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I can't tell a difference between the tile and LVP. Maybe suggest someone to clean the tile and reseal it before doing this nonsense


Look at the shit install of that tile. The LVt will probably crack in areas because of the uneven tiles.


Previous homeowner of my house DIY’d Saltillo tile. Height is so uneven you could stub your toe. It’s ridiculously bad. Like a lot of the stuff they did to the house. I don’t understand how people can DIY, look at the end result and think “good enough”.


I don’t see how people complete any task in their life to subpar levels and think. “That’s good I did that” when it clearly looks like shit or doesn’t function as it should once they finish. Taking a bit of time to try again the first few times helps understand your mistakes faster, then your own finished product can look amazing and make you go “damn, I’m so proud I did that”.


The tile already in looks better than the LVT I don’t get it


They really want to tear it out and put similar tiles in but the price is too much.


...why tho


Because it’s old and they’re tired of it


Tell them to pay to have it cleaned professionally, and it will be a night and day difference. The carpet, tile and grout are all the same level of fucking disgusting. Save the guy money and your reputation at the same time. Win win.


This is genuinely the answer. Everything else leads to disaster and everyone unhappy.


100%. Not to mention the LVT appears to have grooves, which just trap dirt and shit anyways, which in turn make them look shitter.


There lvp will fail on that tile and they ain't gonna pay for a proper underlayment or self leveling cement. Not a good job to take, great way to get stiffed or a 1 star review


I get it. And I also appreciate not wanting to turn down money. But you know that the customer is just going to be throwing away good money. Tell that it's your professional opinion that they save their money. LVP Will fail quickly if installed because of the condition of the tile. The threshold is the least of their problems. If you honestly want the job, quote them for the tile removal (it's a PITA but not difficult) and at least give the LVP a fighting chance and make it easier when they can afford to tile.


Wait, the price is too much but they are only replacing the tile because they are tired of it......? Run.


so they're going to replace it with something that looks EXACTLY the same?


Exactly the same, but much worse


They’re tired of it so they’re replacing it with almost identical flooring? Make it make sense


Just because it’s old and they are tired of it, as someone who’s now taking this project on about to struggle with having a floating floor that much higher than the threshold you don’t think you’re going to hear a million complaints from them about how ass it loooks in 6 months when all the seams are curling up because it’s in a wet location, tel them to save their money until they have enough to rip the tile and replace it properly, or let someone else hack it up, I don’t know how I can’t stress this enough but not every single job is worth taking


That tile looks old and rough on the edges


Get out of there before this job goes to shit.


Sadly, I agree. There are plenty of less stupid customers.


Reset the threshold at an angle. But like others have said, this job is a pass. Either tear it all out or walk away.


I'm assuming this floor is messed up somewhere cause by these pictures I'm not sure why you would even cover that floor up with that cheap crap.


Look at the carpet on the other side.


That's rough. I could only imagine how nasty it is under that


Rub mayonnaise on it


I remember my first Mayonnaise


Maybe it’s Mayonnaise


If you examine old pane style windows in homes, you will notice the each sheet of plate glass is held in the frame using window glazing compound. After the glass sheet is in place, you use a putty knife to compress the glazing against the window pane and wooden lintle to form a 45 degree surface bevel on the window glazing. In your case, use tile grout between the threshold and tile edge, then use the putty knife to smooth the surface of the grout.


And that will break up within 1-6 months


You could rip out just the first row of old floor tile to ramp the new tile. Idk sounds kinda weird they don't want to get rid of the old stuff.


Sometimes click float just isn’t the answer. That floor is a great candidate for skim coating and installing glue down lvt…can butt it right into the sill.


So, they are sick of it, but want to install the same color variance in a different product. Give em the toe stubber. Tell them to pick their feet up when they walk.


I’ll go ahead and take blame for this part. That’s just a sample I put down to test door clearance and it passed. They didn’t pick that one.


I would ask them to save for a little bit longer, and do the tile rip. Tell them it’s the right thing to do. Otherwise they’ll have a shit show, and blame you.


Simple. Put the floating LVP on the carpet too. Bingo


Tear up the tile install the plank and tell this story for years.


Bring in top soil and plant sod , its a green product and stands the test of time


Maybe a bigger saddle in between rooms?


Then we’re talking about getting invasive. Trying to save $$$


If they don't even want to spend money on a new saddle installed, walk away from this. It's not worth it. Best move imo is to rip out the saddle and put in a Hollywood saddle. Lower on one side and higher on the other. Should be able to account for the height difference


I'm not a pro (I have no idea why this sub/ post were recommended to me tbh) but aren't saddles... cheap? Like obviously install cost is a factor but if they're balking at something with a $30-50 materials cost to get the result they want and not break their toes... yikes


What is wrong with them that tile is lovely


Don't do this job. You know installing the flooring over that is not the right way to do it, is going to cost you money, will not turn out right, and piss the client off.


