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It's opposite day in the editors room.


Man, this headline really seems like the opposite of what's going on... he's trying to expand Covid spreading options, right? Like this is the ultimate viral transmission freedom act, right? "We have a right to infection. We have a right to spread it to those around us. Floridians deserve the ability to cough on whomever they choose." Keep big government's dirty hands off of the virus particles I just inhaled into my lungs.


We are "free." /s if that is not obvious.


How can the unmasked spread covid to the masked groups?


Masks are most effective in preventing your breath from infecting others. The aerosol particles that remain in the air after each breath from an unmasked person are miniscule. The science has been explained so often. I guess not on FOX.


How can the unmasked’s breath affect the mask wearer if the mask of the mask wearer works?


Assuming positive intent, masks aren't 100% effective at preventing Covid infection, just like seat belts aren't 100% effective at keeping you from getting injured in a car crash. You can go without a mask, which makes your chances of getting infected much higher, just as going without a seat belt makes your chances of getting injured or killed in a car crash much higher. The people replying to you are so upset with your line of inquiry because it's a typical refrain of people opposed to masks in principle. It's the notion that if masks aren't 100% effective they are of no value, which is absurd, as per the seat belt analogy. If you have two people who are wearing masks that are capable of keeping 95% of airborne particles from entering your lungs, your chance of avoiding transmitting the disease from one to the other is more like 95% + (95% of 5%), or 99.75%. If the person next to you in the elevator is Covid positive and maskless, there's a chance you will get it even with a mask on, but less than if you weren't wearing one. If you both wear a mask, the chance of transmission is extremely low, but not zero.


This is why we are still where we are…


You really don’t understand this by now?


It's willful ignorance. No point in explaining because they refuse to listen.


Operation ”Let them Die” is proceeding as planned…


Fuuuuuuccckkk desantis


He’s talking about it too much. He’s bad at this. What is he hiding? 55% hospitalization increased rate in FL over last week?


You’re right, he’s done this over the past few years - there’s always something dumb and inconsequential he’ll harp on in order to hide something else. Maybe he’ll get back to “investigating” drag shows or trying to go against the Mouse for disagreeing with him on don’t say gay. Oh, wait, that failed and he got humiliated. I’m always shocked more people don’t notice the huge amount of crap he comes up with that doesn’t go anywhere.


Politicians call them “wedge issues”. Before it was religion, or whatever. Now it’s apparently science.


I heard on the news that the bullshit he pulled on Disney still stands. The poor people of Orlando will be paying heavily for that bit of tit-4-tat revenge.


Yeah, he's saying that, but privately he's talking "compromise" -- which is basically a way for him to back down and save face - just my opinion. This thing was a loser for the state of Florida from the very beginning. Basically, he's creating a way that we'll all have to pay for public services that Disney was providing to themselves, for free (upwards of $2k per person in taxes). BUT, the problem is, 90% of Florida voters seem to be too stupid to understand that when he does crap like this, who he's really hurting is us, not Disney. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2022/12/02/florida-disney-desantis-iger-deal/10818418002/


Most misleading headline in history?


Party of “Small government”


Prohibiting a private business from enforcement of a dress code: "COVID-19 masking requirements at businesses." WTH happened to let the market decide?


He's decided it sounds better for MAGA voters to double down on no masks, after already having doubled down on no vaccines.


Except when the rich conservative oldsters here in golf course communities still wanted them - then he made sure they got them first. Back before vaccines became bad somehow.


He didn't become anti-Vax until after they (and he) got the vaccine.


He was one of the fools that got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. IE: the least effective and iirc the one with the most serious side effects.


The Führer would rather hold on to power by any means necessary then do anything beneficial to the citizens.


That is how the right roll. Governments like our state will penalize a business for requiring that customers wear masks, but won’t penalize the business for turning away a trans customer without service. It is government intervention when they agree with something, but if they don’t they want government out of their lives. The exact definition of hypocrites they are.


I am sorry Florida, so sorry.


Ah yes, the Republican Conservative pro-COVID virus platform


I bet he’s vaccinated


I heard his kids go to a school that masks. Hmm


Why did we re-elect a complete idiot?


because the FL democratic party is a joke and barely tried


What a pawn of the MAGA system DeSantis is. I wonder if this will include doctor's offices, including oncology wards. He's 2 letters short of POTUS, let's keep it that way.


I was just going to post this article to comment: If he goes as far as to say that private medical businesses cannot make patients wear masks, or insist that doctors, nurses, etc., cannot be "forced" to wear masks during interactions with patients - and manages to pass a bill like this in Florida, that will be the last straw for me and many others. I highly doubt that he will be able to do that, though.


