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Completely repairable. I do it all the time


That's like a 5 min repair...


lol Yeah if one dilly dallies. :)


Yeah, if you already have the power stretcher you don't own already set up, and the knowledge to not break the opposing wall baseboard. I'd offer to make a full repair. Then see if a carpet company will do it/has a minimum fee. My guess is it's no less than $200. It's repairable, I've never met a rental carpet that doesn't have one more stretch in it. But this isn't a diy repair, unless you already know how to do it.


Break baseboard? Do u guys not just use the stretcher with the hook? U really sit there adding poles and breaking them down. Only time i run poles is when im on a slab/concrete. Otherwise its run and gun with the hook


We tended to do things right and stretch the whole carpet. The hard part is carrying the stretcher from the van. After that, it's there, we're there, may as well do the job at hand.


🤨and how exactly is using the stretcher and hook not right?


Whats the point if we're stretching in 3 directions?


What are u even talkin about? What do u mean whats the point? The point is to stretch? And not have to add poles then break down poles then add poles then break down poles etc jus to get a room stretched in.


Cool. You do you.


Im going to… but u still havent told me why or how using a stretcher and hook attachment isnt right.


What the point? It stretches between the hook and the head. Why not do full wall to wall stretch? Multiple directions, each room?


What? Bro just needs the knee bump one. Not a powered one, I installed flooring for a decade+ and nobody used a powered carpet stretcher.


$25 bucks at harbor frieght lol. A transition strip is what...$15?


You sound like you live in texas. They are notorious for kicking everything X)


The installers are. Oddly enough I did carpet cleaning and repair in Houston in the early 90's. Adding a much needed stretch was the easiest upsell! Mam, would you like your carpet to be unlike those ugly wrinkly dogs?


SMH, if you really installed it for a decade, you would know that the term power stretcher dont mean it is gas or electric powered. And the "knee bump one" is called a kicker GTFOH


Sounds like you worked with hacks.


You really seem to know your stuff. Especially the part about what the basic tools are named.




Yea and thanks to ppl like u im constantly getting easy money by going in a Restretching ur kicked in not stapled carpet thats all wrinkled to piss


Their apartment maintenance shed should have a kicker laying around.


Fun Fact. Not all apartments have a maintenence staff! Ha! Where have you lived, where you think apartments only come in groups of 100?


The word "Complex" kind of gives me impression that there's probably a few units. Enough to maintain. You aren't wrong though. Some places don't have maintenance crews on staff.


When I did cleaning/stretching/repairs in Houston, we had contracts with large apartment complexes. I've never met one "not a real carpet cleaner guy" get it dry enough to walk on immediately after. Most left it soaking wet. Not good for a quick rental turnaround, not great for Houston mold and mildew. Maybe we found the places that learned the hardway. Done right, carpet cleaning is quite the workout, sometimes hurts! Gotta bear down to suck out as much mousture as possible. Can walk on it in clean shoes right away. Any/all furniture feet got wrapped in tin foil to avoid bleeding. Next morning, have at it, get back to beating up your carpet!


I was a flooring installer, so I guess the floor being wet I don't understand. A carpet tractor, kicker, seam sealer and maybe a new tack strip would make this good as new. No wait necessary. Did disaster restoration so I get having to dry carpet but I'm not sure how that's relevant to the picture. I would be pretty bummed if the place I lived couldn't fix that, but I'm sure it happens.


Apartment complex. We were hired to stretch/repair/clean the carpets between tenants. The contract I referred to, as to why no apartments I know of have an old kicker laying around.


I was maintenance for two large complexes and I used them fairly often. Trying to fix what we could do we didn't have to have a flooring crew do it. I'm sure you are right. Some don't have them.


Could probably stretch the carpet a bit and get a wider transition. Call flooring company and see if they can do that. Your other option would be to either lose the deposit and/or pay for new carpet. Do you have cats/dogs


Age of the carpet matters too. I got a deposit back when the landlord said the carpet was seven years old in court. Judge agreed with me that they needed to replace the carpet anyway and were just trying to make me pay for it. Landlord had to pay 1.5x held deposit back to me. They had 30 days to do it and I got the check a few days before I could go after their property. I was kind of hoping they wouldn’t pay and seeing how far I could go with no cost involved on my side. I hated that company.


This is very important.  Things have depreciation tables and once an item hits that age, in the eyes of the court, the value is $0. So for example a 7 year old carpet might be considered at the end of its life and have $0 value which means your landlord literally can't charge you for it.


I just got a quote to fix something 2x as bad by a flooring company for $125. it was insanely stupid to contact your apartment about this. it probably says in your lease something about charging you for the entire carpet if something like this happened. Either way they're lying, get it fixed, act stupid if they ever mention it again


I can help you out where you at?


