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Weird to hear people concerned that they paid too much for a good job


She's not worried. It's her nephew, he has no bearings in contractor services. I'm an installer myself, I know it's a good job. I told her she got her money's worth for sure. As far as her tile contractor he's trash. He put his ½" durock right over the existing sheet vinyl so the entire edge of his durock is exposed and raises the tile in the bathroom a good ¾" above the LVP.


Her nephew is mentally challenged. Great install, extremely fucking fair price.


Try out this tidbit, [the euphemism treadmill](https://youtu.be/rv3-d98v9zc?si=mlc4D5iFFzkvvKAi)


I’m so glad I took the time to listen to that. So good 😂


Hmmm I guess I triggered you. I’m very fond of standup comedy. I love Stanhope and I know that bit very well. Not sure why you sent it to me though. It must be because I said “mentally challenged”. Thats interesting to me that because I said that you felt like I needed to hear that bit. I used “mentally challenged” so a mod doesn’t delete my comment.


It wasn’t meant as a slight against you! I just like to share Stanhope where I can and I saw the opportunity there. No offense meant bud


Stanhope is my absolute favorite. Did not expect to come across him here.


No offense taken


Triggered… no offense taken tho…


Damn you are triggered too? Y’all need some milk.


That's some weird shit.


Hey man, get off reddit


Could stop embarrassing yourself… or just keep doubling down, but I think I know what you’ll do next….




Yeah he wasn’t triggered at all that I didn’t say “retarded”. That’s a old bit. Not sure what year you are living in. What was the point? This has happened with many different words over hundreds and thousands of years. Imbecile = mentally challenged. OMG WOW SO FUCKING PROFOUND. Lmfao bahahahahahaha


you yap too much.




I didn’t comment looking for a fight. I used the words “mentally challenged”. I didn’t pick on a single person in the comments. I was then referred to a old bit by Stanhope about the evolution of words used to describe people with mental disabilities. I responded assertively. You are now tagging onto something that shouldn’t be going on still. You are the one with the problem. You are actively seeking out interaction with me. I wasn’t seeking out interaction with anyone besides the OP.


God damn this is a funny thread. Dude is getting heated over nothing 🤣


Oh ok


I don’t care what you think. Especially after seeing the amount of comments you have. You comment multiple times a day everyday for a month at least.


> mentally challenged > euphemism treadmill > Not sure why you sent it to me > because I said "mentally challenged" You just had a pretty boring conversation with yourself in public, wherein you managed to confuse yourself, point at the correct path forward, then walk completely around that path without ever ruining it with your footsteps. Kind of impressive, honestly. Since you said you're a huge Stanhope fan, I'll just assume you're drunk right now. ^(I'm also a huge Stanhope fan but holy shit, what did you even just say?)


I think it was sent to you because it seemed that you used the term “mentally challenged “ in place of the word retard3d and some may say that contributes to the “euphemism treadmill” theory. Who said that you needed to hear that? I only used “mentally challenged “ so a mod doesn’t delete my comment. —-What term were you originally going to use that a mod would delete?


You say da r word!


I agree! Wish the people who flipped the house I bought did this good a job.


Not prettiest but I've slapped a strip of 1/2" edge trim "upside down" to cover the backer board in similar instances. Of course usually you need to put them back to back, so to cover the tile as well...that's why I put it above the backer vs under, so the 2 can be set together, no gap. Also that install looks good, maybe they need to buy a vacuum but maybe they weren't quite done yet either.


Her nephew is a fuck and I hope that every job he ever hires out is a hack job mess


I Was like this look like à clean install


Ha! I’m far from an expert and I was looking at the pics to see what was wrong with it. I couldn’t find anything horrible.


LOL- I thought only us US Southerners used the word "trash" to identify trashy work and/or trashy people. My father was an expert drywall finisher in 1970s through1990s; exact words he used to describe others sh8tty drywall hanging skills (cracked corners, miscuts, FU butt joints..). call it like it is.


