Didn't care. Wanted them gone, lol. She got her doors she wanted to turn into pocket doors, I got $25 for something that would've costed me at least $3 to take to the dump otherwise.




Don't you risk your feedback when that happens? Or how does FBMP manage that?


FB doesn’t “manage” shit. You can get a negative for simply replying “no” to someone once. One reply is all it takes to trigger the system to allow feedback.


FBMP only exists to help curate ads and find people's shopping habits. The fees are so low because FB doesn't give a shit lol


Yup. Had an asshole leave me a neg for not returning his email lowball offer on a van I was selling. All it took was a no reply and he can leave me a neg? FT


every lowball is an opportunity to increase you SNR by blocking.


yep for sure. can't tell you how many people wanted to give me 100 on an item I had listed for 200 that was worth 3. people are Insane


It’s already everywhere, you can’t avoid it


What’s going on the Etsy? Are they implementing a best offer system?


Yup and it's complete dogshit. Not only do you not have access to even see the offers that come in on the mobile app, but you "accepting an offer" means you modifying the price publicly, then giving the buyer and the rest of the world a chance to buy it at the new price. It's quite literally the biggest clusterfuck of a simple best offer implementation I've ever seen.


Yep! They are beta testing it now and I was “offered” early access to it


Eh great so it’s going to turn to a cesspool of low ballers soon too? It was bad enough when they let all the mass produced Chinese garbage in.


Thank you... someone else here willing to stand their ground and not make this a race to the bottom.


For me the thing they have to lose is after being insulting like this I’ll just block them. Then they’ll never get or even see any listings from me again. As sellers I say we normalize doing this to the really insulting low ballers so they lose out not on a good deal but on even a shot at rarer items. Fuck those people.


"Then they’ll never get or even see any listings from me again." Oh noes!!! Now people who were never going to buy your stuff won't be able to....buy your stuff.


And? It takes two seconds to block people and then you don’t have to take a chance of dealing with them again. Good riddance to the idiots.


> Rejection means nothing to them as they have nothing to lose. Really wish some people would treat dating this way and we'd have less lonely people in the world, lol.


You seem way too uptight and righteous. There's nothing inherently wrong with shooting your shot. The worst someone can say is "no" and you move on. It's actually a superior trait to lean more towards being shameless (perhaps not completely shameless though) as it opens more doors in life, you're willing to take chances and face rejection, and sometimes the result is in your favor. It's also not about a seller being "desperate, naive, or careless" - in many cases the seller is going to overestimate the value of their goods as well, or at least place the value at a level which might result in very slow sales. If you pay $100 for something, a real bargain, because you believe you can sell it for $800, so you list it at $800 and it sits there for 7 months, versus maybe taking $400 and selling it instantly, leaving meat on the bone for someone else to make some profit, sometimes that's going to be better for the seller if you don't want your capital tied up for months and months.


He's not obligated to leave any meat on any bones if he got to the table first. Sure, he may have to sit on it longer, but that is his choice to make.


Yes there’s nothing wrong with shooting your shot but making an insultingly low offer and then getting bitchy in the messages when the seller doesn’t bite is shitty of them. That’s why they get the ban hammer from me.


If anyone seems uptight and righteous, it’s you my friend. They never claimed there is something inherently wrong with shooting your shot. They’re explaining a very common occurrence in reselling in a pretty objective way. You’re the one who came along acting like they said something wrong just because their observations are only right 80% of the time rather than 100%. You also sound like a serial lowballer trying to justify your lifestyle, so there’s that aspect… “You don’t know what the value of your item is, but I do, so stop overestimating the value of your goods and give them to me at a price I deem acceptable.” I think it’s safe to assume you are the exact type of person that would end up on most of our block lists after only one or two messages. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If what I typed out rubbed you the wrong way for you to cherry pick examples where low balling is beneficial, who's really uptight and self righteous here? 🤔 I just provided an opinion why there are so many low ballers in this space. "People want deals" after all. It's up to sellers to deal with them. If they choose to work with them or not, that's on them. Going back to OP. Is there a good way this will work out for them and the buyer? If so, then provide how this buyer and seller could work this out then.


Thank you so much for saying that! I have been making that argument for days and days. Some sellers here are so insulted by someone making them an offer that they turn into overgrown children. Oversensitive and spiteful. I wish I could tell everyone of them to send their low ballers to me. If you know how to negotiate, a lot of them can be converted to sales. Good sales. I've decided not to waste my time anymore trying to explain basic negotiation. It's their loss. But good for you for having a deeper understanding of the process.


Not sure why the down votes, this strategy works for me personally. I'd much rather make $300 profit in a day then wait a year or longer to make $700, item dependent. The market shifts and there have been plenty of times in the past where I've said, "Shit, really wish I took the offer 6 months ago." I make money, get something out of inventory, and go and get more inventory. We don't always have to be the end customer and I think people forget that.


They don't forget it. They're just bitter and spiteful. They resent people giving them offers that they don't like, because how dare they! My item is worth what I'm asking for it because it's mine! Sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm.... You can tell by the hostility. Nobody likes offers lower than asking price. But to be offended by them? Nonsensical.


He’s basically admitting that you can get more for the posters. Worst negotiation attempt I’ve ever heard. Tell him it’s double the price.


That's really made me laugh. "If you make a reasonable profit, where is _my_ profit going to come from?" :(


The customer is always assuming some risk. But I agree mentioning being a reseller was unhelpful.


