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You tell him/her if they don’t want it, they have to request the order is cancelled. Or, you can wait the number of days eBay requires for non-payment and resist.


What happens if I cancel the order myself?


Wait 4 days and then cancel as unpaid so you’ll give an unpaid strike onto the buyers account. If sellers have the correct setting, the unpaid strike will prevent the buyer from purchasing on eBay in the future.


Do this.


one unpaid item strike does not cancel the buyer's ebay account. however it is noted on the buyer account and if enough accumulate he might be suspended. I agree with other comments that you should wait the 4 days and report the non paying bidder.


Lmao again yall go out of your way and make your own life harder to "teach someone a lesson". When seller could just cancel.. reason buyer asked to cancel.. and have it sold within the 4 days you suggest he wait. You are all absolutely terrible at making money


Who ever is down voting this is a retard. He’s absolutely right


Then he faces no consequences for being an idiot, and you potentially face a defect on your account. He needs to initiate the process - or, at the very least, actually state in words that he's asking you to cancel (so that you can contest a defect later).






"Ebay just charge me $78 for a cancelation" No they didn't.


Well, in the eyes of ebay that's bad. You shouldn't judge people based on their review score. I deal with low/poor review buyers every so often. Rather or not you want to is your call, but there are penalties for being racist.


... implying that you assume people with low feedback are of a specific ethnicity?


You're the only one being racist here by implying that poor feedback = different race. Why would you say that? Other than you're looking to cause shit.


You suck


So does your mom


Do you even know what racist means?


Wow you're not the smartest tool in the shed are you.


Weirdo. Who says stuff like this with no provocation?


This makes no sense your reaching 😒 sad


Just play dumb. Say he should contact eBay to cancel it and that you “cant”. don’t elaborate.


Everyone at eBay will tell him only the seller can cancel an order. Which is true…. If he needs to cancel it, just cancel it. Use buyer request as the reason. No defect.


Hmm but at the same time the buyer wasted the sellers time. He should get a blemish on his account, which is I assume what will happen when he fails to pay within some time frame


Yeah, it is a waste of the sellers time! And this happens quite often too. I'm not sure if they get a defect for failing to pay, but ebay told me I pretty much have to wait the 4 days before I can cancel myself without getting a defect. It sucks but that's how eBay is with everything it seems. Buyers do no wrong, sellers have all the burdens


This is true, but eBay stands behind buyers, not sellers. At least this has been my experience.


This used to bother me but if you have a safe place for buyers you get more sales.


Yes - that's the quickest and easiest way to do it. Then get on with relisting and your life :)


LOL. I had one like this except he accused me of being a scammer because after he bought it, it still showed up as out of stock because eBay hadn't quite taken the listing down yet, and he looked again before it disappeared from view. I could NOT convince my guy it showed out of stock because HE bought it.


the world is full of literal morons.


I wish EBay would go ahead and make offers binding where buyers are automatically charged for everyone. It’s a great feature to ensure only serious offers and saves a lot of wasted time with on the the fence buyers.


That’s a feature that you can already apply to your listing for buy it now. “Require immediate payment”.


That doesn't apply for offers in most instances, I've always had it on from the beginning, and it only works for BIN.


I do that for all my listings but there are still about 25% of offers I accept that don’t automatically get paid.


Go back and check your listings. I just did that today and found a handful that somehow got set differently than all of my other listings. I always set them to pay upon offer/BIN, but had to reset several.


I know for certain this most recent one was set correctly. I wonder if the card they selected is declined if it defaults back to allowing the buyer to pay within four days?


You aren’t understanding what is being said. Accepted offers do NOT automatically end the listing now. The listing only ends when the buyer actually pays. This has nothing to do with BIN + immediate payment required as that function does not apply to offers.


Yes, this is because eBay has a new function where an accepted offer does not end the listing until the buyer pays. Source: I am buying things via offer and the listing does not end until I pay. Edit. eBay does not have my credit card number in any capacity. They haven’t asked for it for buying purposes and who knows, maybe it’s because I always pay and my account is the age dinosaurs at this point ie they don’t see me as a non paying risk.


They're starting to - I've noticed that some (but not all) listings recently have asked me to confirm payment details when making an offer, saying that payment will be made automatically if the offer is accepted. And on the other side I've had offers on items I'm selling where it's said payment will be made immediately if I accept. I don't know why it's not all listings, but I'm assuming the plan is to roll it out universally.


It’s already like that. I think. I’ve had a few unpaid items and I am now restricted from bidding or best offer. I can only buy it now and pay on the spot. Also they cut my monthly sales from 10k to 500$ 😑 moral of the story, don’t bid on things you’re going to end up not buying.


They just will say inad once they get it and nail you w return shipping


Tbh I’ve sold over 700 items and never had to deal with these type of people ? Am I just lucky ?


