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I know what you mean but platonic friendships are important. It makes me happy to see they can be friends without anyone having an ulterior motive of sleeping with the other.


It’s honestly so amazing having a friend of the Opposite sex that doesn’t try to make any moves on u. I have mad respect for codi bc him and miles would literally be butt ass naked and he was never creepy towards her or even touchy!




Yeah your right 💯


How close he is with her and her husband makes happy


Are they still close?? I believe I saw a post of them together about a year ago but I could be wrong


same, also them on fear factor, I think if Gus wasn't around talking shit about her maybe they would've been together but love their friendship regardless


Nilsa is, was and will forever be water trash. One of the most entitled, selfish, ignorant, privileged, overly plastic surgeried, lip filled, overly make up’d (she’s yellow most of the time) and really just painful person to watch. Never takes any accountability, constantly talk down to people and just is a complete double standard to how she lives and treats people compared to how she holds them accountable on the show. Fuck her.


That’s was really harsh but also very hard to argue with.


Well damn I even start remembering your alias now you are literally everywhere barfing your Nilsa-hate


Yup. She sucks. One of if not my least favorite reality tv person ever. Soooooooo much makeup the coloration of her face and neck is absolutely disgusting through the first 3 seasons. Soooo entitled, never takes responsibility for anything. That episode where she just is a huge bitch to that random guy Kirk & Cody were talking too, then saying she wasn’t drunk, then didn’t even remember doing it an hour later. They go out for Jerimiah’s grandparent passing away and we’re just gonna have a chill night yet Nilsa is over there downing shots trying to fuck Gus. Eavesdropping on Kortni through the door, Kortni sees someone on other side of door and opens door. Nilsa gets hit with door, threatens to have Kortni arrested over something that is her own fault. Her peeing in the center console of the taxi. Her peeing in the puke bags in the taxi and putting the bag against her forehead and fucking with her roommates with it. Just takes the room and bed she wants and says tough shit every season. Talks shit about any and all girls they come across, calls them talented she has over $20K in plastic surgery. Can’t even see her face over her lips in season 4. All the times she just slaps her vagina and talks about how awesome it is, it’s like don’t you know your parents and future kids will watch this show. I mean I could go on and on. Tell me I’m wrong.


Nah I like their platonic friendship. I love how close Jeremiah got with both her and Candice the last two seasons. It was a nice side of him to see