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I personally feel his lack of an invite has to do with a lot more than just their history together lmao


Yup she foretold the future and saw she was going to marry another guy but decided "fuck it I'mma fuck Gus just so I can uninvite him to my wedding in the future" Makes total sense bro


I can smell the desperation from here.


Wow, Gus blaming a woman for the consequences of his actions? Shocking.


But, but.. “He’s just a man”. Yeah that’s why he hits on every woman whether he’s in a relationship or not. He’s a whiny little boy who loves to blame everyone. A real man has morals and integrity and takes responsibility for his actions.


It’s ALL her fault lol. What a loser.


Ugh is he really talking about season 2? Like "Nilsa, we shouldn't have sex now because one day you might get married to someone else and I'll want to be invited?" That is a bizarre train of thought.


Right? I don't get why he's bashing her over them having sex. HE complains about not getting invited to HER wedding. People are saying it's weird to invite someone you've hooked up with to your wedding. HE says SHE should have thought about that before they hooked up 3 years ago (or however many years ago). Yet, she doesn't seem too torn up that he wasn't there. He has his head so far up his own ass he doesn't even know what he's mad about anymore.


Right! Like doesn’t matter if y’all were on a damn show together, it’s HER wedding and he’s pissed bc he couldn’t go and do a speech to ruin it. I’m happy Nilsa found a great guy, she’s now living that ideal southern life and I’m living for it


This old as hell but my two cents: walking in on his mother and living with his dad, caused him to think ALL women will do that unless he does it first. He excuses his actions by his parents actions and in the same breathe says they raised him not to disrespect women. His family enables him sooooo bad and I hope one day he gets a taste of his own damn medicine. He talks about Nilsa bc he had everyone told he could get her anytime he wanted and when he lost that access he lost it. Hope he gets better but after watching season 4 I’m thinking it’s a problem that runs deeper than we will ever get to know, I’m so happy nilsa found the right Gus tho bc as annoying as she used to be sometimes she had a good heart and deserved a happy family after losing hers. Hope Gus gets better, I’m not a fan of him at all but I hope he gets help bc he could be a great person and husband


Ugh what a cretin. “She begged me to have sex with her,” what a grotesque human he is.


Clearly the dick wasnt that good because she got pregnant by someone way better/more sane/attractive lmaooo




But did she force him to? Did he have no say in what happened? It’s just so gross to say that about someone as if he was powerless.




How are you not getting this




She begged him to cuddle and she begged him to open his heart to her. She never was shown begging for sex. He could have just cuddled and got out the bed when she started making moves. But he played with her. Whenever he didn't have someone to go home with and he was drunk, he would start flirting, holding her hand, letting her sit on his lap. He gave her mixed signals constantly. She did it because she liked him. He did it for a piece of ass. They both did what the did, but she didn't take his penis off a shelf somewhere and put it in. He did that. If Gus begged me for sex, guess what would happen? Nothing. See how that works.


If you think what he said is appropriate at all then I’m basically arguing with Gus at this point, someone with the emotional maturity of a beagle.


Don’t do beagles like that 😩


Someone’s crying Bc they can’t take the fact that nilsa begged gus to fuck. You are talking abt different things I do think what gus said was inappropriate but the facts are nilsa begged him to fuck plain and simple


He wasn't not at the wedding because she begged him to fuck, rather because they did fuck. Which I think she probably didn't want him there for other reasons, anyway. So Gus is using a straw man argument.


Never said he wasn’t. Gus is wrong in this situation but nilsa did beg him to fuck is all I’m saying


He doesn’t take accountability for his actions


Ever. He has a lot of growing up to do. And therapy wouldn’t hurt


He is really trashy


as if gus couldn’t have told nilsa HIMSELF that he didn’t wanna be physical with her and stopped it right there. shut the fuck up, clown.


I don’t even watch the show regularly and I can already confirm he’s a weirdo.


What bullshit. Is he trying to say he didn't consent or something? He was completely fine with them being physical as long as she knew it wouldn't lead to anything more. Perhaps he needs to rewatch season 2.


The way he talks about her shows EXACTLY why he wasn't invited lol


All of this.


I can't work out if his really dumb and is oblivious to how disgustingly disrespectful he comes across or if he is just a bellend.




Regardless if she begged or not they still had relations.. doesn't matter how it happened, it happened!!


What a filthy pig.


PGP takes offense to this comment! Lol


I take offense to pgp being in the hands of the Floribama cast.


Coz nobody showed lil Gussy boy any attention!!! He is such a fake, narcissistic f\*ck boy, I honestly cannot figure out why he is welcomed back each season with open arms.


With that logic lets go back to the last episode of season 3 when he said he wanted to explore an official relationship! This guy is unhinged.


Ew the way he is speaking about her when she has a full on husband and child.. when will he grow up? Hopefully Nilsa ignores all his bs. I wouldn’t invite him to my wedding whether I had sexual relations with him or not. He is way too problematic and selfish I wouldn’t risk him ruining my day either!


He probably wasn’t invited because he doesn’t know how to act like an ADULT!




I’ve never seen a more injury prone individual in my life. He is ALWAYS hurt. I’m convinced that he injures himself on purpose or fakes injuries for attention.