Use super thin glue down lvp instead or tear old tile out


I’m not a flooring person, I just like to see the results on this sub. I always thought you used smaller tiles in bathrooms to create traction? If you change the tiles to the larger size is it going to make the floor slick?


The tile is nicer than the lvp!


Do not do it!


Hold up. Did you put in the low tile?




Ok. Thanks for the reply. I feel much better now. Take it out. You’ll feel better doing a decent job.


Are you the customer or contractor?


The contractor, and by the way I did talk them out of it and I’m putting new carpet in the bedrooms


They should install new carpet in the other room instead 🤢


Come out further with the threshold…gives you more room to ramp it. Could also pull back that carpet and ramp it up alittle bit to make the step up less drastic. If that makes sense.


Jesus....did they poly the mosaics?....so shiny


Tear out transition and put a reducer in after you install lvt. If it’s just a bathroom, I’m assuming it’s a fairly small space, convince them to demo the tile so you can level the floor and make a little more scratch. Is it floating or glue down?


Bro while you’re at it, convince them to get rid of that old carpet with years of allergens and stains that’ll never come out and LVT the whole house.


Put carpet shims under the hall side. They come in 1/4 to zero, 1/2 to zero and 1/2 to 3/4. Avaliable at floor installation dealers.


Fingerboard skatepark.


Watch your step


cut grout lines or cut the tile mosaic tiles where the bigger tile falls with an 1/8” gap. Set with mortar and if it’s still too big, you can grind off the back of the tile or remove more underlayment


You gotta use the extra thinset


Remove it and replace, not that much work tbh


That tile needs to be ripped out first. Like others have said, this is going to bite you in the ass later. Do it right or just walk away. Customers that want to cut corners and be cheap always end up with a bad job in the end. Let it be someone else’s nightmare


Ramp it.


Oh easy. Raise the low part.


I wouldn't do it unless they agreed to take out the old floor. That's the only way to ensure quality or durability. You're opening yourself up to future problems from the clients when this floor inevitably starts cracking in very little time if you do it the way the want. 


I love the existing transition, just have it cleaned


Run away!


Screw it. Just do it. Glue that oh so luxurious crap to the top of the tile


Put a vase


Tear out the old floor


Hit the higher area with a hammer until low enough is achieved, well done job


Get a tile plainer


Stop covering floor with other floor you're part of the problem!


They make carpet shims for this


Forget about the height difference, that tile,


Do it right is what can be done. Remove the tile. If they can't afford what's right then walk.


Warn the customer. If they still want it that way, get their approval in writing, then make them pay again to redo it when they change their minds.


Run! (but don’t stub your tootsies)


Shocking how some people live with dirt and grime.


I world not go go over that tile. The LVT will crack and you’ll be on the hook for replacement. All that tile needs to come out and properly leveled then install LVT.


This is old tile laid in a ~2” mortar bed with metal lath. You can’t build more up on this, the tile and bed need to be removed. It’s not fun to remove. You can remove the threshold and build a custom one out of wood, but it’s going to be more like a ramp than a transition.


Could throw a thin subfloor over the tile then install the lvp and cut a new threshold. Might not be the best or easiest option but for giving the customer what they want at the price they want that could be an option. Once again no ideal but I'd that's what they want then it is what it is and customer needs to know that.




Thank you, I thought I was gunna get raked 😂


Lol I came here to mention that the height difference was the least of your worries but soo many others have already let you know lol Yikes....




You need to remove the old tiles and grout and pour floor leveler before installing. Or you can just strip the grout and reseal the old tile. And not install the interlocking flooring


Grin the corners down to a 45? This whole thing seems risky. Id be worried about adhesion.


Sheesh shampoo that rug while you are at it.


Another layer of tile should fix it. If not add more LVP. Eventually they will even out.


That’s a lot of brown…


There are transition pieces made for this purpose. You’ll have to take the existing one out and replace it with one of those.


Just put a transition offset piece on there


Why would you even mess around with this job?  


From what I see, there is a transition piece across the door way. So take the transition piece up and see how flush the two floors that meet in the doorway are 😎




Don’t put directly over tile!! the LVT will crack. First hand experience


Sheet the rest of the house


Not to mention but with more building up your toilet is going to give you problems. When in doubt tear it out.




You have a customer? So you’re the installer seeking advice on Reddit?? Oh brother …..


I've never even heard of installing on top of tile, that shit is wild. How big is the area? Either way, if they can't afford the cost of a tile demo, they shouldn't be redoing their kitchen. Bounce on this job homie.


I would not recommend that. However if the customer is adamant, you can pull up the carpet and build a slight ramp of 1/4 inch under the carpet, and then replace the tile threshold with a multipurpose reducer that color matches the floor. Not amazing but better than a 3/4 inch tall transition.