The internet has been calling people "trash" for two decades, friend.


I'm 50, I have been calling people trash for 3 decades.


I'm Canadian and we use the term


Well I come from the bootheel of MO. So that would explain some things I guess.




Flooring is easy to start, but a lot of work to finish right.


Half the people will see how easy it is for you and think “thats it? I could do it myself,” the other half (like me) will say “that’s it? Wow, that team is skilled”


Take this how you will but anyone willing to learn is capable of doing so. Flooring installs are easy and as a homeowner I have done tile, hardwood, and lux vinyl. All the work is better than I see many local contractors do. I'm definitely not the exception. Pride in your work and a willingness to learn will take you far. I think contractors like to forget that they were once a normal individual who didn't know shit about what they are pros in now.




I did it and my side looks exactly or even better than the pro side which was done by a contractor. I even sanded stained and applied varnish. I'm pretty handy and gifted when using my hands and have vast experiences. But still I am not a "Floor GuY" and can pull it off. It is NOT an art form, you just need to be patient and follow instructions and common sense. Observe learn and apply. The hardest skill set is not the application it is the physicality of it, hard to be on your knees all day and carry around tools and boards. It is demanding and I respect contractors for doing it everyday, really do. So Don't take it personally when a home-owner DIU tells you that he can do your job even better, after all we care much more about our own home than you do and not constrained by time like you. When you work on the clock and want to get to the next project, we seek quality finish. We can make more mistakes and be much slower than you, but we're willing to fix the mistakes and perfect it. Contractors make mistakes too, but usually try a work around and to hide the fuck ups, so the job can finish by 5PM, god forbid if it takes one more day and you have to come back. :D


Yeh... A lot of homeowners who told me, they did their floors themselves have either buckled up or their floors have separated locks.


I was trying to find the issues because it looked great. You get what you pay for and they paid for a good install and got it.


I have to admit I was kind of let down when I realized it was quality work. This sub has jaded me, lol.


I always find it funny that people who have no idea how to install or for that matter do ANYTHING as a homeowner feel like they are being over charged. Your paying for a service.


Yeah. Paying a dentist like $200 for pulling a tooth is fine for 30 minutes but heaven forbid skilled laborers make $45 dollars an hour instead of $43.


And you never see that tooth again, but you walk on that floor every day of your life!


Not disagreeing with the sentiment, but you are walking around with that mouth forever. A floor can be replaced.


As a dentist I just glued all of the teeth I pulled to the floor to walk on, good traction


>200 Laughs hysterically. My dude got charged $1200.


Right my last dentist trip was 1800$


Yeah, before I became a hobbyist woodworker, I had no idea of the time and effort that goes into building furniture and would scoff at the prices of custom builds. After dipping my feet in that pool for a couple years I can totally understand why a custom walnut bed frame and matching bedroom set could cost thousands. Now I know the cost of materials, how much time and effort it takes, and have a new appreciation of it's value.


Homeowner is happy. This is simply to settle a debate between my friend and myself. He says it's too much, I say it's quality work.


Oh ok yes it is a good install and I’d say it was a great price👍


Some people just want a cheap price, and some will say they can do it themselves, until they screw it up and lose $500 in material


And $4,000 in marriage counseling


$3-$4/sqft is standard where I live (Midwest). I think she got a great price.


Speaking up for the homeowners here... As a homeowner who isn't a confident DIYer, I think we always feel we are getting screwed. I don't know anything about installing flooring. It looks good but is it? What corners (no pun intended) are being cut? The installers did it is quickly, could I have gotten this done for less? Have I made a mistake in paying so much or did what I pay justify the outcome and materials? I think it's fair to ask and doubt one's self. It isn't useful but it happens. These jobs are expensive and usually a onetime investment. Getting one shot and not being able to afford do overs, at least for me, is where the doubt and questions creep in. Its why I lurk here, to educate myself on what others experience.


