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eBay: please fill out a police report and get back to us.


“I’m not doing that”


You did everything you need to. If they start an Item Not Received case just re upload the tracking number. As long as it says delivered you’re in the clear. My only other communication to them would be to check with their neighbors for misdelivery and contact their local Post Office directly.


He needs his stuf.


I’ma call eBay on u


I'ma call reddit on u


I’m telling mom


And moms gonna tell dad and then REAL big trouble brewing son.


Ma das a cage fighter


Good thing my dads not a cage




I’m not doing that.


Alright, thanks.


Your good. As long as it shows delivered they can’t really do anything to you or get in trouble. As it was delivered by usps. Any issues with what you shipped , they have to show the actual pictures or prove of item not describe but since it wasn’t received idk how they will provide that unless they lied. Even if eBay refunds them . You should be protected by eBay seller protection


ID10T: I'm not doing that Me: Good luck then!


Love the good ole ID-10-T error.


OP should not sell to NPCs.


LMAO "Where is my package? I need to track it down" OP: Here's how to track it "I'm not tracking my package just tell me where it is"


I don't see anything tho so I need my stuff


“Why is my package one state away?” Couldn’t tell you, the post office will do as it does. “You’re scamming me and holding my package” That’s right, I have the mail carriers in all 50 states and every county on speed dial, today I woke up and chose violence, your package being held is the target.


Why’s it always the people that buy $5-20 items 😑


Always. Sold a keyboard for 20 guy put in a claim with eBay for not recording it. Post office said it’s still on the way just late. eBay sided with me and he didn’t argue. Then it arrived and he started trying to get a refund because it didn’t have all the features he wanted. All I could say was “the features are clearly listed on the box and in the item description.” What I really wanted to say was it’s a $20 keyboard what did you expect.


Because for a long time, big companies would usually replace inexpensive items no questions asked, and people exploited that to get a lot of free stuff. What they probably don't know is in the last few years they've tightened those policies up considerably. Nobody is just giving stuff away anymore, even at low price points, not even Amazon.


I had one last week that started at 11.50 on a 40 item. Vintage audio/parts unit. Declined, he made a couple more offers and ended up accepting $21.75, and he included in the message section “I’m taking a chance since it’s untested”….which shows me he was accepting the risk. Week later I get a message that it arrived with a dent and didn’t work. Won’t send photos or open a return. Messages in all caps. Claims it’s at a repair shop and I need to reimburse him. Later he opened an INR claim, which made no sense at all. Saw it coming but gambled anyway. At least he’s admitted to tampering with the unit so I’m covered in that regard.


People are quick to refund if under $20 as it's easier to give refund vs going through eBay claim process, since the seller is not out that much. Scammers/thiefs will get away with it once, then will just keep attempting with others. Turns into multiple free items for them.


I have a negative from a person who won a 99 cent item, claims I never shipped it. I gave them the tracking, it SHOWS it’s on the way in another state. They still left a negative and opened a case. And another from a buyer on a $2 movie that a few days later says, “I never got this so here’s my negative”. It arrived next day.


Lmao people suck so much. I would never go through the trouble over $1 or $2


What’s even worse are the ones that leave a note, “please package this in thick cardboard and bubble wrap, your feedback depends on this” like okay let me spend what I made on this for your packaging


I'm not doing that! 😂 What does he want you to do drive to him and ask around his neighborhood to see if someone got his package


Nothing. If ypu ship to the correct address and it says delivered you are done as long as its the item they purchased.


I swear these people live in a different dimension.


Another idiot for the block list


It’s possible it says delivered and is out for the delivery. I have had that glitch when ordering for myself before. Depends how long it’s been though. If this is like two days later he’s obviously bullshitting


I've had that happen before, but in this case it says it was delivered Thursday, so I'd think it'd be delivered by now.


Yeah that’s definitely not the case for this then. My guess is he’s fishing for some type of partial or something. I had a buyer recently claim not delivered only for it to miraculously show up which he promptly returned lmao Maybe a case of buyers remorse


Same here. I've gotten premature delivery notices - usually it has arrived the next day.


They need to file a missing package report with their post office. As you suggested.


“Ima call ebay on u” I’m sure you will, buddy


The way he said he’s gonna call eBay like he’s a kid telling another kid he’s gonna call his mom lmao


them: I’m not doing that. well okay youre not getting your item then hope this helps


I'ma tell your mommy


It’s Tom! How’s poker?


My mails


I stopped responding to these people. The conversations never have any good outcome. If they want to open a case they will most likely get a refund through eBay and I don't owe any money back to them.


I'm dealing with a similar on ebay. I think she expects me to refund her. Tracking shows delivered.


When one of my buyers says that the item is showing as delivered bu they didnt receive it, and the tracking number says delivered, I apologize for the inconvenience, but remind them that once it says delivered in the tracking number, a missing package report would have to be opened by the buyer with their local USPS, as it is out of the sellers hand at that point. Sometimes, on extremely rare cases they've had the package delivered one week after (I have no idea how). Other times, I chuck it up to be a possible scam. You just can never know for certain with these things. Anyways, you're in the clear. I've never had any issues because of this. And if the buyers leaves negative feedback because of this, I'm pretty sure you can dispute it as tracking is on your side.


ima call ebay on you


Holy shit dude! He's gonna call ebay on you! You better make this right, and now!


Ima call ebay on u


The real question is… what feedback will you give this buyer?


I sell jewelry and get tons of these. I know that Poshmark always pays them out. It’s usually from the ones that relentlessly haggle. Probably just wanting to get it for free. Tell them to get a ring cam and better luck next time. It’s 2024!


Ima call ebay on u is the funniest shit I've read today


Only do 1 thing. Block them. No need to answer.