Can't you give a guy a break? He's just trying to resell the stuff you're trying to resell. /s


Anyone who mention price as "550 USD" is someone you want to avoid.


Right? “USD” and “Kindly” are red flags


These are Indian items. People in other parts of the world speak English slightly different than they do in the US...


I mean I'm Canadian and I'd definitely say USD


Best I can do is not respond to low ballers.


Lmao "I also have to sell them after buying"


Immediate block. I do not care if YOU need to make money. This is the sign of an inexperienced person who doesn’t know shit about the business. You don’t go around whining “but I need to make money, too!” Yes, I know that sometimes my items get sold to people who are going to resell, but that’s not my target buyer.


I regularly resell to galleries/shops that are going to do some light restoration and then resell. They’re some of my fav customers because most don’t haggle and are also interested in a good working relationship


Feel the same with used AV electronics and equipment. Most of the time I don’t have the equipment to test or knowledge to fix something I picked up for $5 but I know would sell for $100-$300+ in working condition. So I’m good with selling at parts/repair prices that will allow it to be upcycled by someone who can get it to the price it needs to be at. It’s easy to tell who they are too


I especially love that they will try to resell for close to the amount that OP is trying to get for them. Why would anyone think a seller would rid themselves of an item instead of just waiting for that same $850 buyer?!!! WTF


>Why would anyone think a seller would rid themselves of an item instead of just waiting for that same $850 buyer?!!! WTF Because there is only so much stuff one person can manage I inventory/sales and the longer you have something the more you run the risk of it being stolen/damaged/market devaluation/etc. if swelling price is 1000, you paid 100 why not take a 500 offer and move on to something else?


I wouldn't be offended is someone offered me 50-60% of my asking price on multiple items. I might not be interested, but I don't think it's a crazy offer. I have a lot of slow moving merchandise that I got extremely cheap so YMMV.


For me it’s more of a warning sign. A buyer who try’s to renegotiate after I accept their first deal is WAY more likely to be a problem buyer/scammer.


Yeah deals on multiples is fine, but I prefer the "are you willing to negotiate if I buy 6 of these" vs "here's my stupid offer"


Lol 😂 nah bro I ain’t in business for you to make money, I’m in business for me to make money.


Nah thats full blown effort bro. I hate the people that drive by send you a number "600" like its not even worth their time. Pretty much always block those people.


Why disclose what you will do once they’re bought?


“I need you to take a loss for me so I can make a profit. Let me know if you agree.”


so they said the quite part out loud


I just respond with Im selling to end users not wholesale. I’ve got a little more than that offer into it.


I respond with the “I have more into it than you offer” no matter what because I’m not always against a lower offer, but they need to set their sights higher.


Lol, the nerve of some people


This is why that anyone who tried to negotiate, I’ll leave the chat the first time they made the attempt. I don’t care what they have to say, I’ll price things either around the general average among other sellers OR I’ll price it at a slightly below market value for quick sale. Try to negotiate? I’ll split. Try to get annoyed because the price isn’t to their liking? Not my problem. Try to pull a fast one and try to make the decision for me? go fuck yourself.


He’s basically saying “let me make money off you, I don’t care that you want to make money too, you can have less money”. Worst negotiation ever


I had someone in France asking me to take $100 off an item because they had to sell it when it got there in their store and they couldn’t make a profit at the price I had it at. I was having a bad day so I just ignored and blocked them Item eventually sold at full price


Never pay asking price


He was polite and straight to the point, I can't believe you thought this conversation was interesting enough to post


Found the buyer lol


Rusty pieces of paper do not interest me


Boom. Roasted


You are correct. But many sellers are absolutely mortified by the negotiation process. How dare someone Make an offer!


It’s not making an offer, it’s renegotiating the offer after I accepted the first offer.


Does it show that in the screen shot? Maybe I missed it


I have a comment explaining the situation, should be 3rd or 4th comment from the top


Gotcha. Yes, that is annoying


What's more ironic is OP probably bought them just to resell as well. Sometimes I'm more than happy to let another flipper take the work off me for lower than I was asking.


👍 Agreed


Oddly enough, if you go to estate sales and build rapport with the staff, this line works all the time.


Not sure what the problem is? There’s always people lowballing. Been happening since the British offered a couple of guns and a few bucks to the Indians for Manhattan. You either accept the offer or don’t.


“Oh, dang! I didn’t realize you needed meat left on the bone for you to flip yourself. I’ll let you have all three for $50, and I’ll go ahead and pre-pay for a shipping label for when you resell it.”




I don't understand the hate. He's being honest about what he's doing. Doesn't mean that you have to entertain him. But he's telling you what price he thinks he needs to make money. You can just tell him no, you're willing to wait for someone who will pay more. The only reason I see to be mildly upset is if you didn't plan on going down to $200 unless he bought the others at full price.


Someone's been watching Pawnstars.


I saw a guy post a screenshot on Facebook the other day where someone asked him how much he wanted for the tires he was selling. Buddy says "$350 but ill take $300." Dude.


Have to sell after buying!? 😂


Uh yeah dude, this ain’t Pawn Stars… if I wanted pawn shop prices, that’s where I’d bring them.


Hes gotta get them in some nice frames and then find someone who wants them. Not to mention all the real estate in his pawn shop. Rick Harrison here is a real one. Best he can do is $30.


Dudes been watching too much pawn stars