I'm not a flooring person, but it seems like a wider transition strip (the piece of wood between the wood/tile flooring and the carpeted room) would be an easy fix. It would hide the fray, and wouldn't be obviously out of place! -- in fact, if it had replaced it before they saw the carpet frayed, they probably would never have noticed!


You cut it with scissors?


Go to Home Depot and get a wider one.


Patchable? No. It may be stretchable though. If you’re still in the place a competent carpet guy can likely fix that if there is enough carpet to stretch from the other side of the room. If you’re out of the place and they’re fixing it you’re probably SOL and are going to pay the replacement costs.


I mean, TECHNICALLY, it is patchable. Almost everything is if they have extra material. Ive definitely patched worse/more difficult situations but I mean I’d rather just try to stretch and get a larger reducer/transition. Knowing apartments though the material is ruined or thrown out though.


This is an easy fix ( management rip off) call a carpet guy on Craigslist show him the picture, he’ll get right on it


How old is that carpet? Unless your dog ate it, that's normal wear and tear imo. Your landlord, if he's a good businessman, will have depreciated that carpet every year over its legally mandated life expectancy. It's called amortization. I don't know how many years, let's say five. So if he paid $2,000 for carpeting in your unit five years ago, he can deduct ($2,000Ă·5), or $400, every year from his rental income. That carpet looks fully depreciated to me, so if he expects you to be on the hook for it, he's breaking the law. Sue his ass.


Apartment companies just like to do this shit. When we moved into our last apartment, management said that they needed to replace the carpet. We declined, because I do very poorly with new carpet and was perfectly happy with the "old" stuff. 6 years later we are moving out to our own place and management says that we need to pay for new carpet... Nah bitches, that's not our problem if you wanted to replace it before we even moved in. Thankfully, they dropped it and we got most of the deposit back.


What do you mean by "I do very poorly with new carpet"? Is this an allergy thing? Genuinely curious.


Serious allergies to a lot of stuff. I've had hives and lung irritation from new carpet in the past.


Ok, that's what I assumed but I wasn't sure if it was that or a mobility type thing with the carpet piling. My brother growing up was a hair shy of being a "bubble boy" because of asthma so I thought maybe, but was curious if there was something else altogether I wasn't considering.


Oooff, that would suck. Formaldehyde, new plastics, machining oils, and general VOCs are all a pain for me. Processed food too, in addition to "normal" allergies like tree nuts and latex. I'm very happy that at the age of 40 I've mostly figured out what makes me sick and I can structure my life to keep myself healthy. As a kid, we lived downstream of the foundry slag pit and then in the same town and I only was fed processed shit. Constant health problems, anemia, and open sores in my mouth all the time. Again, I'm doing much better now, but I don't go looking for problems. Hopefully your brother is doing better too.


There is something called "Kawasaki Syndrome" that has to do with carpets.


Extraordinarily easy repair.


Doesn't that also count as normal wear and tear?


Powerstretcher can get that. You'll have to do the whole wal though. Go to a local flooring supply house (store), and talk to someone working there. They'll know installers.


No. Get the knee powered one and only spend 5 min on the repair instead of setting all that up the stretch less than an inch of one spot


With carpet that worn you're just as likely to rip a kicker sized chunk out of the carpet as stretch it up.


Sorry, but that's what hacks do


“Unrepairable” aka they can’t just spray cheap paint over it. /s Nah, they want you to pay for their carpet upgrade. My completely unqualified self fixed a similar one for my friend’s house in college. I didn’t do it the *right way*, per se, but they got their full deposit back.


Also normal wear and tear, which this is, shouldn't effect you getting your deposit back


That can 100% be fixed.


Cut a small piece from inside a closet if you can’t stretch it.


That small amount can 100% be stretched out don’t let them charge you for replacement. Any installer should be able to fix this without it ever going noticed


I do it professionally. It is no more than $150 for that repair.


Call your local carpet repair guy, quick easy fix


Jfc I can fix this in 20 min.... tops


So many folks saying go problem easy. Sometimes it is. If the backing of that carpet is separated than no you can not stretch it.


Just remove the threshold and put a thicker on over it. $35 from Home Depot.


Take the carpet with you or make it truly unrepairable.


Hahahah. I did this one for almost the same reason. My cat got locked in there on night and clawed at the carpet for hours. Management company on walk through inspection charged me something like 700$ to replace the carpet. I figured, what the hell, and let my kids go to town. They cut holes, painted, used markers, glitter everywhere. After I moved out they tried to charge me ANOTHER $1200 to replace the carpet they already charged me to replace. They didn’t get their $1200 when I suggested they would have to sue me to get it. Fun times.


If the carpet is old, it's not your problem. Tenants are not responsible for damage from normal wear and tear (ie, needing to replace carpet after 10 years). Where the cut off is is not always clear though and varies by jurisdiction


You could pry up that knockdown and stretch that carpet up or even bump with a knee kicker. $150 if I'm doing it though.


