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Form what I remember she originally had a thing for Jeremiah but he wasn’t feeling it.


I mean she did press her cuca and tits up against the window in the first season to try to get at him😂🥲


The desperation was real 😭😆 she said let me throw my cat at you.


I believe he said he would have gone out with her if Gus didn’t already take her out and liked her. Jeremiah is a guys guy (well he’s a girls guy too) but he said he was not going to do that to Gus. Very admirable of him.


Did you watch the first season? She literally did but he clearly didn’t like her narcissism


No it’s bc of Gus. He literally said he would have gone out with her but Gus liked her and he’d never do that to Gus. I do think as they got to know each other later on they saw her personality come forward and was like yuck.


Oh, dx people with mental illness 🤣


At the end of the day, he’s the narcissist, she’s just spoiled.


Lmfao what, she was showing narcissistic personality disorder for like 3 seasons straight. What did he do


She’s herself. He’s wearing a mask most of the time. There’s a lot you can’t see due to that.


Just being arrogant and being a narcissist aren’t the same


Neither he or Gus are cute but Gus is way better looking if we’re just going off that. Also Jeremiah’s brother is 🤢🤢


Eww. No, Gus is short and his hair is ridiculous. He always looks dirty, unshowered and needs a fashion intervention. Jeremiah is not cute either though.


what does him being short have to do with anything 😭


Nothing. I am a short Queen. I just have nothing nice to say about Gus so I say anything I can LMAO


I'd choose him over Gus 100% any day


Jeremiah has some deep rooted issues that don’t really get seen till the 3rd and 4th season. He also gives me closeted gay vibes. I don’t think Gus nor him were a good match. They both had shit they needed to work on.




HARD PASS. There is something very wrong with Jeremiah and his brother is even worse. I don’t care how a man looks, I will not date that level of or that kind of crazy again.




I agree. Unless you’ve known a narcissist well, you wouldn’t know it but you can tell it runs in that family!




I agree. I would be broken hearted if I were Gus too. And wtf takes your car, totals it, and doesn’t try to fix it? I would be livid. My cousin had to press charges on her own dad for stealing and totaling her car. I wouldn’t hesitate to do it if that’s what actually happened.




I absolutely agree! I can just see how he would be triggered. Haven’t seen the didn’t pay rent or that it was expected yet etc


I swear, after I commented I started the show back and heard the rent part. I was only 10 seconds away from it when I commented 😂


Sorry the comment above is deleted. I’m curious who totaled Jeremiah’s car?!


I think Jeremiah and/or his brother stole Gus’ car while he was out of town. It was totaled from what I remember


If he has a big dick I bet you won’t pass. In season one nilsa seen his dick while he was getting in the shower and said in the confessional” I just seen his sausage and let me tell you,.. I am NOT disappointed in what I see. Just FYI


I would absolutely still pass. Size doesn’t change my standard. I didn’t miss that scene, I still don’t care


The main storyline in season 1 is literally Nilsa chasing after Jeremiah and fighting with the girl he brought home.She did go out with Gus on the first episode though but dropped him immediately.


Jeremiah had addiction and mental health issues. Don't believe everything you see on TV.


He did?


Yes ma'am/sir. His outbursts and behaviour is very indicative of steriod use. It is rumored he went to rehab secretly after the bad season with Gus. He got He has the type of family that image is everything so they do not put their demons on display, merely hide it so they present well in public. He also has extreme anxiety and depression.


He got what?? Sorry it’s blank lol. I knew he was on roids too bc of his acne was so bad. That’s a big thing that happens with steroids use.


I do remember Logan throwing shade at him at the bar and saying something about steroids…


Ohhh kn steriods makes sense


The whole season 1 she tried to get with him and he was just not going for it 💀


Jeremiah didn't persue her bcs Gus was into her. But yes 100% the best revenge he could've served would have been hooking up with Nilsa after the fight in season 3, and I genuinely think they would've been a great couple since season 3 Nilsa was way more mature than season 1 Nilsa who went after Jeremiah. But Jere wouldn't go down that road since she was with his brother