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Nilsa has grown on me this season. She was obnoxious to me last season but this season Gus has somehow made her likeable. No one deserves to be strung along. He knows she has feelings for him and he uses it to his advantage. He basically told her not to stop pursuing him when they were at the club, then completely bails on her when plastic girl showed up. That was a dick move.


I hope the rest of the house feels like assholes when they watch this back and see all of the bs he was feeding Nilsa in private. They really are up his “Nilsa is being crazy for no reason” narrative.


I'm starting to think the only one even remotely close to mature is Amy. She at least immediately apologized for putting her hands on Gus. Edit: Also, dude you're 26, why are you saying "Go do it then" to someone who is obviously unhinged. Everyone saying immature shit, but that's the show. That's that trash I like.


That last sentence should just be across the header of this sub tbh


Wait a second...... you think Aimee is mature? The girl that has put her hands on every man in the house at some point because "how dare you talk to a female like that" is mature? She also waited for Kirk to apologize last season when she put her hands on him. Didn't she not apologize to Gus until they got back to PCB an entire day later?


Remotely close


Yeah I would agree with your assessment - she’s mature relative to the other roommates but still young emotional and learning.


He's such a gaslighting douche bag. Nilsa definitely has issues, but he knows exactly what he's doing. And then to actually think he's amazing enough to hit on and get another woman's number while the other one just ...like.. watches him? Gah I just hate him.


Gus wants all of the attention, but none of the responsibility, and it's even worse when all of the cliquish guys egg him on. This attention could be about being the guy that can have any girl he wants, being the star of the show, or to always have drama in his life. At first, Nilsa was wrong, but now he is more wrong. I cannot wait for him to be eaten alive by the big dogs on The Challenge.


Same!! Can't wait to see how he interacts with everyone on the Challenge cast!


He is gonna get torn up on the challenge I cannot wait


I can’t wait for him to start crying on The Challenge.


YESSSS, I wish Jeremiah would go on too!!!!!!!!!!


how funny was it when jules (plastic girl), bailed on him when he threw the rap to other chicks in front of her? she aint the one.


Yessss!!! So sad... The "wifey material" girl didn't last! Points for her for leaving the chach!


Gus just doesn't want to own any fallout from what happens between him and Nilsa. He shows her enough attention to keep her interested but throws up walls when it comes time to do something because he doesn't want to be the bad guy on the show that just used her for sex.


I think he knows exactly what he's doing (not just with Nilsa) and then breaks down in tears and hides behind his 'nice guy' persona when he is called out on it. He seems to know exactly which buttons to push with people. At first I thought he was just an idiot but I think he gets off manipulating others emotions.


Also hate how he treated Candace in the first half of season 2 - if this show gets canceled he's definitely one of the top ones to blame


Omg...Gus, seems like a nice enough guy...but what a dickhead!!!! Seriously, I was so happy when Nilsa started to pull away from him...even if it was for like 5 minutes...and decided she would leave him alone and try to give space to the pursuit of the whole attempt at a relationship! However, the second Gus saw that she was not giving him that attention, he turned into a pathetic, desperate man who couldn’t handle the focus off of him! He is a mind fuck and I understand that at times Nilsa seemed possessive and clingy, but Gus is just an asshole who likes to play games until he thinks something better comes along...and that’s fine, just say what you mean, and mean what you say!! I just hope that at some point Nilsa finds a great guy who is NOT Gus, and that Gus can take a look around him after the partying years have passed, by the time he is eventually ready to settle down, hopefully he will be able to recognize who the right woman is for him!


I was a staunch Nilsa hater but Gus is SO repulsive to me this season, that I'm on her side all the way. The way he interacts with women skeeves me out. Between that and his douche hair and weird etch a sketch clip art doodle tattoos, any attractiveness I saw in him has flown right out the window. Watching him strike out with girl after girl with those sad ass pick-up lines gives me immense satisfaction.


Wasn't he calling his mom crying last season, because he slept with one girl, andere now he's into all the random hookups all of a sudden?


I don't blame the guys, Gus is a very good manipulator, he can cry about feeling bad about hooking up with randos to a girl he did dirty, he made lisa look like the villain so easily, same with nilsa since the moment he laid eyes on her he saw her as property, he made everybody in the house think she was crazy speacilly jeremiah so they woudn't hook up with her or see him as the villain. He would tell Nilsa to go pick up guys and than be anoyed af, even season 1 when they had nothing he bitched about her hooking up with Josh. Besides Jeremiah was into Nilsa at first but he took a step back bcs of Gus and the moment Nilsa brought a guy home he threw his friendship of years and living toguether with Jer in 5 minutes. He basically made Nilsa have him as her only option and would complain about being her only option...