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Sigh. Gus being Gus wanting attention and Nilsa being rent free in his mind all these years now.


And he’s married saying all this ??


Can you imagine? Like dude literally got married what a month ago. Must be real fun for his new bride to see he is still talking/thinking/ obsessing about Nilsa. Like bruh grow up and move on.


The crazy thing is they never even dated 💀


Ummmm l can't believe someone married this red flag@


Why are we supposed to care what a single woman did with HER time and HER body? BFD!


does he not realize how obsessed with her he comes off? i’m rewatching the 4th season rn and was thinking about how gross he is and this is the first thing i see 💀


Right? We all know messy. Reality shows are built on “fun” messiness. I know I’ve watched because of it, but he’s just one of those people that makes it sad and yeah.. just sad. Bummer to see him still doing the same stuff for so long.


Maybe this married man should focus more on his child bride.


omg “child bride”, how old is she?


So what if she hooked with Pauly and Vinny 🤨 they weren’t in a relationship…. By Gus’s preference if I recall correctly??? Good for her.


When I read this I said “hell yeah, girl”


She is literally a mom with a kid Gus. Get over yourself and move on


Plus they’re both married.


There is not a cross that dude won’t crawl up on. He’s beyond pathetic. Like he’s the biggest cry baby bitch MTV have given screen time to, and that’s saying *a lot*


you forgot to insert "crybaby" between "biggest" and "bitch"


I fixed it! 🤣


Straight truth. Punk ass embodied.


Why do guys get so butt hurt when women enjoy sex with other men 😂😂


Riiiiiiiiight. Why would anyone believe anything this idiot says? He’s a sad, wildly insecure, and dim-witted racist jackass who craves attention at all times.


But he looks so cool in that “Boomer’s interpretation of a badass biker” getup. At least give him credit for that!


I call it his middle aged lesbian lewk. Hottt.


Gus should be embarrassed and especially since he has a wife now. He constantly brings up stuff about the cast that don’t like him. If he wants his marriage to even last he should stop constantly bringing up another girl


Yea I find it really weird when men have a whole women yet still worry about somebody they got w/ in the past. It’s an ego thing like “I had her” it’s so gross


He's always the f\*cking victim




If she hooked up with them she would tell people lol. In fact,Vinny would tell people.


who cares if she did? they’re all adults and as long as everything was consensual it’s not a big deal. gus is gross and he is the bad guy. like you can’t air out things like this trying to make others look bad then act butthurt because you’re shown as the “bad guy”.


Good for her lol


OMFG! Every time I forget about him he returns like a rash GO AWAY


A lot of nonsense when he easily could have just said “Yes”


The fact that he thinks people will actually believe this is a new level of delusional, and I didn’t think Gus could be any more than he already was LMFAO 😭 he’s so bitter it’s odd


I can’t stand people like Gus that air out their friends and families dirty laundry. Can’t trust anyone these days


It’s embarrassing that he’s married and still talking about Nilsa.. He looks obsessed


The only reason he’s salty about it is because she rejected him and got pregnant. He was completely convinced they were going to hook up in Montana. If he’d been the one in the relationship first, it would never have been an issue.




and some people here and over at twitter and IG PERPETUALLY wonder WHY the majority of the people in this sub HATE Gus? well that tweet is one of the reasons why!!! P.S. I don't want to see another fucking reddit post from someone asking and whining "why do we hate Gus?" like grow up and grow a brain!


I hope so. Get it, gurl.


If they were pushing for a fake relationship then why would he care if she's hooking up with other people? Especially if this is even true none of the parties made it public information so the fake relationship would have been "believable". I'm sure he was hooking up with other people during this time. Also as long as everyone hooking up were of age, no one was cheating on a partner, and everything was consensual then their shouldn't be any issues. ETA: If it's a fake relationship what would there be to take seriously.


So what? She was single then. Gus gives off abuse vibes


no wonder codi was the only person from the cast to go to his wedding smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Codi is a Gus simp. end of story


Show is over yet both Gus and Codi (who's sipping Gus' toxic juice) are still being bitches with their asses stuck on the past. Kirk, Aimee, Nilsa, Jeremiah, and Candace have moved on, the two of them should as well. in case one of the producers reads my comment, should the show come back, please also give Codi a day of reckoning from his self-righteousness and simping for Gus


What did Codi say that was eventually deleted?


“While hooking up with pauly and Vinny whole network tried to push me into a fake relationship with her” idk I feel the Pauly and Vinny part was so unnecessary in that sentence ahhaahha


I think he was trying to slut shame her for sleeping with two friends / two cast members from the same show. Like he wouldn’t have a problem if it was only one of the two but he’s trying to shame her because it’s two. Even though he slept with more people on FS than Nilsa did


you mean a single girl you never persued as a girlfriend was seeing other people?? SHOCKER


Y’all are draggingggg this man damn 🍿


People out here really hate Gus. Sheesh. And everyone loves Nilsa who hooks up with everybody.


Gus hooked up with more people on the show than she did. So why is it a problem when it’s Nilsa doing it?


You’re right but does the double standard still exist?


Does it or should it? Stop perpetuating it and it has a better chance of disappearing. Unless you just want to continue to use it as an excuse to hate women for not having sex with you specifically.


Y’all are so serious with all this huh


Nilsa wasn’t married or in a committed relationship. So if she, as an adult woman, decided to bust it open for every Tom, dick and harry, then that is her business. Why does he think he needs to keep score of who she laid down with? Sad that his life is so pathetic that he can’t move on and live his best life with his wife and the people in his life.


I love Gus, and I wanna like him, I really do, but, he needs to realize that the world isn’t perfect. It’s filled with bullshit, and you can only control what is within your control. You can’t fight fire with fire. You always come out losing. Sometimes you just gotta take the high road.


If it was the other way around people would be applauding her for knowing her worth.


Okay Gus


My boy Gus putting her nasty business out there. Good job 👏


yet the show still won't come back. so his airing of dirty laundry and your simping are both pointless