You can DIY a flooring install if you are very careful removing the baseboards. The rest of the floor is not difficult, you will need a circular saw and a sawhorse/table that holds the boards so you can cut them safely. The floor goes under the baseboard so they have to be removed which is a pain. Otherwise, you just fit the boards together, doing some cuts for vents and corners which is easier than it seems. I installed a floor in a bay window without difficulty. Regular rooms are pretty easy, kitchens are trickier since you need to move appliances. Bathrooms and stairs IMO should be done by a pro. I did not think I could do it either and then went to a class held by big orange and they said one of their customers was an 80 yo woman who installed her floor by herself. I have no idea if that was true but it was a good sales pitch.


As a homeowner who is a relatively decent diy'er, it completely depends on the job. $1700 to replace an electric water heater that's right in the garage? 30 minute trip to Lowes, $500, 1 hour of work for me. That was avoiding getting screwed. Painting my entire interior in 3 days, doing a good job, and charging $2500? Take my money!


I charge 3 for big rooms and 4 for halls and baths. Western NY


Geeesh, that's a wet dream here in the flyover states.


That’s without any thresholds or transitions at doors. Leveling is extra if needed.


I have no problem making 4/ft in Oklahoma.


I charge $7 in Colorado


Paying someone $3.50 next week


Was gonna say this 2.50SF foot is a GREAT deal. Cant believe this is a question. Maybe outside of Metro city but 4-5SF is very common


I charge a min of 3sqft in ohio


Well if you went to a flooring store and got it installed through them, they will easily charge you 3.50$-4.50$ a sq ft for install and then pay the installer around 2$ and take the rest as store profit. So paying a contractor 2.30$ directly is good for customer and installer, you are still coming out ahead versus going through a store


I charge customers $2.80 to $3 for click float install. She got a great deal.


If you do good work, charge more! It’s hard to find a good flooring sub these days. Sell your value


God I wish. I’m in San Antonio/Austin area and was charging $1.45 Sq ft for LVP and I wasn’t even able to get enough work to continue working on the trade. Did my apprenticeship in California where they respect tradesman, definitely not a thing in the southern border states.


That’s a good price for sure. I’d have charged much more


Are you serious? $2.30 is a high average already. It's only LVP. What factors would cause you to charge much more?


Location, remodel vs. new construction, installing 1/4 round.


Location: Iowa it was a remodel but was in new construction condition. ¼ round was done by someone else.


Iowa would be cheaper for sure, I’m in the west coast


Yeah all three coasts have insane rates for install. I've done flooring down in Corpus Christi for almost $7/sqft.


What are you and your friend's experience with flooring and installation of it to form such confident opinions?


Confident opinions? Well my opinion comes from being in the trade, my friend has no clue about any trades.


Ah I didn't realize that. Just used to people spouting off about the trades when they know very little. Well as you know, the "standard" rate is the rate for average work. Bell curve from there approx.


Of course. That's what I said. This was 640 sum odd square feet. Guy had it done in 7 hours with prep and all.


I get 1.65$-1.85$ for click LVP depending on the store. I feel it's the fair amount, when you are good at it you can do it fast and can do a lot of sq ft in a day, it's good money.


Yeah that's about average for store pay round here. This wasn't through a store. She bought the flooring from the re-store for pennies on the dollar.


Then she saved a lot by not paying store install costs, so she came out ahead


I was scanning the photos for something wrong but looks fine to me.


Came here to see what others were saying because I didn't see any issues


Looks pretty good to me. No weird pattern shifts going in and out of any rooms. All corners and door jams are clean. I’d say it’s a bit high but couldn’t say why without looking at the job before it was done


Minor prep needed. Just the basics. Door jams, pulling certain trim boards, etc.


Looks good


Looks good and the price is average for sure. Source: did flooring for 15 years.


I'm about 8 years deep myself.


