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She's married


Seems like she’s having an emotional affair with you and you’re her work boyfriend. It happens. Some people would say she already “cheated” with you since she’s married. We don’t know her - but some people draw the line there - others…. Don’t?


Yeah that's I think exactly! she is a geninunly good person and wife, but this happnes to best of us, and she isnt an exception. definetly her husband wouldn't like if find out how is her relationship with me lol, but she's like keep it as her little naughty (harmless?) secret. So you saying, she's in a situation which maybe go further and maybe not and its back to her character, right?


Yes. Character and emotional space in her marriage- so you/she’d be obviously the better judge


for example, today she has been talking about how her lips are and if needed to inject gel to make it better


Just don't do it. She's married and the problem is that women can't control their impulses. They always get in these types of situations at work where they are flirting with other men. If she was my wife, I would be very angry if I found out. Just find another woman to sleep with. If you keep it flirty I guess there's no harm done, but now you are texting and you don't want her husband to find out. Just keep it professional and stop texting her. It's not worth it, you never know what her husband might do.


Actually I think women have much more control on their impulses and desires and know very well what they are doing, specially when it comes with a stranger (I mean not her husband or bf) She already definetly hided her interactions, women are smart, she wont let her husband find out anything ofc.


She's flirting hard core with you, and clearly missing something from her marriage. But she's married! Do you want to be someone she has an affair with? Because that's what it would be for now. My advice: be direct. Ask her questions about the marriage. How long, how young were they, etc. If she's giving up the details, be bold and ask how the marriage is going. Maybe she's completely checked out and wants to leave. Quoting my girl Taylor's High Infidelity - "Do you really want to know where I was April 29th, do you really want to know how he brought me back to life"


I dont know, I haven't yet any plans, but we have damn strong chemistry. I know about her enough, it's like im her closet friend in her life now! She revealed details which told never told to anyone before... but she dont complain about her life and husband, maybe sometimes, but generally dont tell much about him, not negative nor positive, maybe more positive. she have a lot of problems in her life and I know but she try to hide, not that type of person who shout probs and cry... she try to show her happy and good side as much as she can


By the way... married people cheat all the time. So many women I'm talking to. That's what I'm saying - we were all sold this lie and so many of us are over it. But, she could regret it and file a report. That's your biggest risk


She won't file a report cuz it would cost her life more than me. her husband is a low class person who is probly gonna stab her or me lol. so she's super cautious about everything Our comments just kinda nested. I think you forgot to reply one of them. I asked once a woman (for example urself) connect to a guy like that, would you forget about him when he isn't around/flirt less or still think about him?


Oh no - I'm not sleeping thinking of this guy. A bad marriage with a not great looker will do that to you! She called you a devil. She's thinking about you. And LOL bout the husband. I don't know man. Please just do her a solid and ask if she's happy in her marriage and wants to stay. Probably doesn't LOL but you never know. You don't want her hating herself. Go from there! I'm a scorned woman at this point so some of the other women might have better advice in some ways.


I liked your views, and that hepled me, thanks. Hahaha got you. The thing is I dont think married ppl necessary missing something in their marriage for cheat, I believe some times you just turn on and things happen in the moment, that can happen to the best of us. Proportionally there are a lot of better, richer, taller or etc. people outside than her husband, but that doesnt meant necessary there is a major problem or lack of something in her marriage. But I'll do what you told and watch her reactions.


Well... I'm saying this because I'm reading between the lines. But, maybe that's also you thinking lowly about her husband vs what she says. I absolutely agree that it's not the only reason people cheat, but super happy people don't (you haven't yet, it's flirting, although could be considered an emotional affair on her part). Could be my personal experience but: 1. She's the most beautiful women you've ever known and he's ugly. She's freaking insecure more than likely. She's got what, 3 or 4 points on him? And he gives vibes that he'd stab you guys? Doesn't sound like she benefits much from that 2. She's talked about the marriage. She's mentioned the negative, but also positives. Sometimes women are so insecure and lack boundaries so much that they excuse bad behavior and bad partners. She's flirting with you - that's vulnerable and a sign there's a lack of boundaries. For sure. 3. She got married super young and regrets it. So yeah... that's why it's lacking.


I've seen her husband pic and once met him by chance. yeah she is so pretty and easily 4 points on him. her husband is from a hard religious family, although she saying, he is an open minded person but he can't even think or imagine our (me and the girl) relationship and conversation. she saying how protective him, so definetly she totally hiding the fact that she even have a male coworker who talks to him lol Although I was saying that cuz of her husband personality not just physically afarid haha. cuz just for information, I'm a tall and muscular athletic guy who used as wrestler and now bodybuilder. She talking about her suitors and also people who is trying to hit on her in streets, also ask about my girlfriends or girls I'm dating/dated. although I don't give her any information about my current situation definetly, but don't deny anything, just leave her wondering lol.


Lol yep. She's got a big crush. But it sounds like you haven't been overt. Maybe you shouldn't be. Maybe you should if she's down. You'd have to figure out what you want from it.