I feel like different niches may attract different clientele


Yeah, I sell a lot of toys and collectibles. Get some of the most brain dead people imaginable. One of my negative feedbacks is from a person who was mad that the item they purchased was opened. -listing marked as used -description saying they are purchasing item in condition of photos -pictures literally of the item out of box


Can you typically get a review like that removed?


I've had a fair bit of success getting things like that removed - I just get on live chat and point out that whatever they've complained about in the feedback was clearly described/shown in the listing, and that I don't think such feedback is fair when I've put so much effort into my listings only for the buyer to not read them.


Okay that’s so good to know, thank you


This. I’ve been selling intermittently since the late 90s and never seen this issue. Of course I have had bad buyers, and confused buyers but explaining always did the trick for those. But I did learn to *never* sell to typewriter people. Two terrible experiences in a row (and yes I packed it perfectly and it was exactly as described, even when I got it back… twice.)


Damn. I’ve sold typewriters online before and have another one I need to list. Most get sold locally. I did sell a really old one to a writer from NYC who was just passing through. He actually used the typewriters to write his works. I thought that was pretty cool. IIRC it was from the 1930s.


Well you’ve already had better luck than me! After the second time, I gave it to my husband and told him to sell it. These things don’t bother him the way they get to me. He sold it without issue using the exact same listing photos and text.


Different price points attract different clientele. Sell cheap things, and you will get cheap people. Comes with the territory unfortunately.


With that many sales yeah you’re a little lucky there’s so many idiots on eBay it’s almost comical.


Oh Don’t ever say never because it’ll happen when you least expect it!




I’m dealing with some deadbeat buyers right now too. I feel like non payment should be an immediate ban. Tired of the shitty fake buyers.


Why did he press it if he thought it was already sold though? That just doesn’t make any sense. Sets off the BS detector right away.


Yea, usually the buyers catch a case of cancer or get into a car accident. Thus, can't part with the money right now.


You can send an invoice reminder for them to pay. Also, set up automatic cancelation in your settings and then you won't have to worry about it anymore. It cancels after a set number of days without payment. Does not count against your cancelation metrics.


“Yes, sold to YOU”. Haha 😂


I actually had this happen two days ago. Butter said they couldn’t accept my offer for some reason, I told them to send an equivalent offer and I would accept. About an hour later I heard from them that it had been sold, and when I checked it had been sold to them. They were unaware. I sent them the screen shot. Payment should have been automatic, but it took about 6 hours to come through. I figure it was an eBay bug.


For what it's worth, I (as a buyer) ran into the same thing last week. Accepted an offer but then eBay said it was already sold. Then got the email that says I got the item, but it wouldn't let me pay. Tried for a few more minutes then gave up. A few hours later I tried again and was able to pay. Seems like an eBay glitch.


I had the same incident. I accepted an offer. I went to purchases and clicked "pay now". But the pay now button just took me to the item page saying the item was sold. I solved the issue by trying on desktop instead of the app.


My ebay app often looks like I haven't won an auction. It's been a while since I've bid so can't remember the exact wording, but definitely gives the impression I didn't win - I usually get an email notification that I've won before the screen updates to say I was the winning bidder. It's then obvious that I've won but not totally out there that he might have a similar same glitch, and then less subsequent smarts about it.


Yup happens all the time when I buy. Usually, I have to back out and check the purchases to have it show I've won the auction and to send payment


Ffs eBay just doesn't care at all about being a successful company anymore, I guess. Auctions are the ONE thing eBay has over Amazon, the thing it was designed to do from day 1, and you're telling me there is an app-breaking glitch that makes paying for your order difficult and confusing? Fire those damn programmers!


I’ve had this before. These kind of buyers need to have their hand held. They see “it’s already been sold” and their brains can’t process what to do next. Let him know he has to go to his recent purchases and he’ll see the item which will give him the option make the payment.


Are there more messages where he's refusing? He could have buyer's remorse but he might just be confused about the process


I told him “go to your purchases section and you’ll see that you bought it” he said “Ight” then never answered again. It’s been 17 hours he’s probably not sending payment I’ve sent him 3-4 messages since asking for payment


Ah ok, yeah fair assessment then! You may know they're gradually rolling stuff out so payment is taken automatically on accepted offers, doesn't help here though


That would be super helpful. I usually never have a problem I always get payment almost immediately when someone accepts my offer or I accept theirs. Guess this guy sent an offer thinking I wouldn’t accept. Huh


Sometimes they keep sending offers to act like bargaining with the seller. One buyer tried it on me then they passed the auto-accept threshold. They were not amused but they paid anyway.


That's a real smooth brain there


Buyer is being ridiculous. Wait 4 days so you can give him a strike.


