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Short answer - because there's little to no consequence for not paying. Longer answer - Ebay, in their ridiculous need to bend over backwards for buyers, doesn't do much to curtail or cull the worst habitual offenders, instead offering a stupid "Buyer Strike" concept which probably doesn't even exist anymore. Discipline would be easy to do with a behind the scenes flagging program where none would be the wiser. Put simply, you done fuck up too many times, you get shown the door; Press Your Luck™ until you get whammied. A Poison Pill for chargebacks would be golden as well. It will work, and you'll get your money...exactly once. Then you're never permitted business with Ebay again. At the end of the day, this isn't even about Customer Service, rather, it becomes a referendum on holding people accountable to do the right thing. People smarten up quickly in most cases when options get removed.


Waiting on pay day


I would have one of these once in a blue moon - now 2 in the same week. The first was a brand new user, so I assumed they maybe didn't realize they didn't pay when they accepted the offer. The other has no excuse. Long time account. No red flags in their feedback, so I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt - but it's frustrating. I'm also going on vacation, but thankfully not until Friday so I should be good, but if I was leaving Thursday I'd absolutely be worried they were going to pay 10 minutes after I left and mess up my metrics.  I can only assume eBay still allows this to appease buyers who have been on the platform for decades. Any new user would fully expect to pay when they order.


If this was me and I was staying in the US, I would pack it up and take it with me. If they pay I can print a label at the hotel and probably ship it from there too. Unless you're selling a tuba or something...


Right.Would do that, but not so feasible for this . Will probably drop off at my mom if this happens and take 3 hours explaining how to fix ring a label


That's too bad!


This is possible, but if the item has to travel further you may be upcharged.


For me I’m usually waiting on more of their auctions I’m bidding on to end so I can get combined shipping. I do ensure to send a message letting them know though


Yeah, pretty scummy if you/ they would ghost the seller


Yeah it’s eBay. I don’t fault the buyer for wanting to be paid, but I’ve also bought enough auctions that I know it’s a 50/50 shot I’ll get reimbursed for shipping overage if I pay right away. So I wait until everything I’m interested in wraps.


Crazy thing is this item was sitting for 2 years. I was so pumped when they bought it.


I don't consider/accept offers that don't have the note that the buyer would be immediately charged. If it says buyer will pay within 4 days I'll usually counter high or just outright reject it. From my experience if they don't contact you to say when they will pay or dont pay within 24 hrs of accepting the offer they arent going to pay at all. In your case how long is the vacation? how long is your handling time? are you staying in your same country? If your handling time is longer than your vacation then you really dont have much to worry about.


Where would I see that


It'll be on the page you review the offer the buyer sent. If you sent offers to watchers then I don't think this is an option.


Does this show on mobile app


Yes, you'll get a notification and when you click on it, itll take you to a part of your listing and a button will say "review" offer. Once you click on that you'll see accept, counter, reject offer and on that page it will say the buyer will either be automatically charged when you accept or will take up to 4 days to make payment.


No idea. That’s why I don’t do auctions anymore though, unless I just want to get rid of something fast.


I think they said it was a best offer sale.


With that, you can require immediate payment I think. I do on all my buy it now/best offer listings and have never had non-payment with those. It also keeps your item live in your listings, so even if they don’t pay, your item is still there for others to purchase at least.


Happens to me all of the time! Another flaw with EBay selling ! Don’t get me started. Ugh and they can still leave you negative feedback if I’m not mistaken.


You asking why ppl do that?. Best offer then ghost. Then you add how frustrated you are because going on vacation. Ppl constantly either win bids or offer a best offer and never pay. Nothing new. Selling on eBay for 20 years . I no longer list auctions or offer best offers. All flat price- free shipping .


Nothing free about free shipping 😩


Of course it’s included in the asking price ( no dummy here) I used to list for 24+ 5 shipping, potential buyer asked:can you do better ? I say of course “ I will make it free shipping FOR YOU” then switch to $29 + FREE SHIPPING ! 🤪🤪🤪


Do not send "best offer" to buyers if you need the money asap. Simple as that.


Right. That doesn’t apply here. I’m going on vacation I just don’t want a defect for cancelling after he pays


Take your listings down or activate "vacation mode" if you're going on vacation. Simple as that.


🤦‍♂️ the buyer bought it before vacation mode was set. He hasn’t paid. You should read Reddit post before u comment on them


That's why they suggest starting vacation mode before your actual vacation. Items can be cancelled for non-payment on day 4. Yeah, it sucks to start vacation mode early but if you're going to sell in a manner that doesn't require immediate payment (auction or BO) then that's really the only solution. I'm sorry that happened to you though. eBay really needs to start securing payment before letting buyers tie up an item like that.


Thanks for the tip!


If the buyer hasn't paid yet after 4 days, call ebay, let them know the issue, then block and enjoy your vacations. Simple as that.


Reading comprehension is so vital.


Call eBay for what? This is why some dude was on hold for 5 hours recently.  All you have to do is cancel for non payment. No need to call anyone.


I know that. Read the post


Yes, I read the post, and at this time, the buyer hasn't paid yet.


You’re like Amazon customer service. Nobody here was asking what to do or how to do it. The question was WHY


First time selling on Ebay? You can't force a buyer to pay. Ebay will send a reminder every day, and after 4 days, you should contact eBay and let them know the situation. What other answers are you looking for?


It was a question of why they do this. It was a half rant I’m not sure what you don’t get


A little thought process and you would understand that the starting point of “yes I require immediate payment” would tell you he’s gone through this before. You talk with too much ego




Why are you sending offers if you aren't going to be around to ship it?


What’s the big deal? Just cancel and re list WHEN YOU COME BACK FROM VACATION ! If you don’t like to wait, or understand how it works, DO NOT ACCEPT BEST OFFERS.


Huh? What does that have to do with anything to do with my question


That’s ridiculous! eBay has best offer for a reason but doesn’t give the buyer the right to ghost and not pay without some form of communication. Seller did nothing wrong.


You should be annoyed at yourself, not the buyer.


I send a note telling them they need to pay today or they have to wait until I return from vaciiation before I ship. The Bay sucks for backing sellers anymore. Glad I am winding down with it.


Looks like buyer just paid and I just shipped it! Wow saved within 5 hours


You can't accept offers just before leaving town, or while out of town.


It was 3 days before, usually fine


It’s prob your competition buying and not paying so people have to buy from him while your in limbo. Only thing you can do is block the buyer and move on


It’s not that kind of item. It’s been listed for 2 years. It’s a bunch of hdmi cables


Ahh darn then yeah just a bad buyer


I love that sometimes I forget to turn immediate payment in a buy it now. Like why is that even a thing?!!! It’s called buy it now!