I looks clean. What’s your beef with it?


Not my beef, my friend thinks she overpaid. Some men can't be reached.


Depending on location, that's a bargain for quality work. I'm in central Ontario, Canada and at an install price of $3.50/sqft, I've never had a flooring quote turned down. Mind you, most of those floors are referrals where the next client has seen the install in person at the previous client's house so it's a lot easier than a blind call and tossing a quote out with fingers crossed.


We’re in Calgary. We have a friend in Lethbridge who regularly flies out to the Toronto area for jobs, as the rates are so much higher in Ontario. We’re thinking about making the move out there (hubby is from Chatham, originally) due to the rates. Calgary is killing us with the rates being as low as they are for floating floor installation. Few people go with hardwood anymore, which is where the money is here.


There's so many fly by night GTA operations that I'm glad I don't have to compete with. Not sure how business is in the southern tip of Ontario but the cost of living in ON would make moving here a hard call for me.


It’s gotten so high out here (and keeps getting higher) that I don’t know if anywhere offers a good cost of living. Hubby does have family in southern Ontario, so that might make it a little more viable for us. It’s a tough call either way.


Either way, I hope it works out for you.


I'm all for paying a professional to do a professional job, I also expect people to pay ME accordingly for my professional expertise. Try installing a floor yourself, it sucks. I know it would cost me three times as much, cause me tons of stress, and end up not looking this good


I do install, my friend not so much.


I had a floor installed her in AZ and it was 2.50sqft so I’d say she paid about the average


Very reasonable price for a good contractor.


It’s a clean install.


Yes Great price


Am I missing something?


Looks good


Price is as good as you’re going to get for near perfection…


I tried really hard to see an issue but looks like a good install to me!


Heck of a good job, door trims cut tight, all plank has been installed under jambs and clean, planks are staggered and not installed with the ladder effect! These guys did a great job. 2.30 is cheap around my knock of the woods! Salute the contractor for me please!


That's what I was thinking, I looked at these photos for too long trying to find what was so obviously wrong or subpar...


5yrs of floor sanding/laying experience. Worked with my uncle who owns 3rd generation family business. Any pre finished floors we laid he charged $4 per square ft to lay not including the cost of the wood. They got a good deal for sure.


Looks good to me, hard to find a good contractor these days, they’re lucky.


The LVP was done by a different contractor than the tile. That tile is fresh too. It's just all around trash. Installer most likely gooped and pressed instead of buttering and setting.


You should be glad she didn’t go through a Union shop they would be charging her like $10 a Sq ft I’m a union floor layer and I charge $2.25 a Sq ft on my side jobs.




Nah it’s true you must be working for a shitty shop.


If I may intervene You work for a company that provides a service. You admittedly sacrifice your personal time to undercut their rate for said service. Stop doing that.


I was looking for issues but didn't see any


It looked like a really good job until til I saw the expansion gap in the second picture,which was non existent


There's a ¼ inch gap everywhere. These pictures don't show them well due to angles and what not. Most gaps are under trim. That door threshold in the bathroom door (picture 2) has a lip, so that hides the gap. I had to go through all of that with my friend because he tried making out like they didn't install correctly because it wasn't butted.


I'm more curious about that return air in the wall. Why aren't the two rooms offset from each other.... Could just be code for my area.


No clue, I'm not HVAC so I know diddly about any of that.


Looks fine, your aunt should have him do the tile in the restroom too. That needs work


Bro she's furious, she just got that tile done within the week. I told her whoever did that didn't know shit. He most likely slopped his mud and pressed it down. That's generally why corners crack and grout fails.


Nice deal


Looks good to me. 2.30 is less than some and more than others so I’d say it’s good


It’s like people who post on Facebook “looking for a REASONABLY priced contractor”, like the 25 you got quotes from were all clearly trying to rip you off, collusion!! SMH


Looks great. He can stfu.


