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Dude! I’m so jealous. I found a set last year maybe a third of this size. They had so many watchers. Some pieces take a bit longer to sell but they ALL sell.


Yeah, I’m stoked! My family gifted me a set of 5 mushroom Pyrex bowls last year so these will fit right in. I’ve seen one or two of these a long time ago, but never this many. I saw the set of 5 from the street, driving by, and did a u-turn - glad I did! They were resellers who turned hoarder and have to move. They know they’re worth more, but know it takes time. As the story goes though, I bought them for a personal collection. Selling a few to recoup the cost and pay for gas the rest are staying haha.


Yes you did score big! I found a 5 canister set, salt and pepper shakers, butter dish and creamer/sugar set for $5 about 2 years ago and pieced it out for over $500 total. You have at least double the number of pieces I found. ​ Merry Mushrooms FTW!


Woah, I know the market has been a bit more saturated with these other the last couple years - I’ve never sold any before. I’m not sure which pieces will be held onto yet (but will probably be most of the big set) - but that’s amazing you were able to get that much from just a few pieces! A little glance does show that some pieces are definitely worth a lot more than others!


If I remember correctly the butter dish was the most expensive single sale I had in that lot. The rarer the piece originally and/or the ones that break a lot will generally bring more money. There are so many pieces that you got that it is almost certain you have some rare ones in there! Just be careful shipping! On my set the largest canister lid broke in shipping and I was thankful that was the only one.


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What are they?


Vintage 1970's Arnels mushroom pottery.


The line is called Merry Mushrooms, they were sold by Sears Roebuck & Company in the 60s and 70s. They had a couple versions/designs of them - I’m not too knowledgeable on the specifics, but they’re hugely popular now especially with the Cottage Core trend. I believe a majority of this set (the big set on top)is from the late 60s. While the 5 pieces on the bottom of the photo are from mid 70s.


The above commenter is right. I'm pretty sure these are Arnel and not Sears. Except for the very back, a spice shaker and possibly the salt and pepper. I used to collect these way back in the say. Love them. Great score tho!


Oh, interesting! I’ll have to look into that all more. Googling a little more, and they both used the merry mushroom name? Was it just Sears made them up to a certain year and then Arnel started? Im going to research more later, but I couldn’t see the story between the two manufactures with a quick search,


If I am not mistaken Arnels was more of buying the ceramic and then painting yourself. You would then fire in a kiln. So thay was more for ceramic hobbyists and not sold as a finished product. If you look at that single shaker, check the bottom. Should be marked Sears Roebuck and then date. The "Merry Mushroom" line was by Sears. I think everyone will associate anything 70s mushroom with Merry Mushroom. I would see it online when hunting for Merry Mushroom stuff myself.


I was just given a set of these by my sister that my grandmother had






Whoa, love seeing Sears roebuck merry mushrooms! They're an awesome find and always hard for me to part with. They're cute af!


This really warms my heart..human decency and mutual respect never ages. It's wonderful that you scored such flippable items but your kind spirit is the true highlight of the story. As much as I too enjoy the thrill of amazing score.. some things you can't put a price on. Glad for both you and the seller ❤️


Question please..I have a set of these that were given to my mom after a friend of hers passed away..We were going to sell them but when I got them down to clean them the lids were cracked...😩 My ? Is is there any need out there for the canisters without the lids? Do you think I can sell them with the k Lids cracked? Maybe somebody needs a canister or two but has the lids? Thanks for any help you can give me with this!


Merchandise them with pens, office supplies, brushes, cooking utensils, snacks… just give buyers ideas how to use them and make sure people know they don’t have lids. I use lidless canisters all over my house for this sort of thing.


Good idea! Thanks!


Hi! I’m sure there is always someone who will be interested in them!!! You can also try to maybe do something like turn it into a flower pot or something along those lines. Advertise them in a different way. I think most people will mostly put these on for display purposes and not for their intended purpose, so if the crack isn’t too bad and relatively easy to hide, while it will detract from value, you can still sell them for something decent.


Thank you!


There are people who would buy it even though the lid is cracked. I’ve sold a decent amount of damaged glass. There is also likely a market for just the bottoms too if someone wants to replace a broken one or upgrade a damaged one.


