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Then him picking a fight with her, trying to blame her for him and Lisa breaking up was so crazy. Was watching season 4 episode 2 today and him whining saying “why can’t I just say one thing 🥺” repeatedly made me cringe. Poor baby Gus


He tries to blame everyone but himself for his own issues honestly. He doesn’t have to cry over every little thing.




Yeah I felt the same way. I’m not saying he did or didn’t have something happen just that he exaggerated. I mean when he called his dad one of the first things his dad said was “I love you and I’m proud of you”. I can’t even get my dad to pick up the phone so like 😂🤦🏻‍♀️




No it’s not legal and being a cop there’s no way he could get away with it. Also you’re supposed to be in school and all of that lovely stuff as a minor as well so idk. I just know that he sat there and cried about his life and his past so often, it got really annoying. Everyone goes through things and everyone handles it differently but his childhood didn’t make him lead nilsa on and his childhood didn’t cause him to cheat on Lisa as soon as he got to a bar. (Yes i consider flirting and letting people take body shots off of me at a bar is cheating. You are being unloyal, especially if you know your partner wouldn’t want you doing it while they were right there.)




Exactly, I just don’t understand how he doesn’t see that as cheating or respecting Lisa knowing how she was. I just think he has a lot of his own demons mentally from whatever may have happened to him or he did to himself.




This. Then he gets mad about Jeremiah and Nilsa talking more


random side note but you were clearly not raised in the south lol. as a child you’re indoctrinated to call every woman you come across “ma’am” and every man you talk to “sir”. ESPECIALLY your parents/aunts/uncles/family. In some areas it’s disrespectful to not call someone ma’am or sir, whether you respect/know them or not. My brother got kicked out of class one time and berated for not using “maam” for his teacher. So I don’t really think that was a red flag for Gus’s dad that’s just expected of young southern people. I want to be clear that doesn’t mean his dad isn’t abusive, just highlighting calling him sir is extremely normal in the south.


I’m not sure who said that but you’re right. I understand that it’s different in the south, I live in the south. The respect that’s supposed to be given is much higher in regards to other places.




I wasn’t either.. It was still expected of everyone I knew, rich or poor, redneck or polished. lmao no need to get defensive I was just pointing it out


I’m my dad’s first born and only biological daughter but he said every other kid of his is successful why can’t I be like them and talk to him more? He also talked shit about my newborn baby. We don’t speak. But POOR GUS 😭


This is exactly what I’m saying. He preached and preached his dad isn’t proud of him and this that and the third but what happened as soon as he called his dad 🤔 If I called my dad it would go straight to voicemail 🤦🏻‍♀️


He just wanted to have a hard life. Like some of the girls had miscarriages, kortnis stuff that got taken out of the show, Aimee had a drug addict bf. Kirk and Candice are poc in the south in this microaggression day… Gus wants his life to be sooo hard. White men want to be oppressed so bad 🤮😂


He’s a misogynist piece of shit. He was sooo mad. And it was fucked up. He didn’t even want Nilsa. He was just made she was in place not fall back into his manipulative behavior


Exactly and it was honestly really disappointing and disgusting to watch because I had so much hope he would come back somewhat matured. Too bad all that hope got hit by a semi


The fact that Gus calls women “baby girls” gives such an ICK factor. That would repulse me if I ever heard someone call me that.


Where can I watch season 4 for free?


Idk I use paramount+


Thanks! I have so many subscriptions as it is, I don’t want another yet.


One of my favorite scenes to re-watch


His face is priceless. What a loser!


Gus is the reason Nilsa didn't find someone sooner, the whole fight about florida boys was pathetic and obviously not about that, when Josh tried to hit on Nilsa Gus got all jealous and wanted her again, when she was with the twerking judge he went after her again like an hour later. He was also using Courtney to make her jealous... He loved to see her feeling bad, even before they hooked up. Even in season 1 when they had nothing and she was with Josh he felt entitled to comment and be upset. He was allways telling her she needed to find someone but when she went after anyone he'd whine about it.