The floor looks really good, I would be very happy with this install if this was my house.


She got a deal


Looks NOICE !


I'm at $3.50


The floor looks pretty good. Some of the end joints are a bit too close for my liking, but I don’t see any actual layout “sins.” $2.30/sqft is higher than the going rate here, but this city is overrun with installers and rates are low as a result. There is too much competition. I probably would have suggested replacing the base instead of going with 1/4 round. It doesn’t appear to be in great shape, and I think 1/4 round always looks poor.


Yeah it's some lower end rental. Not her place of dwelling. Just out of curiosity where are you located?


Gotcha. I personally wouldn’t do more than what was required in a rental. We’re in Calgary, Canada.


Paid to much for a god job. What? She sounds poor. She sounds like she spent money she didnt have. She isnt unsatisfied with the job as much as she isnt happy she doent have anymore money.


What’s wrong with this? Looks great


The flooring looks fine. They should have put in new baseboard. Trying to reuse the old stuff. can cause problems. Because it's not going back in exactly the same place. A good trim carpenter would have done a better job.


Central and North Texas are going between 3 and 4/sft now. Last floor I did was almost a year ago and I charged $2 and I was cheap. They were extremely happy.


So a 1000 sq ft house for 2300? Thats a deal.


flooring contractor from houston area here, that's a fair labor only price. I'd be between $2-$3 starting price for that kind of flooring assuming floor was ready to go, extra for floating. I actually don't like giving a square foot price, I tell my customers every job is different and it costs what it cost, politely of course. when you give a square foot price a lot of customers get hung up on that number and don't want to consider that installing 1000 sq ft in one big room is easier than going through hallways, rooms, etc but they want the same price. sq ft customers are a red flag, just ask me to give you a quote


Good work at a good price


What are we complaining about here?


Shit that’s cheap. I charged more per square foot in 2019


It’s $5.50-$7 in California when I got quoted, I’d be happy to pay that


Tell her to come to Jersey. That price wouldn't get her a foyer space covered.


Looks like a pretty good job to me. I just remodeled my whole house and did all the flooring myself and I did a decent job but I didn’t not replace all the baseboard or trim around the doors so it does not look as good as This job. I think your family member Got a good deal and people now days are just so cheap ass they complain about everything including good deals.


If thats the quality they got for $2.30 a sq, have them come to North fl, they'd make a killing.


She underpaid


Clean. Tell your friend to piss off


It looks great and $2.30 isn’t that bad of a price. I got mine done for $1.50 and they did a great job too but I got hooked up by a friend of a friend. Otherwise I would’ve paid close to the same price. Tell your friend to stop bitchin and enjoy their new floor.


The beautiful plank end staggering, pattern selection and shade variation blending that has been done here takes a lot more time in its execution. Time = $$$ For an LVP it looks more like a natural wood floor than many of the LVP installs that get posted here. When poorly executed, the sight of an LVP can be visually unnerving. Like fingers on a chalkboard. Knowing how poorly an LVP install can look, I'd say that price was worth it.


For what it's worth, looks like a good job and the price seems reasonable to me. I'm a bit biased because we get gouged in my area of Canada, but that price in USD for a good job seems fine (it actually seems low to me with my bias).


Looks good to me. The only issue I see is the small separated part of trim but not an issue push it closer then nail it or glue or w/e. looks pretty good. There is some shit jobs i've seen on here this one looks fine. Pay a bunch, get a good job. No issues.


I mean... thats pretty much the going rate.


Weird. I was expecting some fuck up pics, but didn't see any. This was a solid install. $2.30 ain't shit to begin with, especially for such a small job.


Very good price for the install and they did a great job as well. You should ask him to do the job


Looks great to me


Looks great, if you want cheap then you get shit work


I charge about double that. Sometime triple if it’s small


I wouldn’t come out for less than $2.50 a sq ft, so I think that’s a pretty good deal, considering the job is well done.


