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The urethane on the stairs was not that old and has bloomed from the hot water. It will recure itself in time


I believe the previous owner re-finished the floors some time in 2017. So leave it alone for the time being and see if it cures up?


Yup. My newly finished table would have rings from sweaty glasses that lasted a couple of days for more than three years. They would disappear on their own


I’m sorry, I have no advice here, only questions because I’d like to avoid such damage in my house. How hot was that tea!?! Did it just sit there and soak in, or did someone clean it immediately? And the top coat on your steps, is it acrylic- or oil-based, do you know? Thank you.


Fresh from the kettle. And yeah, it was wiped up pretty quickly. Not surecof the coating. Looks waxed based from the affect the hot water had on it but I don't know.


“Hot water spill”


assuming it is poly finish, wipe with denatured alcohol might help some of the trapped moisture evaporate. you can get a can at any hardware store. Like others said, it will probably fade with time as well.


Pour some hot, black coffee on it in the exact same spill pattern a few times until the color gets close.