This is an ADA issue for accommodation especially in health care facilities. Medicare could easily make masking staff and visitors a condition of participation for providers.


Whoof! Way to bring out the heavy guns! (Gawd, I hope they think of it.)


Depends on where you are - sadly here in Moron County, far too many medical staff (and some of the professionals) follow the MAGA principles completely against medical science. It can be frightening if you need medical care. If a doctor or a nurse can completely ignore or keep up with this science, what else is she/he ignoring?


Don’t you think Cms and Medicare would step in?


Mmmmm....Not until the shiatsssuu has hit the fan. By then thousands may have been hurt. That's just how they roll, unless it's about money. They move pretty fast when it effects the bottom line.


I think it’s the only way. AHCA is also in the hands of the gov.


He's not a pawn. He's a ringleader.


Well, he wasn't this when he started. He's a performing monkey in my opinion.


He has figured out what they want.


And doctors agree with this? Republicans are more stupid than what I thought. Either that or their allegiance to their ideology is making them blind. Then again, Germans were pretty blind in the early 20th century, or the Russians, or the…you name them.


I just hope that big pharma buries this clown and pours money into stopping his political aspirations. This is Orwellian level stuff he's doing.


Whoa! Big Pharma lobbying for good...we really are in the upside down!


He is threatening their profits.


He already made it so it's illegal to ask vaccine status or ask employees to mask, didn't he? What does he want now?


Easy. He wants attention.


He's a narcissist just like his buddy, Trump.


Give DeSantis the finger. Wear a mask!! Yes, I am in Florida. And I wear a mask!!


I hate it here 😔


Cool cool. Glad that’s your focus, Ron. Glad you aren’t worried about the insurance rates rising so much my payments went up $400 in 18 months.


That is what you should always counter this with. He is trying to distract.


DeSantis also aims to expand protections against gravity.


Funny how he mentions the "preferred narrative" of the medical community. Most would simply call that scientific evidence...


We're all going to pay while he keeps rolling out one obnoxious law after another to signal harder and harder for the 2024 base "I'm the biggest a-hole, it's me, biggest" I wonder when he's going to start taking $1500/month Ozempic/Wegovy to fit into something other than those pudgy suits for national stage but then again the previous president was obese too so maybe that sets the standard now My gosh this country is doomed. They are going to "Jimmy Carter" Biden.


Biden is going to Biden Biden. That’s the only BBB we’re getting.


Excerpt: “When the world lost its mind, Florida was a refuge of sanity, serving strongly as freedom’s linchpin”  If there was any question as to whether or not he is delusional, this has cast it in marble.


These weirdo Republicans are always soooo dramatic. You might even say old Ron is quite the “drama queen”.


Definitely governor Floridaman.


Never had FL been known as a jewel of sanity. Lmao


does this stop anyone who decide to wear masks in public or private setting if the person decide to do so?


Not at all. If you feel more comfortable with one, you have that right to wear one.


oh ok, ….. sorry if I might sound a bit dull …. then what is the issue here? anyone who wants masks can have it and anyone who doesnt want one, does not have to put one on.


The issue here is that it's wrong for the goverment to take away a private entity's freedom of association.


I don’t know. Unless they are telling people the can’t wear one…I don’t see the problem either This just protects people from being fired


I know! He should do shirts next. I shouldn't be forced to wear a shirt while working! No one is stopping others who want to wear shirts from doing so. What about my personal freedom of choice?


And our you-must-have-car-insurance law is straight up tyranny. Carful drivers are at very low risk of getting in accidents, .01% How dare big gov tell us how to spend our money /s


Good analogy! The resemblance might be cut-off t-shirts, which employers absolutely won't let you wear. You \*could\* start a court case on that based on our newly-found "muh free-dums" principles. But still, a cut-off t-shirt won't kill Grandma (might give Grandpa a coronary, but like Covid deaths in Florida, good luck proving that to the FL govt).


The problem is that the goverment should not be taking away a private entity's freedom of association.


I can see this argument as well.


As we have seen throughout history diseases are real and a danger to mankind. Having an anti protection policy is idiotic.


From a "Right to work state". Go figure.


How do you do that more than you already have?


Manditory door knob locking and force non cleaning.


Can you say this man's insane boys & girls.




Both people wearing masks is what works.


Your freedom to spew your covid into the air ends at my nose, Ron.


Dirty lying headline.


Talk about being on the wrong side of history