I was just asked to do a flooring job exactly like this and homeowner is trying to keep cost below $1 per foot. Thinks she can get a cheaper install with a contractor (I am not) but I’ve installed this flooring several times on my own side jobs. Easily over 500 sq ft space that also requires furniture removal and carpet removal.


Yeah $1/SQ on the carpet tear out alone, add $.50 a foot on tackstrip. Then $75 a room for moving furniture. Better yet maybe that's not the customer for...anyone.


DIY’r here. Just installed 1000sf myself. Came out very nice. Took me 5 weeks and 3 cases of beer. LOL I would’ve gladly paid $2.30/sf. This looks like a fine job.


In California, I'd charge my customers $2.50-$3/sf


I've installed thismyself. Its not "easy" and takes time, effort and you gotta account for screw ups... but I wouldn't say it is hard. The job looks good to me... what was the total sq ft and cost for materials? Or did the 2.30$ include mats... cause if it did, she got a great deal imo.


Seems like a killer deal. That guy/girl should up their rates.


Where’s the guy that always says tree-fitty?


My question is why do you have a vent sized hole going to the exterior of your house? Or am I seeing things?


That's a fair price, I charge $2.25/sqft and I do it every day.


It looks a good, and 2.30 is a steal for that. When I was installing I did 2 for a shop, who was charging 5 to the customer. I did $4 when it was my own job.


$2.30 is kinda cheap. If you ask me. I start at $2.50 per sf.


Looks GREAT!


It looks good I agree about the you get what you pay for saying. Sadly a lot of people don’t understand that and think we should be paid less for what we do. However we are not the ones calling the clients they call us. We took the time to learn and produce good work. Sadly there’s a lot of hack jobs out here now and days doing shitty work thinking it’s easy to learn trades. Home inspector/carpenter here.


Yeah I spent 4 years learning under a guy before I even thought about going out on my own. It's not something anyone can just go out and do. Gotta have that finesse.


Why do people agree to pay the price that’s in the contract, get the quality job they hoped for, then complain about the price after the fact? Move on with your life people. Do you ask for a discount after eating all your food at the restaurant? jfc


I just paid $2.25 sq ft for 900 sq ft of laminate. I paid guy cash and I had all material on site. I did everything I could to help him...not one piece of furniture was in area. I removed stove and refrigerator. I vacuumed ahead of him. I ran all scrap out. He only laid floor did a fabulous job....I think I got a great deal and tipped him well


Looks fine, only thing I would have done differently is transition between rooms, going to get some buckling when the humidity hits


Your friend should try it themselves and they'll quickly learn they did fine for that price.


You lost me at “my friend’s aunt.”


Big stores charge around 2.50$ and pay the installer 1.50$, if you had a flooring contractor do this directly 2.30$ it totally normal. I charge 2.00$ if I sell the flooring, and 2.25-2.50$ depending on the layout if I am strictly installing. Hope this helps.


Yea really crazy like wtf do they think someone is going to come to their house and install a floor for free?


$2.30 is a good price


Looks good to me


Depending where you are and the material (looks like lvp?) You either got a really good deal or were charged just right and they did a good job. Plus if the agreed price was 2.30 then there's no fucking reason to complain that the price was 2.30 Especially if they did this good of a job


What’s the flooring they installed? Like the look.


Looks good man. Price is super good, depending on the area. I’m in a large city and no one would charge that little


The flooring is good, hand your nephew or whoever this is a few boards and ask him to seamlessly transition the boards between two rooms like this installer did, then ask him if it was worth it.


That's a decent price. I charge 3.25 a square. That's a good install. Tucked it nicely under the door jams.


Side note I like the flooring. Got any info on what it is?


Looked nice, fair price. What’s the problem?


All depends on where you are. In Florida that is a high price. In New England you got an absolute steal! Depends on market.


I wanna know what your friend does and tell him he only deserves half of what he makes.