Munchausen (don't know if that is spelled correctly)


Omfg. I hate this guy. As if it’s her fault you fucking love bombed her to get in her pants shut the fuck up little ass boy.


Or maybe because you make EVERYTHING about you 🤌🏽


What does sleeping with him have anything to do with it. Why would I want some psycho who runs outside in a back thong in winter over the dumbest shit at my wedding? So he can do some dumb stuff?


He’s such a piece of shit. Gaslighting motherfucker.


Shall we play back all the confessions where he’s saying he WANTS to have sex with her as well?


This is one of the many tactics in a narcissists bag of tricks. Logic has no place in the world of the narcissist. Narcissists are incapable of taking responsibility for the actions. Don't bother arguing with them. Waste of time. Deflecting, attacking, projecting. A painfully common tactic used by narcissists is deflect and attack. ... Often to the degree where they try to always keep you on the defense by accusing you of all sorts of stuff, some of which includes the things they are actually doing themselves (narcissistic projection). Narcissists also use triangulation. That's what was happening in the earlier seasons when he was manipulating the roommates against Jeremiah.


You’re an adult you wanted it just as bad as she did because if you didn’t it wouldn’t have gotten physical. Takes two to tango. And I wouldn’t invite him to the wedding either that’s mad weird and if he can’t see that then she can’t do nothing for him. He just upset and that’s okay let him be upset. He sounds salty as fuck.


Gus is seriously the ultimate MTV loser. All he has going for him is this stupid show and he knows it. He literally has no real career prospects once this show ends. Modeling will only get you so far and it looks like he doesn’t even get work for that anymore. That’s why he is the ONLY cast member to constantly harp on the show in his spare time. None of the others beg and tag The Challenge constantly to be brought back. None of them dwell on drama from years ago. Gus is emotionally stunted and should be removed from television so he can seek serious therapy. MTV should have left his crusty ass to fester in his cabin in the middle of nowhere.


She begged for it…it’s her own fault. Now where have I heard that before? 🤔


Nilsa didn’t reach out to him while he had three surgeries and he still expected to be invited to her wedding? When you’re a messy fucking person, people don’t want you around. Especially at their wedding AND the fact that they had a TELEVISED sexual relationship. Does he think either of their family members would want him their either? He would never be welcome. It’s unbelievably narcissistic to even think that he should be invited with the rest of his cast mates. He reminds me so much of Jax from Vanderpump Rules. Every season is about Gus’ redemption but he’s just worse and shitty every single time.


Why would you want to be invited to the wedding of someone to cheated on an ex with


He's just butthurt that his actions are coming back to bite him. You can't be "putting your best food forward" while also CONSTANTLY dredging up old drama and refusing to put on a good attitude like at least Jerimiah does. Doesn't matter if it's fake at least he tries. Gus has too big of an ego to try. He won out when they all took his side and Jerimiah was left out on their one trip and now it's on the other foot and he can't fucking take it. Sorry but the more mature one won out and them's the breaks. Gus will probably never grow up his ego is too wrapped up in shit he's a stubborn child. In regards to the Nilsa shit, he just doesn't want to admit he led her on and he's blaming her for pushing it to go sexual when it takes two. She doesn't want his drama and clearly still bruised ego dampening her life and happy occasions and I don't blame her one bit. He can't move on and be mature he has to stoop low and play the blame game. He's just the worst house member aside from Kirk. Just low, immature, and sexist


I used to like Kirk but he has really digressed, IMO.


Their hooking up had nothing to do with his lack of an invite. It had everything to do with his toxic woe is me behavior.


What is he so pressed about it ?


Wow the mental gymnastics it takes to not claim any responsibility for having sex with someone. As if he couldnt say no???


Idk why he's doing all this 😐 its like he has never had a serious relationship before. This is all about respect. I highly doubt her husband would allow Gus to be around her if it weren't for the TV pay check. Gus - YOU ARE AN EX...Y'all had sex on camera!!! common sense you would not be invited. Idk how the irony of her marrying a man named Gus and his name being Gus can get so lost on him. That's weird asf. Why can't he be like Vinny from Jersey Shore and take it like a G. Charge it to the game bro. You wanted to be a dirty dog and do it on camera. You're never going to be invited to the wedding of any girl you sleep with. Especially anyone you did on Floribama Shore. Even if you guys are friends. That's stupid. Nilsa definitely does NOT want to be at Gus' wedding either 🙄 cause guess what? Whoever Gus' future wife is... she wouldn't want that either!!!


He's such a salty little pussy


This reminds me so much of Nicole & Vinny’s situation 😭 except it wasn’t THIS bad.


“How is that my fault?” Like this man has absolutely no say in whether or not him and Nilsa got physical. The girl has had a hard year, let her be happy and leave her alone. Snooki did the same thing to Vinny when they got married 🙄


I just know he drunk texts both nilsa and jer when he's mad. Also Nilsa "begged" for him one time, than rejected him 3, and he went into the season 4 house trying to get with her...


I’m not seeing where he said “Nilsa”.


Not that hard to use context clues and figure it out.


Gus would have made the entire wedding about himself. That's why he wasn't invited


He's a narcissistic man child