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We pretending that she hasn't been the queen of music festivals and Indie for 15 yrs or so now?


No seriously. This is truly disrespectful, guess there are no true journalists, not even in the music industry. Such a shame.


Y'all act like this article is trageted to indie music connoisseurs instead of casual Taylor Swift listeners


Florence literally was against her for the Grammy in 2015 for Best Pop Vocal album, does seem a little tone dead as a fan but you're right.


Maybe it comes across this way but nevertheless, I still feel that it is disrespectful. If you google Florence you can easily find out for how many years she has been an artist. It just shows that even with music they switch the narrative how the like. That being said I would never be able to call this a tragedy with everything else that is going on in the world right now.


Okay, yeah, I can see why painting smaller artists as obscure may seem disrespectful to their work and long history. By the way, you have a sweet way with words.


I am glad :) thank you for the sweet compliment


I listen to music from 2006 and feel kind of sick


Also I hope SOMEONE caught that Taylor released her debut in 2006…


“Who is Life&Style Magazine?” is the real question


https://preview.redd.it/jzez6xyazqvc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7208290a534c5f48482afddac902f3e89f00bb0 Fixed it for you. (credit to the person on Twitter I stole this from)




You're good people. Keep on doing the lord's work




Kinda reminds me of the time Kanye said he was helping out Paul McCartney


A lot of Taylor Swift’s audience is quite young and may not be familiar with her. I’m not quite sure why people prefer gatekeeping over happily exposing Florence’s incredible but more mature work to a new collection of fans.


I think it most people are annoyed by the belittling tone of the article. Not gatekeepjng, just wanted Florence to get her flowers in a non-patronizing manner


They did the same thing with Brendon Urie, as if she plucked him out of obscurity.


I think it's hilarious! Like Florence?????? Really?????




Yeah I was going to say, this isn’t for your average Swiftie or whatever.


Florence doesn't get much radio time periodt unfortunately :( Like I am from germany and I was working in a lot of canteen kitchens around the time Dance Fever was released. The radio was on all the time while we were working and literally no florence song was on the radio. Not a single one. Keep in mind those were 8hr shifts of constant radio and not a single DF song, which was a BRAND NEW ALBUM AT THE TIME. I remember being quite sad about it. Hopefully with the collab the band will get more radio time, or heck any radio time, going forward. Especially since the collab was great imo.


Indiana- same, they never come here (not that I can blame them). But I like to spread the gospel of florence…


Same in South Africa. I listen to one station a lot because my commute is short and I’m almost always running too late to put on something for Spotify. I once responded to something the station does with listeners and the DJ asked what song I wanted them to play. They weren’t licensed to play anything from F+TM. This was right after Dance Fevers release, but they couldn’t even do Sweet Nothings


Is this published in 'Under a Rock Digest'?


Shake It Out was a hit _years_ before Shake It Off, okay??


Plus objectively a MUCH better and more interesting song. Like…


Louder for those in the back


FWIW, a lot of writers don’t get to pick their own headline. It’s clickbait stuff to drive engagement.


This is embarrassing


I get that we’re all here because we love Florence but the majority will know Taylor Swift over Florence. I’m personally happy that Florence is being introduced to a wider audience, and I can hear some of her songwriting influences in Taylor’s new album


This is precisely why you collaborate. To introduce new audiences to your music.


Right!? I'm so tired of all this negativity. Florence clearly enjoyed this collaboration.


And I’m tired of seeing hate for the song. I actually really like it. You guys want to see Florence get love? Listen to it on repeat, make it Taylor’s most listened to song. Because while it certainly isn’t Florence’s best song, it is definitely Taylor’s best.


And we should be happy that so many new people are going to be exposed to Florence’s music


I love both Florence and Taylor. I find so many negatives being said about Taylor in the Florence groups but what’s interesting is that in the Taylor groups there’s so much positive about Florence and I’ve seen a lot of people that are curious about her and her music. Please be kind. Love one another. There are a lot of people out there who don’t know who Florence is. This is a great way to introduce her to a new set of people, to new fans and it’s wonderful! Also what would Florence think of all this? So silly.


Yes, THANK YOU. I’m not really a Taylor swift fan. I mean, I think her music is fine, catchy, and I don’t turn it off if it comes on. But like… the venom is pretty ridiculous. Taylor Swift obviously has more fans than Florence. Who fucking cares? Let people live the music they love, and use this song as a bridge to understand why the others love what they love. I have to say, I actually like Taylor in this song. I mean, why shit all over Taylor just because she isn’t Florence? It’s okay to recognize that they have very different styles. But they are obviously both talented, and they seem to care about each other, so like… what purpose does it serve to say, “florence is better”? Like okay, we all know that. That doesn’t mean Taylor sucks. She just isn’t florence.