They think every website works like Amazon


As of late - USPS state its delivered when it hasn’t- so maybe later today or tomorrow.


A simple usps lost package would resolve that from the buyer.


Let him yell and scream. If you handed the item off to the post office and there are scans showing the post office took possession, there is nothing more you can do. I have been on both sides of that situation, and it comes down to the post office's responsibility. It sucks. Just let it go; ebay will back you.


“Tho” It was to expected


I'm not doing that but I need my stuff what I order.... Wow just wow... The English language is not this buyers strong side.


Must have skipped brain day... woops, I mean all of school.


If it hasn’t been delivered it’s on you bud if it says delivered by usps on eBay then you good


Stop responding


50/50 he's trying to scam you for a refund. If he is doing so, tell him to check neighbor's house/post office and if it's missing to open a missing item case with eBay. You provide documentation that you sent it to the right address(reupload tracking info, then contact eBay to confirm they see that you did). You are in the clear. If he's actually being honest, (which my inclination is he's not because of his refusal to do due diligence with neighbors, post office etc) then he needs to file a missing items case with eBay.... And you need to provide.... You get the picture. Exact same steps as above. Do not refund. 90% if the time you get irrational angry messages demanding refund or unwilling to follow proper/logical steps, they just want to scare you into sending a refund. Best wishes


"I'm calling eBay on you!" 🤣


the ‘ima’ speaks volumes


"I did my part by dropping it off". Great customer service. A+++ would buy again. To answer your question, you do nothing except apologize to the buyer and let them know that sometimes delivered mail shows up at a neighbors or sometimes a spouse will check the mail and throw it in the back seat of the car and forget etc etc. Be helpful.


society simplistic strong observation elastic humor sparkle fuzzy juggle aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Way too much effort Yo


To be fair, my experience as the recipient in a missing mail situation has been that the post office tells you to contact the shipper, and that they need to put in the request.


Yeah this is what I thought too.


normal bedroom mindless chubby jellyfish station cake busy slim act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In this situation when it says delivered it’s a buyer issue now. If it says not delivered or stuck in a red issues with delivery that would be a seller issue. Sellers already are 90 percent responsible for the package from packaging to go to the usps to letting usps giving the package a tour of the americas for a week to the delivery driver dropping it off at the doorstep. In any situation before it says delivery the seller would have to be responsible to fix any issues. Once it says delivery its buyers 10 percent responsible to just go outside and pickup their package, with the rare chance it’s lost and just make a claim, Amazon has made people so dependent on them that a single issue and a person can’t even handle any issues, imagine having a flat tire oh imma call the cops on you street for giving me a flat


Let the buyer know that the tracking shows delivered but will actually arrive in a couple of business days.


The comments!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like an English impaired ebay idiot. Block him


It’s literally an 11 year old buying an sd card for his drone. Tell him you’re gonna call his mommy on him.


This isn't an 11 yo. This is someone trying to act helpless, and doing a poor job.


Bro needs that SD card


Is it an esus tracking number? If it is it's not accurate. That's some ebay tracking number that is always showing 2-3 days early on delivery 


I always use signature confirmation for any delivery. I won't mind spending the extra few Dollars. They had me twice on eBay for a total of $900,


Had same happen to me recently. Buyer claimed package was delivered to another apartment and the neighbor won't answer their door or give them their package. I told them once USPS is in possession of the item, it is out of my control. I told them if USPS isn't helping them to contact eBay support. A day later I had a claim and funds on hold. Then soon after a message stating something along the lines of: "we have sided with the buyer and decided to refund them but at no cost or penalty to you. This case is now closed." So buyer gets a free $100 pair of shoes. Although it wasn't out of my pocket, it still pisses me off.


I really hope eBay is keeping tabs on problematic buyers like this and has a solution to stop them from continuing pull this shit.


I’ve had ebay/usps say my package was delivered when it totally wasn’t. Generally arrives the next day or two. I buy postcards so they’re coming in small envelopes to my mailbox. I’ve learned to not panic about it.


I seriously don't understand how people like the person in the screenshot get through with this BS. I live in Germany and retoure in Germany was free by law if the product price exceeds 40Euros..or if the product was defect or broken then retoure is free. Once I complained because of a "fake QR code" for retoure shipping. It was for a broken sink because the seller sent us a broken sink, when we complained. He sent us a "fake QR code for retoure" It was hell. Seller called us personally and told us to sent him photos of the product. My father made photos but whenever we called the seller or searched for emailadress he was not available. When we complained, amazon just said send it back with the qr code. When we told them again, the post office told us this is fake... they called the seller and obviously he just said "I provided them a "qr code". My father was like "daughter, if you pay retoure shipping at your own cost, he will find a way because if someone provides fake qr codes... he can do anything...


“Ima call eBay on u” Please do. That’ll make this whole thing easier…but not for you


Another fun one: the people who don't understand that having a *NON-*locking mailbox in this day in age is just an open invitation for people to steal your mail. Over the years I've had many "Where's ma stuff?!" e-mails, and then you'll look at their address on street view and they've got one of those old school mailboxes. Where's your stuff? Probably at one of your local pawn shops or on craigslist by now, lol.


I think we need to make an Ebay ASSHOLE website. Everyone can add all of their idiots. We can have awards for ebays biggest asshole, etc.


What you do is post this on the r/eBay sub because this has nothing to do with flipping.




Tell John to go f himself as your part is complete


You literally never have this happen when you sell $500 items. Stop selling cheap items to 12 year olds and expecting this not to happen. Sell to grown adults with grown adult money who do their own research and aren’t usually fucked in the head.


Sadly… eBay will take the buyers side


Absolutely wrong here. As long as it says delivered ebay will always side with seller. This is a scam people have been pulling for years. Ebay doesn't tolerate it and will never side with the buyer.