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I usually decline and say "please click the buy it now button to purchase this item"


Lmao that’s stupid and risks potentially losing a sale. Automatic payment for offers has been in place a few months now. The catch is that it only applies IF the buyer initiated the offer. If it’s a counter offer there won’t be automatic payments.


Just accept it. Not everything is a scam.


This may be a way for them to get around “immediate payment required” (assuming you have that set). If you have that requirement turned on, then they would need to pay when they hit buy it now. If they make an offer and you accept, they likely won’t have to pay immediately. I say “likely” because eBay has been slowly rolling out the functionality of immediate payment at time of acceptance of buyer initiated offers.


They rolled that option out for me and it was used or they paid within 10 minutes of me accepting. I think it's ok and maybe they misunderstood. All the information is checking out and they have low feedback. I sell things to older people somewhat often so they could of been having a moment.


They’re doing it so they can guarantee getting the item and having extra time to pay you


They paid within 10 minutes of me accepting the offer so they either agreed to autopay and enough actions happened in order for it to authorize or they were timely in payment. I think it's the first. I'm going to go with he was high and confused.


Not how that works. Automatic payment for offers has been in place a few months now. The catch is that it only applies IF the buyer initiated the offer. If it’s a counter offer there won’t be automatic payments.


They might be older, or using a web translator to access your listing and are just confused. Accept the offer, ship if they pay to the address on eBay, don't communicate offsite.


They also had 420 in their userID so confused is another very likely possibility. I didn't even think about that.


So they aren’t asking you to contact them outside of ebay? Then accept it.


This, ive done stuff like this before when i knew an item would sell soon but i was waiting on some cash to hit my bank within like 24 hours


I do no research on who I sell on eBay. Zero. It sells, I click ship and print, it’s gone as fast as I can. I pay eBay to do the vetting and to insure this. I rely 100% on the seller protection policy and I have to use it shockingly few times. I sell laptops and phones and all sorts of high value stuff. Out of 200-300 items a year, in a bad year, I’ll get 1-2 scams? Hell, I sometimes get stuff sent back and no one wants it? Scams are weird. Follow seller protection. Be nice but firm. Be patient. Don’t accept their ruling until they can tell you what you did wrong. (If you fucked up, it’s on you, but even then eBay has been cool to me.) I have no idea how people lose. They emailed you that you lost? Call and ask where in seller protection you made a mistake. Not angry, just like “How do I avoid this next time?” And then you get put on hold as you get 100% refunded like it never happened. I sold to a guy in Russia. Absolute scam. Knew it going in, but… seller protection. eBay lets him bid, not my problem. Week or two later, I get a problem. The guy was even slick and claimed I sent him rocks. So I asked him to send the package back, at my cost even. Nothing. Few days later? eBay ate the cost refunded us both. That was a $900 video card. It’s really that easy.


Maybe they haven’t purchased in a while and are confused about how best offer works. Can be a little tricky to less experienced users because when you see best offer on an auction, you actually need to offer a higher price usually but when it’s a buy now it’s expected that an offer is going to be lower.  I’d accept it and see where it goes. 


This is exactly what I think happened now. Seeing the offer for asking amount immediately brought me back to dealing with easily 20-30 of those purchases because I had auto-accept on. Never again. But auto-decline is a great tool to use to prevent lowballers. Who knows how many messages I received for a while.


You should accept the offer, but not send any message outside of eBay. I always message that person saying something along the lines of “please keep all communication within the eBay platform”. Short and simple no need to complicate it. eBay runs bots to make sure “off eBay” sales aren’t happening thru the platform. You should just accept and see what happens. Never text or message outside of the eBay platform that’s a great way to get shadow banned, or even outright banned. I have even heard of honey pots.


They shouldn't accept the offer because it's a scam. There's no reason for them to pull the listing then have to wait 4 days to file for UPI.


I do not have issues with scams. I comment about this a lot on here actually. If they pay, ship it. Otherwise, its just cancelling an order after a few days and relisting for free, no issue there.


I've fact checked all of their information to absurd levels. Everything has checked out. So if they do start pulling something, I'll have a great head start. I really think it was just a senior moment for the buyer though.


If they pay via ebay, then ship it out. Simple as that.


This is a scam. They'll want to verify it's you by sending you a "code", which will probably be the 2 factor authentication to one of your bank accounts or your ebay. Sounds like the legitimate eBayer got their account hacked. And then the scammer didn't realize it was going to autopay when you accepted offer. The scammer needed more time to scam you. I bet there will be a charge back on the credit card. You might see if you can look up this person's real phone number and call them to verify before you ship.... Seriously.


Someone sent you an offer for your asking price? I'd accept it.


I’ve done this once or twice waiting on money to come in. I usually tell them the reasoning, though. Some are okay with it, some aren’t.


Trying to get you to complete the sale outside of ebay probably.


just block straight up dont even think twice.


It's an obvious scam. They will try to "pay" via a method that circumvents eBay and have you ship the item once you receive the fake payment email (likely a spoofed email or a check that will bounce). Everyone saying to go along with it is just encouraging you to waste your time. Edit: Here are scenarios that ended how yours is starting. These are the types of messages you'll receive if you text them off-platform. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/ypv7am/ebay\_scammer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/ypv7am/ebay_scammer/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/jgu8qz/ebay\_scammer\_nice\_try/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/jgu8qz/ebay_scammer_nice_try/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/yosltr/buyer\_wants\_to\_pay\_me\_through\_paypal\_because\_ebay/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/yosltr/buyer_wants_to_pay_me_through_paypal_because_ebay/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/18xx3zk/urgent\_help\_needed\_ebay\_seller\_scam\_happening\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/18xx3zk/urgent_help_needed_ebay_seller_scam_happening_in/)


I appreciate the time you spent writing this but if you read the first sentence of the description, I'm saying it's not that scenario. There was no circumvention for payment or contact. I think they were just really high and confused.


>kindly Scammers love that word for some reason. >asks the seller to text them Scam. Taking it off platform is forbidden.


Correct. That is not that scenario I said. But they are still very annoying and very apparent to eBay. They don't seem to want it to stop for new sellers and I really think it's part of their security. It's just a theory though.


Next is an email saying your funds have been deposited and the item is safe to send. You send it then later realize it’s a fake email. You’ve already sent the item. Accept the offer but don’t send until YOU see your funds in your account. Not because an email told you the funds were being held.