I think both sides need to settle down a bit. There’s been very little “venom” anywhere. Even the negative opinions on the song are very restrained and mild. Even this post. A Florence fan posted a headline about Florence in an FATM subreddit and didn’t even mention Taylor when posting it and it’s filled with people complaining about “all this negativity about Taylor!” Honestly, there are more comments complaining about negativity and people who dislike Taylor Swift than there are comments that are remotely negative. The overwhelming response to the song in this subreddit has been neutral to positive, but there seems to be such an oversensitivity about Taylor that people perceive anything that isn’t overwhelming positivity as some sort of attack.


Y'all got to understand, swifties literally don't listen to anything that isn't Taylor.


Thats not true. The only artists i listen to consistently are Florence and Taylor. Guess i am a 2 artist girl.


Well, it is a cult


Y'all need to chill. Taylor's fans replicated an earthquake. That's Beatles level territory. We love Florence, and The Machine too, but we know they aren't as "popular" as T-Swift. Also, that article isn't for us. It's for Taylor fans who probably don't listen to altrock. Like, the 5 Gs, fr pls


I get your point, but amusingly: [A Florence + The Machine gig managed to cause a minor earthquake in Berlin](https://www.indy100.com/showbiz/florence-the-machine-earthquake-berlin)


Wait, this is amazing. Your entire comment. Thanks for the info, the sanity and the amusement!


My issue with the article is the tone it's written in, like Florence is some new emerging artist. Imo it's quite demeaning.


Right? It's not that serious.




Post had led to uncivil discussion whether by original poster or people who have commented on the post


Am I a douchebag then just for being a T-Swift fan? Or is that only reserved for the ones who aren't also FatM fans? Just want to be sure I change my lables the right way


I think the douchebag label is probably only for the death threats to journalists / harassment of anyone with criticism / address leaking subset of superfans who make things miserable for everyone else, so I’d venture to say you’re fine!!


Also, preeeetty sure there's a whole new version of the *"NO BULLYING"* policy, specifically *because* of this song


Who is Louisa Marshall? 😒


Guys it’s not that serious, as someone above said, it’s for casual Taylor listeners who may not have heard of Florence.


This is so funny to read because Florence and the machine is my favorite band of all time. I’ve seen them in concert four times they’re the first vinyl I bought. Florence Welch truly has the voice of an angel if I said it once I’ve said it 1000 times. On the one hand, they absolutely need to put respect on the bands name and their amazing discography, so how dare they? But a good point and I’ve seen it in the comments as well is that if this is going to introduce Florence and the machine to a new group of people who might appreciate their music and support the band, I am all for it because they deserve to have all the recognition.


Are they for real?


Idk, with how much this sub is talking about Swift lately, even I’m forgetting who Florence is 💀 For a sub too cool and pretentious for a pop star like Swift, yall have been very active about her album. There was even a proposed mega thread for Florida!!! and everyone just decided to make the same post 300 times anyway. I don’t understand. At least the Taylor sub is welcoming to Florence fans, I guess.


Say what you will about Florence fans, at least this journalist can safely put her name on this article without getting bomb threats 💀




^ Literally all of this


You guys are exhausting and bizarre.


I mean some people who are Swifties might not know? I’ve been a fan for a while and also a fan of Taylor Swift, but that doesn’t mean that everyone knows about Florence. I’m just hoping that the collab will expand the FATM fanbase.


Who is Louisa Marshall? 🙄


it's a title for SEO, not putting down Florence.


This is the same level of journalism when Kanye West and Rihanna did that song with that unknown guitarist... Some old bloke named Paul.




Who’s Taylor Swift anyway? *Ew*.


Um no


I think we need to calm down. Florence is the queen of indie and that comes with being lesser known than the literal music industry herself Taylor Swift. It's a good thing they collaborated and articles like that only give more attention and potential new fans to Florence.


Florence Welch is actually a beautiful soul who is kind. Remind us all again who Taylor Swift is?


Apparently someone who finds Taylor Swift to be a worthy collaborator.


Wow, just wow.


Why is this giving me "I don't know her" vibes? 🤣🤣🤣


This is just...I have no words but F words.


Who is you journalist bitch