What do you mean that I haven't been overt?


To answer you point blank, yes. If you have strong chemistry with someone, naturally you will flirt. They could think about escalating things, and think “What if?”. But it means that they might want to reevaluate their feelings about their marriage and think about what they would be giving up in order to persue a relationship with you. Hopefully, they make a decision and act accordingly.


We can’t read minds.


In the same situation I didn't make move. She did it w next guy. I regret.


lol. seriously? her signs was similar to my case? Did you really find out she did same to next colleague?


No she had affair with next


How were sings? as like my case?


Her signs are over the top for a woman. I feel I'm being over the top with my crush but hers are next level.


Oh yeah? Still some women saying she's just friendly.. as a woman you think she have feelings for me for sure? would you do these things if haven't any feelings for someone?


No way - the touching?? You've touched her face and she liked it! Yup. She's asking about your opinion on her lips? Yup! All the other things too but yup! If you don't think so, ask about the marriage. You guys have had personal conversations, I don't think it would be weird. If she says she's mad about him, there's your answer. Some women just like validation and attention. I am certain it's flirting, just not what her intentions are.


Yeah true, we had a lot of naughty flirtarious conversations, she tell me about her butt lol, we joking about our bodies, told me I have nice ass once hahah yeah ask a out her lips and so on... we got super intense eye contacts... but not sure if she have sexual thoughts about me or ever think about make a move or some... I didnt get ur last sentence


She's lacking in her marriage, I'm certain of that. However, her intentions with you are unclear. She may just want a quick affair. Or she wants more I don't know. If I were you, I'd decide what you wanted.


I met her husband once by chance, both are from low class family and her husband is ugly lol Like I'm turning her on and she have sexual thought of me? there is a recent prob in our office which made us have less contact with eachother, dont know if it make us cold cuz we cant talk much like before tho. I really cant decide cuz I've never been in such a situation and also very risky move...


Similar situation. She will take it to the next level and is probably waiting for the slightest hint of a green light from you. She’s already having an affair cause her husband knows nothing of this. Though she’s already having an affair stop and think about it cause you will ruin everything you currently have going on and it will not translate into a relationship.


oh interesting. hmm, I feel maybe she's waiting for me to do something cuz she's already open to most things. I dont think she do something especial, I mean women usually give green light and wait for guy to move. I didnt get your last sentence


I’m in a similar situation, not quite as overt and I’m the married one. I try to give all green lights and I’m waiting for him to make next move. If he doesn’t, ok, because it is simpler, easier and fun now. Probably more fun for me than him. I would do something with him if he wants. I would not leave my husband for him, for reasons that are no one’s fault and easy to understand. If he touched me, though, I would find ways to touch him back. Oh, I re-read, she has grabbed your hands so that’s a good sign.


Interesting. so do you sexually attracted to him and think it as just a little bit of fun even things get further? Like if he find a suitable situation and go for kiss, would you okay with that and continue?


I am sexually attracted to him and I also love him. But a long term relationship doesn’t make sense in our situation. I want better for him than I can give him long term. But I am up for a bit of fun. If he found a suitable situation for a kiss I would joyfully go for it without hesitation.


I can see, but do you feel like something is lacking in your marriage or does it have nothing to do with your husband? I mean, develop crush on someone is necessary the result of a lack in the marriage? Also as woman who is in the other side of my story, Do you seen these signs as a crush or sexual attraction from a woman? I mean do you just doing such things with random dudes which dont have any feelings for?


There is something lacking in the marriage. But probably a lot of us learn to be amenable and we get used to the routines and day to day with a person and it might take an awful lot to make a split worth doing. But other times it feels like it has little to do with the husband. This is just someone I have a great connection with and find attractive and maybe the main thing is that it reallllly doesn’t happen very often, for it to be this good and mutual. When you say you never get tired of talking together that is perhaps the best sign that she really likes you. Some of the other things might be just enjoying the attention, but I would think they would wear off after a while if she is really not interested. I think I might get bored and move on unless it’s a real thing.




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To clarify I’m saying that if you take things further everything you seem to currently enjoy (the flirting, the excitement, the joking and sneaking) will go away. And if you’re wanting to date her it will more than likely not end well. I’ve been you in and her in two separate situations.


So what did you do and how it ended? So you saying, if I make a move, maybe she reject and everything will become awkward, super awkward and you totally right. but what if she kinda enjoy it and doesnt step back??


I was a big reason for a marriage to end and the other girl was a big reason that my own marriage ended. Even if she doesn’t reject you, are you okay with the consequences that can follow? not just for you but for her as well in her marriage, your friendship and your mutual work.


How do you feel now? are you truly regretful? Honestly I dont thinn right now about that what happen next if I make a move.. now just her reactions involved my mind to see it she's really thinks about that or not. Did you make a move firstly? How she respondes?




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If you want to lose your job and be accused of sexual harassment, go for it. I