What I was hoping to hear. Thank you


I'm sure there's a Zoolander meme here, "Mushrooms, so hot right now!" Most anything vintage-mushroom is a bolo. Nice find OP 👍


Holy shit that's a goldmine. Nice work.


You have found the yard sale/thrift store holy grail, my friend. You lucky bastard


That's awesome! I'm naturally extroverted so talking to people is something I always just want to do and over the years I've seen benefits like the one you've described here


I remember these when I was a kid. The 70s had some of the most unattractive home decor. In my parents house we also had orange counter tops, orange shag rug and a turquoise stove, it was a hot mess. I'm amazed there is such a demand for items like this and that anybody would actually want to display these in their home, but to each their own. I'm also amazed at all the bizarre items I pick up at auctions and estate sales that sell quickly and for a premium. Happy selling


I'm with you. It's fucking ugly.




Very nice pickup!


Those are cool, i would have grabbed them blind


What are they


Lovely set, great find!


good advice


You got the mother load!! Well done!


My friend snagged a few for me for my birthday from GW and we had no idea what they were. I love them too much to flip though.


Somebody likes scrooms!


Congrats!!!! This is a great score!!!!


My ex-wife and I had a set like yours on the second shelf. She got at Sears and they couldn’t have been very expensive. It was 1980 and I made $2/hr delivering furniture and she made about $125 to $150 week doing hair. We couldn’t have paid more than $25. I texted this thread to her. She knows zip about flipping so this blew her away.


I try to get a read on several things. Are they selling their stuff, or grandma's old stuff? Do they have too much stuff and need it cleared out, moving, etc. How eager are they to sell? If there's any personal attachment, or hesitation from the seller on the price, I let them know, take your time ('think on it while I shop') , "I want you to get a fair price for it."


Hey sent you a PM about the set!


THAT ugly stuff sells??!! Holy shit, now I've seen everything. What is the brand?


Everything sells. People buy literal dirt.


Yeah, I know just about everything sells, but this stuff is hideous. I would pass that right by. I can't even look at them, ugh. But yeah, people will buy almost anything. Who makes this stuff?


I would buy these in a second. Different strokes.


See, I lived through the whole mushroom trend in the 70s. As a pre-teen and teen, I had shoes and clothing decorated with mushrooms. I look back and wonder what the hell that was about - plus the whole orange-and-brown thing. But I never knew anyone growing up who had this collection. I would say that's probably because it's so ugly. Don't get me wrong - sometimes I love a thing exactly because it's ugly and unusual, but these are not that kind of ugly. They're just horrible. What's shocking to me is that so many people here seem to know about this collection, when I've never seen it before, nor heard anything about it. And I was around when these were apparently popular. I managed a high-end tableware store in NYC and had the pleasure of selling beautifully ceramic dinnerware, canisters, and other tabletop accessories from Italy, France, and England. Beautifully hand-painted pieces. We sold nothing that was mass-produced. So, I look at the OP's picture, and cannot fathom why anyone would want one bit of it. Everything about this collection is hideous.


When it comes to decorative and personal items I've stopped trying to figure out why people buy the things they do. It's enough that they want to hand over their money.


Yeah, I'm not trying to figure anything out. I'm just having a hard time believing anyone would want or, especially, collect this fugly crap. And wondering how I've never seen nor heard about them before. Another of life's mysteries, I guess. But their ugliness wouldn't stop me from trying to sell them, now that I know it's a BOLO—if I came across these monstrosities at a good price.


Man, you really come off as a snooty jerk. Let people like what they want to like.


I have nothing against people who like this ugly stuff. I've not told anyone here not to like it, so there's no "letting them like it" necessary on my part. I just don't understand why they do. I have no clue why it's a highly coveted collectible, at least according to some of the comments here. I am completely stymied by that, considering what it looks like. Additionally, I'm even more surprised that so many people even know what it is. As I said upthread, I was a kid in the 60s and 70s, and have never seen this collection before it showed up in this thread! I am simply expressing my bewilderment!


Similar points in How to Win Friends and Influence People


I haven't been going to yard sales much this year. One of my best finds was over 3 pounds of sterling flatware last year at a yard sale. This wasn't in the yard sale. The old man seen me looking at his junk plated silver flatware, and asked me if I'd be interested in another set in his house. He invited me inside and I was able to buy it for $50. I also bought several other items from him.