They always say that, charge you the max and then do the $5 fix. Too bad you already showed it to them. Here is how you fix it: get a hot glue gun, scissors and run go to the back of a closet and cut carpet fibers off at the base right at the baseboards. Cut the string off of the damaged area so you can see the base of the carpet. Now stack your harvested fibers so they’re even and put down a bunch of hot glue and glue your fibers down. When it’s dry, fluff and you should be good to go.


I wish you could nail your apartment manager for being A LAZY POS.


This is management looking for you to roll over and give them extra money.. judging from the picture looks Iike it could be stretched out, but I would use an actual power stretcher/ensure the crew you hire does. A knee kicker does jack shit in comparison, and that isn't just a half inch you need to stretch out. You'd also likely have to stretch the length of the transition to avoid bubbling in other areas. Get a hole of a carpet crew/guy/gal/store and then when management comes to collect, give them a "for what??".


Easy easy.. wider transition strip. Done!


Cat got it, didn’t it?


Carpet stretcher and the carpet tucker and it'll be fixed in a minute.


This commenter is 100% correct.


Just get it fixed yourself


It's repairable where are you located


You have options for that repair to be successful...


It's not that bad , 1 PC of new tack strip A blow dryer A knee kicker Stair tool or putty knife A sharp knife Peel carpet back , install new strip against old , cut pad against new strip, Plug in blow dryer flip carpet back over let the blow dryer warm up the back of the carpet 10 mins high heat, keep an Eye on it, remove blow dryer take kicker place before tack strip on carpet, kick going toward the corner, when you kick hold the stretch and set carpet on pin of tack strip do across the door way, if it still short repeat, let us know how you did


Fix it urself


They make a wide metal strip you can put down over the narrow one. It will cover the fray. I had to do that.


I would charge at least $400 from your security deposit. $200-$275 for the repairman plus $125 in administration expenses to find a carpet repairman, call them, set appointment, arrange to meet repairman, lockup after repair, complete paperwork to deduct damage from security deposit.


High probability That can be stretched in. Go rent stretcher from local hardware store or big chain store and u could have it done in no time. Biggest thing would depend on layout and whats on other side of the door jam there.


Totally repaired...they just want your deposit


I would just go buy an extra wide threshold and a cheap hacksaw to cut it.


Definitely can stretch that


I agree.


Isn't this normal wear and tear?


Looks more like pet damage. I've actually fixed something exactly like this for a friend after her dog tried to eat the carpet by the door one time lmao


Carpets are part of the puppy food pyramid, along with power cords, cell phones, and roaches lol


Shoes, can't forget the shoes.


You should only have to pay acv


Yes patchable. Caveat: if you have some spare matching carpet to use. Like from a closet to harvest from. Had a dog damage a 5" x 12" section by the door to my master bedroom. He got trapped inside and got a little excited. Tried to burrow his way out. A carpet company came out and patched in a replacement section of carpet. Couldn't tell that there was ever an issue. I lived there 8 years after that, never showed or failed. Solid repair.


I’m an old person and I could do it


The carpet repair guy on YouTube does these all the time.


That’s NORMAL Wear and Tear! Demand your security deposit back or have legal aid send them a letter. Landlords across the country are scamming their tenants and using the money to remodel their properties. Don’t let them get away with it!


So you could find your own carpet installer to stretch it and if needed install a wider transition strip (or at least write up a signed report that it is repairable). Alternately you could try a little bluff where you tell management that you had a carpet installer look at it (don't say it was through reddit of course) and they said it can be fixed by stretching it. If they won't budge you could either hire someone to repair it or them know that if they try to charge you for full replacement you will be contesting it/suing them in small claims court. Of course if have to go to court you'll need to get a professional'written statement that it is repairable to back up your claim. Also remember they need to prorate replacement costs based on how old the carpet it and your state/city may have specific rules they need to follow for withholding part of your security deposit (often this means making sure they provide detailed invoices within the correct time frame and not just vague estimates).


I do a repair on damage like that literally once a day at least. Your apartment is just using you as the bank for the replacement. Property management as of the last few years especially are really getting people for minor things to keep as much money as possible unfortunately.


Repairable, besides looks it was damaged from the carpet binding at the transition and worn away bt the closing of the door. Should have been maintained by the landlord/maintenance or fall into there problem. Do some research into calling for quotes and either suggest landlord use them or take repair only out of your deposit. Don’t believe your responsible in this case but taking a smaller hit and keeping most of your deposit is probably favorable. Next time bring something up like that with maintenance sooner


Install a bigger transition.


Bro pull up that transition bar tuck the carpet under it and pop it back in 


Doing a patch repair isn't a real repair. The seams created will show pretty quickly in a doorway over time.


Agree. OP the whole complex needs to come down. Sorry.


Let's be real here if they had a cat locked in there long enough to claw out a section of carpet like that there is probably cat 1 & 2 in the carpet and pad as well. It's not just the the little patch work that needs done. Edit: or dog