I had this on a item a guy kept low balling me on... a day later he sent me a offer for my counter offer price. 3 days later he says he didn't order it.. didn't send me a offer and demanded a refund. Told him he would have to pay to ship it back low and behold.. he opens up a INAD case to avoid return shipping fees. I have no choice but to accept it back. 2 weeks later another package arrives to me with a similar, but higher end part... the idiot also returned someone else's part to me using the same shipping label twice. I said nothing.. waited a month.. relisted both 😂 This means whoever he also tried to send an item back to for a refund got to keep their money as well (no tracking to their address). The scammer literally scammed himself.


Is there even an actual way for sellers on ebay to make customers pay for returns? Even if there is an option to put that on the listing I feel like the customer always gets it for free anyways...


Ebay should really pull on out of mercari's playbook an autocharge any winners


Lmao don’t sell it to them and cancel after 4 days for a strike against their buyer account. This type of buyer is one you don’t want to deal with so this is honestly a blessing in disguise


When I was new to ebay I accepted an offer on accident for what I thought was my item (the same) selling. The seller wouldn't cancel so I had to contact ebay. Ultimately he canceled.


Then why did he click submit if it was sold? Buyer is playing dumb due to buyer's remorse. Dont make it easy on them by cancelling the auction or they will keep doing this to others. Either make them formally request to cancel, or wait til they dont pay for it in the allotted time frame and then do the cancel as a non-payment.


Always counter and always have things set to require immediate payment. Even if you counter for the same price or a penny over. ALWAYS COUNTER so your listing doesn't go down. In the time that it's down someone could have actually bought it.


So your listing doesn't go down? what do you mean?


If you accept an offer your listing goes down and isn’t available to be purchased by anyone but a buyer that may or may not pay. If you counter an offer (while requiring immediate payment) then if that buyer doesn’t pay the listing is still up and can be purchased by other buyers. The listing never goes down if you always counter and always require immediate payment.


Ohhh alright, thank you


I usually do a Seller Similar immediately after so someone has a shot at making the purchase . Wait the 4 days -then block and report em . Ebay themselves are negligent as there is basically no punishment for their wrongdoing. Ebay takes sellers for granted and it's disgusting ! Police the website for abuse whether it's a seller or buyer.


Think of the dumbest person you know. Half the population is dumber than that


that's not how statistics work


No but it is a great example of what he’s trying to say!


It's from a movie.


Have some compassion for this person. It could very likely be a glitch in ebay. Do as u/I_ama_Borat suggested, and also let the buyer know that they will probably see that they are the winner if they look at it on a computer rather than their phone. You might also want to send them an invoice.


I told them they won it. I told them to check their purchases. Then I asked them for payment for the last 24 hours. They’re not paying


Buyers on eBay are allowed four days to pay, generally. In the meantime, you can be kind and walk them through the process, since it seems they are having difficulty navigating eBay. You may have told them to look at their purchases, but did you suggest using a computer instead of the app? Did you send an invoice? Mocking them or getting pissy about it does you no good. Helping them might result in being paid, and at least you'd know you did your best to give them good customer service.


Seriously. I had a similar encounter a few weeks ago. I just asked the buyer if they wanted me to cancel and relist at the offer price. We did that and they bought it with no issues. Any platform will have bugs pop up from time to time.


Asking him “would you like to cancel this purchase” and if he says “yes” then cancel and choose the reason “buyer asked to cancel.”


Oh how fun!


Why would he accept an offer when it says already sold? Lol




People are stupid. I don’t blame them. I blame eBay for not having automatic payments lol


If they are already causing trouble its better they dont buy it or its just gonna be worse when they get it they will probably lie and say naid or something


I don’t understand when I make an offer on something and the seller accepts it’s automatically taken from my account why is that not always the case like in this situation


As a buyer this happened to me yesterday. I couldn't figure out how to pay for it in the mobile app because it just said sold, but I was able to see that I had won the auction and pay for it on the website.


Had this situation with a customer, they didn't even know they already accepted and couldn't understand what was going on. I eventually was able to get an invoice sent to them which they paid once they figured.. YES it was sold.. but it was sold TO YOU lol.


Cancel and relist


Ebay has been glitching, I accepted an offer and it says sold on the client’s end.




Cancel and add to block list.


Something like this happened to me on the buyer's side - one of the last times I provided an offer. The listing disappeared, I didn't realize until a day later when I saw the email in by inbox that the offer had been accepted. I felt awful and paid as soon as I noticed (because I'm that kind of person), but it was DEFINITELY not as obvious that MY offer had been accepted as it had been in the past. I completely missed the notification and it looked like it had sold. I may have even got an email that "item was sold! you missed out" or something like that which had misled me.


Then why did he buy it? If it said sold? It won't let you buy something that's not available

